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Astri Wulandari, Bethani Suryawardani, Dandy Marcelino



Astri Wulandari
JAM Bethani Suryawardani
Faculty of Applied Science, Telkom University
18, 4
Received, July ‘20
Dandy Marcelino
Revised, September ‘20 Faculty of Economy and Business, Telkom University
Accepted, October ‘20

Abstract: This study aimed to provide several purposes that could help LinkAja as an m-
wallet service provider to pay attention to consumer perceptions that will be impacted by
user satisfaction and usage intensity. The research method used is quantitative with an
explanatory approach and using the Structural Equational Model (SEM) as the analysis
techniques with SMART PLS 2.0 software tools. This research was used accidentally as a
sampling method with a total of 400 respondents. Based on the results calculations in the
first sub-structure, consumer perception directly affects user satisfaction of LinkAja mobile
wallet products. The research emphasizes the importance of consumer perceptions on m-
wallet satisfaction. From the calculation results in the second sub-structure, consumer
satisfaction has an impact on the usage intensity of LinkAja m-wallet. Then this research
shows a strong relationship between consumer perception and usage intensity of m-wallet
And the last is consumer perception has a better impact on usage intensity of LinkAja m-
wallet through user satisfaction. For further researchers can modify this research by using
different objects so that they can be compared to how consumer perceptions can affect
user satisfaction and the intensity of using a digital wallet.

Keywords: Consumer Perceptions, User Satisfaction, Usage Intensity, UTAUT

Cite this article as: Wulandari, A., B. Suryawardani, and D. Marcelino. 2020. M-Wallet
Technology: Perception and Satisfaction of Users on Usage Intensity. Jurnal Aplikasi
Manajemen, Volume 18, Number 4, Pages 656–666. Malang: Universitas Brawijaya. http://

Journal of Applied
Management (JAM)
Volume 18 Number 4, The development of internet- petitive due to changes in regulations set by Bank
December 2020 based information technol- Indonesia. Bank services are now becoming more
Indexed in Google Scholar ogy is increasingly advanced flexible, the types of products created to facilitate
and rapidly. This technologi- access and features make the banking system easier.
cal progress has influenced The public is also faced with various choices of
various aspects of life, one payment instruments.
of which is banking. The One phenomenon that has recently arisen is the
Corresponding Author: banking industry has also ex- use of electronic money so that people do not need
Astri Wulandari, Faculty of perienced significant to pocket paper money. The wallet has changed to
Applied Science, Telkom Uni-
versity, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/ changes in recent years, with digital. The enactment and application of electronic
banks becoming more com- money are valid after Bank Indonesia (BI) issued a


M-Wallet Technology: Perception and Satisfaction of Users on Usage Intensity

regulation contained in Bank Indonesia Regulation This cellular payment service gives new offers
Number 20/6 / PBI / 2018 concerning Electronic and convenience for users (Lonergan et al., 2009).
Money. BI ensures the smooth operation of the pay- M-Wallet application is very widely used in devel-
ment system is maintained, both in terms of cash oping countries because it can facilitate financial
and non-cash. Specifically for non-cash payments, platforms for people who don’t have an account at
BI revealed a sharp increase. The use of electronic a bank but already have a smartphone (Cox, 2013).
money has grown to reach 66.6% (Lingga, 2019).

Source: Katadata, October 2019

Figure 2 Indonesia M-Wallet Competition

One of the countries detected significant the previous year’s value is Rp 12.37 trillion (Fitra,
changes in consumer profiles for mobile and internet 2019).
users in Indonesia. The data shows that internet users Early growth of mobile payment services in
have increased growth every year. Various mobile Indonesia, precisely started in 2007 by Telkomsel
payment services have previously emerged and with the release of the T-Cash service (has been
developed in Indonesia since 2012. The presence transformed into LinkAja), then in 2012 the mobile
of instant payments can reduce the need for credit payment service began to diversify, the banking in-
cards and debit cards. With digital server-based dustry and application developers began to enter it.
payment system technology offered by fintech, us- Interesting data is present from the penetration of
ers can trade directly with their business partners. existing users today. The two services with the high-
Based on data from Bank Indonesia (BI), electronic est users (around 10 million) are GO-PAY and
money value or digital payment transactions reached TCash (currently LinkAja), two services with the
Rp 47,19 trillion for 2018. That picture shown four earliest and latest (Eka, 2018).
times increased if compared with the transaction of

