IEAHydroTCP AnnexIX White Paper Oct2019 (1)
IEAHydroTCP AnnexIX White Paper Oct2019 (1)
IEAHydroTCP AnnexIX White Paper Oct2019 (1)
providing value to
renewable energy
Contributors: Atle Harby and Linn Emelie Schäffer (editors and authors), Fredrik Arnesen, Peter B
auhofer, Alex Beckitt,
Sam Bockenhauer, Audun Botterud, Toril Hunstad Christensen, Luke Middleton, Niels Nielsen, Abhishek Somani,
Enrique Gutierrez Tavarez and Caroline Østlie (authors, contributions and review)
This White Paper describes the role of hydropower and As integration of VRE increases, it becomes more
the need for flexibility in the future electricity system, important to provide the right capacity at the right
aiming to provide a high-level overview of key issues times, rather than merely providing large amounts
with the intent of identifying priority areas for further of energy, which is increasingly provided by VRE
in-depth reviews and analyses. As increasing shares of sources. As the needs for flexible and balancing
variable renewable energy sources (VRE) are integrated capacity increase, there are fewer or no competitors
into electricity systems, the need for flexibility and to hydropower that can deliver emission-free
energy storage at timescales ranging from milli- solutions – particularly over long durations. The value
seconds to months arise. Hydropower is the largest of flexibility to the power system and the users of
source of renewable energy today, with hydropower electricity is difficult to quantify, as it is impossible to
and pumped hydro storage playing an important role in imagine modern societies without a secure electricity
integrating and balancing VRE. Hydropower is a mature supply. In theory, the market value of flexibility-
technology, but many older pants needs upgrading, related products should reflect the value these
refurbishment and up-to-date modes of operation. products p rovide to the electricity system. However,
today these services are not fully recognized nor
At different shares of VRE in the system, different adequately remunerated in any markets. To achieve an
capabilities of hydropower become relevant to support efficient system in the long-term, authorities should
the integration. Unlike many alternatives, hydro- design markets that provide business opportunities
power offers a unique range of possible flexibility that trigger investments on the demand side or in
capabilities that need to be fully understood as generation and system infrastructure so that all the
global electricity systems undergo transformation, services required to ensure a secure, reliable and
and ongoing reforms consider competing approaches, affordable supply of energy are delivered. Existing
markets, and technologies. Hydropower must compete and new hydropower plant owners should analyse
with several other technologies to provide these the capability and possible changes in capability after
system services, such as batteries, other dispatchable deciding which type(s) of flexibility are best suited for
generation technologies, demand-response, smarter their assets.
networks, etc.
This White Paper is the first in a series planned by the ssentially changing the structure and operation of the
IEA Hydropower Technology Collaboration Program power system. This has implications for both system
(IEA Hydro), to encourage collaboration and knowledge resources – power plants, grids, demand, and storage
sharing, raise awareness of the important role of hydro- - individually, and for the system as a whole. Power
power in contemporary electricity system integration production from wind and solar energy needs to be
and to explore issues and solutions to fully realise the balanced against consumption through various ways,
value of its contributions to electricity systems. The including:
target audience of the paper is people interested in
energy policy, renewable energies, transmission grids, • Energy storage
as well as the power industry, regulators, operators, • Demand response and management
scientists and informed stakeholders. • End-user and generation flexibility
• Flexible transmission technologies and smart grid
Achieving least-cost, reliable and environmentally solutions
sustainable electricity systems is a global challenge. • Curtailment of generation and load
Rapidly changing electricity technology costs, ageing
of existing assets and the fast evolving electricity The options are all promoted by research and
generation mix are also gaining significant attention demonstration activities as well as by political support.
from policy makers, regulators and industry in many Extensive curtailment of renewable production or
countries. In addition, decarbonising the energy sector strong rationing of consumption are both less desirable
is one of the main mitigation measures to fight climate options that where possible should be avoided or
change and prevent high levels of global warming. managed. Optimal planning and operation of the
While various countries and regions have chosen electricity system will seek to avoid overinvestment,
different ways of decarbonising their electricity inefficient solutions, curtailment and rationing.
