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Chapter 1

Introduction to Multimedia Systems

What is Multimedia?

Before we go on, it is important to define multimedia. Let us define it from two


1) In terms of what multimedia is all about.

It refers to the storage, transmission, interchange, presentation and perception of different
information types (data types) such as text, graphics, voice, audio and video where:
Storage- refers to the type of physical means to store data.
-Magnetic tape
-Hard disk
-Optical disk
-CD-ROMs, etc.
Presentation- refers to the type of physical means to reproduce information to the user.
-Video windows, etc.
Representation- related to how information is described in an abstract form for use
within an electronic system. E.g. to present text to the user, the text can
be coded in raster graphics, primitive graphics, or simple ASCII characters.
The same presentation, different representation.
Perception- describes the nature of information as perceived by the user

2) Based on the word "Multimedia"

It is composed of two words:
Multi- multiple/many
Media- source
Source refers to different kind of information that we use in multimedia.
This includes:
Multimedia refers to multiple sources of information. It is a system which integrates all
the above types.

Multimedia means computer information can be represented in audio, video and animated
format in addition to traditional format. The traditional formats are text and graphics.

General and working definition:

Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer controlled integration of text,
graphics, drawings, still and moving images (video), animation, and any other media
where every type of information can be represented, stored, transmitted, and processed

What is Multimedia Application?

A Multimedia Application is an application which uses a collection of multiple media
sources e.g. text, graphics, images, sound/audio, animation and/or video.

What is Multimedia system?

A Multimedia System is a system capable of processing multimedia data. A Multimedia
System is characterized by the processing, storage, generation, manipulation and
rendition of multimedia information.

Characteristics of a Multimedia System

A Multimedia system has four basic characteristics:
✓ Multimedia systems must be computer controlled
✓ Multimedia systems are integrated
✓ The information they handle must be represented digitally
✓ The interface to the final presentation of media is usually interactive

Multimedia Applications (where it is applied)

✓ Digital video editing and production systems
✓ Home shopping
✓ Interactive movies, and TV
✓ Multimedia courseware
✓ Video conferencing
✓ Virtual reality(the creation of artificial environment that you can explore, e.g. 3-D
images, etc)
✓ Distributed lectures for higher education
✓ Tele-medicine
✓ Digital libraries
✓ World Wide Web
✓ On-line reference works e.g. encyclopedias, etc.
✓ Electronic Newspapers/Magazines
✓ Games
✓ Groupware (enabling groups of people to collaborate on projects and share

World Wide Web (WWW) and Multimedia

Multimedia is closely tied to the World Wide Web (WWW). Without networks,
multimedia is limited to simply displaying images, videos, and sounds on your local
machine. The true power of multimedia is the ability to deliver this rich content to a large

Features of Multimedia

Multimedia has three aspects:

Content: movie, production, etc.
Creative Design: creativity is important in designing the presentation
Enabling Technologies: Network and software tools that allow creative designs to be

History of Multimedia Systems

Newspaper was perhaps the first mass communication medium, which used mostly text,
graphics, and images.

In 1895, Gugliemo Marconi sent his first wireless radio transmission at Pontecchio, Italy.
A few years later (in 1901), he detected radio waves beamed across the Atlantic. Initially
invented for telegraph, radio is now a major medium for audio broadcasting.
Television was the new media for the 20th century. It brings the video and has since
changed the world of mass communications.

On computers, the following are some of the important events:

1945 -Vannevar Bush (1890-1974) wrote about Memex.
MEMEX stands for MEMory Extension and it amounts to hypermedia system. A
Memex is a device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and
communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with
exceeding speed and flexibility. It is an enlarged intimate supplement to his
1960s-Ted Nelson started Xanadu project (Xanadu – a kind of deep Hypertext).
Project Xanadu was the explicit inspiration for the World Wide Web, for Lotus
Notes and for HyperCard, as well as less-well-known systems.
1967 - Nicholas Negroponte formed the Architecture Machine Group at MIT. A
combination lab and think tank responsible for many radically new approaches to
the human-computer interface. Nicholas Negroponte is the Wiesner Professor of
Media Technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
1968 - Douglas Engelbart demonstrated NLS (Online Systems) system at SRI.
Shared-screen collaboration involving two persons at different sites
communicating over a network with audio and video interface is one of the
many innovations presented at the demonstration.
1969 - Nelson & Van Dam hypertext editor at Brown University
1976 - Architecture Machine Group proposal to DARPA: Multiple Media

1985 - Negroponte, and Wiesner opened MIT Media Lab, a leading research institution
investigating digital video and multimedia
1989 - Tim Berners-Lee proposed the World Wide Web to CERN (European Council for
Nuclear Research)
1990 - K. Hooper Woolsey, Apple Multimedia Lab gave education to 100 people
1991 – MPEG-1 was approved as an international standard for digital video. Its further
development led newer standards MPEG-2 and MPEG-4.
1992- JPEG was accepted as the international standard for digital image compression.
1992 - The first M-Bone audio multicast on the net (MBONE- Multicast Backbone)
1993 – U. Illinois National Center for Supercomputing Applications introduced NCSA
Mosaic (a web browser)
1994 - Jim Clark and Marc Andersen introduced Netscape Navigator (web browser)
1995 - Java for platform-independent application development.
1996 – DVD video was introduced; high quality, full-length movies were distributed on a
single disk. The DVD format promised to transform the music, gaming and
computer industries.
1998 – hand-held mp3 devices first made into the consumer market
2000 – WWW size was estimated at over 1 billion pages


What is Hypertext and Hypermedia?

Hypertext is a text, which contains links to other texts. The term was invented by Ted
Nelson around 1965. Hypertext is usually non-linear (as indicated below).

Hypermedia is not constrained to be text-based. It can include other media, e.g., graphics,
images, and especially the continuous media -- sound and video. Apparently, Ted Nelson
was also the first to use this term.
The World Wide Web (www) is the best example of hypermedia applications.


Hypertext is therefore usually non-linear (as indicated above).


Hypermedia is the application of hypertext principles to a wider variety of media,

including audio, animations, video, and images.

Examples of Hypermedia Applications:
✓ The World Wide Web (WWW) is the best example of hypermedia applications.
✓ PowerPoint
✓ Adobe Acrobat
✓ Macromedia Director

Desirable Features for a Multimedia System

Given the above challenges, the following features are desirable for a Multimedia
1. Very high processing speed processing power. Why? Because there are large data to
be processed. Multimedia systems deals with large data and to process data in real
time, the hardware should have high processing capacity.
2. It should support different file formats. Why? Because we deal with different data
types (media types).
3. Efficient and High Input-output: input and output to the file subsystem needs to be
efficient and fast. It has to allow for real-time recording as well as playback of data.
e.g. Direct to Disk recording systems.
4. Special Operating System: to allow access to file system and process data efficiently
and quickly. It has to support direct transfers to disk, real-time scheduling, fast
interrupt processing, I/O streaming, etc.
5. Storage and Memory: large storage units and large memory are required. Large
Caches are also required.
6. Network Support: Client-server systems common as distributed systems common.
7. Software Tools: User-friendly tools needed to handle media, design and develop
applications, deliver media.

Challenges of Multimedia Systems

1) Synchronization issue: in MM application, variety of media are used at the same

instance. In addition, there should be some relationship between the media. E.g
between Movie (video) and sound. There arises the issue of synchronization.
2) Data conversion: in MM application, data is represented digitally. Because of this, we
have to convert analog data into digital data.
3) Compression and decompression: Why? Because multimedia deals with large amount
of data (e.g. Movie, sound, etc) which takes a lot of storage space.
4) Render different data at same time — continuous data.

Multimedia System Requirement

1) Software tools
2) Hardware Requirement

Software Requirement

3D modeling and
animation tools Text editing and
Authoring tools word processing

Image editing
OCR software Mutlimedia project

Painting &
drawing tools
sound editing
animation, audio,
video & digital tools

Figure multimedia software tools

3-D and Animation Tools:

These software provide 3D clip art object such as people, furniture, building, car,
airplane, tree, etc. You can use these objects in your project easily.

A good 3D modeling tool should include the following features:

✓ Ability to drag and drop primitive shape into screen
✓ Ability to create objects from scratch
✓ Ability to add realistic effects such as transparency, shadowing, fog, etc.
✓ Multiple window that allow user to view model in each dimension
✓ Color and texture mapping

-3Ds Max

Text editing and word processing tools:

Word processors are used for writing letters, invoices, project content, etc. They include
features like:
✓ spell check
✓ table formatting
✓ thesaurus
✓ templates ( e.g. letters, resumes, & other common documents)

-Microsoft Word,
-Word perfect,
-Open Office Word
-Note pad

In word processors, we can actually embed multimedia elements such as sound, image,
and video.

Sound Editing Tools

They are used to edit sound (music, speech, etc).The user can see the representation of
sound in fine increment, score or wave form. User can cut, copy, and paste any portion of
the sound to edit it. You can also add other effects such as distort, echo, pitch, etc.

Fig sound displayed in wave form by Audacity

-sound forge
-Cool Edit

Multimedia Authoring Tools

Multimedia authoring tools provide important framework that is needed for organizing
and editing objects included in the multimedia project (e.g. graphics, animation, sound,
video, etc). They provide editing capability to limited extent. (More on this in chapter 2).

-Macromedia Flash
-Macromedia Director
-Macromedia Authoware

OCR Software
These software convert printed document into electronically recognizable ASCII
character. It is used with scanners. Scanners convert printed document into bitmap. Then
these software break the bitmap into pieces according to whether it contains text or
graphics. This is done by examining the texture and density of the bitmap and by
detecting edges.
Text area → ASCII text
Bitmap area→ bitmap image
To do the above, these software use probability and expert system.

✓ To include printed documents in our project without typing from keyboard
✓ To include documents in their original format e.g. signatures, drawings, etc

-OmniPage Pro
-ReadIRIS pro

Painting and Drawing Tools

To create graphics for web and other purposes, painting and editing tools are crucial.

Painting Tools: are also called image-editing tools. They are used to edit images of
different format. They help us to retouch and enhance bitmap images. Some painting
tools allow to edit vector based graphics too.
Some of the activities of editing include:
✓ blurring the picture
✓ removing part of the picture
✓ add texts to picture
✓ merge two or more pictures together, etc
-Macromedia Fireworks
-Adobe Photoshop

Drawing Tool: used to create vector based graphics.

-Macromedia Freehand
-Adobe Illustrator

Drawing and painting tools should have the following features:

-Scalable dimension for restore, stretch, and distorting images/graphics
-customizable pen and brush shapes and sizes
-Multiple undo capabilities
-Capacity to import and export files in different formats
-ability to create geometric shapes from circle, rectangle, line, etc.
-zooming for magnified image editing
-support for third party plug-ins.

Video Editing

Animation and digital video movie are sequence of bitmapped graphic frames rapidly
played back. Some of the tools to edit video include:
-Adobe premier
-Adobe After Effects

-Deskshare Video Edit Magic
These application display time references (relationship between time & the video), frame
counts, audio, transparency level, etc.

Hardware Requirement
Three groups of hardware for multimedia:
1) Memory and storage devices
2) Input and output devices
3) Network devices

1) Memory and Storage Devices

Multimedia products require high storage capacity than text-based data. Huge drives are
essential for the enormous files used in multimedia and audiovisual creation.
I) RAM: is the primary requirement for multimedia system. Why?
- you have to store authoring software itself. E.g. Flash takes 20MB of
memory, Photoshop 16-20MB, etc.
- digitized audio and video is stored in memory
- Animated files, etc.
To store this at the same time, you need large amount of memory

II) Storage Devices: large capacity storage devices are necessary to store multimedia
Floppy Disk: not sufficient to store multimedia data. Because of this, they are not used to
store multimedia data.
Hard Disk: the capacity of hard disk should be high to store large data.
CD: is important for multimedia because they are used to deliver multimedia data to
users. A wide variety of data like:
✓ Music(sound, & video)
✓ Multimedia Games
✓ Educational materials
✓ Tutorials that include multimedia
✓ Utility graphics, etc

DVD: have high capacity than CDs. Similarly, they are also used to distribute
multimedia data to users. Some of the characteristics of DVD:
✓ High storage capacity →4.7-17GB
✓ Use narrow tracks than CDs→ high storage capacity
✓ High data transfer rate

2) Input-Output Devices
I) Interacting with the system: to interact with multimedia system, we use either
keyboard, mouse, track ball, or touch screen, etc.

Mouse: multimedia project is typically designed to be used with mouse as an input
pointing device. Other devices like track ball and touch screen could be used in place of
mouse. Track ball is similar with mouse in many ways.
Wireless mouse: important when the presenter has to move around during presentation

Touch Screen: we use fingers instead of mouse to interact with touch screen computers.
There are three technologies used in touch screens:
i) Infrared light: such touch screens use invisible infrared light that are projected across
the surface of screen. A finger touching the screen interrupts the beams generating
electronic signal. Then it identifies the x-y coordinate of the screen where the touch
occurred and sends signals to the operating system for processing.
ii) Texture-coated: such monitors are coated with texture material that is sensitive
towards pressure. When user presses the monitor, the texture material on the monitor
extracts the x-y coordinate of the location and send signals to operating system
iii) Touch mate:

Use: touch screens are used to display/provide information in public areas such as
-air ports
-transport service areas
-hotels, etc
-user friendly
-easy to use even for non technical people
-easy to learn how to use

II) Information Entry Devices: the purpose of these devices is to enter information to be
included in our multimedia project into our computer.

Graphical Tablets/ Digitizer: both are used to convert points, lines, and curves from
sketch into digital format. They use a movable device called stylus.

Scanners: they enable us to use OCR software convert printed document into ASCII file.
It also enables us to convert printed images into digital format.
Two types of scanners:
-flat bed scanners
-portable scanners

Microphones: they are important because they enable us to record speech, music, etc.
The microphone is designed to pick up and amplify incoming acoustic waves or
harmonics precisely and correctly and convert them to electrical signals. You have to
purchase a superior, high-quality microphone because your recordings will depend on its

Digital Camera and Video Camera (VCR): are important to record and include image
and video in MMS respectively. Digital video cameras store images as digital data, and

they do not record on film. You can edit the video taken using video camera and VCR
using video editing tools.
Remark: video takes large memory space.
II) Output Devices
Depending on the content of the project, & how the information is presented, you need
different output devices. Some of the output hardware are:
Speaker: if your project includes speeches that are meant to convey message to audience,
or background music, using speaker is obligatory.
Projector: when to use projector:
-if you are presenting on meeting or group discussion,
-if you are presenting to large number of audience

Types of projector:
-LCD projector
-CRT projector

Plotter/printer: when the situation arises to present using papers, you use printers and/or
plotters. In such cases, print quality of the device should be taken into consideration.
Impact printers: not good quality graphics/poor quality→not used
Non-impact printers: good quality graphics

3) Network Devices
Why do we require network devices?
The following network devices are required for multimedia presentation:

i) Modem: which stands for modulator demodulator, is used to convert digital signal into
analog signal for communication of the data over telephone line which can carry only
analog signal. At the receiving end, it does the reverse action i.e. converts analog to
digital data.