DIKTI ACCREDITED SK NO. 30/E/KPT/2018 ISSN: 1693-5241 657

Astri Wulandari, Bethani Suryawardani, Dandy Marcelino

Source: Katadata, October 2019

Figure 2 Indonesia M-Wallet Competition

LinkAja, a digital wallet application designed and Tahilyani (2013) and also by Singh et al. (2017).
by several state-owned companies (BUMN), has However, this research is still very limited in Indo-
succeeded in occupying the third position of the most nesia, as a developing country. This study is rarely
popular digital wallet with the most users in Indone- conducted because the variables studied cover vari-
sia (Setyowati, 2019). ous dimensions of perception, satisfaction, and us-
This digital wallet made by a State-Owned age that have not been much studied before in the
Enterprise (BUMN) has also expanded its use (use- context of adopting the use of a digital wallet or
case) by attracting public transportation companies mobile wallet.
such as MRT, LRT to Garuda Indonesia. LinkAja Perception as a belief in the benefits of using
does not try to fight OVO, GoPay, and others, be- perceived technology can improve user perfor-
cause it competes in different segments by opening mance in completing tasks (Davis et al, 1989). The
new markets. That way, he hopes more consumers positive perception of the benefits of mobile wallet
can use LinkAja when using public transportation. users can be interpreted as the level of satisfaction
Besides, he is developing a mini-application that al- with the ease of the transaction provided. Thus, one
lows other apps to be integrated with LinkAja. This of the main factors in determining customer satis-
concept is similar to Gojek and Grab who are de- faction is customer perception of the quality of goods
veloping SuperApp, but LinkAja is focused on pay- or services in accordance with consumer expecta-
ment services. Not only that, LinkAja is now begin- tions of the service. With the creation of customer
ning to explore the Islamic financial market by satisfaction, the various benefits to be obtained by
launching LinkAja Syariah in November 2019. service provider companies are the creation of har-
(Setyowati, 2019). monious relationships, so that it becomes the basis
Several studies on the scope of mobile wallet for repurchases, then customer loyalty is created,
services to measure consumer perceptions and sat- and recommendations by word of mouth about the
isfaction and their effects on technology adoption benefit of the company (Schnaars in Komara and
(usage) have previously been carried out by Gupta Ariningrum, 2013).


