Encryption Consulting Intune Datasheet
Encryption Consulting Intune Datasheet
Encryption Consulting Intune Datasheet
Microsoft Intune is the SaaS solution provided by Microsoft's Intune is an enterprise mobility
Microsoft. A cloud-based utility for managing management (EMM) tool. The EMM provider supports
desktop and mobile devices is called Microsoft managing mobile services, network configurations,
Intune. This works with Windows 10, Mac OS, iOS, and and mobile devices. This solution is nothing but a
Android. This cloud solution is used as a modern combination of Device, Application, Information
management tool. It is possible to combine SCCM, Protection, Endpoint Protection (antivirus software)
Azure AD, and Active Directory with this MDM and Security/Configuration policy management
solution. UWP applications, Security policies, solution (SaaS) facilitated by Microsoft in Cloud.
Configuration policies, Wi-Fi profiles, PKI certificates,
and other things may all be deployed with this Additionally, this solution has features called
solution. Onboarding of new Hybrid MDM customers compliance policy which can be integrated with the
has been deprecated. Azure AD “Conditional Access” policy to restrict
access to company resources.
License Requirement
Microsoft Intune is available for different customer Intune is included in the following licenses: -
needs and organization sizes, from a simple-to-use 1. Microsoft 365 E5
management experience for schools and small 2. Microsoft 365 E3
businesses, to more advanced functionality 3. Enterprise Mobility + Security E5
required by enterprise customers. As long as the 4. Enterprise Mobility + Security E3
subscription is active, the majority of licences that 5. Microsoft 365 Business
contain Microsoft Intune also permit the usage of 6. Microsoft 365 F1
Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager.
Lifecycle Of Intune
Deploy: - Protect: -
After you've uploaded the app to Intune, this process You have a lot of options with Intune to help
is simple, and once the app has been deployed, you safeguard the data in your apps. The primary
can check the portal's Intune section to see if the techniques are:
deployment was successful. You can also buy app • Conditional Access, which controls access to email
licences in bulk for your business in various app and other services based on conditions that you
shops, like the Apple and Windows app stores. Intune specify. Conditions include device types or
can synchronize data with these stores so that you compliance with a device compliance policy that
can deploy and track license usage for these types you deployed.
of apps right from the Intune administration console.
Key Features & Benefits
Some key features and benefits of Intune include: • The implementation of policies for apps, security,
• You have the ability to manage people and device configuration, compliance, conditional
devices, both those owned by your business and access, and other areas is automated by Intune. You
those owned by you individually. Android, Android can distribute the policies to your user groups and
Open-Source Project (AOSP), iOS/iPadOS, macOS, device groups once they are ready. The gadgets just
and Windows client devices are all supported by require internet access to receive these policies.
Microsoft Intune. Utilizing the policies you establish;
you can utilise these devices to safely access • The self-service features in the Company Portal
organisational resources with Intune. app allow employees and students to reset a PIN or
password, instal apps, join groups, and more. The
• Intune simplifies app management with a built-in Company Portal app can be customised to reduce
app experience, including app deployment, support system calls.
updates, and removal. You can connect to and
distribute apps from your private app stores, enable • Intune integrates with mobile threat defense
Microsoft 365 apps, deploy Win32 apps, create app services. With these services, endpoint security is the
protection policies, and manage access to apps focus, and you can develop threatresponse policies,
and their data.. perform real-time risk analysis, and automate
Lifecycle Of Intune
Mobile devices are used by your staff for both • Microsoft 365: End-user productivity with Microsoft
personal and professional duties. You also want to 365 includes Outlook, Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive,
protect company data that is accessed from and other Office applications. You can deploy
devices that are not managed by you. Intune app Microsoft 365 apps to users and devices in your
protection policies can be used without a mobile organization. When users log in for the first time, you
device management (MDM) programme. With or can also deploy these apps.
without enrolling devices in a device management
system, this independence helps you protect the • Windows Autopilot: For modern OS deployment
data of your business. You can limit access to and provisioning. You can setup new devices with
company resources and keep data under the Windows Autopilot and send them from an OEM or
control of your IT department by setting app-level device supplier directly to users. You can reimage old
controls. devices to instal the most recent version of Windows
and enable Windows Autopilot on them.
Integrating Microsoft Services and Apps:
• Endpoint Analytics: Endpoint analytics can be used
to find hardware problems or policies that are
slowing down devices. Additionally, it offers advice
that might proactively enhance end user
experiences and reduces help desk requests.
