PD 4939 Pancreatitis
PD 4939 Pancreatitis
PD 4939 Pancreatitis
1. When you eat, the stomach breaks the food up. The food then
passes into the first part of the small intestine called the
duodenum. As the food enters the duodenum, the pancreas
secretes enzymes through ducts to help your body digest the food.
2. The pancreas also releases insulin and glucagon into the blood.
These hormones help your body use the sugar called glucose that
comes from food for energy.
A closer look
first part of
small intestine
called duodenum
. ducts in pancreas
What is pancreatitis?
Pancreatitis means the pancreas is inflamed or red, hot and swollen.
This happens when the enzymes the pancreas sends into the
duodenum stay in the pancreas and begin working in the pancreas
Alcohol affects the pancreas in many ways. Alcohol poisons the cells
of the pancreas. It also destroys the cells of the ducts.
When the pancreas tissue is destroyed the enzymes and wastes may
go into the blood and injure the heart, lungs, kidneys and other
organs. This can be life-threatening.
Acute Pancreatitis
What is acute pancreatitis?
Acute pancreatitis occurs suddenly. It lasts for a short period of time
and often gets better. Some people only have one attack over a
lifetime while others have many.
Acute pancreatitis often begins with pain in the upper abdomen that
may last for a few days. The pain may begin slowly and get worse
when you eat food. The pain may be sudden and severe.
You may feel pain in the upper abdomen only or the pain may spread
to the back or other areas. The pain is usually worse lying down.
Sitting and leaning forward may help decrease the pain.
Other symptoms of acute pancreatitis include:
looking and feeling very sick
bloated, swollen or tender abdomen
nausea or vomiting
fast heart beat
Severe acute pancreatitis may cause dehydration, bleeding and low
blood pressure. This may lead to heart, lung and kidney problems
and death.
If cysts are found, the doctor may have to drain them or take them
out by surgery.
When acute pancreatitis is severe, your body may need some time
to heal and you may be fed through a tube for a few weeks.
Chronic Pancreatitis
What is chronic pancreatitis?
Chronic pancreatitis occurs when the tissues of the pancreas and the
area around it are destroyed. There is scarring and pain. Chronic
pancreatitis does not get better and slowly destroys the pancreas.
If the cells that make insulin are destroyed you may develop diabetes.