network security shortnote
network security shortnote
network security shortnote
Network security is activities designed to protect a network and its data from threats such as viruses,
hacker attacks, denial of service attacks, data interception and theft and equipment failure.
It covers a wide range of activities that protect data from threats to its:
1. Confidentiality
2. Integrity (Correctness)
3. Availability
2) Access control
In many computer systems, user accounts control a user’s rights.
Read only access
Read and write access ((modify access)
3) Firewall
A firewall can be either software or hardware. It sits between the user’s computer and an external
network (for example, the internet) and filters information in and out of the computer
The main tasks carried out by a firewall include:
to examine the ‘traffic’ between user’s computer (or internal network) and a
public network (for example, the internet)
checks whether incoming or outgoing data meets a given set of criteria
if the data fails the criteria, the firewall will block the ‘traffic’ and give the user
(or network manager) a warning that there may be a security issue
the firewall can be used to log all incoming and outgoing ‘traffic’ to allow later
interrogation by the user (or network manager)
criteria can be set so that the firewall prevents access to certain undesirable
sites; the firewall can keep a list of all undesirable IP addresses
it is possible for firewalls to help prevent viruses or hackers entering the user’s
computer (or internal network)
4) Physical security
3. Solid state
4. USB
Cyber attacks
Social Engineering
Any kind of attack on a computer system or network that takes advantages of how people behave
and respond to certain situations.
E.g.: Phishing
Shoulder surfing
1. Phishing
Phishing is attempting to get confidential information by sending a user message that appears to
come from a trust worthy person or organization
Through the email or fake websites look legitimate they collect usernames and passwords or
financial details of the people. Rarely phishing can happen via phone calls or messages.
2. Shoulder surfing
Shoulder surfing means gaining access to confidential information by directlyobserving a user,
possibly literally looking over their shoulder, as they complete a task.
Often shoulder surfing happens in busy places and used to get a person’s username/password or
3. Pharming
Pharming is directing internet users to a fake web site that looks like a real one , in order to obtain
personal information such as password, account details etc .
Technical weaknesses
1. Unpatched software attacks
Unpatched software refers to programs, applications, or operating systems that have known
vulnerabilities but have not yet been updated or patched to fix those security flaws
Issues in design and implementation process
Code vulnerabilities- Code vulnerabilities are weaknesses or flaws in a software program's code that
attackers can exploit to harm the system, steal data, or gain unauthorized access.
Code reviews
o Review by another programmer-use more senior and more experienced person-use
special software to examine the code.
o An Automated review
Modular testing- Testing each block of ode as it is completed to ensure the code works as
Audit trial-A record of activities that have taken place on a computer system .This record is
generated automatically and will record what has happened and who or what made the
Use secure operating system
Provide effective network security
Penetration Testing
Penetration testing, often called “pen testing”, is where the IT systems of an organization
are deliberately attacked to find any weaknesses.
These arracks are authorized by the organization and are therefore legal.
The pen tester is likely to ty to gain access to all the systems that the organization has and
the attacks will often include looking for technical weaknesses and trying social engineering