a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: We report the structural, optical and magnetic properties of Mn doped Er2O3 samples. X-ray diffraction
Received 6 February 2017 study shows that dilute concentration of Mn in Er2O3 lattice leads to change in lattice parameter as well
Received in revised form as the crystallite sizes. The change in these parameters is attributed to difference in ionic radii of dopant
2 March 2017
and host. The changes in particle sizes and surface morphologies were confirmed by scanning electron
Accepted 4 March 2017
microscopy and their composition by energy dispersive X-ray measurements. Electron paramagnetic
Available online 9 March 2017
resonance (EPR) studies show that increase in Mn doping causes oxygen vacancies and hence
enhancement in magnetization. The intensities of Raman and photoluminescence spectra decreases with
Rare earth oxides (Er2O3)
Mn concentration inside the host lattice. Further, it is found that photoluminescence bands cover most of
Raman and photoluminescence the Raman band in the region of 200 cm1e700 cm1 when excited by 514 nm laser.
spectroscopy © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Transition metal doping
EPR measurements
1293-2558/© 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
R. Tomar et al. / Solid State Sciences 67 (2017) 8e12 9
understand the structural, optical and magnetic properties of pure The lattice parameter for pure Er2O3 sample is found to be ~10.53 Å.
and Mn doped Er2O3. In these systems, it has been found that there A visual inspection over XRD pattern depicts that most intense peak
is small change in the structural and morphological properties (222) shifts towards higher angle side up to 3% Mn doping. The
depending upon the preparation methods and dopant concentra- shifting in (222) peak towards higher angle results in decrease in
tions, but significant changes in the magnetic properties. Therefore, lattice parameter (as shown in Table 1). The reduction in lattice
the main focus of present work is to understand the effect of dilute parameter with Mn composition is attributed to smaller ionic radii
concentration of Mn (up to 5%) on the various physical properties of Mn ions (0.67 Å) as compared to that of rare earth Er3þ ions
with special emphasis on the magnetic properties of Er2O3. (0.88 Å). However, further increase in Mn doping (i.e. for 5%) causes
the shift towards lower angle side. The opposite trend for higher
2. Experimental details doping concentration (for 5%) might be associated to the solid
solubility limit of Mn ions into Er2O3 lattice. Similar kind of varia-
Pure and Mn (1%, 2%, 3% and 5%) doped Er2O3 samples have been tion (i.e. random distribution of dopants after certain concentra-
synthesized via solid state reaction method using MnO2 (99.99%) tion) has also been discussed elsewhere for Mg doped ZnO, Y doped
and Er2O3 (99.99%) as initial starting materials. The appropriate ZnO, Mn doped CeO2 and C implanted ZnO samples [14e16].
amount of precursors were mixed, ground for 2 h using mortar and Furthermore, the average crystallite size of Mn doped Er2O3 sam-
pestle and then calcined at 600 C for 5 h to obtain the desired ples was determined using Debye-Scherer’s formula (D ¼ 0.89l/
phase. After calcination, the powder was again grounded, pelletized bcosq) [17], where D is crystallite size, b is full width at half maxima,
and then sintered at 800 C for 6 h to densify the pellets in order to q is Bragg's angle and l is wavelength of CuKa. The crystallite size for
achieve homogeneity. The synthesized samples were then charac- pure Er2O3 sample is ~34 nm. However, no regular variation in size
terized for their structural, optical and magnetic properties using is detected with doping due to dilute concentration of Mn ions in
different experimental techniques. The crystal structure of Mn host lattice (Table 1).
doped Er2O3 samples were confirmed using Rigaku X-ray diffrac-
tometer having CuKa source of wavelength 1.54 Å. The change in 3.2. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) & energy-dispersive X-ray
the morphology, particle size and composition was estimated from spectroscopy (EDX)
HitachieTM 3000 scanning electron microscopy (SEM) along with
energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Raman spectroscopy SEM images of pure, 2%, 3% and 5% Mn doped Er2O3 samples
measurements were performed with Arþ ion laser beam having were recorded for morphological studies and are shown in Fig. 2.
wavelength of 514 nm and 50 mW power (Renishaw). The optical SEM images confirm the formation of well-defined particles for all
properties were studied with Renishaw photoluminescence spec- the samples. The particle size for pure Er2O3 sample is found to be
trometer using two different lasers having wavelengths 325 nm ~106.24 nm. The doping of Mn ions in the host lattice changes the
and 514 nm respectively. The electron paramagnetic resonance morphology as well as the particles size. It has been found that the
(EPR) measurements were carried out on X-band EPR spectrometer shape of well-defined pure Er2O3 sample changes with the addition
(Make: Bruker Biospin, Model: A300). The weighed samples were of Mn ions. The Mn doped samples are much denser compared to
taken in transition metal ions free quartz capillary tubes and pure Er2O3 sample. The particle size reduces continuously with the
aligned at the centre of rectangular cavity. The spectra were addition of Mn ions due to lower ionic radii of Mn ions (0.67 Å) than
recorded at 9.56 GHz microwave frequency in 4000 ± 4000G scan Er ions (0.88 Å) [14]. The variation in the particle size is in accor-
range. DPPH has been used as a standard reference material for the dance with the results obtained from XRD. It is worth to mention
estimation of g-value, spin concentration and EPR parameters. here that there is not much change in the crystal structure as well
as in morphological properties. However, there is significant effect
3. Results and discussion on the magnetic properties when dilute concentration of magnetic
ions is added in the host lattice. This is consistent with many re-
3.1. X-ray diffraction ports in the literature especially on dilute magnetic ions doped
semiconductors like ZnO, TiO2, CeO2, etc [4,16e19].
