Assignment Design 2022 Slides 1 1
Assignment Design 2022 Slides 1 1
Assignment Design 2022 Slides 1 1
What you want from today
Assignments are
building blocks of learning
Assignments as
Teaching & Learning Tools
“Students fail assignments and sometimes assignments fail students.”
(p. 95)
“if student work is the engine of a course, then the assignments are the
creative centre of our teaching practice” (p. 110)
Conventional Backward
• Instructor-focused • Student-focused
• Content-focused • Driven by learning
• Focused exclusively on objectives that include skills
evaluation and summative as well as knowledge
feedback • Includes formative feedback
Assessment asks:
“To what degree did the student meet the outcomes?”
Good Learning Objectives
1. Focus on students applying and integrating
both knowledge and skills.
2. Use specific, active, and concrete language.
3. Make evaluation criteria explicit through
rubrics or scoring guides.
4. Help both teachers and students focus their
effort and time.
From Teaching Goals to
Learning Outcomes
Vague teaching goal: Specific learning objective:
"By the end of this course, “By the end of this course, students will be able
students will understand to:
the research process."
Disciplinary learning outcomes
Sociology Integrative Physiology
1. Summarize Durkheim's theory of 1. Define viscoelasticity
2. Construct a model that
2. Apply Durkheim's theory to the demonstrates the properties of
nation's drug problem viscoelasticity
3. Based on current data, what 3. What predictions could you
predictions can you make about make if the patellar tendon were
the drug problem in the near replaced with a non-yielding
future? Kevlar band? Elastic band?
4. Write an analysis and critique of 4. Compare and contrast several
the current drug problem, in the materials that could be used to
context of Durkheim's theory replace a torn ACL. Show that
and explain whether or not the one would be best and explain
problem can be solved. why.
Source: Border, Laura. (2005). The University of Colorado at Boulder Lead Graduate Teacher
Manual, UC Boulder
Confusing Assignments form part of the “The
Hidden Curriculum"
• Unccipline (e.g., English language learners, international students, first generation,
Mateo is a first-year student with little experience Sangeet is one of over a thousand students in a second-
researching and writing essays. He has just received year life sciences class held in Convocation Hall. She
the following assignment. has no research experience and her TA has just given
her the following assignment.
Prepare an annotated bibliography on
the implications of a milestone event Choose a topic of interest in the life
from the first half of the 20th sciences. Using an online database,
century. The items you choose for your find citation information, including the
annotated bibliography will be used for abstract, for five recent peer reviewed
your next assignment, the research articles on your topic. Choose one and
paper. Your bibliography should analyze the first page and the
include 5 recent items including two bibliography. Write a paragraph
scholarly journal articles not from the explaining its relevance to your
course reading list. Websites are not topic. Your paper must be error free
acceptable and be sure to follow and be sure not to plagiarize.
correct citation practices.
Exercise 1: Improve an assignment
5-minute BREAK
What you want
Why scaffold? them to learn
• Break up learning
outcomes into
manageable steps
• Give students the
support they need to
develop their skills and
build their knowledge.
Build in formative feedback
The Student Perspective
Students struggle with:
• Getting started and breaking things down
• Awareness of support and research services
• Underestimating the value of process (e.g. pre-
• Time management with competing deadlines
• Sparse or lengthy assignment descriptions
• Weak pre-requisite skills
• Lack of understanding or experience with the ideal
product (so exemplars are helpful)
The Student Perspective
Students benefit from:
• Scaffolded assignments
• Learning to project manage (backwards plan) their work
• Visual as well as text representations of the assignment
Challenging, specific research questions and thinking prompts
• Writing assignments of different lengths
• Specificity – but not overwhelming detail – in the assignment
and rubric
• Detailed feedback – especially feedback that can be
applied (formative)
Resources for Students
• Libraries – research skills and resources
• Workshops
• Consultations
7 Principles
University of Guelph
Open Ed
Ryerson University
Learning and Teaching Office
Building a community of
practice around assessment
AAD Values
• Use TSpace
How you can engage with AAD
1. Contribute your assignments and
• Receive formative feedback
• Publish your teaching materials and story.
Thank you!