Topic 4
Topic 4
Topic 4
1. Introduction
In this lecture we are going to address the way in which the OOAD process is
We’re also going to talk about what came before a little.
OOAD as a process has many benefits.
– And the Object Oriented programs it inspires are the norm for the industry.
It also has a number of drawbacks.
– We’ll discuss these too.
2. Software Complexity
3. Object Orientation
Much of the benefit of OOAD can be obtained through the use of a five step
– Identify the needs of users.
o Documented via use-case diagrams
– Details the steps needed for each of the requirements
o Done through activity diagrams.
– Decompose the requirements for the system.
o Break it down into components via class diagrams
– Define out the interactions
o Bring it all together in a component diagram
– Go back to the start and iterate
Iteration is an important part of OOAD
– You will never get it right the first time
– New requirements and information will be introduced all the time.
Incremental analysis and design is simplest
– Don’t try to solve the whole problem at once
– Pick a starting point, and work from that.
Good design is user centric
– You need to know what the users have to say
4.1 Decomposition
Understanding any complex system is an exercise in decomposition.
– You must be able to partition the whole into manageable subsections.
Abstraction is an important part of this process.
– You need to be able to view the different parts at a suitable level of
Incremental development is the process of successively refining your
Use case diagrams are supposed to show only broad strokes of interaction.
However, sometimes we want to specialise a specific action if it has clearly
defined subtasks.
To do this we create a separate diagram and flesh out the interaction.
– We can make an interaction have multiple parts, providing a <<uses>> line
to indicate subtasks.
Example Candidates
List products by category
List products by price
Buy a product
Customer Read reviews of a product
View shopping basket
Update account details
6. Agile OOAD
7. Conclusion
8. Terminology