Sets & Logarithm
Sets & Logarithm
Sets & Logarithm
A set is a collection of well defined objects which are distinct from each other. Sets are generally
denoted by capital letters A, B, C, ........ etc. and the elements of the set by small letters a, b, c
....... etc.
If a is an element of a set A, then we write a A and say a belongs to A.
If a does not belong to A then we write a A,
e.g. the collection of first five prime natural numbers is a set containing the elements 2, 3, 5, 7, 11.
(ii) Set builder form (Property Method) : In this we write down a property or rule which gives us
all the element of the set.
A = {x : P(x)} where P(x) is the property by which x A and colon ( : ) stands for ‘such that’
Example # 1 : Express set A = {x : x N and x = 2n for n N} in roster form
Solution : A = {2, 4, 8, 16, .........}
Example # 3 : Express set A = {0, 7, 26, 63, 124} in set builder form
Solution : A = {x : x = n3 – 1, nN, 1 n 5}
Null set or empty set : A set having no element in it is called an empty set or a null set or void set, it is
denoted by or { }. A set consisting of at least one element is called a non-empty set or a non-void set.
Finite set : A set which has only finite number of elements is called a finite set.
Order of a finite set : The number of distinct elements in a finite set A is called the order of this set
and denoted by O(A) or n(A). It is also called cardinal number of the set.
e.g. A = {a, b, c, d} n(A) = 4
Infinite set : A set which has an infinite number of elements is called an infinite set.
Equal sets : Two sets A and B are said to be equal if every element of A is member of B, and every
element of B is a member of A. If sets A and B are equal, we write A = B and if A and B are not equal
Equivalent sets : Two finite sets A and B are equivalent if their cardinal number is same
i.e. n(A) = n(B)
e.g. A = {1, 3, 5, 7}, B = {a, b, c, d} n(A) = 4 and n(B) = 4
A and B are equivalent sets
Note - Equal sets are always equivalent but equivalent sets may not be equal
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Fundamentals of Mathematics-I
If A is a subset of B but A B then A is a proper subset of B. Set A is not proper subset of A so this is
improper subset of A
Let A be any set. The set of all subsets of A is called power set of A and is denoted by P(A)
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Fundamentals of Mathematics-I
A set consisting of all possible elements which occur in the discussion is called a universal set and is
denoted by U.
e.g. if A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {2, 4, 5, 6}, C = {1, 3, 5, 7} then U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} can be taken as the
universal set.
Most of the relationships between sets can be represented by means of diagrams which are known as
venn diagrams. These diagrams consist of a rectangle for universal set and circles in the rectangle for
subsets of universal set. The elements of the sets are written in respective circles.
For example If A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {3, 4, 5}, U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} then their venn diagram is
Solution :
From venn diagram we can conclude that A – B = A B.
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Fundamentals of Mathematics-I
Example # 12 : In a group of 60 students, 36 read English newspaper, 22 read Hindi newspaper and 12 read
neither of the two. How many read both English & Hindi news papers ?
Solution : n(U) = 60, n(E) = 36, n(H) = 22
n(E H) = 12 n(E H) = 12
n(U) – n(E H) = 12
n(E H) = 48
n(E) + n(H) – n(E H) = 48
n(E H) = 58 – 48 = 10
Example#13 : In a group of 50 persons, 14 drink tea but not coffee and 30 drink tea. Find
(i) How many drink tea and coffee both ? (ii) How many drink coffee but not tea ?
Solution : T : people drinking tea
C : people drinking coffee
(i) n(T) = n(T – C) + n(T C) 30 = 14 + n(T C) n(T C) = 16
Intervals :
Intervals are basically subsets of R and are commonly used in solving inequalities or in finding
domains. If there are two numbers a, b R such that a < b, we can define four types of intervals as
follows :
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Fundamentals of Mathematics-I
Steps : -
Points where numerator becomes zero are called zeros or roots of the function and where denominator
becomes zero are called poles of the function.
