JIPR 8(1) 50-57
JIPR 8(1) 50-57
JIPR 8(1) 50-57
Protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPR) are major components of
international economic trade and scientific cooperation, and the Patent Cooperation Treaty
(PCT) has ushered an era of international cooperation in the diverse international property
systems with reference to patents. The paper discusses about the benefits of the PCT system
under which the filing of one international patent application leads to protection in several
countries. Emergence of PCT system and its benefits, e.g. long term gains, availability of best
technology, faster industrial progress and development, increase in the foreign direct investment
(FDI), and raising the level of patent work in the country, are discussed in detail. The
developing and the least developed countries have also benefited from the PCT and account for
the majority of the 117 members. Among the developing countries, India has also gained
substantially and holds the third position in international filing of patent applications and the
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) is second to Biowindow Gene Development
Inc from China. The paper also discusses briefly about the PCT reforms and automation to make
the system more useful and beneficial.
additional time for taking more informed Raising the Level of Patent Work in the
decisions. Country
More number of applications means
Availability of the Best Technology more business for the patent agents. The
The PCT system paves way for more PCT system gives an additional
opportunities for technology transfer from advantage to the patent practitioners. In
foreign countries based on patent fact, the advantage available under this
protection. In the era of fast rate of system is not only limited to large
technological obsolescence, availability multinational corporations but is also
of competitive technology helps in available to individual applicants and
selection of the best technology. local entrepreneurs. It also helps local
applicants to seek patent protection
Faster Industrial Progress and
abroad, which would serve as a fillip in
increasing the penetration of export
The developing countries have
markets by local industry. With the
invariably remained a target area for the
increase in local inventive activity and
big corporate groups to expand their
receipt of large number of patent
activities. Driven by the availability of
applications from contracting states, the
large number of scientists, engineers and
volume of patent work in the receiving
technical manpower, these groups come
country would increase without any
forward to invest in the developing
countries, which helps in establishment
The enormous benefits brought by the
and development of local industries.
PCT to the patent applicants, designated
Creating more local jobs and
offices, elected offices and industrial
enhancement in technical skill levels
enterprises are testified by the
leads to more industrial progress and
phenomenal growth of international
accelerated development of the national
applications filed under the PCT over the
years. Realizing the tremendous cost
Increase in FDI saving potential of filing the patent
The developing countries and the least application through the PCT route, a large
developed countries require FDI for number of world’s well-known
establishment of vital industrial sectors. enterprises have utilized this system and
The economic liberalization policy is several of them are also from the
sometimes not enough to attract sufficient developing countries. The importance of
FDI. Something more is required to be PCT is evident from the growth in the
done to remove the irritants standing in PCT filings worldwide. From as low a
its way. Effective protection of figure of few thousands in the late 70s, it
intellectual property would certainly help has grown exponentially to a figure of
in garnering more FDI especially in some 1,03,947 in 2001. The 2,50,000th
critical areas of technology like international application under the PCT
pharmaceuticals, etc. was received in February 1996, 18 years
after the start of PCT operations; it took intellectual property management in their
only four years until March 2000, to national economies. PCT also offers
receive the next 2,50,000th application. practical ways of reducing the
An analysis of the technical fields for administrative burden on individual
published PCT applications in 2001 patent offices by facilitating search and
showed that almost all fields of examination and eliminating much of the
technology are utilizing the PCT system formality of checking, data entry and
with physics accounting for 21%; processing and publication.
