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D U L U X® C R E A T I V O®
Dulux Creativo Microcement is the new way to elevate
your project’s aesthetic with seamless on-trend looks.

Stylish yet practical, it is a versatile solution for creating

sophisticated indoor and outdoor spaces, perfectly suiting
a wide range of horizontal and vertical surfaces.

Designed to enhance residential, commercial and

industrial sites, Dulux Creativo Microcement is ideal for
reinventing bathrooms, kitchens, benchtops and stairs.
The possibilities will be limited only by the imagination!


M IC RO C E ME N T GR I P is a ready to use water based adhesion promoter primer for

difficult and non absorbent substrates. Spread: 8m2/L Lineshade: 194X2525-5L Size: 5L

MIC ROC EM EN T F OND O PART A has to be mixed with Microcemento

Part B (ratio 2:1) before application. It is designed to be used as a base coat, but
can also be used as a finishing coat when a highly textured design is the goal. In this
latter case Microcement Fondo can be coloured with Dulux tinters to our dedicated
Microcement colour range. Spread: 1.25m2/L per coat;* application in 2 coats.

Lineshade: 194X2537-7L Size: 7L (10kg)

MIC ROC EM EN TO PART B is a powder based additive for Microcement

Fondo Part A and Microcement Finitura Part A, based on micronized white cement
and additives. Microcemento Part B has to be mixed directly with Fondo Part A or
Finitura Part A (ratio 1:2). Once mixed, leave to settle for a few minutes then proceed
with application. The 2-component mixture has a pot life of 1 hour.
Lineshade: 194X2535-5KG Size: 5kg

MIC ROC EM EN T F I NI TU R A PA RT A has to be mixed with

Microcemento Part B (ratio 2:1) before application. It is designed to be used as a
finishing coat and will need to be tinted to the final dedicated Dulux Microcement
colour range using using Dulux tinters. Spread: 2.5m2/L per coat;* application in
2 coats. Lineshade: 194X2541-7L Size: 7L (10kg)

MIC ROC EM ENT M ON O F I NI TURA is a ready to use microfibre
reinforced mortar finishing coat, tinted to the desired Dulux Microcement colour.
Composed of special resins that provide excellent adhesion to the substrate, mineral

aggregates with balanced grain size and special additives to improve workability and
performance. Spread: 2.5m2/L per coat.* Lineshade: 194X2540-9.6L Size: 9.6L

MIC ROC EM ENT M ON O F ONDO is a ready to use microfibre

reinforced mortar composed of special resins that provide excellent adhesion to the
substrate, mineral aggregates with balanced grain size and special additives
to improve workability and performance. Spread: 1.25m2/L per coat.*
Lineshade: 194X2536-10.4L Size: 10.4L

M IC RO C E ME N T PR I M ER is an acrylic microemulsion, with high penetrating

and consolidating characteristics. Ideal to reduce absorbency of Microcement Top. Apply
by roller 1 coat of Microcement Primer, wait 4 hours before applying Microcement Top.
Spread: Coverage: 12m2/L per coat. Lineshade: 194X2526-5L Size: 5L

MIC RO CEM EN T TOP C LEAR PA RT A is a water based 2-part

polyurethane transparent protective top coat, HACCP certified for the use in
environments with foods or where high hygiene is required. Microcement
Top has to be catalysed (component A+B) 20% of weight ratio (1kg component
A + 0.2kg component B) prior to use. Available in matt, low gloss and gloss.
Spread: Coverage 10m2/L per coat;* application in 2–3 coats.
Microcement Top Clear Gloss – Lineshade: 194X2552-2.4L Size: 2.44L
Microcement Top Clear Low Gloss – Lineshade: 194X2551-2.4L Size: 2.44L
Microcement Top Clear Matt – Lineshade: 194X2550-2.4L Size: 2.44L

MIC ROC EM ENT TOP PART B is a water based 2-part


polyurethane protective top coat, HACCP certified for the use in environments
with foods or where high hygiene is required. Microcement Top has to be
catalysed (component A+B) 20% of weight ratio (1kg component A + 0.2kg
component B) prior to use.
Lineshade: 194X2545-0.44L Size: 0.44L