Currently, the standard modem is called v.90 which has the speed of 56kbps (kilo bits per
second). Older standards include v.34 which has the speed of 28kbps.
✓ External
✓ Internal
Data is transferred through modem in compressed format to save time and cost.

ii) ISDN: stands for Integrated Services Digital Network. It is circuit switched telephone
network system, designed to allow digital transmission of voice and data over ordinary
telephone copper wires. This has the advantage of better quality and higher speeds than
available with analog systems.
✓ It has higher transmission speed i.e. faster data transfer rate.
✓ They use additional hardware hence they are more expensive.

iii) Cable modem: uses existing cables stretched for television broadcast reception. The
data transfer rate of such devices is very fast i.e. they provide high bandwidth. They are

primarily used to deliver broadband internet access, taking advantage of unused
bandwidth on a cable television network.

iv) DSL: provide digital data transmission over the telephone wires of local telephone
network. The speed of DSL is faster than using telephone line with modem. How? They
carry a digital signal over the unused frequency spectrum (analog voice transmission uses
limited range of spectrum) available on the twisted pair cables running between the
telephone company's central office and the customer premises.

Multimedia Information Flow

Fig Generalized multimedia information flow

Chapter 2

Multimedia Authoring Tools

What is Authoring System?

Authoring is the process of creating multimedia applications.

An authoring system is a program which has pre-programmed elements for the
development of interactive multimedia presentations.

Authoring tools provide an integrated environment for binding together the different
elements of a Multimedia production.

Multimedia Authoring Tools provide tools for making a complete multimedia

presentation where users usually have a lot of interactive controls.

Multimedia presentations can be created using:

✓ simple presentation packages such as PowerPoint
✓ powerful RAD tools such as Delphi, .Net, JBuilder;
✓ true Authoring environments, which lie somewhere in between in terms of
technical complexity.

Authoring systems vary widely in:

✓ Orientation
✓ Capabilities, and
✓ Learning curve: how easy it is to learn how to use the application

Why should you use an authoring system?

✓ Can speed up programming i.e. content development and delivery
✓ Time gains i.e. accelerated prototyping
✓ The content creation (graphics, text, video, audio, animation) is not affected by
choice of authoring system

Authoring Vs Programming

There is big distinction between authoring and programming

Authoring Programming
Assembly of multimedia Involves low level assembly of multimedia
High level graphical interface design Construction and control of multimedia
Some high level scripting e.g. lingo, Involves real languages like C and Java
Table 1 Authoring vs. Programming

Characteristics of Authoring Tools

A good authoring tool should be able to:

✓ integrate text, graphics, video, and audio to create a single multimedia presentation
✓ control interactivity by the use of menus, buttons, hotspots, hot objects etc.
✓ publish as a presentation or a self-running executable; on CD/DVD, Intranet, WWW
✓ Be extended through the use of pre-built or externally supplied components, plug-ins
✓ let you create highly efficient, integrated workflow
✓ Have a large user base.

Multimedia Authoring Paradigms

The authoring paradigm, or authoring metaphor, is the methodology by which the

authoring system accomplishes its task.

There are various paradigms:

✓ Scripting Language
✓ Icon-Based Control Authoring Tool
✓ Card and Page Based Authoring Tool
✓ Time Based Authoring Tool
✓ Tagging Tools

Scripting Language

✓ Closest in form to traditional programming. The paradigm is that of a programming

language, which specifies:
– multimedia elements,
– sequencing of media elements,
– hotspots (e.g links to other pages),
– synchronization, etc.

✓ Usually use a powerful, object-oriented scripting language

✓ Multimedia elements and events become objects that live in a hierarchical order
✓ In-program editing of elements (still graphics, video, audio, etc.) tends to be minimal
or non-existent.
✓ Most authoring tools provide visually programmable interface in addition to scripting
✓ media handling can vary widely

• The Apple’s HyperTalk for HyperCard,
• Asymetrix’s OpenScript for ToolBook and
• Lingo scripting language for Macromedia Director
• ActionScript for Macromedia Flash

Here is an example lingo script to jump to a frame
global gNavSprite
on exitFrame
go the frame
play sprite gNavSprite

Iconic/Flow Control Tools

In these authoring systems, multimedia elements and interaction cues (or events) are
organised as objects in a structural framework.

✓ Provides visual programming approach to organizing and presenting multimedia

✓ The core of the paradigm is the icon palette. You build a structure and flowchart of
events, tasks, and decisions by dragging appropriate icons from icon palette library.
These icons are used to represent and include menu choice, graphic images, sounds,
computations, video, etc.
✓ The flow chart graphically depict the project logic
✓ Tends to be the speediest in development time. Because of this, they are best suited
for rapid prototyping and short-development time projects.
✓ These tools are useful for storyboarding because you can change the sequence of
objects, restructure interaction, add objects, by dragging and dropping icons.
- Authorware
- IconAuthor


Icon palette

Fig 1 Macromedia Authorware Iconic/Flow Control Examples

Card and page Based Tools

In these authoring systems, elements are organised as pages of a book or a stack of cards.
The authoring system lets you link these pages or cards into organised sequences.
You can jump, on command, to any page you wish in a structured navigation pattern.

✓ Well suited for Hypertext applications, and especially suited for navigation
intensive applications
✓ They are best suited for applications where the bulk of the content consist of elements
that can be viewed individually
✓ Extensible via XCMDs (External Command) and DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries).
✓ All objects (including individual graphic elements) to be scripted;
✓ Many entertainment applications are prototyped in a card/scripting system prior to
compiled-language coding.
✓ Each object may contain programming script that is activated when an event occurs.

- HyperCard (Macintosh)
- SuperCard(Macintosh)
- ToolBook (Windows), etc.

Time Based Authoring Tools

In these authoring systems elements are organised along a time line with resolutions as
high as 1/30th second. Sequentially organised graphic frames are played back at a speed
set by developer. Other elements, such as audio events, can be triggered at a given time
or location in the sequence of events.
✓ Are the most popular multimedia authoring tool
✓ They are best suited for applications that have a message with beginning and end,
animation intensive pages, or synchronized media application.

- Macromedia Director
- Macromedia Flash

Macromedia Director

Director is a powerful and complex multimedia authoring tool which has broad set of
features to create multimedia presentation, animation, and interactive application. You
can assemble and sequence the elements of project using cast and score. Three important
things that Director uses to arrange and synchronize media elements:

Cast is multimedia database containing any media type that is to be included in the
project. It imports wide range of data type and multimedia element formats directly into
the cast. You can also create elements from scratch and add to cast. To include
multimedia elements in cast into the stages, you drag and drop the media on the stage.

This is where the elements in the cast are arranged. It is sequence for displaying,
animating, and playing cast members. Score is made of frames and frames contain cast
member. You can set frame rate per second.

Lingo is a full-featured object oriented scripting language used in Director.
✓ It enables interactivity and programmed control of elements
✓ It enables to control external sound and video devices
✓ It also enables you to control operations of internet such as sending mail, reading
documents, images, and building web pages.

Macromedia Flash

✓ Can accept both vector and bitmap graphics

✓ Uses a scripting language called ActionScript which gives greater capability to
control the movie.
✓ Flash is commonly used to create animations, advertisements, to design web-page
elements, to add video to web pages, and more recently, to develop Rich Internet

Applications. Rich Internet Applications (RIA) are web applications that have the
features and functionality of traditional desktop applications. RIA's uses a client
side technology which can execute instructions on the client's computer (no need
to send every data to the server).

Flash uses:
Library: a place where objects that are to be re-used are stored.
Timeline: used to organize and control a movie content over time.
Layer: helps to organize contents. Timeline is divided into layers.
ActionScript: enables ineractivity and control of movies

Fig 2 Macromedia Director Score, cast and Script windows respectively


Tags in text files (e.g. HTML) to:

✓ link to pages
✓ provide interactivity, and
✓ Integrate multimedia elements.

• SMIL (Synchronized Media Integration Language)
• 3DML
✓ Most of them are displayed in web browsers using plug-ins or the browser itself can
understand them.
✓ This metaphor is the basis of WWW
✓ It is limited but can be extended by the use of suitable multimedia tags

Selecting Authoring Tools

The multimedia project you are developing has its own underlying structure and purpose.
When selecting tools for your project you need to consider that purpose.
Some of the features that you have to take into consideration when selecting authoring
tools are:

1) Editing Feature: editing feature for multimedia data especially image and text are often
included in authoring tools. The more editors in your authoring system, the less
specialized editing tools you need. The editors that come with authoring tools offer only
subset of features found in dedicated in editing tool. If you need more capability, still you
have to go to dedicated editing tools (e.g. sound editing tools for sound editing).

2) Organizing feature: the organization of media in your project involves navigation
diagrams, or flow charts, etc. Some authoring tools provide a visual flowcharting facility.
Such features help you for organizing the project.
e.g. IconAuthor, and AuthorWare use flowcharting and navigation diagram method to
organize media.

3) Programming feature: there are different types of programming approach:

i)Visual programming: this is programming using cues, icons, and objects. It is done
using drag and drop. To include sound in your project, drag and drop it in stage.
Advantage: the simplest and easiest authoring process.
It is particularly useful for slide show and presentation.

ii) Programming with scripting language: Some authoring tool provide very high level
scripting language and interpreted scripting environment. This helps for navigation
control and enabling user input.

iii) Programming with traditional language such as Basic or C. Some authoring tools
provide traditional programming tools like program written in C. We can call these
programs to authoring tools. Some authoring tools allow to call DLL (Dynamic Link

4) Interactivity feature: interactivity offers to the end user of the project to control the
content and flow of information. Some of interactivity levels:

i) Simple branching: enables the user to go to any location in the presentation using key
press, mouse click, etc.
ii) conditional branching: branching based on if-then decisions
iii) Structured branching: support complex programming logic such as nested if-then sub-

5) Performance-tuning features: accomplishing synchronization of multimedia is

sometimes difficult because performance varies with different computers. In such cases
you need to use authoring tools own scripting language to specify time and sequence on

6) Playback feature: easy testing of the project. Testing enables you to debug the system
and find out how the user interacts with it.
✓ Not waste time in assembling and testing the project

7) Delivery feature: delivering your project needs building run-time version of the project
using authoring tools. Why run time version (executable format):
✓ It does not require the full authoring software to play
✓ It does not allow users to access or change the content, structure, and programming of
the project.
Distribute→run-time version

8) Cross platform feature: multimedia projects should be compatible with different
platform like Macintosh, Windows, etc. This enables the designer to use any platform to
design the project or deliver it to any platform.

9) Internet playability: web is significant delivery medium for multimedia. Authoring

tools typically provide facility so that output can be delivered in HTML or DHTML

10) Ease of learning: is it easy to learn? The designer should not waste much time
learning how to use it. Is it easy to use?

Chapter 3
Multimedia Data Representation
Graphic/Image Data Representation
An image could be described as two-dimensional array of points where every point is
allocated its own color. Every such single point is called pixel, short form of picture
element. Image is a collection of these points that are colored in such a way that they
produce meaningful information/data.

Pixel (picture element) contains the color or hue and relative brightness of that point in
the image. The number of pixels in the image determines the resolution of the image.

✓ A digital image consists of many picture elements, called pixels.

✓ The number of pixels determines the quality of the image→image resolution.
✓ Higher resolution always yields better quality.
✓ Bitmap resolution most graphics applications let you create bitmaps up to 300
dots per inch (dpi). Such high resolution is useful for print media, but on the
screen most of the information is lost, since monitors usually display around 72 to
96 dpi.
✓ A bit-map representation stores the graphic/image data in the same manner that
the computer monitor contents are stored in video memory.
✓ Most graphic/image formats incorporate compression because of the large size of
the data.


Fig 1 pixels

Types of images

There are two basic forms of computer graphics: bit-maps and vector graphics.
The kind you use determines the tools you choose. Bitmap formats are the ones used for
digital photographs. Vector formats are used only for line drawings.

Bit-map images (also called Raster Graphics)

They are formed from pixels—a matrix of dots with different colors. Bitmap images are
defined by their dimension in pixels as well as by the number of colors they represent.
For example, a 640X480 image contains 640 pixels and 480 pixels in horizontal and
vertical direction respectively. If you enlarge a small area of a bit-mapped image, you can
clearly see the pixels that are used to create it (to check this open a picture in flash and
change the magnification to 800 by going into View->magnification->800).

Each of the small pixels can be a shade of gray or a color. Using 24-bit color, each pixel
can be set to any one of 16 million colors. All digital photographs and paintings are
bitmapped, and any other kind of image can be saved or exported into a bitmap format. In
fact, when you print any kind of image on a laser or ink-jet printer, it is first converted by
either the computer or printer into a bitmap form so it can be printed with the dots the
printer uses.

To edit or modify bitmapped images you use a paint program. Bitmap images are widely
used but they suffer from a few unavoidable problems. They must be printed or displayed
at a size determined by the number of pixels in the image. Bitmap images also have large
file sizes that are determined by the image’s dimensions in pixels and its color depth. To
reduce this problem, some graphic formats such as GIF and JPEG are used to store
images in compressed format.

Vector graphics
They are really just a list of graphical objects such as lines, rectangles, ellipses, arcs, or
curves—called primitives. Draw programs, also called vector graphics programs, are used
to create and edit these vector graphics. These programs store the primitives as a set of
numerical coordinates and mathematical formulas that specify their shape and position in
the image. This format is widely used by computer-aided design programs to create
detailed engineering and design drawings. It is also used in multimedia when 3D
animation is desired.

Vector graphics have a number of advantages over raster graphics. These include:
✓ Precise control over lines and colors.
✓ Ability to skew and rotate objects to see them from different angles or add
✓ Ability to scale objects to any size to fit the available space. Vector graphics always
print at the best resolution of the printer you use, no matter what size you make them.
✓ Color blends and shadings can be easily changed.

✓ Text can be wrapped around objects.

Types of Bitmap Images

1. Monochrome/Bit-Map Images

✓ Each pixel is stored as a single bit (0 or 1)

✓ The value of the bit indicates whether it is light or dark
✓ A 640 x 480 monochrome image requires 37.5 KB of storage.
✓ Dithering is often used for displaying monochrome images

Fig 3 Monochrome bit-map image

2. Gray-scale Images
✓ Each pixel is usually stored as a byte (value between 0 to 255)
✓ This value indicates the degree of brightness of that point. This brightness goes
from black to white
✓ A 640 x 480 grayscale image requires over 300 KB of storage.

Fig 4 Gray-scale bit-map image

3. 8-bit Color Images

✓ One byte for each pixel
✓ Supports 256 out of the millions possible, acceptable color quality
✓ Requires Color Look-Up Tables (CLUTs)
✓ A 640 x 480 8-bit color image requires 307.2 KB of storage (the same as 8-bit
✓ Examples: GIF

8-bit color images store only the index of the actual pixel color instead of the color itself.
These indexes are used with Color Lookup Tables to identify the color. If, for example,
the pixel stores the value 25, that means go to row 25 in CLUT. The CLUT stores all the
color information in 24-bit color format.