M-Wallet Technology: Perception and Satisfaction of Users on Usage Intensity

This study aims to provide several implications ing to Abdillah and Hartono (2015), Partial Least
that can help LinkAja as a mobile wallet service Square (PLS) is one of the variant-based statistical
provider to pay attention to consumer perceptions methods of Structural Equation Modeling that is
that will be impacted by user satisfaction and usage designed to solve multiple regression when specific
intensity. Besides, the benefit of this research is re- problems occur in data, such as small study sample
searchers in other marketing fields can use the re- sizes, the presence of data missing values and
sults of research to understand how the intensity of multicollinearity.
the use of mobile wallets with determinants of con-
sumer perception and satisfaction. Based on the RESULTS
background, we want to know the Perceptions and Respondent Characteristics
User Satisfaction of the Usage Intensity of LinkAja
The data collection was carried out through dis-
Mobile Wallet in Bandung.
tributing questionnaires to 400 respondents offline
who are users of LinkAja’s M-Wallet who domi-
ciled in Bandung. The characteristics of most re-
This research study includes quantitative re- spondents are below. Based on gender are women
search with explanatory approaches. This study uses by 62%, aged 21-30 years by 43%, education with
quantitative research methods because this study Bachelor Degree (S1) by 31%, most respondents
uses numbers with statistical calculations and re- job is state-owned corporation employee by 25%,
search aims to test the hypotheses that have been with Rp 5.000.001 until Rp 8.000.000 income per
made (Sugiyono, 2014). Rangkuti (2017), explained month by 38%.
that explanatory research aimed at finding the rela-
tionship between cause and effect to find out the Measurement Model Test Results (Outer
relationship or the relationship between these vari- Model)
Outer models are used to define how each in-
According to Widodo (2017), the population is
dicator relates to its latent variable. In testing the
the whole group of people, events, or matters of
measurement model (outer model), researchers
interest that researchers want to investigate. In this
must test the validity and the reliability too from the
study, the population is all LinkAja digital wallet us-
indicators used. Testing is done using SmartPLS 2.0
ers who are domiciled in Bandung where they have
software. The outer model in this study can be seen
done transactions and used the LinkAja M-Wallet
in the following figure 3.
application, which the number is not known with
Convergent validity can be said proven if the
value is achieved by an instrument as measure con-
The sampling technique implemented in this
cepts, which have high correlations with different
research is nonprobability sampling with accidental
methods. The correlation between the indicator
sampling, which sample collection based on if
scores and the variable scores becomes the con-
viewed by people who happened to be found suit-
vergent validity measurement of the measurement
able as a data source (Sugiyono, 2017). Consider-
model. Indicators are said to be valid if the value of
ing the population is unknown, so to determine the
AVE (Average Variance Extracted) > 0,5 so that it
sample size by using the Lemeshow formula with a
can be said that the measurement has met the cri-
5% tolerance of error (Wibisono, 2013). Therefore,
teria for convergent validity (Chin, 1998 in Ghozali,
when it was calculated using Lemeshow’s formula,
2014). The following is the result of convergent
a research sample was obtained of 384,16 (»400)
validity testing using SmartPLS software version
In this study, researchers used Partial Least
Square (PLS) as a data analysis method. Accord-

DIKTI ACCREDITED SK NO. 30/E/KPT/2018 ISSN: 1693-5241 659

Astri Wulandari, Bethani Suryawardani, Dandy Marcelino

Source: Primary Data Processed by Researcher, 2020

Figure 3 Outer Model Structural Equation Modelling

Table 1 The Result of Outer Loading Test

Latent Variables Influence Test Result Conclusion

Consumer Perception Ease Of Use - Consumer Perception 0,6773 Valid
Usefulness - Consumer Perception 0,8047 Valid
Trust - Consumer Perception 0,8003 Valid
Hedonism - Consumer Perception 0,7896 Valid
Social - Consumer Perception 0,7797 Valid
Self-efficacy - Consumer Perception 0,6531 Valid
Attitude - Consumer Perception 0,8068 Valid
Security - Consumer Perception 0,7662 Valid
User Satisfaction Satisfied With Service - User Satisfaction 0,7214 Valid
Give Satisfaction - User Satisfaction 0,8184 Valid
Satisfied With Cost - User Satisfaction 0,7599 Valid
Very Reliable - User Satisfaction 0,8231 Valid
Satisfied With Security - User Satisfaction 0,8287 Valid
Personal Confidentiality - User Satisfaction 0,6610 Valid
Transfer Flexibility - User Satisfaction 0,7953 Valid
Usage Intensity Maintaining Use - Usage Intensity 0,9181 Valid
Use of Each Transaction - Usage Intensity 0,9358 Valid