supply, increasing the share of renewable electricity Hydropower is already playing an important role as by
production is largely universal and remains a key effort far being the largest of the worlds’ grid-connected
in many countries. To ensure a reliable electricity energy storage technologies. Reservoir, run-of-river
system, the system operator must be able to balance and pumped storage hydropower will continue to play
demand and supply of electricity at all times. Hence, an even more important role for future development
flexible resources in the power system are essential of global renewable electricity systems. In particular,
to ensure that consumers can use electricity when these hydropower resources can deliver important
needed. flexibility services to support the provision of secure,
reliable energy supply, whilst underpinning the
Driven by favourable policy environments, market effective integration of cleaner energy technologies.
opportunities and substantial cost reductions, This paper describes the current status of
variable renewable energy (VRE) like wind and solar hydropower’s role in the energy system and identifies
photo-voltaic (PV) energy, are becoming increasingly electricity system issues, future pathways and the
important energy sources to expand energy access need for further work, analyses, communication and
and enable electrification based on clean energy, collaboration.
Hydropower is a renewable energy source where exist on a spectrum. Natural lakes may also be used
electrical energy is derived from the potential energy as reservoirs, often by damming to expand their
in storage of water by converting it to kinetic energy volume and surface area. Hydropower with reservoirs
when moving from high to lower elevation. Hydro is together with bioenergy the most flexible forms of
power is a mature and widely used technology. In 2018, renewable energy.
global installed hydropower capacity was 1 292 GW
producing 4 200 TWh of electricity in 159 countries The relationships between reservoir storage, inflow to
(IHA 2019). The global installed capacity of pumped the reservoir and the installed power capacity of the
storage is now 160 GW (IHA 2019). Hydropower is power plant determine plant operational flexibility. In
among the most efficient technologies for production addition, a range of technical and regulatory properties
of renewable electrical energy, with a typical efficiency are also important for assessing the flexibility of a
of 90% or better for “water-to-wire.” hydropower plant. These are:
Where the natural resources are favourable, hydro • The size, operation and configuration of gates,
power is cost competitive producing electricity at tunnels, pipelines and water conduits to bring water
equal or lower cost, compared to thermal energy to the turbines and to lead the water out
sources like coal, oil, or gas, typically in the range of • Number of turbines and generators, how they are
2–5 US cents per kilowatt hour (Killingtveit 2018; operated and the range of operation under part-load
IRENA 2017). Wind and solar PV generation are also • Start-up and shut-down times, ramping rates for
becoming more and more competitive to thermal turbines
generation, and they are already being implemented • Access to and strength of grid connection
without the need of subsidies or special fees in many • Timing, amount and variation in inflow, as well as
countries. storage capacity and availability of the reservoir or
Globally, hydropower is the largest source of renewable • Legislation and regulation, including environmental
energy in the electricity sector with a share of 62 constraints and obligations to provide both energy
per cent of total renewable generation (IHA 2019). and other services like flood and drought control,
The technical potential for increased hydropower navigation, recreational use, etc
generation is large enough to meet substantial further
deployment both in the medium (2030) and long term For pumped hydro storage, similar technical and
(2050). A realistic scenario is to double the annual regulatory issues are important. Many pumped storage
generation (4 102 TWh in 2016) to over 8 000 TWh by hydropower plants have no or very limited inflow. In
2050 (Killingtveit 2018). It is also expected that the these cases, the volume of upstream and downstream
current installed capacity in pumped storage hydro reservoirs, type of equipment, number of units and
power of around 160 GW (IHA 2019) will increase installed turbine and pump capacity determine
significantly, estimated to between 412 and 700 GW by flexibility. The main design purpose of the majority of
2050 (IEA 2012). currently installed pumped storage hydropower, was
to allow efficient base load generation by covering
Hydropower can be divided in three categories: periods of peak demand and absorbing energy during
reservoir storage, run-of-the-river and pumped storage hours of low demand, as well as providing ancillary
hydropower. These categories generally describe the services, such as black start capability, islanding
relationship between storage volume, inflow and water operation, grid restoration and stabilisation of the
residence times of the reservoir. In reality, reservoirs network frequency and voltage level (Deane et al
On the aggregate level, power system flexibility ecisive role in how the system’s assets are operated
is defined as the ability to effectively cope with and what type of assets are built.
