Empno is the Primary Key Default value of Salary is 2000 Dept should be any of the values given below - “Accounts”, “Sales”, “Production”, “Stores”. 2 Insert the details of 5 employees. EMPNO NAME DEPT SALARY 1002 Varun Sales 30000 1003 Devesh Accounts 34000 1004 Krishnan Sales 25000 1005 Abdul Stores 38000 1006 Arun Production 35000
3 Display the structure and contents of the entire table.
4 Display in the following format Ajay gets a salary 2000 for the employees in Accounts Department. 5 Display the various departments from the table. 6 Add a Column bonus of data type Decimal(8,2).. 7 Compute the bonus as 20% of the salary. 8 Add a Column NetPay of type Decimal(10,2). 9 Compute Netpay as salary + bonus. 10 Display the names of the employees whose salary is in the range 20,000 – 50,000. 11 Display the details of employees whose name ends with the letter ‘n’. 12 Display the names of the employees whose name is starting with letter ‘A’. 13 Display the department and salary of employees having exactly 5 letters in the name. 14 Display the details of employees who have the letter combination ‘sh’ in their name. 15 Change the data type of Dept to 12 characters. 16 Delete the details of the employees from Sales Department. 17 Drop the column Bonus from the table. 18 Drop the default value for Salary. 19 Add a new default value for salary as 3500. 20 Delete the table.