2 ep repet pp pr vocab quiz 11b
2 ep repet pp pr vocab quiz 11b
2 ep repet pp pr vocab quiz 11b
11 NAME .......................................................................................................... CLASS ................................
DATE .......................................................................................................... SCORE ............... / 30
4. zawał serca – _____________________ 1. I didn’t pay attention with/to what the doctor said
and now I don’t know which medicine to take.
5. czuć się okropnie – _____________________
2. Sheila is obsessed with/to her appearance. She
6. mieć wysypkę – _____________________ wants to be extra skinny which is unhealthy.
7. ból brzucha – _____________________ 3. A pharmacist/physiotherapist explained to Mary
how to take the medicines prescribed by the
3 Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty doctor.
w nawiasach. 4. Linda is addicted to/with gambling. She has
already lost almost half of her savings.
1. Magda doesn’t feel well; she told me she has a
(przeziębienie) _____________________ . 5. I was sad when I read that the accident in my
town was minor/fatal.
2. A: What seems to be the problem? 6. I’m so sorry that my best friend is in
B: I’ve got a (gorączkę) _____________________ depression/disorder. He feels sad every time I
and a sore throat. meet him.
3. My grandpa broke a leg yesterday. He’s got a cast 6 W zadaniach 1–2 wpisz wyraz, który
and will be on (kulach inwalidzkich) poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
_____________________ for four weeks. 1. _______________________
• You should get some __ if you feel exhausted.
4. A: Susan burnt herself while cooking.
B: Poor girl. Give her this (maść) • Finish the __ of the pills even though you feel
much better.
_____________________. It will help her
2. _______________________
5. Linda is learning the basics of (języka migowego) • Anorexia is a __ condition characterised by an
_____________________. She wants to work abnormally low body weight.
with deaf people. • Surgery is a __ field which I’m interested in. I
hope to become a famous surgeon one day.
© EGIS & Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE EP Repetytorium. Poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony Module 11 PART ONE
Module Vocabulary Quiz 11B PART TWO*
11 NAME .......................................................................................................... CLASS ................................
DATE .......................................................................................................... SCORE ............... / 30
3. produkt bez laktozy – ________________ product 6. All students are welcomed to talk to a
__________ about problems they have.
4. uciskać ranę – apply pressure to the
5. choroba śmiertelna – ________________ disease
5 Podkreśl właściwy wyraz spośród dwóch
6. przeprowadzać operację – __________________
podanych kursywą.
an operation
1. Brandon came off/of drugs and now decided to
7. sztuczne oddychanie metodą usta w usta –
start working in the addiction centre.
mouth-to-mouth _____________________
2. I drink large quantities with/of water during
summer to stay hydrated.
3 Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty
w nawiasach. 3. Intestines/Joints are a part of a human’s
digestive system.
1. Patrick had a (udar mózgu) _________________
4. Betty had an accident while riding a bike.
________________ last week.
Consequently, she broke her jaw/scalp.
2. I never travel by plane because I (wymiotuję) 5. Emma is struggling with bad rash/acne all over
__________________________ as soon as the her face which is typical for teenagers.
plane takes off. I prefer travelling by train or car.
6. I needed stitches/bandages because my cut was
so deep.
3. The building where I work has a new (podjazd dla
wózków inwalidzkich) ______________________ 6 Wpisz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia
which is vital for the disabled.
wszystkie trzy zdania.
4. She took her children to a (pediatry)
__________________________ because they • Breathing is one of the examples of vital __.
had high temperatures.
• The teacher said that next week we will discuss
5. The (tętnice) _______________________ carry the __ of the liver, such as detoxification,
blood away from your heart. synthesis and storage.