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43º Seminário de Laminação - Processos e Produtos Laminados e Revestidos


Pierre Jérome Borrel 2
Philippe Mouls 3

Beyond the recent increase of the world demand for hot dip coated products, a major threat
is coming concerning the existing and the newly implemented hot dip galvanizing lines
(HDGL). The context of economical operation has changed with many issues such as the
cost of energy, raw material and transportation. In the same period, new concerns related to
the product life cycle, Health-Safety-Environment have surged. The challenge for HDGL
designers is to now ensure the profitability of the future plant in spite of the continuous
shrinking of the product added value. The objectives, both in terms of process improvements
and plant management are now condensed in a newly developed concept : “Smart HDGLs”.
Key words: Hot dip galvanizing line; Coating; HDGL



Com o aumento recente da demanda mundial por produtos galvanizados, inicia-se uma
grande ameaça às linhas de galvanização a quente (HDGL) existentes e às recentemente
implantadas. O contexto de operação econômica mudou devido aos custos de energia,
matéria prima e transporte. No mesmo período surgiram preocupações relacionadas ao ciclo
de vida do produto, Saúde-Segurança-Ambiente. O desafio dos projetistas de HDGL é
agora assegurar lucratividade da futura usina, independente da continua diminuição do valor
agregado do produto. Os objetivos, em termos de melhorias de processo e gerência da
planta estão agora condensados em um conceito desenvolvido recentemente: “Smart
Palavras-chave: Galvanização; Recobrimento; HDGL

43rd Rolling Seminar – Processes, Rolled and Coated Products, October 17th to 20th, 2006 –Curitiba – PR –
Product Manager – Siemens VAI Metal Technologies – VAI CLECIM St Chamond - France
Rolling & Processing Manager – Siemens VAI Metal Technologies – VAI MS Belo Horizonte - Brazil

43º Seminário de Laminação - Processos e Produtos Laminados e Revestidos


Beyond the recent increase of the world demand for hot dip coated products, a major
threat is coming concerning the existing and the newly implemented hot dip
galvanizing lines (HDGL). The context of economical operation has changed with
many issues such as the cost of energy, raw material and transportation. In the same
period, new concerns related to the product life cycle, Health-Safety-Environment
have surged. The challenge for HDGL designers is to now ensure the profitability of
the future plant in spite of the continuous shrinking of the product added value. The
objectives, both in terms of process improvements and plant management are now
condensed in a newly developed concept : “Smart HDGLs”.
This idea integrates the following features :
Health Safety & Environment (HSE) as a driving force for reducing wastes, energy
consumption, increasing the product life and managing the by-products by
efficient recycling
Versatility of the market and consumers habits which leads adaptative tool design
An economical operation of the plant which results in a continuous improvement
of the coating /annealing process


Obviously, those features are to be treated simultaneously since they are closely
linked together in a virtuous loop :
Designing a flexible and environmental friendly plant leads to process
improvement and easy operation
Improving process induces waste reduction
Reducing wastes increases profits
Profits will fuel future improvements

Cut emissions
HEALTH Ban toxic waste &
SAFETY hazardous materials


Do just needed Reduce waste

Improve processes Manage scrap

43º Seminário de Laminação - Processos e Produtos Laminados e Revestidos


The Health Safety & Environments issues are to be anticipated especially :

ban bio persistent fibres
removal of lead and hexavalent chromium
prevent injuries by ergonomically designed work stations
reduce Nox and CO2 emissions to levels lower than actual EPA regulation
prevent the pollution of scrap yard by tramp elements such chromium,
molybdenum detrimental to the up-stream steel making processes
minimize zinc in the scrap recycling stream
control the waste water dumps.
Those targets are matching together with the cost reduction focuses such :
zinc application to the “just in spec” level
fuel consumption minimized at the annealing furnace
reduction of chemicals (soda, passivation product, anti finger print)
reduction of fresh water consumption.
Solutions are to be implemented, watching the new market trends of galvanized
product such :
The development of advanced high strength steels using the HDGL route, Dual
Phase, TRIP
The substitution of Cold Roll by Hot rolled galvanized product where applicable
The management of various surface texture for improving a further coating
Development of new post treatments such anti finger print, self lubricating.