variations in the supply or demand of electricity. In
other words, to balance total load and generation A first good indication of the types of flexibility
at any time. In systems with high shares of wind required by the power system can be obtained by
and solar energy, system flexibility is becoming looking at the phases of VRE integration as proposed
increasingly important to maintain balance in the by the IEA (2017). Establishing a common framework
system due to the variability and uncertainty in these for the flexibility requirements sets the scene for
resources. However, power systems worldwide will be the types of flexibility hydropower (and conventional
able to cope with increased flexibility requirements energy) can contribute to cost-effectively. Rather
differently based on a c ombination of their technical than looking at specific shares of VRE deployment, the
and institutional structure (IEA 2017, 2018). A number phases framework is defined by the typical sequence
of factors underpin the inherent flexibility of a power of challenges faced by system operators as more
system, including: and more VRE sources are connected to the grid.
Table 1 describes briefly the different phases of VRE
• Geographical distribution of both VRE and other integration.
generation sources
• Overall power system size In each of the phases, the requirements for different
• Power plant flexibility types of flexibility vary in terms of the time-horizon
• Regional interconnection and internal bottlenecks that they cover. IEA (2018) defines six time-horizons
• Access to demand-side flexibility and storage for flexibility, grouped in short-term flexibility
• Correlation of VRE generation and demand as well as requirements around system stability and longer-term
an area wide correlation of VRE generation stability requirements relating to weather and
climactic conditions, as well as the availability of
On the institutional side, system operation protocols, appropriate capacity and resources (Table 2).
market design and technical standards also play a
While the specific type of flexibility required by the f lexibility, either through improving operations in
power system will be largely determined by its own existing plants or carrying out retrofits.
technical and institutional characteristics, it is possible
to make a general mapping of the type of flexibility In Phase 4, where VRE starts to provide a substantial
requirements which may increase at particular levels of share of electricity demand over longer periods,
VRE integration. These can be partly inferred from the ultra-short term, medium-term and long-term
phase descriptions provided earlier on. flexibility become more relevant. This is due
for example to very steep ramps in VRE output
For example, at Phase 1, given that there is no impact (ultra-short term) and in the long-term as peaking
in system operation it can be concluded that no capacity is required to ensure adequacy, particularly
additional flexibility is needed, and the system is able as conventional baseload resources are decreasingly
to run with its existing embedded flexibility. In Phases available (decommissioned).
2 and 3 it is possible to appreciate a closer link to the
need for additional very-short term to medium-term Finally, Phases 5 and 6 provide an idea of what the
flexibility, related to increased rates of ramping. In future, and in some cases near-future, may look like
Phase 2 this relates to the increased cycling of power when renewable energy surpluses or shortages start to
plants to balance small fluctuations in VRE supply. become a feature of the power system over extended
periods of time. In both phases, the ability to store
In Phase 3 by contrast, the increase in variation and energy cost-effectively and without large losses in
difference between supply and demand, requires a energy over prolonged periods of time will be key to
systematic increase in highly reliable power system value the power system.
Figure 1. The capability illustrated as power on the y-axis, energy as the product of p
(y-axis) and time (x-axis), and ramp rate as the rate of change in power. Different time
periods and products for operation in the market are also shown.
In many countries, reservoir and pumped storage • The second option is to increase the capacity
hydropower is already widely used for providing in existing power plants (increasing the turbine
flexibility, energy storage and ancillary services in capacity), which can be done also when there is no
the electricity system. However, hydropower is also lower reservoir available.
used extensively to provide base load energy in many
countries and regions that have rich hydropower Both options will require civil works, new machinery
resources, like Norway, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Tajikistan, and in some cases also reinforced grid connection.