MIC ROC EM ENT TOP WH I TE PA RT A is a water based 2-part

polyurethane white protective top coat, HACCP certified for the use in
environments with foods or where high hygiene is required. Microcement Top
has to be catalysed (component A+B) 20% of weight ratio (1kg component
A + 0.2kg component B) prior to use. Available in matt, low gloss and gloss.
Spread: Coverage 12m2/L per coat;* application in 2–3 coats.
Microcement Top White Gloss – Lineshade: 194X2557-2.5L Size: 2.5L
Microcement Top White Low Gloss – Lineshade: 194X2556-2.5L Size: 2.5L
Microcement Top White Matt – Lineshade: 194X2555-2.5L Size: 2.5L

*When applied at the correct film build and over a correctly cleaned substrate and within recommended application conditions.


Dulux Creativo offers two seamless solutions to

transform your surfaces – the 2-part Microcement
system and the Mono system. 2/3 mm

The Microcement system is the more robust system

and can be used in showers, on floors and
externally. The Mono system cannot be used in
these applications.

The Mono system has the benefit of being a single

product without the need to premix and does not
come with a limited pot life like Microcement.
The Mono system is only suitable for interior walls
and ceilings.
The products in both systems have been colour STEP 2
matched to each other allowing their use in the STEP 1
same project – but they are standalone systems
that cannot be interchanged.


Microcement Grip*
*Only needed on particularly
glossy and smooth surfaces.

Microcement Fondo Part A

STEP 1 Microcement Mono Fondo
+ Microcemento Part B

Microcement Finitura Part A

STEP 2 Microcement Mono Finitura
+ Microcemento Part B

STEP 3 Microcement Primer

Microcement Top Clear Part A

+ Microcement Top Part B


• Mix Fondo Part A with Microcemento Part B • Apply the ready to use Mono Fondo with a
(2:1 ratio) until a smooth creamy paste develops. stainless steel trowel avoiding high thickness.
• Apply the mixture with a stainless steel trowel • After 8 hours sand and vacuum the surface
avoiding high thickness. then apply a second coat the same way if
• After 8 hours sand and vacuum the surface required.
then apply a second coat the same way.
STEP 2 • Apply the ready to use Mono Finitura with a
• Mix Finitura Part A (tinted to the desired colour) stainless steel trowel avoiding high thickness.
with Microcemento Part B (2:1 ratio) until a • After 8 hours sand and vacuum the surface.
smooth creamy paste develops. Apply a second coat patterning the surface
• Apply the mixture with a stainless steel trowel with a suitable technique to obtain the desired
avoiding high thickness. finish.

• After 8 hours sand and vacuum the surface.

• Apply a second coat designing the surface
• Apply the ready to use Primer by 5mm mohair
with a suitable technique to obtain the
roller after waiting at least 8 hours from last
desired finish.
coat of Mono Finitura.
• Apply the ready-to-use Primer by 5mm mohair
• Mix Top Part A with Top Part B (1kg of Part
roller after waiting at least 8 hours from the last
A plus 200 grams Part B) and apply with a
coat of the mixed Finitura product.
mohair roller consistently and carefully on the
STEP 4 surface.
• Wait between 6 and 24 hours and apply the
• Mix Top Part A with Top Part B (1kg of
second coat without sanding the surface.
Part A plus 200 grams Part B) and apply
with a mohair roller consistently and carefully • Wait 24–36 hours before walking on the
on the surface. surface.

• Wait between 6 and 24 hours and apply Limitation: the Mono System cannot be used on
a second coat without sanding the surface. floors, wet areas, or externally.
• In shower alcoves or outdoor, apply a third coat
of blended Top with a ratio of 40%
(i.e. 1kg of Part A plus 400 grams Part B).
• Wait 24–36 hours before walking on the surface.

Limitation: once any of the 2-part components are

mixed, i.e. Part A and Part B, the mixture has
a pot life of 1 hour.

