Google Calendar (Nabeel Bukhari)
Google Calendar (Nabeel Bukhari)
Google Calendar (Nabeel Bukhari)
Table of Content
Logging on .................................................................................................................. 2
Sharing Calendars.................................................................................................... 17
Collaboration ............................................................................................................ 33
Logging on
Find and double click browser icon on the desktop. It can be any browser, such as Internet
Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or other browser.
Type in the address bar:
► Note:
You have to have Google account before you can access any Google Apps.
The Google Gmail screen appears. Enter your user name and password to login.
► Note:
Stay signed in
There is facility in Gmail to remember your username and password in particular
computer. If you tick the check box () then the next time you visit, the browser will automatically logged you in and open your mail
Once the user name and password are verified, the screen will show the Gmail main page with list
of e-mails you received.
To access the Google Calendar, click on the Apps button ( ), then on the pop up window, click
on Calendar.
► Note:
You can do setting in another way (will be covered in the next section), if you cannot see
this pop-up window
If you are accessing your Calendar for the first time, you will be presented with a welcome message
similar to the following screenshot:
Click “Got It” button at the bottom shown in red color box in the above picture. You will then see
the “Calendar” page according to the following picture.
Calendar Settings
You can also change the setting of the calendar by clicking the setting button ( ) and
choose setting on the pop up window:
In the setting page, please ensure that the language is English (US), Country is Thailand, the time
format is 13:00. The rest you can customize based on your preference.
Once you finish changing the setting, go back to the Calendar page. Every time you make any
changes to the settings, it will be automatically saved and a message similar to
will appear at the bottom of the screen.
► Note:
To go back to the calendar, click the arrow on the top left corner.
Type of Views
There are six different views to display the calendar: Day, Week, Month, Year, Schedule and 4 Days.
You can switch the view by clicking on each of them to see the different views.
► Note:
For this training purpose, we might need to switch from one view to another. Unless it is
specified, we will work on week view.
► Note:
By default, there will be one primary calendar (the name of the calendar is the same with
the account number) and another calendar for keeping tasks created.
We can add as many calendars, but only one tasks calendar can be created in one account.
We can show or hide the calendar by clicking the square on the left side of the calendar’s
name. If the square on the left side of the calendar’s name is empty, then the information
on that particular calendar will not be displayed, and vice versa.
► Note:
By default, the activity will have one-hour duration. To change the duration, you can
click on the event to Edit event.
To modify the existing event, double click on the event name on the event we are going to modify
(Meeting with the Advertisement Agency). It will show the event setting page where you can modify
the event.
► Note:
When you click the event name, it will show the details of the meetings. At the top of the
dialogue box, it will show you the options to delete the event, mail the event to guests,
other options such as print, duplicate, publish the event, change the owner and close the
dialogue box. It will also display the time of the meeting, when will be the notification
sent and the name of the calendar.
Double click the event name on the Calendar or click the button to on the pop up window
to view the edit page of the event.
In this page, change the date to the new one (13 November), starting time (15:00) and ending time
Give more information regarding this event: enter Meeting room 201 at Add location text box, and
give any information on Add description text box. You can change the color for the event to
differentiate it with other events. Click Save button.
To delete the existing event, you can do either of these two ways:
1 Click on the event on the Calendar. It will show the pop up with the detailed information of that
particular activity. Click on Delete event to delete this event.
2 Double click on the event name, it will bring you to the event setting page, and on this page, click
on “More actions” and then click “Delete” button from the drop down list.
► Task:
Try to create two or three events in your calendar. You can decide the name and duration
of your events.
► Note:
Managing multiple days Event is similar to managing the single day event discussed
above. Only the difference is the placement of the event, instead of placing the event in
the cell of calendar workspace, it will be placed on top of the calendar workspace.
To add multiple-days event on 26 - 27 November 2019, first navigate the workspace so it will
display the Mon 11/26 day on the main window. Click at any cell on that column (Mon 11/26), to
open event pop-up window.