Quebec, British Columbia and Tasmania. In these However, no new dams or reservoirs would be required
countries and regions, hydropower provides almost all for this purpose, hence the additional environmental
the electricity in the system. Even though the share of impact will be small or negligible. Installing pumps
hydropower is lower in their energy mix, hydropower will make it possible for reservoir hydropower to
also provides base load generation in countries like participate in short- and medium-term flexibility much
Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Russia, China, India, USA more often than when just increasing the capacity, as
and Brazil. To help the transition towards renewable the plant can be operated as a battery and water can
energy systems, it is crucial that hydropower also in be ”re-used” many times. However, these options are
the future provides base load electricity as well as site specific and depend on the plant capacity and
flexibility. layout, active reservoir storage and regulatory permits.
Reservoir hydro also provides security of supply Referring to the phases of VRE integration in the
in many countries and regions. Precipitation and system described in chapter 3, hydropower can
inflow are characterised by seasonal and inter-annual contribute to flexibility in all phases. However, the best
variations in most regions, and hydropower reservoirs use of hydropower may vary according to the needs in
have been used as buffers to provide a secure supply different phases and the characteristics of the hydro-
of energy throughout the year. This seasonal use power plant.
of reservoirs has a long-term cycle for filling and
emptying, which allows for much more extensive use In Phase 1, there is no extra flexibility needed to be
in between the periods of maximum and minimum provided by hydropower. In Phase 2, there is a need for
reservoir levels. This requires that the net change in additional short-term flexibility related to small-scale
water (energy) of short- and medium-term emptying rapid variation in power generation. Hydropower
and filling over hours, days or weeks are close to zero, can provide additional flexibility for such ancillary
not impacting the long-term seasonal cycle. services and short-term variations in the power system,
but there are several competing technologies like
There are two options for how existing reservoir hydro batteries, flywheels and various types of demand-side
can be refurbished in order to contribute to increased and supply-side flexibility that also can contribute in
flexibility at multiple time scales to enable a larger this phase.
share of VRE in the power system, and to prevent
curtailment of other renewables, without building new In Phase 3, the ability to quickly ramp and start at
dams or increasing existing dams: any time including switching between producing and
consuming energy, assuming no transmission or water
• If a reservoir hydropower plant discharges to another management constraints, may provide an advantage
reservoir or a lake, it is possible to redesign the plant to hydropower over conventional thermal resources.
to include a pumped storage facility by installing This is due to technical and economic reasons, as well
pumps or reversible pump turbines. as in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Thermal
The value of flexibility to the power system and the back production over short and long periods, thereby
users of electricity is difficult to quantify. In non- shifting production to the periods when generation is
market systems, flexibility was built into the system needed the most.
with the value included in the cost of energy to the
consumer. This changed with the move to market As discussed in chapter 3 and 4, the flexibility services
systems. In both market- and non-market-based needed should be characterised by the required
systems, the production schedules of flexible units capabilities, such as ramp rate, power capacity and
are adjusted with the aim to ensure that supply energy/duration. The number of technological
and demand is continuously balanced at the lowest solutions capable of delivering the product (the
possible cost. However, the value of providing these supply) will vary. Hence, the costs of providing the
services differ between locations and the status of the required services can vary considerably between
system, and the fundamental challenge is to ensure markets and products. Similarly, the demand or need
correct reward for services and products to provide the for flexibility services will vary between the power
right investments incentives in the long run. systems, products and in time. While the need for
short term flexibility in periods can be quite high, the
Table 2 describes how key flexibility services are supply – with several technologies able to meet the
needed at different time scales in the power system, requirements – can also be sufficient. Still, the costs
and the different type of issues that can arise if these can vary significantly, and in market-based systems
needs are not met. The highest value of flexibility the value of providing such services will be set by the
services is when the power system is operated at the cost of the most expensive technology required to
extremes, i. e. periods with deficit or surplus of power maintain the balance. The periods where power and
and/or energy. In periods with deficit of power and/or energy are required for longer durations, can be more
energy, flexible units provide value by increasing the precarious as there are only a few existing and new
