ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2015
Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy (PAES) were hierarchical fuzzy model. This system allows adjusting
implemented. Jiang et al. [8] proposed an agent model with efficiently the road traffic according to the real time changes
adaptive weight based multi-objective algorithm to manage in road networks by the integration of adaptive vehicle route
road-network congestion problem. The aim of this study was guidance system. This system was implemented and
to construct a quantitative index series to describe the road simulated under a multi agent platform in order to discuss the
network congestion distribution, and use such indexes as improvement of the global road traffic quality in terms of
weights in the multi-objective algorithm to shunt vehicles on time, fluidity and adaptively.
those congested links. In the first phase, a multi-agent system
D. Swarm Intelligence Based
was built, where each agent stands for a vehicle that adapts its
route to real-time road network congestion status by a The swarm intelligence has been used to model complex
two-objective optimization process: the shortest path and the traffic and transportation processes. In fact, the
minimal congested degree of the target link. The agent-based self-organization of the social insects is based on relatively
approach captures the nonlinear feedback between vehicle simple rules of individual insect‟s behavior. Among the
routing behaviors and road-network congestion states. Next, a different colony insects, the ant colony succeeds to find food
series of quantitative indexes was constructed to describe the by following the path with highest pheromone quantity
congested degree of nodes, and such indexes were used as deposited by other ants [12]. The pheromone signal
weights in the two objective functions which were employed represents the communication tool between individual ants. It
by the agents for routing decisions and congestion avoidance. contributes to the formation of collective intelligence of social
ant colonies that can be considered as multi-agent systems.
C. Fuzzy Logic Based Bertelle et al. [27] proposed road traffic management by using
The fuzzy logic appeared in 1965 by Zadeh introducing the ant system for shortest path in weighted dynamic graph. This
concept of fuzzy sets. It was shown as a very capable method utilized neural networks for traffic flow regulation
mathematical approach for dealing with subjectivity, and it simulated using multi agent platform. Yang et al. [28]
ambiguity, uncertainty, and imprecision [13]. Fuzzy logic was proposed optimization model based on coarse-grain parallel
used as a framework to solve transportation problems such as ant colony algorithm for the bus network optimization. It was
traffic assignment problem, accident analysis and prevention, demonstrated on data of Dalian city, China but it did not
traffic control at roads intersection, and traffic light control. consider the real time traffic management. Deng et al.[29]
During the last decade, some developments in information proposed hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm by
acquisition technologies through advanced traveler combining fluid neural network. This method is influenced by
information systems have been done. However, many search best path in stochastic traffic networks and this method
contextual factors (such as departure time, travel distance, was simulated with only 20 nodes road network. D‟Acierno et
usual driving speed of the driver, weather information, al. [30] proposed swarm intelligence algorithm to optimize
personal preferences, roadwork information, and other the signal setting of each intersection for the asymmetric
information which could be available to the guidance systems traffic assignment and it lacks on real time management.
in real-time) increase the uncertainty of the itinerary choice. Garcia-Nietoa et al. [31] used particle swarm intelligence to
Ridwan [22] used choice function based fuzzy preferences find cycle programs of traffic lights and implemented for 2
relations and considered the spatial knowledge of individual cities in Spain. Mostly, Ant Colony Optimization was used to
drivers. This method strengthened the travel decision by fuzzy solve transportation problems such as Travelling Salesman
preference relations but it utilized small number of influence Problem (TSP) and Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), only
factors and in real scenario there are multiple influence few works based on swarm intelligence are developed to solve
factors. Hawas [23] estimated the route utility by using road traffic management problem [13]. In fact, the problem
neurofuzzy data training with a hidden neuron in each fuzzy cannot be solved using the classic versions: artificial ants are
process. This method used adaptive to the variation of able only to generate successively shorter feasible tours by
perceptions from drivers but there is no fuzzification training using information accumulated in the form of a pheromone
not exist. Arslan and Khisty [24] developed route choice trail deposited on the graph edges.