Source: Primary Data Processed, 2020


M-Wallet Technology: Perception and Satisfaction of Users on Usage Intensity

Table 1 shows that 17 statement items out of a Table 2 The Result of Reliability TestLatent Variables
total of 17 statements were declared valid because Composite Reliability Cronbach’s Alpha Con-
they had a loading factor value of AVE > 0,50. There- clusion
fore, it can be concluded that the 17 items of valid
statements can be used as research instruments Consumer Perception 0,9167 0,8955 Reliable
because they meet the convergent validity require- User Satisfaction 0,9127 0,8876 Reliable
ments. Usage Intensity 0,9244 0,8369 Reliable
In addition to the validity test, a reliability test
was also performed on each variable. The reliabil- Source: Primary Data Processed, 2020
ity test is how far a measurement results on the
same object but can produce the same data Based on the reliability test data in Table 2
(Sugiyono, 2017). In Partial Least Square (PLS), above, the value of Composite Reliability and
reliability testing can use two methods, namely Com- Cronbach’s Alpha on each variable are each worth
posite Reliability and Cronbach’s Alpha. The value more than 0,70 and 0,60 so that it can be said that
that must be met so that each variable is declared the data have high reliability. It can be concluded
reliable is > 0,70 for the composite reliability value that all statement variables in this research ques-
and > 0,60 for the Cronbach alpha value (Ghozali, tionnaire were stated to be reliable or consistent.
2014). The following results of the reliability test Then all indicators and variables in the study can be
using SmartPLS software version 2.0.M3: used to test the inner model.

Source: Primary Data Processed by Researcher, 2020

Figure 4 Inner Model of Structural Equation Modelling

DIKTI ACCREDITED SK NO. 30/E/KPT/2018 ISSN: 1693-5241 661

Astri Wulandari, Bethani Suryawardani, Dandy Marcelino

Structural Model Test Results (Inner Model) In Figure 4, it can be seen that t calculate each
The measurement of the structural model (in- exogenous latent variable to the endogenous latent
ner model) aims to test the effect of latent vari- variable. To conduct hypothesis testing a two-tailed
ables. The inner model test is performed to find out test is used with a 5% error rate. Then that critical
the relationship between construct, significance value that might be met with this hypothesis test is
value, and R2 of the research model conducted. This 1,9659 (Ghozali, 2014). Tests were conducted on
is done by taking into account the value of R2 in the inner model based on the path value to see
endogenous latent variables and the calculated value whether or not the influence can be displayed from
of each exogenous latent variable to the endogenous the t-statistic value. t-statistic values can be obtained
latent variable from the bootstrapping results. The through the bootstrapping process on SmartPLS. In
next process is to see whether there is a significant testing the structural model for evaluating the sig-
and close relationship between the independent vari- nificance of the prediction model, we can look at
able and the dependent variable. The path diagram the t-count or t-statistic value between the depen-
of the inner model is as follows (Figure 4). dent and independent variables on the path coeffi-
cient table from SmartPLS output in table 3 below.

Table 3 Result of t-value (Hypothesis Test)

t-value Parameter Critical

Variable Relationship Conclusion
Coefficient Value
Consumer Perception – User Satisfaction 72,6528 0,9318 1,9659 Ho rejected, H1 accepted
User Satisfaction – Usage Intensity 7,5447 0,5998 1,9659 Ho rejected, H2 accepted
Consumer Perception – Usage Intensity 3,3073 0,2643 1,9659 Ho rejected, H3 accepted
Consumer Perception – User Satisfaction –
Usage Intensity 40,3472 0,8232 1,9659 Ho rejected, H4 accepted
Source: Primary Data Processed, 2020

If the calculated t value is greater than the criti-

cal value of 1,9659, there is a significant influence E1
between the exogenous latent variables and the
endogenous latent variables. The coefficient Param-
Consumer bYX User
User Satisfaction
eter value is obtained from the Outer Model of
Perception(X) (Y)
Structural Equation Modelling in Figure 3, which will
be used to calculate direct and indirect influence (X) (Y)
between the variables.
Source: Processed Data, 2020
In the first model, there is one independent vari-
able, namely Consumer Perception (X), and the Figure 5 First Equation Model
dependent variable is User Satisfaction (Y). The
first sub-structural equation model is shown in Fig-
ure 5 below.
For the equation of first model, the formula used
is as Y = 0,9318 X + 0,1317


M-Wallet Technology: Perception and Satisfaction of Users on Usage Intensity

Table 4 The Effect Between Variables in First Model

Influence Simultaneous
Variables Coefficient Through
Direct Indirect Total Influence
Consumer 0,9318 XY 0,9318 x 0,9318 x 100% - 86,83% -
Perception (X) = 86,83%