Fig 5 8-bit Color Image

0 M R G B
0 0

25 30 190 60

Fig Picture and Color lookup table
4. 24-bit Color Images
✓ Each pixel is represented by three bytes (e.g., RGB)
✓ Supports 256 x 256 x 256 possible combined colors (16,777,216)
✓ A 640 x 480 24-bit color image would require 921.6 KB of storage
✓ Most 24-bit images are 32-bit images,
o the extra byte of data for each pixel is used to store an alpha value
representing special effect information

Image Resolution

Image resolution refers to the spacing of pixels in an image and is measured in pixels per
inch, ppi, sometimes called dots per inch, dpi. The higher the resolution, the more pixels

in the image. A printed image that has a low resolution may look pixelated or made up of
small squares, with jagged edges and without smoothness.

Image size refers to the physical dimensions of an image. Because the number of pixels
in an image is fixed, increasing the size of an image decreases its resolution and
decreasing its size increases its resolution.

Popular File Formats

Choosing the right file type for your image to save in is of vital importance. If you are,
for example, creating image for web pages, then it should load fast. So such images
should be small size. The other criteria to choose file type is taking into consideration the
quality of the image that is possible using the chosen file type. You should also be
concerned about the portability of the image.

To choose file type:

✓ resulting size of the image→large file size or small
✓ quality of image possible by the file type
✓ portability of file across different platforms
The most common formats used on internet are the GIF, JPG, and PNG.

Standard System Independent Formats

✓ Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) devised by CompuServe initially for transmitting
graphical images over phone lines via modems.
✓ Uses the Lempel-Ziv Welch algorithm (a form of Huffman Coding), modified slightly
for image scan line packets (line grouping of pixels).
✓ LZW compression was patented technology by the UNISYS Corp.
✓ Limited to only 8-bit (256) color images, suitable for images with few distinctive
colors (e.g., graphics drawing)
✓ Supports one-dimensional interlacing (downloading gradually in web browsers.
Interlaced images appear gradually while they are downloading. They display at a
low blurry resolution first and then transition to full resolution by the time the
download is complete.)
✓ Supports animation—multiple pictures per file (animated GIF)
✓ GIF format has long been the most popular on the Internet, mainly because of its
small size
✓ GIFs allow single-bit transparency, which means when you are creating your image,
you can specify one colour to be transparent. This allows background colours to show
through the image.

✓ stands for Portable Network Graphics
✓ It is intended as a replacement for GIF in the WWW and image editing tools.
✓ GIF uses LZW compression which is patented by Unisys. All use of GIF may have to pay
royalties to Unisys due to the patent.

✓ PNG uses unpatented zip technology for compression
✓ One version of PNG, PNG-8, is similar to the GIF format. It can be saved with a maximum of
256 colours and supports 1-bit transparency. Filesizes when saved in a capable image editor
like FireWorks will be noticeably smaller than the GIF counterpart, as PNGs save their colour
data more efficiently.
✓ PNG-24 is another version of PNG, with 24-bit colour support, allowing ranges of colour to a
high colour JPG. However, PNG-24 is in no way a replacement format for JPG, because it is
a loss-less compression format which results in large filesize.
✓ Provides transparency using alpha value
✓ Supports interlacing
✓ PNG can be animated through the MNG extension of the format, but browser support is less
for this format.

✓ A standard for photographic image compression
✓ created by the Joint Photographic Experts Group
✓ Intended for encoding and compression of photographs and similar images
✓ Takes advantage of limitations in the human vision system to achieve high rates of
✓ Uses complex lossy compression which allows user to set the desired level of quality
(compression). A compression setting of about 60% will result in the optimum
balance of quality and filesize.
✓ Though JPGs can be interlaced, they do not support animation and transparency
unlike GIF

✓ Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), stores many different types of images (e.g.,
monochrome, grayscale, 8-bit & 24-bit RGB, etc.)
✓ Uses tags, keywords defining the characteristics of the image that is included in the
file. For example, a picture 320 by 240 pixels would include a 'width' tag followed by
the number '320' and a 'depth' tag followed by the number '240'.
✓ Developed by the Aldus Corp. in the 1980’s and later supported by the Microsoft
✓ TIFF is a lossless format (when not utilizing the new JPEG tag which allows for
JPEG compression)
✓ It does not provide any major advantages over JPEG and is not as user-controllable.
✓ Do not use TIFF for web images. They produce big files, and more importantly, most
web browsers will not display TIFFs.

System Dependent Formats

Microsoft Windows: BMP
✓ A system standard graphics file format for Microsoft Windows
✓ Used in Many PC Graphics programs
✓ It is capable of storing 24-bit bitmap images

Macintosh: PAINT and PICT

✓ PAINT was originally used in MacPaint program, initially only for 1-bit
monochrome images.
✓ PICT is a file format that was developed by Apple Computer in 1984 as the native
format for Macintosh graphics.
✓ The PICT format is a meta-format that can be used for both bitmap images and vector
images though it was originally used in MacDraw (a vector based drawing program)
for storing structured graphics
✓ Still an underlying Mac format (although PDF on OS X)

X-windows: XBM
✓ Primary graphics format for the X Window system
✓ Supports 24-bit colour bitmap
✓ Many public domain graphic editors, e.g., xv
✓ Used in X Windows for storing icons, pixmaps, backdrops, etc.

Digital Audio and MIDI

What is Sound?

Sound is produced by a rapid variation in the average density or pressure of air molecules
above and below the current atmospheric pressure. We perceive sound as these pressure
fluctuations cause our eardrums to vibrate. These usually minute changes in atmospheric
pressure are referred to as sound pressure and the fluctuations in pressure as sound
waves. Sound waves are produced by a vibrating body, be it a guitar string, loudspeaker
cone or jet engine. The vibrating sound source causes a disturbance to the surrounding air
molecules, causing them bounce off each other with a force proportional to the
disturbance. The back and forth oscillation of pressure produces a sound waves.

Source — Generates Sound

✓ Air Pressure changes
✓ Electrical —Microphone produces electric signal
✓ Acoustic — Direct Pressure Variations

Destination — Receives Sound

✓ Electrical — Loud Speaker
✓ Ears — Responds to pressure hear sound

Fig sound wave

How to Record and Play Digital Audio

In order to play digital audio (i.e WAVE file), you need a card with a Digital To Analog
Converter (DAC) circuitry on it. Most sound cards have both an ADC (Analog to Digital
Converter) and a DAC so that the card can both record and play digital audio. This DAC
is attached to the Line Out jack of your audio card, and converts the digital audio values
back into the original analog audio. This analog audio can then be routed to a mixer, or
speakers, or headphones so that you can hear the recreation of what was originally
recorded. Playback process is almost an exact reverse of the recording process.

First, to record digital audio, you need a card which has an Analog to Digital Converter
(ADC) circuitry. The ADC is attached to the Line In (and Mic In) jack of your audio card,
and converts the incoming analog audio to a digital signal. Your computer software can
store the digitized audio on your hard drive, visually display on the computer's monitor,
mathematically manipulate in order to add effects, or process the sound, etc. While the
incoming analog audio is being recorded, the ADC is creates many digital values in its
conversion to a digital audio representation of what is being recorded. These values must
be stored for later playback.

Digitizing Sound
✓ Microphone produces analog signal
✓ Computers understands only discrete(digital) entities
This creates a need to convert Analog audio to Digital audio — specialized hardware
This is also known as Sampling.

Common Audio Formats

There are two basic types of audio files: the traditional discrete audio file, that you can
save to a hard drive or other digital storage medium, and the streaming audio file that you
listen to as it downloads in real time from a network/internet server to your computer.

Discrete Audio File Formats

Common discrete audio file formats include WAV, AIF, AU and MP3. A fifth format,
called MIDI is actually not a file format for storing digital audio, but a system of
instructions for creating electronic music.

The WAV format is the standard audio file format for Microsoft Windows applications,
and is the default file type produced when conducting digital recording within Windows.
It supports a variety of bit resolutions, sample rates, and channels of audio. This format is
very popular upon IBM PC (clone) platforms, and is widely used as a basic format for
saving and modifying digital audio data.

The Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF) is the standard audio format employed by
computers using the Apple Macintosh operating system. Like the WAV format, it

supports a variety of bit resolutions, sample rates, and channels of audio and is widely
used in software programs used to create and modify digital audio.

The AU file format is a compressed audio file format developed by Sun Microsystems
and popular in the Unix world. It is also the standard audio file format for the Java
programming language. Only supports 8-bit depth thus cannot provide CD-quality sound.

MP3 stands for Motion Picture Experts Group, Audio Layer 3 Compression. MP3 files
provide near-CD-quality sound but are only about 1/10th as large as a standard audio CD
file. Because MP3 files are small, they can easily be transferred across the Internet and
played on any multimedia computer with MP3 player software.

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), is not a file format for storing or
transmitting recorded sounds, but rather a set of instructions used to play electronic music
on devices such as synthesizers. MIDI files are very small compared to recorded audio
file formats. However, the quality and range of MIDI tones is limited.

Streaming Audio File Formats

Streaming is a network technique for transferring data from a server to client in a format
that can be continuously read and processed by the client computer. Using this method,
the client computer can start playing the initial elements of large time-based audio or
video files before the entire file is downloaded. As the Internet grows, streaming
technologies are becoming an increasingly important way to deliver time-based audio and
video data.

For streaming to work, the client side has to receive the data and continuously ‘feed’ it to
the ‘player’ application. If the client receives the data more quickly than required, it has
to temporarily store or ‘buffer’ the excess for later play. On the other hand, if the data
doesn't arrive quickly enough, the audio or video presentation will be interrupted.
There are three primary streaming formats that support audio files: RealNetwork's
RealAudio (RA, RM), Microsoft’s Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) and its audio
subset called Windows Media Audio 7 (WMA) and Apple’s QuickTime 4.0+ (MOV).

For audio data on the Internet, the de facto standard is RealNetwork's RealAudio (.RA)
compressed streaming audio format. These files require a RealPlayer program or browser
plug-in. The latest versions of RealNetworks’ server and player software can handle
multiple encodings of a single file, allowing the quality of transmission to vary with the
available bandwidth. Webcast radio broadcast of both talk and music frequently uses
RealAudio. Streaming audio can also be provided in conjunction with video as a
combined RealMedia (RM) file.


Microsoft’s Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) is similar to designed to RealNetwork's
RealMedia format, in that it provides a common definition for internet streaming media
and can accommodate not only synchronized audio, but also video and other multimedia
elements, all while supporting multiple bandwidths within a single media file. Also like
RealNetwork's RealMedia format, Microsoft’s ASF requires a program or browser plug-

The pure audio file format used in Windows Media Technologies is Windows Media
Audio 7 (WMA files). Like MP3 files, WMA audio files use sophisticated audio
compression to reduce file size. Unlike MP3 files, however, WMA files can function as
either discrete or streaming data and can provide a security mechanism to prevent
unauthorized use.

Apple QuickTime movies (MOV files) can be created without a video channel and used
as a sound-only format. Since version 4.0, Quicktime provides true streaming capability.
QuickTime also accepts different audio sample rates, bit depths, and offers full
functionality in both Windows as well as the Mac OS.

Popular audio file formats are:

o au (Unix)
o aiff (MAC)
o wav (PC)
o mp3

Ogg is a free, open standard container format maintained by Xiph.Org. It is unrestricted
by software patents and is designed to provide for efficient streaming and manipulation
of high quality digital multimedia.

The Ogg container format can multiplex a number of independent streams for audio,
video, text (such as subtitles), and metadata.
Before 2007, the .ogg filename extension was used for all files whose content used the
Ogg format. Since 2007, the Xiph.Org Foundation recommends that .ogg only be used
for Ogg Vorbis audio files.

A new set of file extensions and media types to describe different types of content is
.oga for audio only files,
.ogv for video with or without sound, and
.ogx for multiplexed Ogg.

MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface.

Definition of MIDI:
✓ MIDI is a protocol that enables computer, synthesizers, keyboards, and other musical
device to communicate with each other. This protocol is a language that allows
interworking between instruments from different manufacturers by providing a link
that is capable of transmitting and receiving digital data. MIDI transmits only
commands, it does not transmit an audio signal.
✓ It was created in 1982.

Figure 8 MIDI and Computer connection

Components of a MIDI System

• It is a sound generator (various pitch, loudness, tone color).
• A good (musician’s) synthesizer often has a microprocessor, keyboard, control panels,
memory, etc.
✓ It can be a stand-alone unit or a software program for a personal computer. (It used to
be a storage server for MIDI data. Nowadays it is more a software music editor on the
✓ It has one or more MIDI INs and MIDI OUTs.

Basic MIDI Concepts

✓ Track in sequencer is used to organize the recordings.
✓ Tracks can be turned on or off on recording or playing back.
✓ MIDI channels are used to separate information in a MIDI system.
✓ There are 16 MIDI channels in one cable.
✓ Channel numbers are coded into each MIDI message.
✓ The quality of the sound, e.g., flute sound, cello sound, etc.
✓ Multitimbral – capable of playing many different sounds at the same time (e.g.,
piano, brass, drums, etc.)

✓ The Musical note that the instrument plays
✓ Voice is the portion of the synthesizer that produces sound.
✓ Synthesizers can have many (12, 20, 24, 36, etc.) voices.
✓ Each voice works independently and simultaneously to produce sounds of
✓ Different timbre and pitch.
✓ The control settings that define a particular timbre.

Hardware Aspects of MIDI

MIDI connectors:
Three 5-pin ports found on the back of every MIDI unit
MIDI IN: the connector via which the device receives all MIDI data.
MIDI OUT: the connector through which the device transmits all the MIDI data it
generates itself.
MIDI THROUGH: the connector by which the device echoes the data receives from
(See picture 8 for diagrammatical view)

MIDI Messages
MIDI messages are used by MIDI devices to communicate with each other.
MIDI messages are very low bandwidth:
• Note On Command
– Which Key is pressed
– Which MIDI Channel (what sound to play)
– 3 Hexadecimal Numbers
• Note Off Command Similar
• Other command (program change) configure sounds to be played.

✓ Because MIDI is a digital signal, it's very easy to interface electronic instruments to
computers, and then do manipulations on the MIDI data on the computer with
software. For example, software can store MIDI messages to the computer's disk
drive. Also, the software can playback MIDI messages upon all 16 channels with the
same rhythms as the human who originally caused the instrument(s) to generate those

How is MIDI file Different from a WAV or MP3 Files?

A MIDI file stores MIDI messages. These messages are commands that tell a musical
device what to do in order to make music. For example, there is a MIDI message that
tells a device to play a particular note. There is another MIDI message that tells a device
to change its current "sound" to a particular patch or instrument, etc.

The MIDI file also stores timestamps, and other information that a sequencer needs to
play some "musical performance" by transmitting all of the MIDI messages in the file to
all MIDI devices. In other words, a MIDI file contains hundreds (to thousands) of
instructions that tell one or more sound modules (either external ones connected to your
sequencer's MIDI Out, or sound modules built into your computer's sound card) how to
reproduce every single, individual note and nuance of a musical performance.