Simplify Access
Intune helps organizations support employees who Create a VPN connection for remote users:
can work from anywhere. There are features you can VPN policies gives users secure remote access to
configure that allow users to connect to an your organization network. You may construct a VPN
organization, wherever they might be. This section policy with your network settings using popular VPN
includes some common features that you can connection partners including Check Point, Cisco,
configure in Intune. Microsoft Tunnel, Net Motion, Pulse Secure, and more.
When the policy is prepared, you distribute it to your
Use Windows Hello for Business instead of users and any equipment that needs to connect
passwords: remotely to your network.
To defend against phishing scams and other You can use certificates in the VPN policy to verify the
security risks, Windows Hello for Business is used. VPN connection. Your end users won't have to enter
Additionally, it makes it simpler and faster for usernames and passwords if you use certificates.
consumers to sign into their devices and apps.
With the use of PINs or biometrics like fingerprint or
face recognition, Windows Hello for Business
replaces passwords. The devices themselves keep
the biometric data locally; servers or other external
devices are never accessed by this data.
Strategic Technology Partnerships
We work with the industry’s best technology providers and have broad experience deploying, managing,
and integrating our integrating our solutions with their products and services. We also pride ourselves on
our flexibility and are always open to help our clients achieve their data security success with the
technology of their choice. If you have products and services already deployed or are considering, we’d
be glad to help you evaluate these to get the most out of your investment.
nCipher Security, a leader in the Thales-e-Security is a leader in Fortanix is a leader in runtime Keyfactor has its roots in the trenches
general purpose hardware security encryption, advanced key encryption and it protects applications of IT security, deployment and
module market, is now an Entrust management, tokenization, even when the infrastructure is operations. We understand how
Datacard company, delivering trust, priveleged user control and meets compromised. companies work because of our deep
integrity and control to business the highest standards of certification industry experience - we know
critical information and applications. for high assurance solutions. firsthand the challenges of competing
agendas, budget constraints and time
Microsoft Corporation is an American Micro Focus and HPE Software have Cryptomathic is a global provider of For those shaping the digital
multinational technology company joined to become one of the secure server solutions to business interactions of tomorrow, we provide
with headquarters in Redmond, largest pure-play software across a wide range of industry the digital security that enables
Washington. companies in the world. sectors, including banking, the trusted connections of today.
government, technology
Fornetix Key Orchestration TM is a AppviewX is revolutionizing the PrimeKey’s technology is used by Unbound protects secrets such as
scalable and Aexible solution designed manner in which NetOps and SecOps organizations and enterprses to cryptographic keys, credentials or
to simpligy key management. Granular team. securely implement PKI solutions used private data by ensuring they never
ploicy tools, user access controls, and for ePassports, eBanking, ePayment, exist in complete form.
Prime Factors software products help Utimaco is a leading manufacturer of The Only Data-First Security Solution.
business leaders implement and Hardware Security Modules(HSMs) Protect sensitive enterprise data at
manage enterprise-wide data that provide the Root of Trust to all rest, in motion, and in use with Secure your data, minimise risk, and
protection policies to secure sensitive industries, from financial services Protegrity’s best-in-class data meet compliance and regulation
information being used by or stored in and payment to the automotive discovery, de-identification and requirements. Find out more about
virtually any application or system. industry, cloud services to the public governance capabilities. Comforte’s Data Security Services.
Encryption is used for securely PKI is a security ecosystem that has Hardware Security Modules provides
protecting data from unauthorized stood the test of time for achieving protection and strong authentication with
accees. Data encrypted can only be secure Internet-based transactions cryptographic processing by the use of
seen by those that possess the key to by the use of digital certificates. digital keys inside a physical computing
change the data back to plain text. Digital certificates that provided device. This device offers an isolated
Encryption is now one of the oldest security to servers and routers from tamperproof environment which can
yet still most effective technology the very early stages of the Internet create and secure cryptographic keys,
solutions able to have data security through Public Key Infrastructure. protecting critical cryptographic
for organizations. operations, all while enforcing
self-implemented policies over the keys.
Certificates typically have a 4-phase Does your business have the need to
The transition towards uploading
lifecycle -Discovery, Enrollment, encrypt large amounts of data-at-rest
data on the public cloud is now
Provisioning, and End-of-life. To found in structured databases or in
becoming the normal standard. With
make your PKI mature and reliable, unstructured files across physical, cloud,
relying on the cloud for data storage,
you must have more control over all or both types of environment? Do you want
cloud security must now become
the phases. to protect data without disruptive changes
the number one priority for
to applications or business practices?
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