(i) First we find the zeros and poles of the function.
(ii) Then we mark all the zeros and poles on the real line and put a vertical bar there
dividing the real line in many intervals.
(iii) Determine sign of the function in any of the interval and then alternates the sign
in the neghbouring interval if the poles or zeros dividing the two interval has
appeared odd number of times otherwise retain the sign.
(iv) Thus we consider all the intervals. The solution of the g(x) > 0 is the union of the
intervals in which we have put the plus sign and the solution of g(x) < 0 is the
union of all intervals in whichwe have put the minus sign.
(x – 2)10 (x 1)3 x – (x 8)2
Example# 14 : Solve the inequality if f(x) = 2
is > 0 or < 0.
x 24 (x – 3)3 (x 2)5
(x – 2)10 (x 1)3 x – (x 8)2
2 1
Solution. Let f(x) = the poles and zeros are 0, 3,– 2,– 1, ,– 8, 2
x (x – 3) (x 2)
24 3 5 2
If f(x) > 0, then x (– , – 8) (– 8, – 2) (– 1, 0) 0, (3, )
and if f(x) < 0, then x (– 2, – 1) , 2 (2, 3) Ans.
Exponential Function
A function f(x) = ax = ex In a (a > 0, a 1, x R) is called an exponential function. Graph of
exponential function can be as follows :
Case - Case -
For a > 1 For 0 < a 1
Logarithm of A Number :
The logarithm of the number N to the base ' a ' is the exponent indicating the power to which the base ' a
' must be raised to obtain the number N. This number is designated as loga N. Hence:
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Fundamentals of Mathematics-I
Domain of Definition :
The existence and uniqueness of the number loga N can be determined with the help of set of
conditions, a > 0 & a 1 & N > 0.
The base of the logarithm ' a ' must not equal unity otherwise numbers not equal to unity will not have a
logarithm and any number will be the logarithm of unity.
Case- I Case- II
For a > 1 For 0 < a < 1
(iv) loga M = logaM
loga M
(v) logb M = (base changing theorem)
loga b
loga1 = 0 loga a = 1
log1/a a = 1 logba =
loga b
ax = ex na
alogc b blogc a
Note : (i) If the number and the base are on the same side of the unity, then the
logarithm is positive.
(ii) If the number and the base are on the opposite sides of unity, then the logarithm is
Logarithmic Equation :
The equality loga x = loga y is possible if and only if x = y i.e.
loga x = loga y x = y
Always check validity of given equation, (x > 0, y > 0, a > 0, a 1)
D 0
x= 2
f(x) 1 , g(x) 1
(a) logg(x) f(x) 0
0 f(x) 1 , 0 g(x) 1
f(x) 1 , 0 g(x) 1
(b) logg(x) f(x) 0
0 f(x) 1 , g(x) 1
f(x) (g(x))a
, g(x) 1
(c) logg(x) f(x) a
0 f(x) (g(x)) , 0 g(x) 1
0 f(x) (g(x)) ,
g(x) 1
(d) logg(x) f(x) a
f(x) (g(x))a
, 0 g(x) 1
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Fundamentals of Mathematics-I
Note :
If characteristic of a number (base of log is 10) is found to be n, then there would be (n + 1) digits in that
* Characteristic of log of = 0.1 with base 10 = – 1
Characteristic of log of = 0.01 with base 10 = – 2
Characteristic of log of = 0.001 with base 10 = – 3
Characteristic of log of with base 10 = – 2
Characteristic of log of with base 10 = – 3
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Fundamentals of Mathematics-I
[1/10, 1) –1 0 9 = 9×101–1
[0.01, 0.1)
–n (n – 1) = 9 × 10n–1
Note :
If characteristic of a number (base of log is 10) is found to be –n, then there would be (n –1) zeros
Solution. N = 1850
Characterstic = [log10N] = 62
No. of digits = 62 + 1 = 63
(19) Find the total number of zeros immediately after the decimal in 6– 200 .
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