A WAVE and MP3 files store a digital audio waveform. This data is played back by a
device with a Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) such as computer sound card's DAC.
There are no timestamps, or other information concerning musical rhythms or tempo
stored in a WAVE or MP3 files. There is only digital audio data.

Chapter 4
Color in Image and Video
Color in Image and Video — Basics of Color

Light and Spectra

In 1672, Isaac Newton discovered that white light could be split into many colors by a
prism. The colors produced by light passing through prism are arranged in precise array
or spectrum. The colors’ spectral signature is identified by its wavelength.

Invisible light Visible Light Invisible light

700nm 400nm

Microwave Red Yellow Violet X-ray

Radio wave Orange Green Blue
Infrared Indigo Ultra-violet

Visible light is an electromagnetic wave in the 400nm – 700 nm range (Blue~400nm,

Red~700nm, Green~500nm). Most light we see is not one wavelength, it’s a combination

of many wavelengths. For example purple is a mixture of red and violet (1nm=10-9m).
We measure visible light using a device called spectrophotometer.

Fig Spectral power distribution of daylight

The profile above is called a spectrum.

The Color of Objects
Here we consider the color of an object illuminated by white light. Color is produced by
the absorption of selected wavelengths of light by an object. Objects can be thought of as
absorbing all colors except the colors of their appearance which are reflected back. A
blue object illuminated by white light absorbs most of the wavelengths except those
corresponding to blue light. These blue wavelengths are reflected by the object.

Fig White light composed of all wavelengths of visible light incident on a pure blue
object. Only blue light is reflected from the surface.

The Eye and Color Sensation

Our perception of color arises from the composition of light - the energy spectrum of
photons - which enter the eye. The retina on the inner surface of the back of the eye
contains photosensitive cells. These cells contain pigments which absorb visible light.
Two types of photosensitive cells
✓ Cones
✓ Rods
Rods: are not sensitive to color. They are sensitive only to intensity of light. They are
effective in dim light and sense differences in light intensity - the flux of incident

photons. Because rods are not sensitive to color, in dim light we perceive colored objects
as shades of grey, not shades of color.

Cones: allow us to distinguish between different colors. Three types of cones:

✓ Red cones: responds to red light
✓ Green cones : respond to green light
✓ Blue cones: responds to blue light

Fig cross-sectional representation of the eye showing light entering through the pupil

The color signal to the brain comes from the response of the three cones to the spectra
being observed. That is, the signal consists of 3 numbers:
o Red
o Green
o Blue
✓ A color can be specified as the sum of three colors. So colors form a 3 dimensional
vector space.

For every color signal or photons reaching the eye, some ratio of response within the
three types of cones is triggered. It is this ratio that permits the perception of a particular

✓ The following figure shows the spectral-response functions of the cones and the
luminous-efficiency function of the human eye.
✓ Eye responds differently to changes in different color and luminance.

Fig Cones and luminous-efficiency function of the human eye

The eye has about 6 million cones. However, the proportions of R, G, B cones are
different. They likely are present in the ratios 40:20:1. So the chromatic channel
produced by the cones is something like 2R+G+B/20.

Color Spaces
Color space specifies how color information is represented. It is also called color model.
Any color could be described in a three dimensional graph, called a color space.
Mathematically the axis can be tilted or moved in different directions to change the way
the space is described, without changing the actual colors. The values along an axis can
be linear or non-linear. This gives a variety of ways to describe colors that have an
impact on the way we process a color image.

There are different ways of representing color. Some of these are:

✓ RGB color space
✓ YUV color space
✓ YIQ color space
✓ CMY/CMYK color space
✓ CIE color space
✓ HSV color space
✓ HSL color space
✓ YCbCr color space

RGB Color Space

RGB stands for Red, Green, Blue. RGB color space expresses/defines color as a mixture
of three primary colors:
✓ Red
✓ Green
✓ Blue
All other colors are produced by varying the intensity of these three primaries and mixing
the colors. It is used self-luminous devices such as TV, monitor, camera, and scanner.

Fig RGB color model

Color images can be described with three components, commonly Red, Green, and Blue.
It combines (adds) the three components with varying intensity to make all other colors.
Absence of all colors (zero values for all the components) create black. The presence of
the three colors form white. These colors are called additive colors since they add
together the way light adds to make colors, and is a natural color space to use with video

Grey is any value where R=G=B, thus it requires all three (RGB) signals to produce a
"black and white" picture. In other words, a "black and white" picture must be computed
- it is not inherently available as one of the components specified.

Pure black (0,0,0)

Pure white(255,255,255)

CRT Displays
✓ CRT displays have three phosphors (RGB) which produce a combination of
wavelengths when excited with electrons.
✓ The gamut of colors is all colors that can be reproduced using the three
✓ The gamut of a color monitor is smaller than that of color models, E.g. CIE
(LAB) Model

Fig CRT display


The subtractive color system reproduces colors by subtracting some wavelengths of light
from white. The three subtractive color primaries are cyan, magenta, and yellow (CMY).
If none of these colors is present, the color produced is white because nothing has been
subtracted from the white light. If all the colors are present at their maximum amounts,
the color produced is black because all of the light has been subtracted from the white

CMY color model is used with printers and other peripherals that depend on chemicals
for their color, such as ink or dyes on paper and dyes on a clear film base. Three primary
colors, cyan (C), magenta (M), and yellow (Y), are used to reproduce all colors.

Fig CMY color space

The three colors together absorb all the light that strikes it, appearing black (as contrasted
to RGB where the three colors together made white). "Nothing" on the paper is white (as
contrasted to RGB where nothing was black). These are called the subtractive or paint

On paper, for example, yellow ink subtracts blue from white illumination (paper is white)
but reflects red and green. That is why it appears yellow. So, instead of red, green, and
blue primaries, we need primaries that amount to red, green, and blue. For this we need
colors that subtract R, G, or B. The subtractive color primaries are cyan(C), magenta (M),
and yellow(Y) inks.

A yellow filter absorbs blue light, transmitting green and red light. A magenta filter
absorbs green light, transmitting blue and red light. A cyan filter absorbs red light,
transmitting blue and green light.

In practice, it is difficult to have the exact mix of the three colors to perfectly absorb all
light and thus produce a black color. Expensive inks are required to produce the exact
color, and the paper must absorb each color in exactly the same way. To avoid these
problems, a forth color is often added - black - creating the CYMK color "space", even
though the black is mathematically not required.

✓ Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow (CMY) are complementary colors of RGB. They can be
used as Subtractive Primaries.
✓ CMY model is mostly used in printing devices where the color pigments on the paper
absorb certain colors (e.g., no red light reflected from cyan ink) and in painting.

Fig RGB and CMY cubes

Conversion between RGB and CMY

E.g., convert White from (1, 1, 1) in RGB to (0, 0, 0) in CMY

CMYK color model

✓ Sometimes, an alternative CMYK model (K stands for Black) is used in color printing
(e.g., to produce darker black than simply mixing CMY), where
K = min(C, M, Y),
C = C - K,
M = M - K,
Y = Y - K.

Colors on self-luminous devices, such as televisions and computer monitors, are

produced by adding the three RGB primary colors in different proportions. However,
color reproduction media, such as printed matter and paintings, produce colors by
absorbing some wavelengths and reflecting others.

The three RGB primary colors, when mixed, produce white, but the three CMY primary
colors produce black when they are mixed together. Since actual inks will not produce
pure colors, black (K) is included as a separate color, and the model is called CMYK.
With the CMYK model, the range of reproducible colors is narrower than with RGB, so
when RGB data is converted to CMYK data, the colors seem dirtier.

This color space is closely related to the YUV space, but with the coordinates shifted to
allow all positive valued coefficients. It is a scaled and shifted YUV.
✓ The luminance (brightness), Y, is retained separately from the chrominance (color).

Y-Luma component
Cr Chrominace

During development and testing of JPEG it became apparent that chrominance sub
sampling in this space allowed a much better compression than simply compressing RGB
or CYM. Sub sampling means that only one half or one quarter as much detail is retained
f o r t h e c o l o r a s f o r t h e b r i g h t n e s s .

✓ It is used in MPEG and JPEG compressions

Y = + 0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B

Cb = 128 - 0.168736 * R - 0.331264 * G + 0.5 * B
Cr = 128 + 0.5 * R - 0.418688 * G - 0.081312 * B

In 1931, the CIE (Commite Internationale de E’clairage) developed a color model based
on human perception. They are based on the human eyes’ response to red green and blue
colors, and are designed to accurately represent human color perception. The CIE is a
device-independent color model and because of this it is used as a standard for other
colors to compare with. Device-independent means color can be reproduced faithfully on
any type of device, such as scanners, monitors, and printers (color quality does not vary
depending on the device).

There are different versions of CIE color model. The most commonly used are:
✓ CIE XYZ color model
✓ CIE L*a*b color model

Fig CIE color model

CIE XYZ color model defines three primaries called X, Y, and Z that can be combined to
match any color humans see. This relates to color perception of human eye. The Y
primary is defined to match the luminous efficiency of human eye. X and Z are obtained
based on experiment involving human observers.

The CIE Chromaticity diagram (shown below) is a plot of X vs Y for all visible colors.
Each point on the edge denotes a pure color of a specific wavelength. White is at the
center where all colors combine equally (X = Y = Z = 1/3).

Fig CIE XYZ chromacity diagram

✓ Edges represent pure colors

✓ Every color could be assigned a particular point on the coordinate plane
✓ The spectral purity of colors decreases as you move from the edges to the center of
the diagram
✓ Brightness is not taken into consideration in this model(diagram)

CIE Lab Color Model

✓ A refined CIE model, named CIE L*a*b is introduced in 1976
✓ It is an improvement of CIE XYZ color model
L– represents Luminance
a – ranges from green to red
b – ranges from blue to yellow represents chrominance
✓ Used by Photoshop

Fig LAB model

YIQ Color Model

YIQ is used in color TV broadcasting; it is downward compatible with Black and White
TV. The YIQ color space is commonly used in North American television systems. Note
that if the chrominance is ignored, the result is a "black and white" picture.

✓ Y (luminance) is the CIE Y primary

Y = 0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114B
✓ the other two vectors
I = 0.596R - 0.275G - 0.321B
Q = 0.212R - 0.528G + 0.311B
✓ I is orange-blue axis, Q is roughly orthogonal to I and it corresponds to purple-green
✓ Eye is most sensitive to Y (luminance), next to I, next to Q.

YIQ is intended to take advantage of human color response characteristics. Eye is more
sensitive to Orange-Blue range (I) than in Purple-Green range (Q). Therefore less
bandwidth is required for Q than for I. NTSC limits I to 1.5 MHZ and Q to 0.6 MHZ. Y
is assigned higher bandwidth, 4MHZ.

YUV Color Model

✓ Established in 1982 to build digital video standard
✓ Works in PAL (50 fields/sec) or NTSC (60 fields/sec)
✓ The luminance (brightness), Y, is retained separately from the chrominance (color)

The Y component determines the brightness of the color (referred to as luminance or

luma), while the U and V components determine the color itself (it is called chroma). U is

the axis from blue to yellow and V is the axis from magenta to cyan. Y ranges from 0 to
1 (or 0 to 255 in digital formats), while U and V range from -0.5 to 0.5 (or -128 to 127 in
signed digital form, or 0 to 255 in unsigned form).

Fig YUV color model

One neat aspect of YUV is that you can throw out the U and V components and get a
grey-scale image. Black and white TV receives only Y (luminanace) component ignoring
the otheres. This makes it black-white TV compatible. Since the human eye is more
responsive to brightness than it is to color, many lossy image compression formats throw
away half or more of the samples in the chroma channels (color part) to reduce the
amount of data to deal with, without severely destroying the image quality.

This image shows a slightly tilted representation of the YUV color cube, looking at the
dark (Y = 0) side. Notice how in the middle it is completely black, which is where U and
V are zero, and Y is as well. As U and V move towards their limits, you start to see their
effect on the colors.

This image shows the same cube, from the bright side (Y = 1). Here we have bright white
in the middle of the face, with very bright colors on the corners where U and V are also at
their limits.

Y = R * 0.299 + G * 0.587 + B * 0.114

U = R * -0.169 + G * -0.332 + B * 0.500
V = R * 0 .500 + G * -0.419 + B * -0.0813

✓ The YUV color space is commonly used in European television.

✓ if the chrominance is ignored, the result is a "black and white" picture.

HSL Color Space

HSL stands for Hue Saturation Lightness.
H-represents hue (color)
S-represents saturation. It goes from fully saturated color to equivalent gray.
L-represents light intensity(luminance)

Fig a) HSL color space b)Hue and saturation

The HSL color space defines colors more naturally: Hue specifies the base color, the
other two values then let you specify the saturation of that color and how bright the color
should be.

As you can see in figure b above, hue specifies the color. After specifying the color using
the hue value you can specify the saturation of your color. In the HSL color wheel the
saturation specifies the distance from the middle of the wheel. So a saturation value of 0
means "center of the wheel", which is a grey value, whereas a saturation value of 1 means
"at the border of the wheel", where the color is fully saturated.

Fig luminance sliders that show what happens to colors if you change the luminance

HSL is drawn as a double cone or double hexcone(figure a). The two apexes of the HSL
double hexcone correspond to black and white. The angular parameter corresponds to
hue, distance from the axis corresponds to saturation, and distance along the black-white
axis corresponds to lightness.

HSV Color Space

HSV Stands for Hue Saturation Value. It is also called HSB ().
H - represents color type (red, blue, yellow). It ranges from 0-360 degrees.
Saturation - the vibrancy of color. It ranges from 0-100%.
Value - brightness of color. It ranges from 0-100%.

Fig HSV color model

The color space choice
In August 1991, the International Group 4 color fax Committee decided to assume
YCbCr would be the standard as they continued their studies. They noted that YCbCr
was mandatory for compatibility with business image systems such as desktop
publishing. For professional graphics, it was mandatory along with CIELAB for
calibration. At the high end of publishing, many color spaces had to be supported,
including YCbCr. In fact, YCbCr was the most widely used color space in all areas.

By the November 1992 Group 4 color fax meeting in Tokyo, CIELAB 1976 was selected
as the primary color space, with YCbCr as one of several secondary options. Some of the
people involved argue that the particular meeting was dominated by people with special
interests, and don't believe that decision will stand.

If CIELAB becomes the fax standard, it would logically be our choice. However, YCbCr
is much more widely used, and preferred by many technical experts.

Beside the RGB representation, YIQ and YUV are the two commonly used in video.

Summary of Color
✓ Color images are encoded as integer triplet(R,G,B) values. These triplets encode how
much the corresponding phosphor should be excited in devices such as a monitor.

✓ Three common systems of encoding in video are RGB, YIQ, and YcrCb(YUV).
✓ Besides the hardware-oriented color models (i.e., RGB, CMY, YIQ, YUV), HSB
(Hue, Saturation, and Brightness, e.g., used in Photoshop) and HLS (Hue, Lightness,
and Saturation) are also commonly used.
✓ YIQ uses properties of the human eye to prioritize information. Y is the black and
white (luminance) image; I and Q are the color (chrominance) images. YUV uses
similar idea.
✓ YUV is a standard for digital video that specifies image size, and decimates the
chrominance images (for 4:2:2 video)
✓ A black and white image is a 2-D array of integers.