XRD patterns of pure and Mn doped Er2O3 samples are shown in EDX measurements were further carried out to estimate the
Fig. 1. All the diffraction peaks observed correspond to single phase doping concentration of Mn ions in the host lattice. Fig. 3 shows the
cubic structure of Er2O3 (referred to the JCPDS Card No. 77e0777). EDX study of pure and Mn doped samples and suggest an increase
in the Mn content with the doping concentration.
Table 1
Various parameters for Mn doped Er2O3 samples observed from XRD, SEM and EPR measurements.
Composition Lattice parameter (Å) Crystallite Size Particle Size(nm) DHPP g-value NS 1012 Relaxation Time 106
(nm) (Gauss) (spin/g) (ts)
at ambient temperature are presented in Fig. 4 and summarized the reduction in intensity is due to fact that the rate of change of
values of EPR parameters in Table 1. DPPH was used as a standard concentration is low. Mn doping in Er2O3 lattice substitutes Er3þ
reference material for magnetic field marker and evaluation of site and have a strong tendency to attract electrons [23]. The
paramagnetic spin concentration. EPR spectra show a narrow electron trapped on Mn2þ ion causes a transition between 3d and
resonance line with g-value ~1.98 and broad signal with g-value in Er 4f orbitals start and causesresults in the appearance of EPR
the range from 2.04 to 2.19. EPR spectra of Er2O3 shows W-shaped signal. To compensate the charge imbalance, the oxygen vacancy is
signal characteristics of RE materials pertaining to Er3þ para- formed [24]. The oxygen vacancy occurs in three different charge
magnetic ions with ½ spin. Incorporation of low doping concen- states: (i) neutral; (ii) singly ionized and (iii) doubly ionized [25,26].
tration (1% Mn doping) in host lattice results in the significant The g-values for signal originating from shallow donors and singly
enhancement in peak intensity and thereafter (for 2%, 3% and 5% ionized oxygen vacancies or unpaired electron trapped on an oxy-
Mn doping) small reduction in intensity is detected. This small gen vacancy sites are at 1.96 and 1.99 respectively. Based on the
analysis, the EPR spectra show the presence of Mn2þ and an un-
paired electron trapped in Mn3þ (a narrow line). A signal at g-value
of 1.98 (a broad line) has been assigned to an unpaired electron
trapped on an oxygen vacancy site or singly ionized oxygen va-
cancy, respectively. The g-value of these signals reduces from 2.19
to 2.04 with increasing Mn2þ concentration from 1% to 3% and it
increases to 2.15 for 5% Mn doped sample. The spin concentration
(NS) decreases from 4.89 1012 to 2.82 1012 with increasing Mn
ion concentration from 1% to 3% and then it increases to 3.56 1012
for Mn 5% doped sample. It means that increasing Mn concentra-
tions from 1% to 5% leads to decrease in total number of spins
contributing to this line. This indicates a decrease in Mn2þ ions
concentrations or unpaired electron trapped in Mn3þ, while the
total number of spin contributing to broad line increased, sug-
gesting an increase in oxygen vacancy concentration with doping.
It is observed that relaxation time (ts) decreases with an in-
crease in Mn2þ ion content from 1% to 2%. The variation in relax-
ation time is not systematic. The change in spinespin relaxation
time is attributed to the decrease in electron motion in Mn 2%
sample and weakening of superexchange interaction in lattice.
While in Mn 3% sample, the relaxation time is improved due to
enhancement of superexchange interaction among cations through
Fig. 2. SEM images of pure and Mn doped Er2O3 samples. oxygen ions. The relaxation time further decreases from
289.98 106 to 128.23 106 when Mn ion concentration in-
creases from 3% to 5%.
At doping concentration of 1 at%, line shape of the sample is
dominated by Mn2þ ions or an unpaired electron trapped in Mn3þ.
Fig. 3. EDX measurements for pure and Mn doped Er2O3 (2%, 3% and 5%) samples
where inset of each figure shows the variation of element with its wt %. Fig. 4. EPR spectra of pure and Mn doped Er2O3 samples.
R. Tomar et al. / Solid State Sciences 67 (2017) 8e12 11
value of line width (DHPP) and minimum g-values has been ach-
ieved by doping Er2O3 with 3% Mn.
Table 2
Raman peaks of Er2O3 (where band intensity: S-strong, Vs-very strong, m-medium, W-weak, Vw-very weak).
S. No. Peak positions Intensity Refs. [9] Refs. [28,29] Raman active modes (assigned)
1 293 298
2 308 Vw 316 Eg þ Tg
3 337 S 336 338 Eg
4 367 Vw 359 359
5 381 Vs 381 381 Tg
6 405 W 404 405 Tg
7 439 W 436 Tg
8 482 S 480 480 Tg
9 558 W 580 580 Tg
10 595 S 600 598 Tg
Fig. 6. Photoluminescence spectra of pure and Mn doped Er2O3 excited by 514 nm and 325 nm laser.
12 R. Tomar et al. / Solid State Sciences 67 (2017) 8e12