chemistry, metallurgy 21%; electricity From the perspective of developing
18%; human necessities 17%; performing countries also, the PCT filings have
operations, transporting 13%; mechanical shown a significant growth. In 2001,
engineering, lighting, heating, weapons there was an overall 70.6% increase over
blasting 6%; fixed constructions 3% and the 2000 figures in terms of PCT
textiles, paper 1%. applications filed in developing countries
Contracting States. This high increase is
PCT and Developing Countries largely due to larger number of
It is heartening to note that more and applications filed in China (growth of
more companies and individual applicants 188.4%), India (102.6%), Republic of
are using the PCT route for filing Korea (53.1%) and Mexico (50.1%). The
applications in various contracting States. total number of international applications
The simple reason behind this is that the originating from developing countries
PCT procedures are being continually was 5,378, with the highest numbers from
revised and refined to make it cost Republic of Korea (2,318), China (1,670),
effective, easy, and advantageous to South Africa (418), India (316) and
greater number of applicants. No other Singapore (271). Almost 85.4% of
IPR system provides such flexibility to international applications from
suit the needs of the applicants. The PCT developing countries originated from the
union, which commenced in 1978 with 18 Asia Pacific region in 2001. It is
members in the beginning, has over the gratifying to see the developing countries
period of twenty-four years gained the making use of the PCT system in an
membership of 117 States, out of which advantageous manner.
more than half the members are from
developing countries, amply providing India and the PCT
the benefits to all stakeholders. India acceded to the Paris Convention
Interestingly, the developing countries are for the Protection of Industrial Property in
striving hard for making inroads for their December 1998 and joined the PCT
own products in the global market and are Union at the same time. The accession to
joining such international arrangement in the PCT is a landmark decision in the
large numbers. This strategic policy not history of the patent system in India. It
only boosts the investors’ confidence but has opened the gateway for entry of the
also adds economic value to promote advance technology in India. In the year
1999 ,a beginning was made by posting the same period. Other important PCT
61 PCT applications originating from applicant companies from India during
India. Since the joining of the PCT, India the same period are Ranbaxy
has been designated in over 2,50,000 Laboratories Ltd(27 applications) and Dr
international applications. The entry into Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd (9 applications)
the national phase has already during the same period. Other
commenced from August 2000 and over pharmaceutical companies from India like
13,000 such applications have been Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
received till now. Ltd, Biocon Ltd, Lupin Lab and Sun
The importance of PCT applications in Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, are also
India has grown substantially and from a using the PCT system fruitfully.
low figure of 3% in 1999-2000 it has Thus ,it is seen that after accession of
grown to almost 50% in 2000-01 and has India to the PCT, Indian inventors have
surpassed the national filing in 2001-02. started taking full advantage of the PCT
While there were 4,164 national phase system and a lot of applications from
PCT applications against 4,339 normal abroad are also being received under the
filings under the Indian Patent law in PCT system, accounting for the major
2000-01, the PCT filings increased to proportion of applications received by the
6,351 in 2001-02 against the normal patent offices in India.
filing of 4,241 applications. In the current
year, it is expected that the national phase PCT—Global Reach with Flexibilities
filing under PCT would be as high as The PCT is a treaty of global scope
7,500 as compared to normal filing of with the purpose of assisting in the filing,
4,500 and in the coming years, this trend searching and examination of patent
would become even more pronounced. It applications. The binding procedural
is estimated that the PCT filings in 2003- patent provisions of the PCT are in
04 would be more than double the general agreement with the corresponding
national filings and in future years would binding TRIPS provisions. Hence PCT
be almost four to five times of the Contracting States, which are also WTO
national filing. Therefore, the importance Members, are not faced with having to
of PCT can be gauged from the fact that comply with two conflicting agreements.
of the total patent applications filed in the The non-binding substantive PCT
country, PCT presently accounts for provisions are not prima facie in conflict
almost 0.6% and it is estimated to account with corresponding TRIPS provisions.
for more than 85% of the total filings. In view of the flexibilities in the PCT
The CSIR, India, has filed 101 system, the enactment of TRIPS did not
applications during the period January to necessitate changes in the PCT to bring
June 2002 and it is second to only them in conformity. Applications when
Biowindow Gene Development Inc. from received by members would help in
China, among the developing countries, processing the increasing number of
which has filed 136 applications during applications because when the application