Error 1 1 – 0,8683 = - - - 13,17% -

Consumer 0,1317

Perception (X) - - - - - 0,8683 =


Based on the calculation results of the analysis Based on the results of analytical calculations,
in table 4 above, it provides information objectively it provides objective information as follows. The con-
as follows. The contribution of Consumer Percep- tribution of Consumer Perception (X) which directly
tion (X) which directly affects User Satisfaction (Y) affects the Usage Intensity (Z) is 0,26432 = 0,06985
is 0,93182 = 0,8683 or 86,83%. Then the contribu- or 6,99%. The amount of the contribution of User
tion of Consumer Perception (X) has a total effect Satisfaction (Y) which directly affects the Usage
that directly affects User Satisfaction (Y) is 0,8683 Intensity (Z) is 0,59982 = 0,35976 or 35,98%.
or 86,83%. The remaining 13,17% is influenced by The magnitude of the indirect effect between
other factors not explained in the study. the independent variable Consumer Perception (X)
In the next model, there are two independent with the dependent variable Usage Intensity (Z)
variables, namely Consumer Perception (X) and through the mediating variable User Decision (Y)
User Satisfaction (Y), while the dependent variable is 0,2643 x 0,5998 = 0,15852 or 15,85%.
is Usage Intensity (Z). The second sub-structural The contribution of Consumer Perception (X)
equation model is as follows. and User Satisfaction (Y) simultaneously influence
For the equation of second model, the formula which directly affect the Usage Intensity (Z) is
used is as Z = 0,2643 X + 0,5998 Y + 0,2749. 0,7251 = 72,51%. The remaining 27,49% is influ-
enced by other factors that cannot be explained in
the study.

Consumer bZX Usage
Usage Hypothesis 1 Testing (Effect of Consumer Per-
Perception(x) Intensity (z)
Intensity (Z) ception on User Satisfaction)
(X) The direct relationship between consumer per-
ception on user satisfaction shows that H0 is re-
bYX bZY jected, which means that H1 is accepted. This is
because the value of t count is greater than the t
Satisfaction(y) table, it can be concluded that consumer perception
has a significant effect on user satisfaction. The
Source: Processed Data, 2020 parameter coefficient value is positive which indi-
cates that the direction of the relationship between
Figure 6 Second Equation Model the variables is positive. This means that good con-

DIKTI ACCREDITED SK NO. 30/E/KPT/2018 ISSN: 1693-5241 663

Astri Wulandari, Bethani Suryawardani, Dandy Marcelino

Table 5 The Effect Between Variables in Second Model

Influence Simultaneous
Variables Coefficient Through
Direct Indirect Total Influence
Consumer Per- 0,2643 XZ 0,2643 x 0,2643 x 100% - -
ception (X) = 6,99%

Consumer - X  Y Z - 0,2643 x 0,5998 x 22,84% -

Perception (X) 100% = 15,85%

User 0,5998 Y Z 0,5998 x 0,5998 x 100%

Satisfaction (Y) = 35,98% - 35,98% -

Error 2 1 – 0,7251 = - -
Consumer 0,2749 - 27,49% -
Perception (X)
and User

Satisfaction (Y) - - - - - 0,7251 =


Source: Primary Data Processed, 2020

sumer perception can affect user satisfaction with the findings of Singh et al. (2017); Rizal and Munawir
LinkAja digital wallet products. This is consistent (2017); Hsiao et al. (2016), show that there is a
with the results of previous studies conducted by positive influence between consumer satisfaction and
Singh et al. (2017) and Setiawan (2016), showed usage. This is reinforced by the results of research
that there is a significant and positive influence be- that assesses the application designer needs to em-
tween perception and consumer satisfaction. This phasize the hedonic value, appealing to the
is reinforced by the correlation of eight perception consumer’s hedonic experience, such as visual ap-
indicators that lead to satisfaction. The research peal and attractive facilities so that it can increase
emphasizes the importance of consumer perceptions consumer satisfaction and will have an impact on
on mobile wallet satisfaction. the usage intensity of mobile wallet.