Skip entering the information on this pop-up window and click on the More options. In the Event
setting page, enter Seminar on Marketing Strategies 2019 in the Add title event text box; click the
check box “All day” at the bottom of the title; then set the from date and end date to confirm with
the date of seminar. You can enter additional information for this event, and click save.
The event will be shown in the main space, right below the date.
► Task:
Try to create another multiple-days event in your calendar named Company Retreat, from
11-12 December 2019. The venue will be in Holiday Inn Pattaya.
► Task:
Try to modify the multiple-days event called Seminar on Marketing Strategies 2019 and
adjust the schedule to the new one.
► Task:
Try to delete the multiple-days event called Seminar on Marketing Strategies 2019.
► Note:
Repeating event can be seen as one single event, with the specific time boundaries, but
repeated regularly. It can be repeated for particular time duration.
In this pop up window, make sure that 1 and Week is selected in Repeat every boxes. Change the
day from S (Sunday) to M (Monday), and for Ends, choose “On” then select 31 December for the
end of the duration. Click Done button.
Add more information as you wish, then click Save.
To see whether the repeated events are properly set, click on Month view. The series of events will
be shown similar to the screen shot below:
To modify the repeat events, first click on any repeated events (not necessarily to click on the first
event of the series). In the event setting page, change the duration, then click on save.
The Edit recurring event pop up window appear, and it gave you three option:
This event The changes will be applied only in this selected event
only. The rest of the events will be remaining the same
This and following The changes will be applied from the selected event and
events all the following
All events All events (including past events) will be changed.
To modify one particular event in the repeat events, first click on the event name of that particular
event we need to modify. In the event setting page, change the date then click on save.
In the pop-up window, click on This event radio button to apply the changes only on this particular
To delete one particular event in the repeat events, first click on the event name of that particular
event we need to delete (on 25 November 2019). In the pop up window, click Delete. In the Delete
recurring event, select This event radio button and click Ok.
To delete whole events in the repeat events, first click on the event name of any repeated event we
need to delete. In the pop up window, click Delete. In the Delete recurring event, select All events
radio button and click ok.
► Note:
Task is different from event since task doesn’t have any time boundaries. We have to
define only in which date we would like to create this task.
» Adding task
► Case:
On Sunday, 24 November, you are planning to do two activities: washing car and
gardening. To ensure you will not forget to do these two activities, you need to add this in
the task calendar.
To add task, please ensure that the task panel is open in the right side of your workspace.
► Note:
If you cannot see this panel, click on the button on the right side of the calendar.
If you are using the Task list for the first time, you may need to click “Get Started”. Once you see
the task pane as shown similar to the above picture, under My Tasks, click “Add a task” and type
Gardening in the below text box and press Enter from the keyboard. Then click on the button
on the left side, to open the dialog box. Click “Add date” to add the date (24 November 2018) and
you can add more information in the notes text box. Once you finish, click on <- to go back to the
To add Wash the car task, click “Add a task” and follow the previous step to add this task.
If you wish to add subtasks, you can add through “Add subtasks” button.
To mark the task as completed task, click on the check box on the left side of the task name. Once
you click it complete it will go under the “Completed” task list. To bring it back you need to go to
the “Completed” task list and click the tick mark on the right side again to mark as incomplete.
» Deleting task
► Case:
You cancel the gardening activity, and you would like to delete this from your task
To delete one task, first click the button on the right side of the name of the task, then click on
delete button ( ) on the top part of task panel.
► Note:
You can add calendars available, such as the holiday calendar, to be included in your
» Adding Calendars
► Case:
You want to add two calendars in your calendar system: Holidays in Thailand and
Holidays in Pakistan
► Note:
You can assign different color for each calendar. To do this, click on the button ( ) on
the right side of the calendar, then in the drop down menu, click your preferred color.
» Removing Calendars
► Case:
You want to remove calendar(s) in your calendar system.