1 The Design of a tool suitable for the wider range of galvanized products

A Hot dip galvanizing line can be designed with different approach depending on the
production and market context. One is to build a specialized line dedicated for a
specific product; the other way is to process the wider range of the product mix with
the same plant. At first this basic consideration cannot be solved without a serious
survey of the production context.
A multipurpose Hot Dip Galvanizing line (MP) would be suitable to supply a market
from a single plant but would require a more sophisticated tool. On the other hand a
single purpose line (SP) is easier to operate but need to be complement by another
line (s) for fulfilling the whole market demand. The decision is in fact, dictated by the
position of the galvanizer on its geographic market and its existing production tools.
This has to be solved using a market analysis. For that, it is recommended to study
the product under its various aspects for correlating the product grades, sizes
together with the capacity of the equipment. Generally, the following criteria are
watched :
Size range (width, gauge)
Annealing grades and substrate quality
Coating material (zinc, aluminium, aluminium-zinc, galfan, galvannealed)

43º Seminário de Laminação - Processos e Produtos Laminados e Revestidos

Aluminium killed-Alk Interstitiel Free IF Multiphase

GI Non Exp P P P P M M P M M P P
GI exp M P P P
GA Non Exp. M P P M
GA ex P P P
Galfan 5% P P P P
Al Zn 55% P P P M M
Al-Si P P

P :Commercial Product
M:Marginal Product

Production Covered by a single purpose line SP

Production covered by a Multipurpose Line

Production Covered by a Dual Pot line


2000 IF auto DDQ
Hot Rolled GI


Dual Phase

1000 Full Hard Al-Zn 55%


600 Thickness
0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 mm


Referring to the Figure 1&2 it looks that current commercial product have some
common parameters that predetermine a primary classification. In view of that, we
can identify some product that can be treated in a specific line as soon as the
commercial context allows it ; for instance :
Line dedicated to galvanisation of Hot rolled material only
Line dedicated to Zinc-aluminium coating exclusively
Line dedicated to automotive product draw able grades.
As said, the production management would be much easier if the work load of each
plant is sufficient to ensure the profitability. In other situations, it may be
recommended to dispatch coils from different sources on the same line.
One might notice that a significant portion of zinc aluminium production is for
construction in agricultural & marine atmosphere. Those products are sold un-
annealed with a minimum hardness and the substrate is similar to the traditional Full
hard galvanized for corrugated sheets. The two products are very similar with a slight
difference on the gauge range. Then, both could be produced on the same line
providing the implementation of a dual coating system.
By extension, a Multipurpose plant is designed by processing other types of product
on a line where characteristics are such that a compromise is possible with various
operating practices. Generally speaking, those lines need a more sophisticated
equipment and must exclude some products not compatible with the equipment. The
capability of each component of the line is to checked, the figure 3 shows the various
parameters involved in a compatibility study. Among the major criteria, are selected
at first :

43º Seminário de Laminação - Processos e Produtos Laminados e Revestidos

maximum process speed

furnace capacity (constant thickness x speed)
coil size
strip size
size range

w max 1860 mm

W max/min txV 150 mpm x mm


t min V 200 mpm Tisco 2

0,7 mm

Coil weight t max

4, 5 mm
45 Tons

w min t max / t min

1000 mm 0,7

Figure 3. Terminal & Drives

2 To follow the trend of the galvanized products

The trends of the past years are mostly :

Increasing segment of high strength material such dual phase
Substitution of CR by HR products

3 To develop new devices for improving processes and reduce


Ergonomy of work station

Thanks to the 3D design a considerable enhancement is done just by simulating the
tasks and visualisation of workers sight. This has given proven gains in the Coil
handling system, zinc ingot management and loading accessibility for maintenance
etc …

Cleaning section
Significant reduction of waste water disposal by implementation of :
Ultra filtration of cleaning solution
High gradient magnetic separator
Any gain in cleaning efficiency improves the zinc wetting process and consequently
increase the production yield

Among the different alternatives solutions for a multipurpose HDGL, the smart
combination of the Direct fired furnace with a radiant tube soaking and a rapid
cooling has brought many advantages at the Voest Alpine CGL#3 of Linz.

43º Seminário de Laminação - Processos e Produtos Laminados e Revestidos

Significant reductions of the NOx and CO2 emissions

Smooth strip tracking with low tension
Reduced risk of buckles
Ability to trigger the internal oxidation of the tramp elements of high strength steel
thus easing the zinc wetting
In other sites, this combination with a DFF :
improves the process of full hard material by reducing the risk of the un wanted
sub critical annealing
allows the process of Hot roll GI strips

Zinc Pot Area

The zinc pot area (Figure 5) is the critical process area of the line, where equipment
and operation must be dedicated to the production of a zinc coating which is uniform,
free of defects and of consistent thickness, both across the strip width as well as
along the length of the strip. This ability to control the quality of the zinc coating must
be repeatable and is paramount to meet the quality requirements of automotive

Figure 5. Zinc Pot Area

Zinc Pots :
Two zinc pots, moveable across or in-line, are usually practice in operation to
give more flexibility of coating. At the present stage, it seams, that only one
zinc pot is requested according to the range of strip coating
Ceramic lining for best quality and long life

43º Seminário de Laminação - Processos e Produtos Laminados e Revestidos

Heating by channel type inductors.

Bath Management :
Control and management of the constituents of the zinc bath, particularly the
aluminium content of the bath, is very important.
High quality chemical analysis of the bath is necessary in order to enable control
over the bath constituents. Additionally, Voest Alpine Stahl have utilised a
proprietary software package to improve the management of the bath chemistry,
and in-bath aluminium sensors have been used for specific investigations.
The main goals in respect of the zinc bath are :
Constant aluminium level during zinc (Z)
Constant bath temperature
Low dross formation
Low corrosion or dross pick up at zinc bath rolls
No entrapment of dross into the coating
Automatic zinc bath surface cleaning could be operated through a robot.

Zinc Wiping (Coating Knives) and Pot Rolls :

Coating weight unit

Zinc wipers

Stabilizing roll
Zinc pot
Correcting roll


Sink roll

Figure 6. Schematic of Zinc Wiping Knives and Pot Rolls

High quality coating knives and pot roll systems (Figure 6) are essential for
consistent coating both across and along the strip. Correct operation of the
coating system is necessary in order to achieve uniform coating weight and good
coated surface appearance, as well as to maintain acceptable bath dross
formation. Features include :
Wiping pressure and knife position control related to line speed and required
coating weight
Wiping normally using air, but also using nitrogen gas for the best coated
surface quality
Edge baffles in order to prevent edge overcoating
3-roll pot system required for elimination of strip crossbow and for stable strip
in the coating knife gap
Pot rolls are coated (tungsten carbide in cobalt matrix) to reduce dross pick up
and increase service life

43º Seminário de Laminação - Processos e Produtos Laminados e Revestidos

Improved bearing materials are under investigation (e.g. ceramic ball bearings)
Sophisticated coating knife system with on-line nozzle gap adjustment is now
available with the VAI Dynamic Air Knife, DAK (Figures 7 & 8). This coating
control system is unique ; it enables automatic control of the coating in the
transverse as well as the longitudinal direction, by using on-line dynamic lip
gap profile adjustment. This offers better zinc coating distribution along and
across the strip which results in :
Enhanced surface quality
Minimized coating deviation and zinc savings (Figure 9)

Zinc thickness


Air Hose

Lip gap adjustment Accumulat
s stem or


Figure 7. Schematic of VAI Dynamic Air Knife (DAK) System

Air Flow
Main beam Strip

Automatic remote Actuators

control of lip gap
Zinc Bath

Figure 8. Schematic Cross-Section of VAI Dynamic Air Knife (DAK)