Chapter 5
Fundamental Concepts in Video
✓ Video is a series of images. When this series of images are displayed on screen at fast
speed ( e.g 30 images per second), we see a perceived motion. It projects single
images at a fast rate producing the illusion of continuous motion. These single images
are called frames. The rate at which the frames are projected is generally between 24
and 30 frames per second (fps). The rate at which these images are presented is
referred to as the Frame Rate
✓ This is fundamental to the way video is modeled in computers.
✓ A single image is called frame and video is a series of frames.
✓ An image just like conventional images is modeled as a matrix of pixels.
✓ To model smooth motion psychophysical studies have shown that a rate of 30 frames
a second is good enough to simulate smooth motion.
• Old Charlie Chaplin movies were taken at 12 frames a second and are visibly
jerky in nature.

Each screen-full of video is made up of thousands of pixels. A pixel is the smallest unit of
an image. A pixel can display only one color at a time. Your television has 720 vertical
lines of pixels (from left to right) and 486 rows of pixels (top to bottom). A total of
349,920 pixels (720 x 486) for a single frame.

There are two types of video:

✓ Analog Video
✓ Digital Video

Analog Video

Analog technology requires information representing images and sound to be in a real-

time continuous-scale electric signal between sources and receivers. It is used throughout
the television industry. For television, images and sound are converted into electric
signals by transducers. Distortion of images and noise are common problems for analog

In an analogue video signal, each frame is represented by a fluctuating voltage signal.

This is known as an analogue waveform. One of the earliest formats for this was
composite video.

Analog formats are susceptible to loss due to transmission noise effects. Quality loss is
also possible from one generation to another. This type of loss is like photocopying, in
which a copy of a copy is never as good as the original.

In analog video recording, the camera reads the topmost line from left to right, producing
a series of electrical signals that corresponds to the lights and shadows along that line. It
then passes back to the left end of the next line below and follows it in the same way. In
this fashion the camera reads the whole area of the scene, line by line, until the bottom of

the picture is reached. Then the camera scans the next image, repeating the process
continuously. The television camera has now produced a rapid sequence of electrical
impulses; they correspond to the order of picture elements scanned in every line of every

Fig recording analog video

Digital Video
Digital technology is based on images represented in the form of bits. A digital video
signal is actually a pattern of 1's and 0's that represent the video image. With a digital
video signal, there is no variation in the original signal once it is captured on to computer
disc. Therefore, the image does not lose any of its original sharpness and clarity. The
image is an exact copy of the original. A computer is the must common form of digital

The limitations of analog video led to the birth of digital video. Digital video is just a
digital representation of the analogue video signal. Unlike analogue video that degrades
in quality from one generation to the next, digital video does not degrade. Each
generation of digital video is identical to the parent.

Even though the data is digital, virtually all digital formats are still stored on sequential
tapes. There are two significant advantages for using computers for digital video:
✓ the ability to randomly access the storage of video and
✓ compress the video stored.

Computer-based digital video is defined as a series of individual images and associated

audio. These elements are stored in a format in which both elements (pixel and sound
sample) are represented as a series of binary digits (bits).

― Direct random access –> good for nonlinear video editing
― No problem for repeated recording

― No need for blanking and sync pulse
✓ Almost all digital video uses component video

Analog vs. Digital Video

An analog video can be very similar to the original video copied, but it is not identical.
Digital copies will always be identical and will not loose their sharpness and clarity over
time. However, digital video has the limitation of the amount of RAM available, whereas
this is not a factor with analog video. Digital technology allows for easy editing and
enhancing of videos. Storage of the analog video tapes is much more cumbersome than
digital video CDs. Clearly, with new technology continuously emerging, this debate will
always be changing.

Displaying Video
There are two ways of displaying video on screen:
✓ Progressive scan
✓ Interlaced scan

1. Interlaced Scanning
Interlaced scanning writes every second line of the picture during a scan, and writes the
other half during the next sweep. Doing that we only need 25/30 pictures per second.
This idea of splitting up the image into two parts became known as interlacing and the
splitted up pictures as fields. Graphically seen a field is basically a picture with every 2nd
line black/white. Here is an image that shows interlacing so that you can better imagine
what happens.

Fig interlaced scanning

During the first scan the upper field is written on screen. The first, 3rd, 5th, etc. line
is written and after writing each line the electron beam moves to the left again
before writing the next line.

Currently the picture exhibits a "combing" effect, it looks like you're watching it
through a comb. When people refer to interlacing artifacts or say that their picture is
interlaced this is what they commonly refer to.

Once all the odd lines have been written the electron beam travels back to the
upper left of the screen and starts writing the even lines. As it takes a while before
the phosphor stops emitting light and as the human brain is too slow instead of
seeing two fields what we see is a combination of both fields - in other words the
original picture.

2. Progressive Scanning

PC CRT displays are fundamentally different from TV screens. Monitor writes a whole
picture per scan. Progressive scan updates all the lines on the screen at the same time, 60
times every second. This is known as progressive scanning. Today all PC screens write
a picture like this.

Fig progressive scanning

Here is a comparison of computer and television display.

Computer Television
✓ Scans 480 horizontal lines from Scans 625, 525 horizontal lines
top to bottom
✓ Scan each line progressively Scan line using interlacing system
✓ Scan full frame at a rate of typically Scan 25-30 HZ for full time
66.67 HZ or higher
✓ Use RGB color model Uses limited color palette and restricted
luminance (lightness or darkness)
Recording Video

CCDs (Charge Coupled Devices) a chip containing a series of tiny, light-sensitive

photosites. It forms the heart of all electronic and digital cameras. CCDs can be thought
of as film for electronic cameras. CCDs consist of thousands or even millions of cells,
each of which is light-sensitive and capable of producing varying amounts of charge in
response to the amount of light they receive.


Digital camera uses lens which focuses the image onto a Charge Coupled Device (CCD),
which then converts the image into electrical pulses. These pulses are then saved into
memory. In short, Just as the film in a conventional camera records an image when light
hits it, the CCD records the image electronically. The photosites convert light into
electrons. The electrons pass through an analog-to-digital converter, which produces a
file of encoded digital information in which bits represent the color and tonal values of a
subject. The performance of a CCD is often measured by its output resolution, which in
turn is a function of the number of photosites on the CCD's surface.

Audio track

Video track

Control track

Sub code data



Analog and digital video frame layout respectively

Types of Color Video Signals

There are three types of video signals:

• Component
• Composite
• S-video

Component video – each primary is sent as a separate video signal. The primaries can
either be RGB or a luminance-chrominance transformation of them (e.g., YIQ, YUV).
― Best color reproduction
― Requires more bandwidth and good synchronization of the three

Component video takes the different components of the video and breaks them into
separate signals. Improvements to component video have led to many video formats,
including S-Video, RGB etc.

Composite video – color (chrominance) and luminance signals are mixed into a single
carrier wave. Some interference between the two signals is inevitable.

Composite analog video has all its components (brightness, color, synchronization
information, etc.) combined into one signal. Due to the compositing (or combining) of the
video components, the quality of composite video is marginal at best. The results are
color bleeding, low clarity and high generational loss.

S-Video (Separated video) – a compromise between component analog video and the
composite video. It uses two lines, one for luminance and another for composite
chrominance signal.

Video Broadcasting Standards/ TV standards

There are three different video broadcasting standards: PAL, NTSC, and SECAM

PAL (Phase Alternate Line)

PAL is a TV standard originally invented by German scientists. It uses 625 horizontal
lines at a field rate of 50 fields per second (or 25 frames per second). Only 576 of these
lines are used for picture information with the remaining 49 lines used for sync or
holding additional information such as closed captioning. It is used in Australia, New
Zealand, United Kingdom, and Europe.

✓ Scans 625 lines per frame, 25 frames per second (40 msec/frame)
✓ Interlaced, each frame is divided into 2 fields, 312.5 lines/field
✓ For color representation, PAL uses YUV (YCbCr) color model

PAL uses 8MHZ channel of which:

– 5.5 MHz is allocated to Y,
– 1.8 MHz each to U and V

An advantage of PAL is more stable and consistent hue (tint). Besides that it has greater
number of scan lines thus providing a clear and sharp picture having more detail.

SECAM (Sequential Color with Memory)

SECAM (Systeme Electronic Pour Couleur Avec Memoire) is invented by the French. It
is very similar to PAL. It specifies the same number of scan lines(625) and frames per
second(25). It is the broadcast standard for France, Russia, and parts of Africa and
Eastern Europe.

SECAM uses the same bandwidth as PAL but transmits the color information
sequentially. It is used in France, East Europe, etc. SECAM and PAL are very similar
differing in color coding scheme.

NTSC (National Television Standards Committee)

NTSC is a black-and-white and color compatible 525-line system that scans a nominal 30
interlaced television picture frames per second. Used in USA, Canada, and Japan.

NTSC Video
✓ 525 scan lines per frame, 30 frames per second
✓ Interlaced, each frame is divided into 2 fields i.e. 262.5 lines/field
✓ 20 lines is reserved for control information at the beginning of each field. It controls
vertical retrace and sync.
― So a maximum of 485 lines of visible data
✓ Similarly, 1/6 of the raster at left is left for horizontal retrace and sync.

Figure Digital video raster

NTSC Video Color Representation/Compression
✓ For color representation, NTSC uses YIQ color model.
✓ Basic Compression Idea
Eye is most sensitive to Y, next to I, next to Q.
This is still analog compression.
✓ In NTSC,
― 4 MHz is allocated to Y,
― 1.5 MHz to I,
― 0.6 MHz to Q.

Fig Television standards used in different countries

TV system Frame No of scan Total channel Bandwidth

rate(fps) lines width (MHz) allocation(MHz)
NTSC 29.97 525 6.0 4.2 1.6 0.6
PAL 25 625 8.0 5.5 1.8 1.8
SECAM 25 625 8.0 6.0 2.0 2.0
Table TV scan

HDTV (High Definition Television)

High-Definition television (HDTV) means broadcast of television signals with a higher
resolution than traditional formats (NTSC, SECAM, PAL) allow. Except for early analog
formats in Europe and Japan, HDTV is broadcasted digitally, and therefore its
introduction sometimes coincides with the introduction of digital television (DTV).

✓ Modern plasma television uses this
✓ It consists of 720-1080 lines and higher number of pixels (as many as 1920 pixels).
✓ Having a choice in between progressive and interlaced is one advantage of HDTV.
Many people have their preferences

HDTV vs Existing Signals (NTSC, PAL, or SECAM)

The HDTV signal is digital resulting in crystal clear, noise-free pictures and CD quality
sound. It has many viewer benefits like choosing between interlaced or progressive

Video File Formats

File formats in the PC platform are indicated by the 3 letter filename extension.
.mov = QuickTime Movie Format
.avi = Windows movie format
.mpg = MPEG file format
.mp4 = MPEG-4 Video File
.flv = flash video file
.rm = Real Media File
.3gp = 3GPP multimedia File (used in mobile phones)

Four Factors of Digital Video

With digital video, four factors have to be kept in mind. These are:

• Frame rate
• Spatial Resolution
• Color Resolution
• Image Quality

Frame Rate
The standard for displaying any type of non-film video is 30 frames per second (film is
24 frames per second). This means that the video is made up of 30 (or 24) pictures or
frames for every second of video. Additionally these frames are split in half (odd lines
and even lines), to form what are called fields.

Color Resolution
This second factor is a bit more complex. Color resolution refers to the number of colors
displayed on the screen at one time. Computers deal with color in an RGB (red-green-
blue) format, while video uses a variety of formats. One of the most common video
formats is called YUV. Although there is no direct correlation between RGB and YUV,
they are similar in that they both have varying levels of color depth (maximum number of

Spatial Resolution
The third factor is spatial resolution - or in other words, "How big is the picture?". Since
PC and Macintosh computers generally have resolutions in excess of 640 by 480, most
people assume that this resolution is the video standard.

A standard analogue video signal displays a full, over scanned image without the borders
common to computer screens. The National Television Standards Committee ( NTSC)
standard used in North America and Japanese Television uses a 768 by 484 display. The
Phase Alternative system (PAL) standard for European television is slightly larger at 768
by 576. Most countries endorse one or the other, but never both.

Since the resolution between analogue video and computers is different, conversion of
analogue video to digital video at times must take this into account. This can often the
result in the down-sizing of the video and the loss of some resolution.

Image Quality

The last, and most important factor is video quality. The final objective is video that
looks acceptable for your application. For some this may be 1/4 screen, 15 frames per
second (fps), at 8 bits per pixel. Other require a full screen (760 by 480), full frame rate
video, at 24 bits per pixel (16.7 million colors).

Digital Video Basics

Analog composite signals, such as PAL, NTSC and SECAM, are subject to cumulative
distortions and noise that affect the quality of the reproduced picture. Separate distortions
of the luminance and chrominance components, as well as intermodulation between
them, are likely to occur.

The cumulative analog video signal impairments and their effect on the reproduced
picture can be reduced considerably by using a digital representation of the video signal
and effecting the distribution, processing and recording in the digital domain. By a proper
selection of two parameters, namely the sampling frequency and the quantizing accuracy,
these impairments can be reduced to low, visually imperceptible values.

Video signals captured from the real world, which are analog naturally, are translated into
digital form by digitization, which involves two processes. A signal is digitized when it is
subjected to both sampling and quantization. When an audio signal is sampled, the single
dimension of time is carved into discrete intervals. When an image is sampled, two-
dimensional space is partitioned into small, discrete regions. Quantization assigns an
integer to the amplitude of the signal in each interval or region.

A continuous two-dimensional function of space like images are sampled by assigning, to

each element of a sampling grid, a value that is a function of the distribution of intensity
over a small region of space. In digital video and in conventional image processing, the
samples lie on a regular, rectangular grid.

A digital image is represented by a matrix of values, where each value is a function of the
information surrounding the corresponding point in the image. A single element in an
image matrix is a picture element, or pixel. In a color system, a pixel includes
information for all color components.

The sampling of the video signal is essentially a pulse amplitude modulation process. It
consists of checking the signal amplitude at periodic intervals (T). The sampling
frequency (FS=1/T) has to meet two requirements:
✓ It has to be higher than twice the maximum baseband frequency of the analog video
signal (FB), as stipulated by Nyquist. This is required in order to avoid aliasing.
Aliasing is visible as spurious picture elements associated with fine details (high
frequencies) in the picture. The only way to avoid aliasing is to use an anti-aliasing
filter ahead of the A/D converter. The task of this filter is to reduce the bandwidth of
the sampled base band.
✓ It has to be coherent with and related to an easily identifiable and constant video

While sampling at a multiple of FSC works well in PAL and NTSC, it doesn't work at all
in SECAM. This is due to the inherent nature of SECAM, which uses two separate line-
sequential frequency-modulated color subcarriers carrying, respectively, the DB and DR
color-difference signals.