Sharing Calendars
► Note:
You can share your calendar to others to view, or, you can also request others to share
their calendar to you.
To share calendar to others, click on the button on the right side of your calendar you are going
to share, then on the drop down menu, choose Settings and Sharing. It will show the calendar
settings page.
From the left hand side menu choose Share with specific people, and then click Add People from
the right hand side pane. Once you clicked, a pop up box will appear where you need to enter the
email or name of the people and need to set the permission level. In the Permission Setting, you can
choose one out of four option available:
See only free/busy (hide Your contact will be able to only see your schedule where
details) you have marked as free or busy.
See all event details Your contact will be able to see all the events entered in
your calendar but cannot modify it.
Make changes to events Your contact will be able to see all the events entered in
your calendar and modify it.
Make changes and Your contact will be able to see, make changes and even
manage sharing manage your calendar sharing.
Choose See all event details, then click on Done/Ok button. Check with your contact whether they
can see your calendar. The calendar should be displayed under Other Calendars panel on the left
side of the workspace.
To change the setting of your shared calendar, click on the button on the right side of your
calendar you are going to share, then on the drop down menu, chose Settings and sharing. It will
show the calendar settings page.
In the Permission Settings, on that particular contact, you can change the permission, then go back
to the calendar.
To remove the sharing, click on the button on the right side of your calendar you are going to
share, then on the drop down menu, chose Settings and sharing. It will show the calendar settings
In this page, click on the ‘X’ icon for the contact whom you want to stop viewing your calendar.
► Note:
You can share your calendar to others to view, or, you can also request others to share
their calendar to you.
Final Exercise
1. Login to your designated email address. Example, ‘X’ represents the number
provided in your login email details.
2. Add the following single events in your calendar
a. Meeting with Advertising Company on 21 November at board room during 10:00 to 11:00 am.
b. Meeting with Marketing Department on 28 November at Room#212 during 2 to 3 pm.
c. Meeting with Finance Department on 04 December at board room during 2:30 to 3:30 pm.
3. Meeting with Marketing Department on 26 November shifted to 26 November during 11:30 am to 12:00
pm. Please change the date and time of the meeting to reflect on your calendar.
4. You will be attending a workshop on “Human Resource and Performance Management” during 6 – 8
November 2019 at Sindh Project Office, room number AB2157. Please add this multiple day event to reflect
the event on your Calendar.
5. The organizer informed you that the event is rescheduled during 7 – 9 November 2019 instead of 6 – 8
November 2019. Please change the dates of the event accordingly to reflect the correct dates of the event
on your calendar.
6. You have been suggested by your management to attend a weekly meeting starting from December 2018
to January 2020 on “Weekly Management Meeting”. The meeting will be held every Monday from 9:00 to
10:00 am. The venue of the meeting will be Board Room.
7. The management realized that the weekly meeting for 1 hour is to long. The management has decided
to change the duration of the meeting to 30 minutes instead of 1 hours. Please change all the duration of
the “Weekly Management Meeting” from 9:00 to 9:30 am.
7. The management just realized that Monday, 06 January 2020 is a government holiday (assume). The
weekly management meeting for this week only will be shifted 07 January 2020. Please change the weekly
management meeting for this week only to 07 January 2020 to reflect the change dates on your calendar.
8. Due to unavoidable circumstances the weekly management meeting on 13 January 2020 has been
cancelled. Please remove the weekly management meeting on 13 January 2020 to reflect that there is no
weekly management meeting.
9. Please add “Muslim Holidays”, “Holidays in Pakistan” and as a big fan of Cricket add the calendar for
Pakistan under International Cricket Council – ICC.
10. Please change the “Pakistan” Calendar color to “Basil”, change “Holidays in Pakistan” calendar to
“Mango” and “Muslim Holidays” to “Tomato”.
11. Please share your calendar with the groups seating in front and behind your group. Please give them
the permission to “See all event details”.