43º Seminário de Laminação - Processos e Produtos Laminados e Revestidos

Conventional Air Knife DAK®

Coating Deviation g/m²
140 200 240 300

Coating Weight g/m²

Figure 9. Coating Weight Comparison - VAI Dynamic Air Knife (DAK)

Coating Gauge

The coating thickness on both sides of the strip is measured by X-ray traversing
type coating weight gauge for best accuracy (Figure 10). The coating weight
control can be operated in closed loop mode with the coating knives.
Possible locations of the Coating Gauge are :
“Hot gauge” - close to coating knives - fast response time, but difficult
environment and access
“Warm gauge” - top of cooling tower - medium response time, better
environment, inconvenient access
“Cold gauge” - after final quench - slow response time, best environment and
good access
The majority of galvanizing line applications currently utilise coating gauges
located either in the “warm” or “cold” positions.
Warm coating gauges

Deflector and
steering rolls
Cold coating gauge
measuring side A
Induction heated
galvannealing unit


Hot metal
Quench tank
Cold coating gauge Gas knives
measuring side B

Sink roll

Figure 10. Alternative Positions of Coating Weight Gauges

43º Seminário de Laminação - Processos e Produtos Laminados e Revestidos

Skin-pass Mill and Tension Leveller

Skin passing and tension levelling are essential for the production of exposed
automotive strip and other high quality applications (Figure 11).
The skin-pass mill and tension leveller equipment serves to meet the very strict
specifications for surface roughness, mechanical properties, yield point suppression
and flatness of the final product.
The large number of different material and surface specifications, as well as the
different behaviours of the various coatings underscores the difficulties in properly
designing the skin-pass mill. Indeed, the demands placed on the strip are sometimes
even contradictory, such as when high surface roughness is required with a
simultaneous demand for low tensile strength and therefore low elongation degree.

2 Work roll dia. sizes Pass line adjustment

quick work roll changing
Strip travel direction
6 High flex roll cassette system
Quick change system
Wet temper rolling spraying
Wet levelling spraying
(optional, depending on application) Anti curl position adjustment Hot air dryer
Quick opening generally at
chromating exit

Strip tension Wringer rolls Wringer rolls

measuring (if wet system)
Strip tension measuring
Anti-crimping roll

Positive and Anti cross-bow position adjustment

negative bending
Levelling position adjustment
Hydraulic push-up cylinders actuation
by means of servo-valves
Basic Mill Control Methods
Elongation Control Basic Leveller Control Methods
Rolling Force Control Elongation Control
Strip Tension Control Strip Tension Control

Figure 11. Skinpass Mill & Tension Leveller Schematic

Operation of a four-high mill, with positive and negative roll bending system, enables
the work roll gap to be adjusted in order to achieve homogenous distribution of
roughness across the entire strip width and also to improve the degree of flatness.
Very soft materials, such as extra deep drawing IF steel grades used for some
automotive materials, can tolerate only small deformation forces in order to preserve
their low yield point. Only very small rolling forces can therefore be applied to these

43º Seminário de Laminação - Processos e Produtos Laminados e Revestidos

steel products, and this can lead to low-load control problems as well as limited
possibilities to control strip surface roughness and flatness. Indeed, this dichotomy
with the relatively high rolling loads required for thin and/or hard material grades has
led to some skin-pass mill installations with dual work roll diameter size capability in
order to enable larger work roll diameters to be used for the extra deep drawing steel
Strip marking can be caused by zinc pickup on the rolls of the skin-pass mill and
tension leveller. VAI adopt special wet skin-passing techniques with roll cleaning,
allied to a sophisticated torque control system, to minimise the possibility of such
surface defects occurring.
Wet skin-passing operations together with the installation of a neutral point control
system and high pressure roll cleaning in the Hot Dip Galvanizing Line No.2 of Voest
Alpine Stahl resulted in a considerable reduction of unscheduled work roll changes
(Figure 12).
Work roll changes due to zinc contamination were reduced to less than 10% of the
total number of scheduled and unscheduled work roll changes.
The number of scheduled work roll changes due to varying product requirements for
surface roughness or changes in strip width according to rolling schedules cannot be
avoided. However, a considerable cost saving was achieved by these