Fig analog to digital conversion

The pulse amplitude modulation results in a sequence of pulses, spaced at T=1/FS
intervals, whose amplitude is proportional to the amplitude of the sampled analog signal
at the sampling instant. There are an infinite number of shades of gray — ranging from
black (lowest video signal amplitude) to white (highest video signal amplitude) — that
the analog video signal can represent.

The instantaneous sampling pulse amplitudes can be represented in the digital domain by
only a limited number of binary values, resulting in quantizing errors. The possible
number of shades of gray is equal to 2n, where n is the number of bits per sample.
Experiments have shown that when less than eight bits per sample are used, the
quantizing errors appear as contouring. With eight bits per sample or more, the
quantizing errors appear, in general, as random noise (quantizing noise) in the picture. In
practical applications, in order to avoid clipping, the signal occupies less than 2n steps,
resulting in a specified quantizing range.

Advantages and disadvantages

✓ The advantages of digital video are:

✓ Single-pass, analog-type impairments are non-cumulative if the signal stays digital.
✓ There is a reduced sensitivity to noise and interference.
✓ Digital equipment efficiently and economically performs tasks that are difficult or
impossible to perform using analog technology.
✓ It is amenable to the application of techniques for efficient retention of essential
information such as compression.

The disadvantages of digital video are:

✓ Analog-type of distortions, as well unique digital distortions related to sampling and
quantizing, result in a variety of visible impairments.
✓ Wide bandwidth requirements for recording, distribution and transmission necessitate
sophisticated bit-rate reduction and compression schemes to achieve manageable
✓ Unlike analog signals, the digital signals do not degrade gracefully and are subjected
to a cliff effect.

Chapter 6
Basics of Digital Audio
Digitizing Sound
✓ Microphone produces analog signal
✓ Computer deals with digital signal

Sampling Audio

Analog Audio
Most natural phenomena around us are continuous; they are continuous transitions
between two different states. Sound is not exception to this rule i.e. sound also constantly
varies. Continuously varying signals are represented by analog signal.
Signal is a continuous function f in the time domain. For value y=f(t), the argument t of
the function f represents time. If we graph f, it is called wave. (see the following diagram)

Fig 1 analog signal

A wave has three characteristics:

✓ Amplitude
✓ Frequency, and
✓ Phase

Amplitude: is the intensity of signal. This is can be determined by looking at the height of
signal. If amplitude increases, the sound becomes louder. Amplitude measures the how
high or low the voltage of the signal is at a given point of time.

Frequency: is the number of times the wave cycle is repeated. This can be determined by
counting the number of cycles in given time interval. Frequency is related with pitchness
of the sound. Increased frequency→high pitch.
Phase: related to the wave’s appearance.

Fig 2 recording sound and the need for digitization

When sound is recorded using microphone, the microphone changes the sound into
analog representation of the sound. In computer, we can’t deal with analog things. This
makes it necessary to change analog audio into digital audio. How? Read the next topic.

Analog to Digital Conversion

Converting an analog audio to digital audio requires that the analog signal is sampled.
Sampling is the process of taking periodic measurements of the continuous signal.
Samples are taken at regular time interval, i.e. every T seconds. This is called sampling
frequency/sampling rate. Digitized audio is sampled audio. Many times each second, the
analog signal is sampled. How often these samples are taken is referred to as sampling
rate. The amount of information stored about each sample is referred to as sample size.

Analog signal is represented by amplitude and frequency. Converting these waves to

digital information is referred to as digitizing. The challenge is to convert the analog
waves to numbers (digital information).

In digital form, the measure of amplitude (the 7 point scale - vertically) is represented
with binary numbers (bottom of graph). The more numbers on the scale the better the
quality of the sample, but more bits will be needed to represent that sample. The graph
below only shows 3-bits being used for each sample, but in reality either 8 or 16-bits will
be used to create all the levels of amplitude on a scale. (Music CDs use 16-bits for each

Fig 3 quantization of samples

In digital form, the measure of frequency is referred to as how often the sample is taken.
In the graph below the sample has been taken 7 times (reading across). Frequency is
talked about in terms of Kilohertz (KHz).
Hertz (Hz) = number of cycles per second
KHz = 1000Hz
MHz = 1000 KHz

Music CDs use a frequency of 44.1 KHz. A frequency of 22 KHz for example, would
mean that the sample was taken less often.

Sampling means measuring the value of the signal at a given time period. The samples
are then quantized.

Representation of a large set of elements with a much smaller set is called quantization.
The number of elements in the original set in many practical situations is infinite(like the
set of real numbers). In speech coding, prior to storage or transmission of a given
parameter, it must be quantized in order to reduce storage space or transmission
bandwidth for a cost-effective solution.

In the process, some quality loss is introduced, which is undesirable. How to minimize
loss for a given amount of available resources is the central problem of quantization.

It is rounding the value of each sample to the nearest amplitude number in the graph. For
example, if amplitude of a specific sample is 5.6, this should be rounded either up to 6 or
down to 5. This is called quantization.

Quantization is assigning a value (from a set) to a sample. The quantized values are
changed to binary pattern. The binary patterns are stored in computer.

Fig 4 digitization process (sampling, quantization, and coding)

Fig 5 Sampling and quantization

The sampling points in the above diagram are A, B, C, D, E, F, H, and I.
The value of sample at point A falls between 2 and 3, may be 2.6. This value should be
represented by the nearest number. We will round the sample value to 3. Then this three
is converted into binary and stored inside computer.

Similarly, the values of other sampling points are:

The values of most sample points are quantized. After quantization, we convert sample
values into binary digits.

Sampling Rate
A sample is a single measurement of amplitude. The sample rate is the number of these
measurements taken every second. In order to accurately represent all of the frequencies
in a recording that fall within the range of human perception, generally accepted as
20Hz–20KHz, we must choose a sample rate high enough to represent all of these
frequencies. At first consideration, one might choose a sample rate of 20 KHz since this
is identical to the highest frequency. This will not work, however, because every cycle of
a waveform has both a positive and negative amplitude and it is the rate of alternation
between positive and negative amplitudes that determines frequency. Therefore, we need
at least two samples for every cycle resulting in a sample rate of at least 40 KHz.

Sampling Theorem
Sampling frequency/rate is very important in order to accurately reproduce a digital
version of an analog waveform.

Nyquist’s Theorem:
The Sampling frequency for a signal must be at least twice the highest frequency
component in the signal.
Sample rate = 2 x highest frequency

Fig 5 Sampling at signal frequency and at twice Nyquist frequency

When the sampling rate is lower than or equal to the Nyquist rate, the condition is
defined as under sampling. It is impossible to rebuild the original signal according to the
sampling theorem when such sampling rate is used.


What exactly happens to frequencies that lie above the Nyquist frequency? First, we’ll
look at a frequency that was sampled accurately:

In this case, there are more than two samples for every cycle, and the measurement is a
good approximation of the original wave. we will get back the same signal we put in later
on when converting it into analog.

Remember: speakers can play only analog sound. You have to convert back digital audio
to analog when you play it.

If we undersample the signal, though, we will get a very different result:

In this diagram, the blue wave (the one with short cycles) is the original frequency. The
red wave (the one with lower frequency) is the aliased frequency produced from an
insufficient number of samples. This frequency, which was in all likelihood a high partial
in a complex timbre, has folded over and is now below the Nyquist frequency. For
example, a 11KHz frequency sampled at 18KHz would produce an alias frequency of
7KHz. This will alter the timbre of the recording in an unacceptable way.

Under sampling causes frequency components that are higher than half of the sampling
frequency to overlap with the lower frequency components. As a result, the higher
frequency components roll into the reconstructed signal and cause distortion of the signal.
This type of signal distortion is called aliasing.

Common Sampling Rates

― 8KHz: used for telephone
― 11.025 KHz: Speech audio
― 22.05 KHz: Low Grade Audio (WWW Audio, AM Radio)
― 44.1 KHz: CD Quality audio
Sample Resolution/Sample Size

Each sample can only be measured to a certain degree of accuracy. The accuracy is
dependent on the number of bits used to represent the amplitude, which is also known as
the sample resolution.

How do we store each sample value (quantized value)?

― 8 bit value (0-255)
― 16 bit value (Integer) (0-65535)

The amount of memory required to store t seconds long sample is as follows:

▪ If we use 8 bit resolution, mono recording
memory = f*t*8*1
▪ If we use 8 bit resolution, stereo recording
memory = f*t*8*2

▪ If we use 16 bit resolution, and mono recording

memory = f*t*16*1
▪ If we use 16 bit resolution, and stereo recording
memory =f* t*16*2

where f is sampling frequency, and

t is time duration in seconds

Abebe sampled audio for 10 seconds. How much storage space is required if
a) 22.05 KHz sampling rate is used, and 8 bit resolution with mono recording?
b) 44.1 KHz sampling rate is used, and 8 bit resolution with mono recording?
c) 44.1 KHz sampling rate is used, 16 bit resolution with stereo recording?
d) 11.025 KHz sampling rate, 16 bit resolution with stereo recording?

a) m=22050*8*10*1
m= 1764000bits=220500bytes=220.5KB
b) m=44100*8*10*1
m= 3528000 bits=441000butes=441KB
c) m=44100*16*10*2
m= 14112000 bits= 1764000 bytes= 1764KB
d) m=11025*16*10*2
m= 3528000 bits= 441000 bytes= 441KB

Implications of Sample Rate and Bit Size

✓ Affects Quality of Audio
✓ Affects Size of Data

File Type 44.1 KHz 22.05 KHz 11.025 KHz
16 Bit Stereo 10.1 Mb 5.05 Mb 2.52 Mb
16 Bit Mono 5.05 Mb 2.52 Mb 1.26 Mb
8 Bit Mono 2.52 Mb 1.26 Mb 630 Kb
Table Memory required for 1 minute of digital audio


Both analog and digital media have an upper limit beyond which they can no longer
accurately represent amplitude. Analog clipping varies in quality depending on the
medium. The upper amplitudes are being altered, distorting the waveform and changing
the timbre, but the alterations are slightly different. Digital clipping, in contrast, is always
the same. Once an amplitude of 1111111111111111 (the maximum value in a 16 bit
resolution) is reached, no higher amplitudes can be represented. The result is not the
smooth, rounded flattening of analog clipping, but a harsh slicing of off the top of the
waveform, and an unpleasant timbral result.

An Ideal Recording

We should all strive for an ideal recording. First, don’t ignore the analog stage of the
process. Use a good microphone, careful microphone placement, high quality cables, and
a reliable analog-to-digital converter. Strive for a hot (high levels), clean signal.

Second, when you sample, try to get the maximum signal level as close to zero as
possible without clipping. That way you maximize the inherent signal-to-noise ratio of
the medium. Third, avoid conversions to analog and back if possible. You may need to
convert the signal to run it through an analog mixer or through the analog inputs of a
digital effects processor. Each time you do this, though, you add the noise in the analog
signal to the subsequent digital re-conversion.

Chapter 7
Data Compression
Data compression is often referred to as coding, where coding is a very general term
encompassing any special representation of data which satisfies a given need.

Definition: Data compression is the process of encoding information using fewer number
of bits so that it takes less memory area (storage) or bandwidth during transmission.
Two types of compression:
✓ Lossy data compression
✓ Lossless data compression

Lossless Data Compression: in lossless data compression, the original content of the data
is not lost/changed when it is compressed (encoded).

RLE (Run Length Encoding)
Dictionary Based Coding
Arithmetic Coding

Lossy data compression: the original content of the data is lost to certain degree when
compressed. Part of the data that is not much important is discarded/lost. The loss factor
determines whether there is a loss of quality between the original image and the image
after it has been compressed and played back (decompressed). The more compression,
the more likely that quality will be affected. Even if the quality difference is not
noticeable, these are considered lossy compression methods.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
MPEG (Moving Pictures Expert Group)

Information Theory

Information theory is defined to be the study of efficient coding and its consequences. It
is the field of study concerned about the storage and transmission of data. It is concerned
with source coding and channel coding.
Source coding: involves compression
Channel coding: how to transmit data, how to overcame noise, etc

Data compression may be viewed as a branch of information theory in which the primary
objective is to minimize the amount of data to be transmitted.

Fig Information coding and transmission

Need for Compression

With more colors, higher resolution, and faster frame rates, you produce better quality
video, but you need more computer power and more storage space for your video. Doing
some simple calculations (see below) it can be shown that with 24-bit color video, with
640 by 480 resolutions, at 30 fps, requires an astonishing 26 megabytes of data per
second! Not only does this surpass the capabilities of the many home computer systems,
but also overburdens existing storage systems.

640 horizontal resolution

X 480 vertical resolution
= 307, 200 total pixels per frame
X 3 bytes per pixel
= 921, 600 total bytes per frame
X 30 frames per second
= 27, 648, 000 total bytes per second
/ 1, 048 576 to convert to megabytes
= 26.36 megabytes per second!

The calculation shows space required for video is excessive. For video, the way to reduce
this amount of data down to a manageable level is to compromise on the quality of video
to some extent. This is done by lossy compression which forgets some of the original

Compression Algorithms

Compression methods use mathematical algorithms to reduce (or compress) data by

eliminating, grouping and/or averaging similar data found in the signal. Different
Although there are various compression methods, including Motion JPEG, only MPEG-1
and MPEG-2 are internationally recognized standards for the compression of moving
pictures (video).

A simple characterization of data compression is that it involves transforming a string of

characters in some representation (such as ASCII) into a new string (of bits, for example)

which contains the same information but whose length is as small as possible. Data
compression has important application in the areas of data transmission and data storage.

The proliferation of computer communication networks is resulting in massive transfer of

data over communication links. Compressing data to be stored or transmitted reduces
storage and/or communication costs. When the amount of data to be transmitted is
reduced, the effect is that of increasing the capacity of the communication channel.

Lossless compression is a method of reducing the size of computer files without losing
any information. That means when you compress a file, it will take up less space, but
when you decompress it, it will still have the exact same information. The idea is to get
rid of any redundancy in the information, this is exactly what happens is used in ZIP and
GIF files. This differs from lossy compression, such as in JPEG files, which loses some
information that isn't very noticeable. Why use lossless compression?

You can use lossless compression whenever space is a concern, but the information must
be the same. An example is when sending text files over a modem or the Internet. If the
files are smaller, they will get there faster. However, they must be the same as that you
sent at destination. Modem uses LZW compression automatically to speed up transfers.

There are several popular algorithms for lossless compression. There are also variations
of most of them, and each has many implementations. Here is a list of the families, their
variations, and the file types where they are implemented:

Family Variations Used in

Running-Length none
Huffman MNP5
Huffman Adaptive Huffman COMPACT
Shannon-Fano SQ
Arithmetic none
LZ78 (Lempel-Ziv LZW (Lempel-Ziv-
1978) Welch)
LZ77 (Lempel-Ziv
Table lossless coding algorithm families and variations

Variable Length Encoding

Claude Shannon and R.M. Fano created the first compression algorithm in the 1950's.
This algorithm assigns variable number of bits to letters/symbols.

