Assignment Calculus
Assignment Calculus
Assignment Calculus
(a) Use quotient rule to show that the R′ is also a rational function.
(b) Show that domain of R′ is the same as the domain of R.
(c) Use that the two statements above mean that R is infinitely differentiable over its
domain. (A function f is infinitely differentiable at x if f (n) (x) exist for all positive
integers n.)
(a) Show that f is continuous everywhere on R. (Hint: For the whole of this question
x = 0 is the only special point.)
(b) i. When y > 0, ey > y. Use this to show that when y > 0 and n > 0,
0 ≤ e−ny ≤ y −n
ii. By changing variables to x defined by x = ny
show that, when 0 < x < 1
1 1
0 ≤ e− x ≤ nn xn and 0 ≤ x−n e− x ≤ (n + 1)n+1 x
4. Find the derivative of the inverse of following functions and write it as an algebraic function:
(a) sin : [ π2 , 3π
] → [−1, 1]
(b) tan : [− π2 , π2 ] → R
(c) The function sinh : R → R defined by
ex − e−x
sinh(x) =
5. (a) Use the chain rule to show that,
d 1 d
(log(f (x))) = f (x)
dx f (x) dx
(f g)′′ = f ′′ g + 2f ′ g ′ + f g ′′
(b) By taking derivative another time and using product rule again show that,
(a) y = cosh(arcsin(x2 ln x))
(b) y = tan(cos−1 (e4x ))
(c) y = e3 ln(2x+1)
(d) y = x10 tanh x
(2 + cos(3x2 ))eπx
(e) y = √
3 x
9. Use implicit differentiation to answer the following:
Note that:
Hyperbolic Functions interms of the exponential funcion:
Derivatives of Hyberbolic Functions: