MBA doc. (2)
MBA doc. (2)
MBA doc. (2)
Sources of Recruitment:-
Process improvement efforts vary widely and can include reducing the
time needed to perform certain functions, cutting costs, or enhancing
the quality of a service.
This article deals with the basic meaning of HRP and how scholars have
defined it in the past and present. Meanwhile, we learn its importance,
how HRP has evolved to what it is today, and what kind of processes
are being followed at present.
It’s clear that HRP offers plenty of advantages. But it still comes with
several challenges for organizations to navigate.
i. Talent Hiring: Small and medium sized enterprises face a daunting
task when competing with industry giants for top talent, this is
one of the crucial HR strategic challenges.
Ans. Competency based Human Resource Management has become a significant area in HR.
Competency- based human resource management details the way to transform the human
resource department with the intention that job competencies- instead of job description-
become the building blocks for all HR efforts. Competency mapping is not just about choosing
the best individuals for the right job, it is a lot more complex than it appears. Competency-
based management demands the management of key HR functions like learning, performance
management & staffing, around a competency profile for the work to be completed.
A variety of human resource process could be included in one integrated system by relating
each to a common group of defined job competencies. Despite the fact that human resource
activities need to be built around competencies, only a handful of companies have done so.
Below are a few fundamental reasons why they should:
Competencies are the standard link between the most human resource processes.
The human resource processes, like selection, training, development and performance
management, relevant to job related behaviors are frequently discovered to be
functioning at cross purposes in companies.
Competency based job analysis: It finds the competencies essential for becoming
successful in a job by detailing the jobs in terms of quantifiable, observable, and
behavioral competencies which workers need to show to complete the job
The main purpose of competency based selection is to bring the HR managers fairly
close to moving forward and backward in time to make efficient forecast about
candidate’s performance.
1. Planning
In the planning phase of job analysis, Organizations define the objectives and
parameters for job analysis during the planning phase. This involves determining the
specific objectives they want to achieve through the job evaluation, such as
enhancing job placement, boosting job satisfaction, or verifying legal compliance.
They also decide the scope of the research, defining which jobs or roles will be
studied and to what extent. Planning also involves the allocation of resources.
Organizations must determine the resources needed for the job analysis process,
including personnel and time as well as technology and budget.... Successful job
analysis requires effective planning.
2. Data Collection
Once the planning phase is complete, the data collection process begins. This step
involves obtaining detailed information about the job being analysed. There are several
methods for data collection, including:
Observations: Observing staff members during their work hours to gain insight into the
nature of the job and its surroundings.
3. Documentation
With the key job elements identified and analysed, the next step is to document the
findings. This documentation takes the form of job descriptions and job specifications:
Job Description: It outlines the key elements of the job, including a summary of its
purpose, duties and responsibilities, reporting relationships, and sometimes
performance expectations. It offers an elucidated definition of the position that can be
utilized in job placement, employee recruitment, and evaluation.
Job Specifications: Job specifications offer more information about the necessary
qualifications and requirements for the job.The information provided encompasses
education, past, skills, certifications, and any particular physical or cognitive abilities.
Organizations must use job analysis and competency modelling to manage their
workforce. Information about job requirements and their usefulness helps organizations
decide on recruitment, training methods (such as UPS), performance management, and
career development.
Q.6 Explain the concept of Employee Welfare and the benefit of Employee Welfare.
Ans. Employee welfare, also known as staff welfare, refers to the services and benefits
provided to the employer by organizations for well-being of employees. It includes
healthcare, paid time off, and amenities. These services extend from physical to mental
health among employees, helping create an efficient and satisfied workforce. The main
objective of employee welfare is to improve employee morale, develop a better image of
the company, develop efficiency, and create a satisfied workforce.
1. Statutory
If statutory, the government introduces the employee welfare services. The. The
workplace has a minimum standard that ensures safety and well-being, including first
aid, work hours, hygiene standards, and more.
2. Voluntary
Other than the statutory duties, voluntary employee welfare encompasses the
organization's amenities. Included in these are transportation, medical care, free meals,
children's schooling facilities, sports and games, among other things.
Both employers and employees can benefit from the employee welfare services
provided.For employees, they become mentally and physically fit to perform their best
at work. They can share additional responsibilities and improve their standard of living.
In fact, they would be thriving in a healthy work environment. For employers, they can
see an improvement in efficiency and productivity of employees. There will also be a
development in the attachment and belongingness of employees to the organization.
This promotes healthy industrial relations, ultimately achieving industrial peace. It also
enhances goodwill, reputation, and culture of the organization.
This may include things like wellness session, meditation classes, and yoga and so on.
Employee welfare, also referred to as staff welfare, are the services and benefits that an
employer offers to employees for their welfare. It includes healthcare, paid time off, and
amenities. These services extend from physical to mental health among employees, helping
create an efficient and satisfied workforce.
Employee welfare is a dynamic and evolving field. By understanding its objectives, you can
implement effective welfare programs that enhance the well-being of employees, leading to
boosted productivity. Stay proactive, involve employees, and regularly update welfare
initiatives to keep pace with changing needs and expectations.
Understanding employee welfare in HRM means recognizing the integral role it plays in
developing a motivated and healthy workforce. From employee welfare measures like
health and safety programs to innovative employee welfare facilities such as on-site
childcare and wellness centres, the continuous improvement of these programs is vital for
organizational success.