production or reducing the demand, thereby restoring potential technologies capable of delivering such
the power quality (voltage and frequency), avoiding services. This is particularly true when considering
or limiting load shedding and in the most extreme systems or scenarios where most thermal units have
situations avoiding blackouts. This results in avoided been decommissioned. If short periods of high demand
additional costs for the electricity consumers and and low generation from wind and solar energy arrives
system operators. In periods with surplus of power in a sequence, the resources to provide power and
and/or energy, flexible units provide value by reducing energy may already be tapped with not enough time
the production or increasing the demand, thereby to recharge batteries, pumped hydro or other storage
restoring the power quality (voltage and frequency) technologies. From the power system perspective such
and limiting curtailment of VRE. Through limiting situations can be challenging, and it is important that
curtailment of surplus energy, flexible units contribute these types of services are adequately considered in
to higher value of the installed VRE capacity and to the long-term planning of the system. Constructing
lower system costs than if large amounts of available variable renewable power generation and transmission
energy would have to be curtailed. In addition to capacity to meet the ”worst possible case” quickly
flexible units that only produce or consume energy, becomes an expensive solution. Alternative long-term
pumped hydro storage both consume and produce flexibility solutions, even though very rarely used,
energy and provide value to the system both in could therefore reduce the overall investment cost
periods with surplus and deficit. Reservoir hydro of transitioning the power system to a low-carbon
cannot consume electricity, but it is possible to hold system.
The figure shows average load, net-load, and hydropower dispatch in CAISO.
Hydropower generation profiles are based on data from January 2014 – December 2017.
Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory – 2017 Hydropower Market Report, 2018
In competitive power markets, the marginal cost of through optimal investments in and operation of
the last supply or demand resource needed to balance the power system. To achieve an efficient system in
demand and supply sets the power price (merit order). the long-term, the markets should provide business
This ensures that the balance is kept at the lowest opportunities that trigger investments on the demand
possible cost. Today, the income of power producers side or in generation and system infrastructure so
in restructured power systems is mainly based on that all the services required into the system are
sale of energy, where the product sold is per unit of provided, accounting for the transitioning r esource
energy independent of the qualities of the product. mix. As a consequence, new market mechanisms
The value of flexible power generation and storage is might be required to ensure sufficient flexibility of
mainly realized through adjusting production to high different scales, as described in Table 1 and Table 2,
price periods, thereby achieving a higher realized for reliable operation in both the short- and long-
power price than inflexible technologies. In addition, term. This includes available flexibility to be able to
most countries have separate markets for balancing handle infrequent events such as longer durations of
and ancillary services to ensure available capacity to weather-related under- or over-production of VRE.
balance deviations between demand and supply. Some Achieving a cost-effective and reliable power supply is
countries also have separate capacity markets to particularly challenging in transition periods when the
ensure investments in sufficient capacity to meet peak energy system is going through large changes.
demand in the long term.
The value of delivering energy and adjusting
In theory, the market value of flexibility-related production to high price periods is expected to be
products should reflect the value these p roducts an important source of income for flexible electricity
provide to the electricity system. However, this producers in the long run, even with falling average
presupposes that the market structures and products energy prices. Trading in day-ahead and intraday
are sufficient for the electricity producers to markets is therefore expected to remain the main
capture the actual value of the full range of services source of income for many years. However, with
provided to the system. If not remunerated correctly, increasing variability and uncertainty in generation
the revenues obtained by different technologies profiles, the price variation will increase, and the value
competing in the electricity market might not reflect of energy will be more dependent on when the energy
the overall cost of a well-functioning, reliable and is delivered than with today’s electricity prices. Hence,
secure electricity system. In the long run, this can the value of being able to adjust production or demand
lead to sub-optimal investments, which again can to the price will increase, and the difference in realized
lead to new challenges for reliable and secure system power price of different technologies will become
operation and higher system costs in the longer run. larger. This means that even if the price achieved per
unit of energy delivered is reduced on average, the
The value of delivering flexibility to the grid depends value of flexibility increases (Schäffer et al., 2019).