12. Please add an event on “Meeting with the Office Management Skills Group 0X”, ‘X’ represents your
group number. The meeting will be held on 9th January 2020 at Room#225. The discussion of the meeting
will be “Planning on preparing the report and Individual Action Plan for the course on Office Management
Skills held at AIT Extension during 07 to 011 October 2019”. The meeting duration will be 1 and half hour
from 9:30 to 11:00 am. Please invite the groups to your event seating in front and behind your group.
13. Please check if you have received invitation from your colleagues. Please accept and/reject the
invitation received. Please see if your colleague has received notification once you accept or reject the
14. Please check if your colleagues have received invitation from you. Find out if your colleague accepted
or rejected your invitation.
15. Change the date of the meeting mentioned on 9th January 2019 to 10th January 2019. Please check if
the attendees have received email regarding the changes.
The Google Gmail screen appears. Enter your user name and password to login.
► Note:
Stay signed in
There is facility in Gmail to remember your username and password in particular
computer. If you tick the check box () then the next time you visit, the browser will automatically logged you in and open your mail
Once the user name and password are verified, the screen will show the Gmail main page with list
of e-mails you received.
To access the Google Drive, click on the Apps button ( ), then on the pop up window, click on
The Google Drive Start Screen is shown in separate tab, as shown in the next page:
There are many bits and pieces, but here are the ones you really need to pay attention to:
Search field
. Creating Document
► Note:
For this exercise, we will try to create one document about Universal Declaration of
Human Rights.
Please type this document in the document, using Arial, 11pts font for the whole document except
the header (14pts, bold). The “Preamble” should be bold, too.
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members
of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have
outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy
freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest
aspiration of the common people,
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion
against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,
Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental
human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and
women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger
Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United
Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental
Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the
full realization of this pledge,
► Note:
You can find the text file of this document (Universal Declaration of Human Rights.txt
attached in your e-mail). Highlight the preamble part of the text and copy it (ctrl+c), then
switch to Google Document, click right mouse, and on the context sensitive drop down
menu, choose paste.
After finish entering the text into the Google Document and format it as required, click on Untitled
document text at the top left corner of the browser. Type the name of this document as Universal
Declaration of Human Rights <xx>, with <xx> is your group number. Then click enter. The screen
will be similar to this:
Click on the x sign on the browser’s tab to close this Google Document. The document we just
created is listed in the Google Drive main page.
Modifying Document
In the Google Document Start Screen, right click on the name of the document (Universal
Declaration of Human Rights) and then click Open with -> Google Docs to open the document in a
new tab. Or you can double click the document name to open the document in a new tab.
Details button ( ). Please right click on the name of the document and choose the “View
Details” from the list. It will display the Display and Activity Panel at the right side of the screen.
The Details panel will show the detailed information of one particular document, while the Activity
will show the modification history of the document.
To check whether you move the document properly, click on the Office folder. The screen will be
similar to this screenshot:
► Task:
Go to the root folder by clicking My Drive, then try to search using keyword preamble,
and see the result.
► Note:
If the file found by search is located not in the same location of your current location,
then the result will show the name, followed by the folder name where this file is located.
One advantage of using Google Document is the ability of the document to be shared to others to
perform collaboration among them.
► Task:
Share Universal Declaration of Human Rights <xx> document to your contact and give
them permission to edit.
► Task:
Ask your contact to edit your Universal Declaration of Human Right document, by
adding two articles at the end of the document. After saving, check in the status of the
► Task:
Ask your contact to give comment on your Universal Declaration of Human Right
document, then check in the status of the document.
► Task:
Sometime you don’t want to incorporate the changes made and want to revert your
document to the previous version.
To revert to the previous version, open the document. Then click on File
> See revision history > Version History. The Revision history panel will
be displayed at the right side of the workspace.
Select the list of revision in the panel, and you will see the changes made
(shown in different color). Select the version you want to revert, then click
on the Restore this revision to confirm.