Work roll changes [%]

work roll changes


1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

Figure 12. Reduction in Unscheduled Work Roll Changes at SPM

With regard to the layout of the skin-pass mill and tension leveller area (Figure 13),
the equipment should additionally include :
Intermediate bridle to enable independent control capability in respect of strip
elongation, rolling load and strip tension at the mill and leveller
Fast work roll change
Work roll and back-up roll change without stopping the strip. That means, it is
necessary to install an intermediate accumulator able to store strip length for 90
seconds work roll changing time.
Automatic control system for system parameters set-up and control, including
system to maximise prime material yield during weld seam passage through the

Post Treatment
The classic chrome no-rinse treatment by spray application for protection from “white
rust” is still in use, but alternative application methods and other treatments are
gaining favour or are under development, such as :

43º Seminário de Laminação - Processos e Produtos Laminados e Revestidos

Application by chemical roller coater for precise coating control and improved
working environment
Chrome free chemical solutions to meet requirements of stricter environmental
Phosphating on-line as a paint pre-treatment
Anti-fingerprint coatings prevent unsightly surface marks being created during
subsequent handling of the product
Some of these new coatings require sophisticated (and expensive) application
equipment, involving chemical coating, heating/curing and subsequent cooling

Surface Inspection
Surface quality control is one of the key features for production of best surface quality
(exposed automotive panels) on a hot-dip galvanizing line.
The operational requirements for inspection are :
Both sides (top and bottom) should be inspectable at the same time by one
5 metres of strip length should be observable (corresponds to approx. 1.5 m roll
Light source should be optimised and variable in power due to different
reflectance of products
High level of acceptance by inspection operatives
VAI SIAS has developed high technology equipment for strip inspection surface and
will be proposed for CORUS CGL.

Automation and Process Control System

The efficient and cost-effective operation of a modern, high quality, hot-dip
galvanizing line requires a sophisticated automation and process control system
which integrates and controls the process automation of the various equipment
elements of the line. All the automation and process control system can be supplied
by VAI Automation.
The main benefits of such a system include :
Reproducible and consistently high product quality
High yield through application of optimised production strategies
Consistent operation by automated entry and exit coil handling, feed-up and
automatic welding
Accurate weld tracking enables optimised process set-up changes to suit the new
strip as it passes through the line
Exact annealing furnace temperature control with process model
Reduced zinc and energy consumption
Achievement of high level of elongation accuracy at the skin-pass mill and tension
leveller for uniform mechanical properties and surface roughness aspect
Reduced maintenance with automatic diagnostic systems


In this paper, the hot-dip galvanizing line requirements to serve the highest quality
market have been considered.
The ever increasing quality demands of the automotive market has lead to hot-dip

43º Seminário de Laminação - Processos e Produtos Laminados e Revestidos

galvanizing line installations of increasing complexity and specialisation, together

with implementation by the operating companies of line operating regimes which are
dedicated to reaching the highest quality demands of the marketplace. Summarising
some of the factors pertaining to a hot-dip galvanizing line for the automotive market:
Consistent, high quality, cold rolled substrate
Line design optimised and with specialised equipment to meet the highest quality
market needs
Vertical annealing furnace and other process equipment designed to process the
full range of automotive product grades and ideally with capability or retrofit
flexibility to process new steel grades which will be introduced in the future
All equipment to be operated and maintained at the highest levels of quality in
order to consistently meet the product requirements
Flexibility to serve other markets whilst qualifying to supply highest quality
automotive product
VAI, a major supplier of strip processing lines, offers attractive technological and
investment solutions for all types of process lines, including highest quality cold rolled
strip galvanizing lines for the automotive market. In addition to the high levels of
expertise and experience in the supply of galvanizing lines, VAI has identified and
developed in-house key components including Laser welder, Mash Lap Seam
Welder, Cleaning Section, Dynamic Air Knives (DAK ) and In-Line Skin-pass Mill,
Tension Leveller and Roll Coater to state of the art for modern reliable and profitable,
high quality Continuous Hot Dip Galvanizing Lines.


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