Shannon-Fano Coding
Let us assume the source alphabet S={X1,X2,X3,…,Xn} and
Associated probability P={P1,P2,P3,…,Pn}

The steps to encode data using Shannon-Fano coding algorithm is as follows:
Order the source letter into a sequence according to the probability of occurrence in non-
increasing order i.e. decreasing order.

ShannonFano(sequence s)
If s has two letters
Attach 0 to the codeword of one letter and 1 to the codeword of another;
Else if s has more than two letter
Divide s into two subsequences S1, and S2 with the minimal difference between
probabilities of each subsequence;
extend the codeword for each letter in S1 by attaching 0, and by attaching 1 to each
codeword for letters in S2;

Example: Suppose the following source and with related probabilities

Message to be encoded=”ABCDE”

The probability is already arranged in non-increasing order. First we divide the message
into AB and CDE. Why? This gives the smallest difference between the total
probabilities of the two groups.
S1={A,B} P={0.35,0.17}=0.52
S2={C,D,E} P={0.17,0.17,0.16}=0.46
The difference is only 0.52-0.46=0.06. This is the smallest possible difference when we
divide the message.
Attach 0 to S1 and 1 to S2.
Subdivide S1 into sub groups.
S11={A} attach 0 to this
S12={B} attach 1 to this

Again subdivide S2 into subgroups considering the probability again.

S21={C} P={0.17}=0.17
S22={D,E} P={0.16,0.15}=0.31
Attach 0 to S21 and 1 to S22. Since S22 has more than one letter in it, we have to
subdivide it.
S221={D} attach 0
S222={E} attach 1

Fig Shannon-Fano coding tree

The message is transmitted using the following code (by traversing the tree)
A=00 B=01
C=10 D=110

Instead of transmitting ABCDE, we transmit 000110110111.

Dictionary Encoding

Dictionary coding uses groups of symbols, words, and phrases with corresponding
abbreviation. It transmits the index of the symbol/word instead of the word itself. There
are different variations of dictionary based coding:
LZ77 (printed in 1977)
LZ78 (printed in 1978)
LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch)

LZW Compression
LZW compression has its roots in the work of Jacob Ziv and Abraham Lempel. In 1977,
they published a paper on "sliding-window" compression, and followed it with another
paper in 1978 on "dictionary" based compression. These algorithms were named LZ77
and LZ78, respectively. Then in 1984, Terry Welch made a modification to LZ78 which
became very popular and was called LZW.

The Concept
Many files, especially text files, have certain strings that repeat very often, for example "
the ". With the spaces, the string takes 5 bytes, or 40 bits to encode. But what if we were
to add the whole string to the list of characters? Then every time we came across " the ",
we could send the code instead of 32,116,104,101,32. This would take less no of bits.

This is exactly the approach that LZW compression takes. It starts with a dictionary of
all the single character with indexes 0-255. It then starts to expand the dictionary as
information gets sent through. Then, redundant strings will be coded, and compression
has occurred.

The Algorithm:

Enter all letters to the dictionary;
Initialize string s to the first letter from the input;
While any input is left
read symbol c;
if s+c exists in the dictionary
s = s+c;
output codeword(s); //codeword for s
enter s+c to dictionary;
s =c;
end loop
output codeword(s);

Example: encode the ff string “aababacbaacbaadaa”

The program reads one character at a time. If the code is in the dictionary, then it adds the
character to the current work string, and waits for the next one. This occurs on the first
character as well. If the work string is not in the dictionary, (such as when the second
character comes across), it adds the work string to the dictionary and sends over the wire
the works string without the new character. It then sets the work string to the new

Encode the message aababacbaacbaadaaa using the above algorithm

Create dictionary of letters found in the message
Encoder Dictionary
Input Output Index Entry
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d

S is initialized to the first letter of message a (s=a)

Read symbol to c, and the next symbol is a (c=a)
Check if s+c (s+c=aa) is found in the dictionary (the one created above in step 1). It is
not found. So add s+c(s+c=aa) to dictionary and output codeword for s(s=a). The code
for a is 1 from the dictionary.
Then initialize s to c (s=c=a).

Encoder Dictionary
Input(s+c) Output Index Entry
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
aa 1 5 aa

Read the next letter from message to c (c=b)

Check if s+c (ab) is found in the dictionary. It is not found. Then, add s+c (s+c=ab) into
dictionary and output code for c (c=b). The codeword is 2. Then initialize s to c (s=c=b).
Encoder Dictionary
Input(s+c) Output Index Entry
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
aa 1 5 aa
ab 1 6 ab

Read the next letter to c (c=a).

Check if s+c (s+c=ba) is found in the dictionary. It is not found. Then add s+c (s+c=ba)
to the dictionary. Then output the codeword for s (s=b). It is 2. Then initialize s to c

Encoder Dictionary
Input(s+c) Output Index Entry
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
aa 1 5 aa
ab 1 6 ab
ba 2 7 ba

Read the next message to c (c=a). Then check if s+c (s+c=ab) is found in the dictionary.
It is there. Then initialize s to s+c (s=s+c=ab).

Read again the next letter to c (c=a). Then check if s+c (s+c=aba) is found in the
dicitionary. It is not there. Then transmit codeword for s (s=ab). The code is 6. Initialize s
to c(s=c=a).

Encoder Dictionary
Input(s+c) Output Index Entry

1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
aa 1 5 aa
ab 1 6 ab
ba 2 7 ba
aba 6 8 aba

Again read the next letter to c and continue the same way till the end of message. At last
you will have the following encoding table.

Encoder Dictionary
Input(s+c) Output Index Entry
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
aa 1 5 aa
ab 1 6 ab
ba 2 7 ba
aba 6 8 aba
ac 1 9 ac
cb 3 10 cb
baa 7 11 baa
acb 9 12 acb
baad 11 13 baad
da 4 14 da
aaa 5 15 aa
a 1
Table encoding string

Now instead of the original message, you transmit their indexes in the dictionary. The
code for the message is 1126137911451.

The algorithm:

Enter all the source letters into the dictionary;
Read priorCodeword and output one symbol corresponding to it;

While codeword is still left
read Codeword;
PriorString = string (PriorCodeword);
If codeword is in the dictionary
Enter in dictionary PriorString + firstsymbol(string(codeword));
output string(codeword);
Enter in the dictionary priorString +firstsymbol(priorString);
Output priorString+firstsymbol(priorstring);
end loop

The nice thing is that the decompressor builds its own dictionary on its side, that matches
exactly the compressor’s dictionary, so that only the codes need to be sent.

Let us decode the message 1126137911451.
We will start with the following table.
Encoder Dictionary
Input Output Index Entry
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d

Read the first code. It is 1. Output the corresponding letter → a

Encoder Dictionary
Input Output Index Entry
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
1 a

Read the next code. It is 1 and it is found in the dictionary. So add aa to the dictionary
and output a again.
Encoder Dictionary
Input Output Index Entry
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
1 a
1 a 5 aa

Read the next code which is 2. It is found in the dictionary. We add ab to dictionary and
output b.
Encoder Dictionary
Input Output Index Entry
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
1 a
1 a 5 aa
2 b 6 ab

Read the next code which is 6. It is found in the dictionary. Add ba to dictionary and
output ab
Encoder Dictionary
Input Output Index Entry
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
1 a
1 a 5 aa
2 b 6 ab
6 ab 7 ba

Read the next code. It is 1. 1 is found in the dictionary. Add aba to the dictionary and
output a.
Encoder Dictionary
Input Output Index Entry
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
1 a
1 a 5 aa
2 b 6 ab
6 ab 7 ba
1 a 8 aba

Read the next code. It is 3 and it is found in the dictionary. Add ac to dictionary and
output c.
Continue like this till the end of code is reached. You will get the following table:

Encoder Dictionary
Input Output Index Entry

1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
1 a
1 a 5 aa
2 b 6 ab
6 ab 7 ba
1 a 8 aba
3 c 9 ac
7 ba 10 cb
9 ac 11 baa
11 baa 12 acb
4 d 13 baad
5 aa 14 da
1 a 15 aaa
The decoded message is aababacbaacbaadaaa

Huffman Compression

When we encode characters in computers, we assign each an 8-bit code based on an

ASCII chart. But in most files, some characters appear more often than others. So
wouldn't it make more sense to assign shorter codes for characters that appear more often
and longer codes for characters that appear less often? D.A. Huffman published a paper
in 1952 that improved the algorithm slightly and it soon superceded Shannon-Fano
coding with the appropriately named Huffman coding.

Huffman coding has the following properties:

✓ Codes for more probable characters are shorter than ones for less probable characters.
✓ Each code can be uniquely decoded

To accomplish this, Huffman coding creates what is called a Huffman tree, which is a
binary tree.

First count the amount of times each character appears, and assign this as a
weight/probability to each character, or node. Add all the nodes to a list.
Then, repeat these steps until there is only one node left:
✓ Find the two nodes with the lowest weights.
✓ Create a parent node for these two nodes. Give this parent node a weight of the sum
of the two nodes.
✓ Remove the two nodes from the list, and add the parent node.
This way, the nodes with the highest weight will be near the top of the tree, and have
shorter codes.

Algorithm to create the tree

Assume the source alphabet S={X1, X2, X3, …,Xn} and

Associated Probabilities P={P1, P2, P3,…, Pn}

For each letter create a tree with single root node and order all trees according to the
probability of letter of occurrence;
while more than one tree is left
take two trees t1, and t2 with the lowest probabilities p1, p2 and create a tree with
probability in its root equal to p1+p2 and with t1 and t2 as its subtrees;
associate 0 with each left branch and 1 with each right branch;
create unique codeword for each letter by traversing the tree the root to the leaf
containing the probability corresponding to this letter and putting all encountered 0s and
1s together;

Example: Suppose the following source and related probability


Fig Huffman tree

To read the codes from a Huffman tree, start from the root and add a 0 every time you go
left to a child, and add a 1 every time you go right. So in this example, the code for the
character b is 01 and the code for d is 110.

As you can see, a has a shorter code than d. Notice that since all the characters are at the
leafs of the tree, there is never a chance that one code will be the prefix of another one
(eg. a is 01 and b is 011). Hence, this unique prefix property assures that each code can
be uniquely decoded.

The code for each letter is:

a=000 b=001
c=010 d=011

The original message will be encoded to:


To decode the message coded by Huffman coding, a conversion table had to be known by
the receiver. Using this table, a tree can be constructed with the same path as the tree
used for coding. Leaves store the same path as the tree used for coding. Leaves store
letters instead of probabilities for efficiency purpose.

The decoder then can use the Huffman tree to decode the string by following the paths
according to the string and adding a character every time it comes to one.

Fig Huffman tree

The Algorithm

Move left if you get 0

Move right if you get 1
If you get letter (reach leaf node) output that letter.
Go back and start from root again with the remaining code.

Using this algorithm and the above decoding tree, let us decode the encoded message
0000010100111 at destination.
0-move left
0-move left again
0-move left again, and we have reached leaf. Output the letter on the leaf node which is a.

Go back to root.
0-move left
0-move left
1-move right, and we have reached the leaf. Output letter on the leaf and it is b.

Go back to root.
0-move left
1-move right
0-move left, and we reach leaf. Output letter found on the leaf which is c.

Go back to root.
0-move left
1-move right
1-move right, and we reach leaf. Output letter on leaf which is d.

Go back to root.
1-move right, and we reach leaf node. Output the letter on the node which is e. Now we
have finished i.e. no more code remains. Display the letters output as message. Abcde

How can the encoder let the decoder know which particular coding tree has been used?
Two ways:
i) Both agree on particular Hufmann tree and both use it for sending any message
ii) The encoder constructs Huffman tree afresh every time a new message is sent and
sends the conversion table along with the message. This is more versatile, but has
additional overload—sending conversion table. But for large data, there is the advantage.

It is also possible to create tree for pairs of letters. This improves performance.

S={x, y, z}
P={0.1, 0.2, 0.7}
To get the probability of pairs, multiply the probability of each letter.
Using these probabilities, you can create Huffman tree of pairs the same way as we did

Arithmetic Coding

The entire data set is represented by a single rational number, whose value is between 0
and 1. This range is divided into sub-intervals each representing a certain symbol. The
number of sub-intervals is identical to the number of symbols in the current set of
symbols and the size is proportional to their probability of appearance. For each symbol
in the original data a new interval division takes place, on the basis of the last sub-


CurrentInterval=[0,1); //includes 0 but not 1
while the end of message is not reached

read letter Xi from message;
divide the CurrentInterval into SubInterval IRcureentInterval;
CurrentInterval=SubIntervali in CurrentInterval;
Output bits uniquely identifying CurrentInterval;

Assume the source alphabet s={X1, X2, X3,…, Xn} and associated probability of
P={p1, p2, p3,…, pn}

To calculate sub interval of current interval [L,R], use the following formula
IR[L,R]={[L, L+(R-L)*P1],[ L+(R-L)*P1, L+(R-L)*P2],[ L+(R-L)*P2, L+(R-L)*P3],…,
[L+(R-L)*Pn-1, L+(R-L)*P1)}

where Pi= , and

[L,R]=current interval for which sub interval is calculated

Cumulative probabilities are indicated using capital P and single probabilities are
indicated using small p.

Encode the message abbc# using arithmetic encoding.
At the beginning CurentInterval is set to [0,1). Let us calculate subintervals of [0,1).

First let us get cumulative probability Pi


Next calculate subintervals of [0,1) using the formula given above.

IR[0,1]={[0,0+(1-0)*0.4),[0+(1-0)*0.4, 0+(1-0)*0.7), [0+(1-0)*0.7, 0+(1-0)*0.8),
[0+(1-0)*0.8, 0+(1-0)*1)}
IR[0,1]={[0,0.4),[0.4,0.7),[0.7,0.8),[0.8,1)} - four subintervals

Now the question is, which one of the SubIntervals will be the CurrentInterval? To
determine this, read the first letter of the message. It is a. Look where a is found in the
source alphabet. It is found at the beginning. So the next CurrentInterval will be [0,4)
which is also found at the beginning in the SubIntervals.

Again let us calculate the SubIntervals of CurrentInterval [0,0.4). The cumulative

probability does not change i.e. the same as previous.

IR[0,0.4]={[0,0+(0.4-0)*0.4),[ 0+(0.4-0)*0.4, 0+(0.4-0)*0.7),[ 0+(0.4-0)*0.7, 0+(0.4-
0)*0.8), [0+(0.4-0)*0.8, 0+(0.4-0)*1)}


Which interval will be the next CurrentInterval? Read the next letter from message. It is
b. B is found in the second place in the source alphabet list. The next CurrentInterval will
be the second SubInterval i.e [0.16,0.28).

Continue like this till there is letter left in the message. You will get the following result:
IR[0.16,0.28]={[0.16,0.208),[0.208,0.244),[0.244,0.256),[0.256,0.28)}. Next
IR[0.208,0.244]={[0.208,0.2224),[0.2224,0.2332),[0.2332,0.2368),[0.2368,0.242). Next

We are done because no more letter remained in the message. The last letter read was #.
It is the fourth letter in source alphabet. So take the fourth SubInterval as CurrentInterval
i.e [0.23608, 0.2368]. Now any number between the last CurrentInterval is sent as the
message. So you can send 0.23608 as the encoded message or any number between
0.23608, and 0.2368.

