Anti Blacklisting No Litigations Affidavit (1)
Anti Blacklisting No Litigations Affidavit (1)
Anti Blacklisting No Litigations Affidavit (1)
1. All general instructions, general terms and conditions, as well as special terms & conditions laid down on all the
pages of the tender form, have been read carefully and understood properly by me which are completely acceptable
to me and I agree to abide by the same.
2. I/We have submitted following certificates /document for T.E as required as per general terms& conditions as
well as special terms & conditions of the tender.
3. All the certificates /permissions /Document / Permits /Affidavits are valid and current as on date and have not
been withdrawn/ cancelled by the issuing authority.
4. It is clearly and distinctly understood by me that the tender is liable to be rejected if on scrutiny at any time, any of
the required certificates / permissions /Document/ permits/ affidavits is /are found to be invalid/wrong /incorrect/
misleading /fabricated/expired or having any defect.
5. I/We further undertake to produce on demand the original certificate/permission/Document/permits for verification
at any stage during the processing of the tender as well as at any time asked to produce.
6. I/We also understand that failure to produce the Documents in “prescribed Performa” (wherever applicable) as
well as failure to give requisite information in the prescribed Performa may result in to rejection of the tender.
7. My /our firm has not been banned/ debarred/ black listed at least for three years (excluding the current financial
year) by any government department / state government/ government of India / Board / corporation/ municipal
corporation / metro city / government financial institution within India in context to purchase procedure or work
through tender.
8. I/We conform that I/We have meticulously filled in, checked and verified the enclosed Documents/certificates/
permission/permits/ affidavits /information etc. from every aspect and the same are enclosed on order(i.e. in
chronology) in which they are supposed to be enclosed. Page numbers are given each submitted Document.
Important information in each Document is “highlighted” with the help of “marker pen” as required.
9. The above certificates/documents are enclosed separately and not on the Performa printed from tender document.
10. l /We say and submit that the permanent account Number (PAN) given by the income tax Department is
_____________________Which is issued on the name of _____________________[Kindly mention here either
name of the proprietor (in case of proprietor Firm) or name of the tendering firm, Whichever is applicable].
11. l / We understand that giving Wrong information on oath amounts to forgery and perjury, and l/We am/are aware of
the consequences thereof, in case any information provided by us are found to be false or incorrect, you have right
to reject our bid at any stage including forfeiture of our EMD/PBG/cancel the award of contract, in this event, this
office reserves the right to take legal action on me/us.
12. I/We have physically signed & stamped all the above Documents along with copy of tender Documents (page
no.____ to ___).
13. I/We hereby confirm that all our quoted items meet or exceed the requirement and are absolutely compliment
with specification mentioned in the bid Document .
14. My /our company has not filed any writ petition, court matter and there is no court matter filed by state government
and its Board corporation, is pending against our company.
15. I/We hereby commit that we have paid all outstanding amounts of dues/taxes/ cess /charges/fees with interest and
16. In case of breach of any tender terms and conditions or deviation from bid specification other than already specified
as mentioned above, the decision of tender committee for disqualification will be accepted by us.
Whatever stated above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.