Hypothesis 2 Testing (Effect of User Satisfac- Hypothesis 3 Testing (Effect of Consumer Per-
tion on Usage Intensity) ception on Usage Intensity)
The direct relationship between user satisfac- The direct relationship between consumer per-
tion with usage intensity shows that H0 is rejected, ceptions of usage intensity shows that H0 is rejected,
which means H2 is accepted. This is because the which means that H3 is accepted. This is because
value of t count is greater than the t table, it can be the value of t count is greater than t table, can be
said that user satisfaction has a significant effect concluded that consumer perception has a signifi-
on usage intensity. The parameter coefficient is cant effect on the usage intensity. The parameter
positive which indicates that the direction of the re- coefficient value is positive that indicates the direc-
lationship between the variables is positive. This tion of the relationship between the variables is posi-
means that user satisfaction can affect the usage tive. This means that good consumer perception can
intensity of LinkAja digital wallet products. Then affect the usage intensity of LinkAja digital wallet


M-Wallet Technology: Perception and Satisfaction of Users on Usage Intensity

products. The results of this study also support pre- results calculations in the first sub-structure, con-
vious research by Singh et al. (2017); Kristianti and sumer perception directly affects user satisfaction
Pambudi (2017); Baltrunas et al. (2015); Wen et al. of LinkAja digital wallet products. The research
(2013); Wadhe and Ghodke (2013), that perception emphasizes the importance of consumer perceptions
have an impact on the level of mobile wallet usage. on mobile wallet satisfaction.
The study also found that people waited more often From the calculation results in the second sub-
for applications because they began to trust mobile structure, consumer satisfaction has an impact on
wallet applications. People also feel comfortable and the usage intensity of the LinkAja mobile wallet.
friendly in their banking activities. This shows that Then this research shows that there is a strong re-
there is a strong relationship between consumer per- lationship between consumer perception and the
ception and the usage of mobile wallets. usage of mobile wallets. And the last is consumer
perception has a good impact on user satisfaction
Testing Hypothesis 4 (Effect of Consumer Per- and can affect the usage intensity of LinkAja digital
ception on Usage Intensity through User Sat- wallet products.
The direct relationship between consumer per- Recommendations
ception on usage intensity through user satisfaction Based on the conclusions of this study, the fol-
shows that H0 is rejected, which means that H4 is lowing suggestions can be given. For further re-
accepted. This is because the calculated value of t searchers can modify this research by using differ-
count is greater than the t table, can be said that ent objects so that it can be compared to find out
consumer perception has a significant effect on the whether consumer perceptions can affect user sat-
usage intensity through user satisfaction. The pa- isfaction and will have an impact on the intensity of
rameter coefficient value is positive that indicates using a digital wallet. Besides, further researchers
the direction of the relationship between variables should expand the object of research, so that it does
is positive. This means that consumer perception not only reach samples in Bandung.
has a good impact on user satisfaction, and can af- There is a good perception about LinkAja to
fect the usage intensity of LinkAja digital wallet user satisfaction, so companies should maintain or
products. This result is the same as previous stud- improve the performance of their applications and
ies conducted by Singh et al. (2017), showed that make more and easier features then consumers can
there is a significant relationship between percep- perceive LinkAja applications better so that satis-
tion, satisfaction, and the usage intensity of mobile faction and will increase the usage intensity of
wallet technology. This shows that if consumers are LinkAja. Furthermore, LinkAja management should
satisfied, the usage intensity will also increase over maintain a mediating variable of user satisfaction,
time. From the explanation, it can be concluded that because based on the results of this research with
the creation of a good consumer perception will also the presence of that variables, consumer percep-
have a good impact on user satisfaction. The in- tions have a greater effect on the usage intensity.
crease in user satisfaction means it will have an
impact on the usage intensity of the M-Wallet. REFERENCES
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pFad v4 Proxy