Installation Guide PVTsim Nova
Installation Guide PVTsim Nova
Installation Guide PVTsim Nova
Installation Requirements
Recommended minimum hardware: 1 Gb RAM. 5 Gb free disk space. 1920 x 1080 pixels screen resolu-
tion (at max 125% scaling).
Windows versions supported on client PC and/or license server: 64 bit Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Win-
dows 11, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019.
Always uninstall the previous installation of a minor version of the same major version of PVTsim Nova
before installing a new version (for example uninstall Nova x.0 before installing Nova x.1).
Administrator rights are required to perform a successful installation. Double click setup.exe and follow
the instructions on the screen.
The license system can be selected the first time PVTsim Nova starts up. The license system can be
changed later on using the Calsep Nova License Manager installed with PVTsim Nova.
MAC address
The MAC-address of the FLEXlm license server is needed for a FLEXlm network license to have a
FLEXlm license file issued for PVTsim Nova. The license server can be any PC on the network running
a supported Windows version including the client PC. For a node-locked version the MAC address
needed is of the client PC.
Contact your local Calsep office to get a license file issued. Supply the MAC address with the request.
If PVTsim Nova is installed on the license server, the FLEXlm files may instead be copied from the below
10. Go to the Start/Stop/Reread Tab
11. Click the “Start Server” button
Lmgrd.exe and pvtlmd.exe must be allowed to have in- and outbound communication through the Win-
dows Firewall on the External license server (see Exhibit B for details).
Then follow the procedure above for “Connecting PVTsim Nova to an External license server” to connect
to your local server.
FLEXlm Users’ Guide
An extensive FLEXlm users’ guide (flexnet_licensing_end_user-guide.pdf) can be found in the directory
flexuser of the download package.
Exhibit A
The directory for the debug.log file must have read/write permissions for Local Services. An easy way
to do this is to give Read/Write permissions for Everyone in this directory. It is illustrated below how to
do this on Windows 10.
Exhibit B
Lmgrd.exe and pvtlmd.exe must be able to conduct inbound and outbound communication through the
Windows Firewall on the External license server. It is illustrated below how to do this on Windows 10.
1. From the Control Panel, open the Windows Firewall and choose Advanced Settings.
2. On Inbound Rules, right click and choose New Rule.