Refer to Product Data Sheets and relevant Duspec Specification for full details on application.

General surface preparation information for the • When using Microcement in wet areas and
application of Dulux Creativo Microcement and high traffic areas 3 coats of Dulux Creativo
Mono systems: Top are required with the final coat double
catalysed. Ensure suitable drainage grates are
U N PA I N T E D & PA I N T E D installed at time of project.
PLASTERBOARD • Microcement is not suitable for timber flooring.

• Surfaces need to be compact, sound, dry, • Don’t wet surfaces before application.
solid, clean, free from dust, grease, oil, waxes, • The use of shoe covers is highly recommnded
sealers, silicone compounds or any other item when applying Dulux Creativo products.
that might affect adhesion of the system. • The Microcment system and the Mono
• Old paint and filming agents, not perfectly system are stand alone systems and cannot be
compact and adherent to the substrate, need interchanged.
to be removed. • In basements, on ground floors, or wherever
there’s the risk of rising damp (above 14%)
apply a suitable epoxy moisture barrier.
• Remove dust, existing coatings, grease, paint, • Any expansion joint needs to stay free to
cement laitance and any other substance or absorb any structural movement.
material which may affect the adhesion of • Dulux Creativo Microcement is not
subsequent coatings, prepare the surfaces by recommended for use on baths or sinks.
blasting, milling, hammering, high pressure
• For uneven surfaces the use of 80g/m2 alkali
water or mechanical scarification.
resistant mesh is recommended to help level
• Remove any dust residue. the floor.
• Ensure correct drainage slope to avoid water
stagnation: at least 1cm fall per linear metre.
• Blasting or mechanical scarification is required.
• Remove any dust residue.
• Pay particular attention to residual oil and
waxes in the joints between ceramic tiles.
• Tiles with grout wider than 3mm and surface
areas greater than 90 square metres will
require 80g/m2 alkali resistant mesh per
square metre embedded mesh into the first
fresh coat of Creativo Fondo.

• Wait at least 7 days before cleaning Dulux
Creativo Microcement surfaces for the first time.
• Remove any aggressive substance from the
surface as soon as possible (wine, coffee,
grease, oil, etc.) and avoid prolonged contact
that could deteriorate the surface.
• Cleaning should be performed with neutral
pH-7 detergents. Do not use a steam cleaner.
• For application on tables and counter-tops,
avoid direct contact with hot pots or pans.
Independent third party testing to Australian Standard 4586-2013 produced the
following slip resistance ratings for Dulux Creativo Microcement used on pedestrian
floor surfaces when applied at the correct film build and over a correctly cleaned
substrate and within recommended application conditions.

SLIP CHECK TO AS 4586-2013

Glaze Coat Glaze Coat External Test Result External Test Result
1st Coat 2nd Coat (Slider 55) (Slider 96)

Top Clear Matt Top Clear Matt P3 P4

Top Clear Low Sheen Top Clear Low Sheen P2 P3

Top Clear Gloss Top Clear Gloss P1 P1

Top White Matt Top White Matt P2 P2

Top White Low Sheen Top White Low Sheen P1 P1

Top White Gloss Top White Gloss P1 P1


SLIP CHECK TO AS 4586-2013
Glaze Coat Glaze Coat External Test Result External Test Result
1st Coat 2nd Coat (Slider 55) (Slider 96)

Top Clear Matt

+ 130g/2L Part A
Top Clear Matt P4 P4
UltraGrip (55294992)
1st coat only

Top Clear Matt

+ 210g/2L Part A
Top Clear Matt P5 P5
UltraGrip (55294992)
1st coat only

Top White Matt

+ 130g/2L Part A
Top White Matt P3 P4
UltraGrip (55294992)
1st coat only

Top White Matt

+ 210g/2L Part A
Top White Matt P2 P3
UltraGrip (55294992)
1st coat only

A copy of the independent test report R25611 is available upon request.

Dulux Creativo Microcement is HACCP certified, that allows its use when high
hygiene is required, for example food rooms and medical environments.