model. They utilized hybrid model based on fuzzy logic and
analytical hierarchy process. The preference was extracted III. WORKING OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM
from driver‟s psychology. Ghatee and Hashemi [25] proposed Our aim is to develop the system at signals; this system will
quasi logist formula based algorithm for traffic assignment. It have multifunctional operations. Initially the system will
maximizes the level of certainty and minimizes the perceived measure the traffic density at different signals using image
travel delays. The limitation of this study is no results for real processing using edge detection and accordingly change the
networks. Balaji and Srinivasan proposed multi agent system time delays for traffic lights viz. the side at which the traffic is
based on type-2 fuzzy decision module for urban traffic high the signal will remain green for more time. Secondly it
management. This method reduces the total delay of vehicles will also communicate with the adjacent junction signal. Both
and it was simulated on real traffic of Singapore. The the signals will collectively manage the traffic depending on
limitation of this method is unavailability of vehicle route the density. So in the same way all signals of the city will
guidance. Kammoun et al. [9] [10] proposed an adaptive multi communicate with each other forming a SWARM dedicated
agent system based on the ant colony behavior and the
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2015
system. Also send message to next signal when panic key is serially between two devices, that devices must be TTL
pressed using Wi-Fi module. compatible. TTL compatibility means TTL logic levels (logic
1/ logic 0) must be same for both the devices. MAX232
A. Edge Detection
converts TTL of 5v in to RS232 standard or RS232 standard
Edge detection is an image processing technique for in to TTL of 5v. Whereas MAX3232 converts TTL of 3.3v in
finding the boundaries of objects within images. It works by to RS232 standard or RS232 standard in to TTL of 3.3v.
detecting discontinuities in brightness. Edge detection is used
for image segmentation and data extraction in areas such as C. ARM7 Microcontroller
image processing, computer vision, and machine vision.[32] The original ARM7 was based on the earlier ARM6 design
There are many methods for edge detection but most of them and used the same ARMv3 instruction set. The ARM710
can be grouped into two categories, search based and variant was used in a CPU module for the Acorn Risc PC.
zero-crossing based [33]. Common edge detection algorithms This forms the core of our system, where decisions based on
include Sobel, Canny, Prewitt, Roberts, and fuzzy logic the inputs from the computer are made and respective LEDs
methods. are made to glow for desired time intervals. It also controls the
Wi-Fi module which is responsible for the communication
between the signals.
D. Wi-Fi Module (ESP8266)
ESP8266 offers a complete and self-contained Wi-Fi
networking solution, allowing it to either host the application
or to offload all Wi-Fi networking functions from another
Fig.1 Image segmentation using Sobel method [32] application processor. When ESP8266 hosts the application,
and when it is the only application processor in the device, it
is able to boot up directly from an external flash. It has
integrated cache to improve the performance of the system in
such applications, and to minimize the memory requirements.
Alternately, serving as a Wi-Fi adapter, wireless internet
access can be added to any microcontroller-based design with
simple connectivity through UART interface or the CPU
AHB bridge interface.
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2015
A. Smart City The major application is the traffic management of a smart
A smart city uses information and communication city. Further the image processing could be replaced by video
technologies (ICT) to enhance quality, performance and processing for more accurate results. Data on cloud server
interactivity of urban services, to reduce costs and resource could be used for analysis of behavioral pattern followed at
consumption and to improve contact between citizens and different signals so help in reducing traffic congestion for
government. Sectors that have been developing smart city effectively and within stipulated time.
technology include government services, transport and traffic
management, energy, health care, water and waste. Smart city VI. CONCLUSION
applications are developed with the goal of improving the
management of urban flows and allowing for real time This paper has fairly tried to project the concept of dealing
responses to challenges. A smart city may therefore be more with traffic congestion in a smart city. It introduces us to the
prepared to respond to challenges than one with a simple vast world of image processing, which is used in several
„transactional‟ relationship with its citizens. Other terms that modern day applications. Endeavour has been made to touch
have been used for similar concepts include „cyberville‟, every field the device can be related to like designing,
„digital city‟, „electronic communities‟, „flexicity‟, programming involved, circuitry, construction, working and
„information city‟, „intelligent city‟, „knowledge-based city‟, application. It highly reduces the modern day problem of
„MESH city‟, „telecity‟, „teletopia‟, „Ubiquitous city‟, „wired traffic congestion that we are facing today.
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