Diagrammatically, calculating SubIntervals look like this:

Fig sub interval and current interval



While (1)
Divide CurrentInterval into SubIntervals IRcurrentInterval;
Determine the SubIntervali of CurrentInterval to which the codeword belongs;
Output letter Xi corresponding to this SubInterval;
If end of file
CurrentInterval=SubIntervali in IRcurrentInterval;
End of while

Decode 0.23608 which we previously encoded.
To decode the source alphabet and related probability should be known by destination.
Let us use the above source and probability.

First set CurrentInterval to [0,1], and then calculate SubInterval for it. The formula to
calculate the SubInterval is the same to encoding. The cumulative probabilities are:

IR[0,1]={[0,0+[1-0]*0.4),[ 0+[1-0]*0.4, 0+[1-0]*0.7),[ 0+[1-0]*0.7, 0+[1-0]*0.8),

[ 0+[1-0]*0.8, 0+[1-0]*1)}
IR[0,1]={[0,0.4),[0.4,0.7),[0.7,0.8),[0.8,1)}. Now check in which SubInterval the encode
message falls. It falls in the first SubInterval i.e [0,0.4]. Output the first letter from source
alphabet. It is a. Set CurrentInterval to [0,0.4]

IR[0,0.4]={[0,0+(0.4-0)*0.4),[ 0+(0.4-0)*0.4, 0+(0.4-0)*0.7),[ 0+(0.4-0)*0.7, 0+(0.4-

0)*0.8), [0+(0.4-0)*0.8, 0+(0.4-0)*1)}
IR[0,0.4]={[0,0.16),[0.16,0.28),[0.28,0.32),[0.32,0.4)}. Again check where 0.23608 falls.
It falls in the second SubInterval i.e [0.16,0.28]. Set CurrentInterval to this SubInterval.
Output the second letter from source alphabet. It is b.

IR[0.16,0.28]={[0.16,0.208),[0.208,0.244),[0.244,0.256),[0.256,0.28)}. 0.23608 falls in

the second SubInterval. Output the second letter from source alphabet. It is b.

IR[0.208,0.244]={[0.208,0.2224),[0.2224,0.2332),[0.2332,0.2368),[0.2368,0.242). falls
in the third SubInterval. Output the third letter from source alphabet. It is c.

0.2368)}. 0.23608 falls in the fourth SubInterval. Output fourth letter which is #. Now
end of the message has been reached.

Disadvantage: arithmetic precision of computer is soon suppressed and hence large
message can’t be encoded.

Implementation of Arithmetic Coding

To solve the above disadvantage, arithmetic coding is implemented as follows:


If CurrentInterval [0,0.5)
Output 0 and bitcount 1s; //and here shows concatenation
Else if CurrentInterval [0.5,1)
Output 1 and bitcount 0s;
Subtract 0.5 from left and right bounds of CurrentInterval;
Else if CurrentInterval [0.25,0.75)
Subtract 0.25 both left and right bounds of CurrentInterval;
Double left and right bounds of CurreentInterval;

if lowerbound of CurrentInterval <0.25
output 0 and bitcount 1s;
output 1 and bitcount 0s;

While the end of message is not reached
read letter Xi from message;
divide CurrentInterval into SubInterval IRCurrentInterval;
CurrentInterval=SubIntervali in IRCurrentInterval;


Encode the message abbc#.

CurrentInterval input output bitcount Subintervals

[0,1) a 0 [0,0.4) [0.4,0.7) [0.7,0.8) [0.8, 1)
[0,0.4) 0
[0,0.8) b [0,0.32) [0.32, 0.56) [0.56,0.64) [0.64,0.8)
[0.32,0.56) - 1
[0.14,0.62) b [0.14,0.332) [0.332,0.476) [0.476,0.524)
[0.332,0.476) 01 0
[0.664,0.952) 1
[0.328,0.904) c [0.328,0.5584) [0.5584,0.7312) [.7312,.7888)
[.7312,.788) 1
[.4624,.5776) - 1
[.4248,.6552) - 2
[.3496,.8104) # [.3496,.53392) [.53392,.67216) [.67216,.71824)
[.71824,.8104) 100 0
[.43648,.6208) - 1
[.37296,.7416) - 2
[.24592,.9832) 0111

The final code will be 001111000111 from the output column of table.

Chapter 8
Image compression Standard
In 1986, the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) was formed to standardize
algorithms for compression of still images, both monochrome and color. JPEG is a
collaborative enterprise between ISO and CCITT. The standard proposed by the
committee was published in 1991.

JPEG Compression Process

The Major Steps in JPEG Coding involve:
• Divide the image into blocks
• Color Space Transform from RGB to YCbCr or YUV and subsampling
• perform DCT (Discrete Cosine Transformation) on image blocks
• apply quantization
• Zigzag scan the quantized value
• DPCM on DC component and RLE on AC Components
• Entropy Coding — Huffman or Arithmetic

1. Dividing the image into blocks

An image is a large array of pixels, and because of the sheer number of pixels, not all of
them are processed at the same time. First, the image is decomposed into 8X8 blocks of
pixels. Then these blocks are submitted to the JPEG system to be compressed one by one.

Fig JPEG compression

2. Color Transform and subsampling

The JPEG algorithm is capable of encoding images that use any type of color space.
JPEG itself encodes each component in a color model separately, and it is completely
independent of any color-space model, such as RGB, HSI, or CMY. However, the best

compression ratios result if a luminance/chrominance color space, such as YUV or
YCbCr, is used.

Most of the visual information to which human eyes are most sensitive is found in the
high-frequency, gray-scale, luminance component (Y) of the YCbCr color space. The
other two chrominance components, Cb and Cr, contain high-frequency color information
to which the human eye is less sensitive. Most of this information can therefore be

Hence, the chrominance information can be downsampled. Downsampling is indicated as

4:4:4, 4:2:2, 4:1:1, 4:2:0, etc. The numbers indicate how many luminance (Y), and
chrominance (Cb, and Cr) information is used in four pixels. For example, 4:2:2 indicates
that all the four luminance information are used. However, only 2 Cb and 2 Cr color
information is used out of the four pixel values. The remaining two will be discarded in
each case. In 4:1:1, only 1 Cb, and 1 Cr color information is used discarding the
remaining three.

3. Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)

The DCT transforms the data from the spatial domain to the frequency domain. The
spatial domain shows the amplitude of the color as you move through space. The
frequency domain shows how quickly the amplitude of the color is changing from one
pixel to the next in an image file.

The frequency domain is a better representation for the data because it makes it possible
for you to separate out and throw away information that isn’t very important to human
perception. The human eye is not very sensitive to high frequency changes -specially in
photographic images, so the high frequency data can, to some extent, be discarded.

DCT can be computed with the formula:

4. Quantization
JPEG utilizes a quantization table in order to quantize the results of the DCT.
Quantization allows us to define which elements should receive fine quantization and
which elements should receive coarse quantization. Those elements that receive a finer
quantization will be reconstructed close or exactly the same as the original image, while
those elements that receive coarse quantization will not be reconstructed as accurately, if
at all.

A quantization table is an 8x8 matrix of integers that correspond to the results of the
DCT. To quantize the data, one merely divides the result of the DCT by the quantization
value and keeps the integer portion of the result. Therefore, the higher the integer in the
quantization table, the coarser and more compressed the result becomes. This
quantization table is defined by the compression application, not by the JPEG standard. A
great deal of work goes into creating "good" quantization tables that achieve both good
image quality and good compression. Also, because it is not defined by the standard, this
quantization table must be stored with the compressed image in order to decompress it.

Fig a)luminance quantization table b)chrominance quantization table

The quantization can be done as follows:

5. Zigzag Scan
The zigzag sequence order of the quantized coefficients results in long sequences, or
runs, of zeros in the array. This is because the high-frequency coefficients are almost
always zero and these runs lend themselves conveniently to run-length encoding.

Fig Zigzag scan

6. Differential Pulse Code Modulation(DPCM) on DC Coefficient
After quantization, the DC coefficient is treated separately from the 63 AC coefficients.
Each 8x8 image block has only one DC coefficient. The DC coefficient is a measure of
the average value of the 64 image samples of a block. Because there is usually strong
correlation between the DC coefficients of adjacent 8x8 blocks, the quantized DC
coefficient is encoded as the difference from the DC value of the previous block in the
encoding order.

DC coefficients are unlikely to change drastically within short distance in blocks. This
makes DPCM an ideal scheme for coding the DC coefficients.

Example: given the DC coefficients

150, 155, 149, 152, 144
If the predictor is di = DCi+1 - DCi, the DPCM will be
150, 5, -6, 3, -8

Unlike Run Length Coding of AC coefficients, which is performed on each individual

block, DPCM for the DC coefficients is carried out on the entire image at once.

Run Length Encoding(RLE) on AC Coefficients

Zigzag scan produces vector of 64 values. This vector has lots of zeros in it. The run
length step replaces values by a pair (runlength, value) for each run of zeros in the AC
coefficient. Where, runlength is the number of zeros in the run and value is the next
nonzero coefficient. A special pair (0,0) indicates the end-of-blocks after the last nonzero
AC coefficient is reached.

Example: given this vector

(32, 6, -1, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, ..., 0)
It can be coded in RLC as:

7. Entropy Coding
The DC and AC coefficients finally undergo entropy coding. This could be Huffman
coding or arithmetic coding. This step achieves additional compression losslessly by
encoding the quantized DCT coefficients more compactly based on their statistical

The JPEG proposal specifies two entropy coding methods - Huffman coding and
arithmetic coding. The baseline sequential codec uses Huffman coding, but codecs with
both methods are specified for all modes of operation.

Huffman coding requires that one or more sets of Huffman code tables be specified by
the application. The same tables used to compress an image are needed to decompress it.
Huffman tables may be predefined and used within an application as defaults, or
computed specifically for a given image in an initial statistics-gathering pass prior to

compression. Such choices are the business of the applications which use JPEG; the
JPEG proposal specifies no required Huffman tables.

Compression Performance
JPEG reduces the file size significantly. Depending on the desired image quality, this
could be increased. Some rates are:
• 10:1 to 20:1 compression without visible loss (effective storage requirement drops
to 1-2 bits/pixel)
• 30:1 to 50:1 compression with small to moderate visual
• deterioration
• 100:1 compression for low quality applications

JPEG Bitstream
The figure shows the hierarchical view of the organization of the bitstream of JPEG
images. Here, a frame is a picture, a scan is a pass through the pixels (e.g. the red
component), a segment is a group of blocks, and a block consists of 8x8 pixels.

Some header information are:

• Frame header
- Bits per pixel
- (width, height) of image
- number of components
- Unique ID (for each component)
- horizontal/vertical sampling factors (for each component)
- quantization table to use (for each component)

• Scan header
- number of components in scan
- component ID (for each component)
- Huffman/Arithmetic coding table(for each component)

Fig JPEG bitstream

In JPEG bitstream, start_of_image is indicated by a value 0xFF 0xd8, and end_of_image

by 0xFF 0xd9.

Chapter 9
Basic Video and Audio Compression Techniques
Why Compress?
Typical 100 minute movie ≈ 150 GB.
• 100 minutes * 60 sec/min * 30 frames/sec * 640 rows * 480 columns * 24
bits/pixel ≈ 1200 Gbits ≈ 150GB
• DVD can hold only 4.7 GB (we need around 32 DVDs to store 100 minute video
if not compressed)
You can see compression is a must!

Video Compression
Video is a collection of images taken closely together in time. Therefore, in most cases,
the difference between adjacent images is not large. Video compression techniques take
advantage of the repetition of portions of the picture from one image to another by
concentrating on the changes between neighboring images.

In other words, there is a lot of redundancy in video frames. There are two types of
• Spatial redundancy: pixel-to-pixel or spectral correlation within the same frame
• Temporal redundancy: similarity between two or more different frames
• Statistical: non-uniform distribution of data

Fig redundancy in video frames

The MPEG video compression algorithm relies on two basic techniques:

• motion compensation for the reduction of the temporal redundancy and

• transform domain-(DCT) based compression for the reduction of spatial

Motion-compensated techniques the techniques that exploit the temporal redundancy of

video signals. The concept of motion compensation is based on the estimation of motion
between video frames, i.e. if all elements in a video scene are approximately spatially
displaced, the motion between frames can be described
by a limited number of motion parameters (by motion vectors for translatory motion of
pixels). The remaining signal (prediction error) is further compressed with spatial
redundancy reduction (DCT). The information relative to motion is based on 16 X 16
blocks and is transmitted together with the spatial information. The motion information is
compressed using variable-length codes to achieve maximum efficiency.

Fig motion compensation

Because of the importance of random access for stored video and the significant bit-rate
reduction afforded by motion-compensated interpolation, four types of frames are defined
in MPEG:
• Intraframes(I-frames),
• Predicted frames(P-frames),
• Interpolated frames (B-frmes) and
• DC-Frames(D-frames)

Fig types of frames in MPEG

I-frames (Intra-coded frames) are coded independently with no reference to other frames.
I-frames provide random access points in the compressed video data, since the I-frames
can be decoded independently without referencing to other frames.

With I-frames, an MPEG bit-stream is more editable. Also, error propagation due to
transmission errors in previous frames will be terminated by an I-frame since the I-frame
does not have a reference to the previous frames. Since I-frames use only transform
coding without motion compensated predictive coding, it
provides only moderate compression.

P-frames (Predictive-coded frames) are coded using the forward motion-compensated
prediction from the preceding I- or P-frame. P-frames provide more compression than the
I-frames by virtue of motion-compensated prediction. They also serve as references for
B-frames and future P-frames. Transmission errors in the I-frames and P-frames can
propagate to the succeeding frames since the I-frames and P-frames are used to predict
the succeeding frames.

B-frames (Bi-directional-coded frames) allow macroblocks to be coded using bi-
directional motion-compensated prediction from both the past and future reference I-
frames or P-frames. In the B-frames, each bi-directional motion-compensated
macroblock can have two motion vectors: a forward motion vector which references to a
best matching block in the previous I-frames or P-frames, and a backward motion vector
which references to a best matching block in the next I-frames or P-frames.

The motion compensated prediction can be formed by the average of the two referenced
motion compensated blocks. By averaging between the past and the future reference
blocks, the effect of noise can be decreased. B-frames provide the best compression
compared to I- and P-frames. I- and P-frames are used as reference frames for predicting
B-frames. To keep the structure simple and since there is no apparent advantage to use B-
frames for predicting other B-frames, the B-frames are not used as reference frames
Hence, B-frames do not propagate errors.

Fig Bi-directional motion estimation

D-frames (DC-frames) are low-resolution frames obtained by decoding only the DC
coefficient of the Discrete Cosine Transform coefficients of each macroblock. They are
not used in combination with I-, P-, or B-frames. D-frames are rarely used, but are
defined to allow fast searches on sequential digital storage media.


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