As part of the Dulux Creativo Microcement product range we have sourced high quality tools from CO.ME.
CO.ME are one of Europe’s premier tool makers, supplying artisans with all the tools required for a
professional high end finish.

Bianko Flex (240mm×100mm×0.5mm stainless steel Bianko ProFlex (300mm×110mm×0.3mm stainless

blade. Suitable for finishing microcement particularly in steel blade). Suitable for finishing light colour
light colours, as it does not leave black marks. microcement on floors as it does not leave black marks.
Lineshade: N4157429 Lineshade: N4157427

ProFlex Polycarbonate (280mm×110mm×1.5mm CoMe ProFlex (360mm×110mm×0.3mm stainless steel

polycarbonate blade). Used mainly for finishing blade). Suitable for Fondo or base coat Microcement.
microcement on walls. Lineshade: N4187430 Lineshade: N4157428

ProFlex Polycarbonate (360mm×110mm×1.5mm

polycarbonate blade). Used mainly for finishing
microcement on floors. Lineshade: N4157431

LightFlex (240mm×100mm×0.3mm stainless steel

blade). Its flexibility allows for use on curved surfaces. CoMe Microcement Tool Box complete with 8 specialist
Lineshade: N4157426 tools. Lineshade: N4157424-UNIT

What is the differrence between the Microcement Can it be used for walk-in showers?
system and the Mono system? Yes, the Microcement system can be used for
The Microcement system is the more robust and showers. Make sure there is the correct drainage
can be used in showers, on floors and externally. slope to avoid water stagnation, at least 1cm per
The Mono system has the benefit of being a single 1metre. Apply 3 coats of Creativo Microcement
product without the need to premix but is only Top, with the third and final coat double
suitable for interior walls. catalysed. Wait at least 7 days before using the
shower for the first time.
Can I interchange the two systems?
No, you cannot. Can it be used outside?
Yes, the Microcement system is suitable for
Will the colour differ between the two systems? both exterior applications and wet areas within
No, the Microcment and the Mono systems have bathrooms and kitchens, however the Mono
been colour matched. system is not.

What colours are available? When is mesh required?

Dulux Creativo Microcement can be tinted to 80g/m2 mesh is embedded into the first fresh coat
a limited curated colour range using Dulux of Creativo Microcement Fondo when grout is
Decorama tinters. wider than 3mm and/or surface area greater
than 90 square metres and/or the ground is
Will the top sealer affect the colour?
Yes, depending on the gloss level chosen.
When can I return my heavy furniture back to the
A site sample should be provided in the chosen
room that has just been coated in Microcement?
gloss level.
Do not place objects with high punctual load
Can I seal with a matt sealer? or drag any heavy object, especially in the first
Yes, we have 3 sealers available within our Dulux 28 days necessary for complete curing of the
Creativo product range – matt, low gloss and gloss. cementitious component. Avoid excessive
punctual loads.
Can it be applied on walls and floors?
What primer should I use for ceramic tiles?
Yes, the Microcement system has been developed
specifically for floors and walls. It can be used Creativo Microcement Grip is applied in 1 coat
directly over tiles (providing they are well bonded) by mohair roller. This water-based adhesion
saving the need to dismantle and remove building promoter primer is used for difficult and non-
materials. Note: The Mono system cannot be used absorbent substrates.
on floors, it is only suitable for walls and ceilings
Will the final finish vary from one applicator to
(not in wet areas).
Can I use the Microcement system on floors in
Yes it will. It is the skill and technique of the
commercial applications?
trained artisan that will dictate the finish.
Yes you can. We have tested our slip test to
AS 4586-2013. The results can be found on the
slip resistance table.

For more information

Dulux Acratex is a division of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd. ABN 67 000 049 427.
® Dulux, Acratex, Decorama and DuSpec are registered trade marks of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd.
CREATIVO is a registered trade mark of COLORIFICO MP S.r.l.

DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd 1956 Dandenong Road Clayton Victoria 3168 Australia acratex.com.au
Dulux New Zealand 150 Hutt Park Road Lower Hutt 5010 New Zealand dulux.co.nz

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