NVIDIA_Process Cheatsheet (1)
NVIDIA_Process Cheatsheet (1)
NVIDIA_Process Cheatsheet (1)
Process Details
Profile Tentative Process
Stage 1: Group Discussion
HR Intern
Stage 2: Interview(s)
Behavioural Questions
1. Tell me something about yourself
2. Why do you want to join NVIDIA?
3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
4. On a scale of 1-10, how would you evaluate your performance as an interviewee, and what areas do you think you could improve?
5. Explain any 3 of your strengths and weaknesses
6. How does your typical day look like at MDI?
7. Can you describe a situation where you had to handle a conflict or disagreement in a team setting? How did you resolve it?
8. Describe a time when you received feedback on your work that was critical. How did you respond, and what changes did you implement?
9. In a board room discussion, what is the most important factor?
10. Tell us about a situation when your teammates didn't agree with you
11. Tell us about a situation when you did something innovative
12. What do you understand about the role and how will you add value to the company?
13. How do you approach learning new technical concepts or tools that can help develop your skills?
14. What are your expectations from the company in this short stint as an intern?
15. Questions and situations related to CnCs
Do's Don'ts
• Read about the company
• Be thorough with your CV & PSP • Don't make wild guesses during the interview
• Be as authentic as possible • Don't panic, be honest incase you don't know something
• Prepare good questions to ask at the end • Don't rush to answer the questions
• Keep the interview conversational
• HR Interview Questions - https://www.keka.com/hr-intern-interview-questions-and-answers
• People Analytics Questions - https://shorturl.at/PJxDq
• NVIDIA Culture - https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/about-nvidia/#like-no-place-youve-ever-worked
• NVIDIA Technologies - https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/technologies/