on the status of the power system. The flexibility The differences in realized power prices between
needed in the power system should be divided into technologies will depend on the magnitude and
different categories and corresponding products, frequency of the extreme low and high prices (Schäffer
where the value of a specific product depends on and Graabak, 2019).
its specification. The aim of power system planning
and operation, in both market-based and non- The magnitude and frequency of the extremes, i.e.
market-based systems, is to enable cost-effective the lowest and highest power prices, are important
and reliable power supply in the short- and long-term factors for the value of flexible operation. Longer
The day-ahead and intraday markets concern trading and physical delivery of energy in hourly to 15min
time periods in the European system. The intraday market allows for trade closer to real-time than the
day-ahead market, up to 60-15min before closure depending on the country. This gives the participants the
opportunity to adjust for imbalances if production and consumption schedules deviate from the volume
committed in the day-ahead marked. Balancing markets aim at resolving the imbalances that may occur
within the operational hours.
If there are imbalances after closure of the intraday market, the balancing markets are used by the
Transmission System Operators (TSOs) to balance the system. To ensure availability, reserves are procured
beforehand and activated real-time if needed. Automatically activated reserves have to be synchronised
with the grid when activated and are normally characterized ”spinning reserves”. The balancing process in
Europe is currently organised in different steps and products varying between countries, but in general the
processes consist of up to five steps. (ENTSO-E 2018).
Flexibility resources are crucial for a secure and robust An important question is if hydropower, and other
power system. With most modern societies and flexible resources, are adequately incentivised
technologies depending on electricity, the consumer to provide the increasing need for highly reliable
will always expect sufficient flexibility in the system flexibility services, and if the remuneration
to deliver affordable, clean, safe and secure energy at mechanisms in electricity markets are sufficient to
all times. However, the best solution to ensure cost- ensure availability of the capabilities the system needs
effective and reliable power supply in the short term in the future. Moreover, in evaluating and comparing
and an efficient, sustainable and reliable power system different energy technologies it is paramount to move
in the long-term, is a complex challenge. Increasing beyond the levelized cost of energy as the metric of
shares of VRE add more uncertainty and variability comparison and to consider the costs and benefits of
to the power supply, thereby increasing the need all relevant system services. Ideally, the lowest cost
for flexibility in the system. Adding to the reliability technologies should deliver flexibility to the power
challenge is the decommissioning of fossil-based system. Hydropower can play an important role as
power production that is reducing available flexibility a provider of clean energy and flexibility in a future
in the system. low-carbon power system.
The value of flexibility services from hydropower will There is a need for further analyses and assessment
most likely increase in the future due to the increasing of technological, market, policy and regulatory
system flexibility needs at multiple time scales. Hydro- requirements to ensure appropriate investments and
power is unique in the sense that it can deliver a broad to secure the sustainable transition of electricity
spectrum of flexibility services, from short-term inertia production systems. Key themes from this paper
and frequency response to long-term seasonal storage. highlight some examples where further analyses and
Hydropower is therefore able to adapt to the needs in assessments will be beneficial for ongoing knowledge
the different systems. However, many of the existing sharing:
hydropower assets (particularly in OECD countries) • Optimizing market mechanisms to ensure that
are ageing and require modernisation, upgrading hydropower and other technologies contribute to
and retrofitting. These needs will vary between sufficient flexibility at the right scale and the right
different systems, seasons and weather conditions. It time
is important that the hydropower fleet is upgraded • The rising value of flexibility, understanding the
in order to enable the ongoing expansion of VRE and frequency and magnitude of extremes and the
address the corresponding operational challenges in impact on power prices in different markets
the power grid. For owners of hydropower assets, it • The investment dilemma – effective price signals
will be important to analyse the needs and possibilities (volatility and extremes) to ensure sufficient system
for increasing the flexibility in order to choose the capability is being provided, and hence avoiding price
most optimal solution for which types of flexibility to shocks for consumers
Further White Papers should discuss the above topics.
The culmination of these additional reviews will be an
IEA Hydropower Roadmap.
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