Heat Transfer Class Lecture
Heat Transfer Class Lecture
Heat Transfer Class Lecture
Heat Conduction
• The flow of thermal energy through a substance from a
higher- to a lower-temperature region. Heat conduction
occurs by atomic or molecular interactions.
The outer electrons of metal atoms are not attached
to any particular atom. They are free to move
between the atoms.
When a metal is heated,
the free electrons gain
kinetic energy.
This means that the free
electrons move faster
and transfer the energy
throughout the metal.
This makes heat
transfer in metals
very efficient.
Insulators do not have these free electrons, which is
why they do not conduct heat as well as metals. 7
The flow of heat by conduction occurs via collisions
between atoms and molecules in the substance and the
subsequent transfer of kinetic energy.
It is important to note that in conductive heat transfer,
there is no physical movement of the material.
Let us consider two substances at different temperatures
separated by a barrier which is subsequently removed, as
in the following figure.
Heat transfer by conduction
When the barrier is removed,
the fast (``hot'') atoms collide
with the slow (``cold'') ones. In
such collisions the faster atoms
lose some speed and the slower
ones gain speed; thus, the fast
ones transfer some of their
kinetic energy to the slow ones.
This transfer of kinetic energy
from the hot to the cold side is
called a flow of heat through
• Good heat conductors have high heat
conductivity. E.g. Copper and Silver.
• All substances can conduct heat.
• But some are exceptionally bad conductors
e.g. air and gases or non-metals.
• Poorest Conductor – Vacuum
• Poor Conductors are also good insulators of
Steady and Unsteady State Head Transfer
6000 K
Radiation from the Earth’s surface –
6,000 K 300 K
An image of a human
hand taken in the
infrared displayed in
false color where white
and yellow correspond
to hot regions, blue and
green to cool regions.
Radiant Heat
P = s AT4
Absolute temperature
Stefan-Boltzmann constant (K)
5.67 x 10-8 watts/m2K4)
Calculate Radiant Power
By rearranging
Thermal Conductivity
The ability of a material to transport heat. d
a measurement of heat flow through a body.
It is the heat transmitted in unit time, in a
direction normal to a surface of unit area, T1
through a distance, d, across a unit
temperature difference over the distance.
Temperature profile
The higher the thermal conductivity, the faster the heat flows
The range of
conductivity of
various materials
at room
The thermal conductivities of gases such as
air vary by a factor of 104 from those of pure
metals such as copper.
Pure crystals and metals have the highest
thermal conductivities, and gases and
insulating materials the lowest.
S: p. 182, F.7.8
Converting to Resistance
Resistance (R): measure of resistance to the passage
of heat (h-ft2-ºF/Btu)
R=1/C or R=x/k
Converting to Resistance
Example 1 (cont.) x”
Say x=4”
Conductivity vs. Conductance
S: p. 182, F.7.8
Thermal Resistance
➢For each element in the series, the heat transfer rate can
be related to the temperature difference and the
corresponding resistance and qs is constant throughout the
➢With composite systems it is often convenient to work
with an overall heat transfer coefficient, U, which is defined
by an expression analogous to Newton’s law of cooling.
Temperature distribution and heat flow lines along two solid plates pressed
against each other for the case of perfect and imperfect contact.
Solid contact peaks (solid to
solid conduction, gaps
(conduction and or radiation
hc convection heat across the gaps) in the
transfer coefficient noncontact areas (which is a
major contributor to heat
➢This is the same general form for heat flow through a flat
wall. Am can be determined by equating the right-hand
sides of equations ( 4&5)
Once heat transfer rate Q has been
calculated, the interface temperature T2
can be determined from any of the
following two relations:
Calculation of overall coefficient
from individual coefficients in case of
metal wall
Region III: Solid –
Cold Liquid
Q = hc A(Tow − Tc )
Th Ti,wall
Tiw − Tow
L kA
3) Heat transfer by convection from wall surface to cold fluid:
Q = hc A(Tow − Tc )
1 L 1
hh A kA hc A
h is small, in case of gases (low viscosity and low specific heat) and
in case of laminar flow (low velocity).
h is big, in case of liquids (high viscosity and high specific heat) and
in case of turbulent flow (high velocity).
kA hA Q
T1 − T2 T2 − T T1 − T L 1
qo = = =
L 1 L 1 kA hA
k h k h
By equating the first and the last expression, T1 is found
L 1 qo
T1 = + qo + T = + T
k h U
and by equating the first and the third expressions, T2 is found:
T2 = + T
U =
1 L 1
+ +
h1 k h2
and since there is no convective heat transfer on surface (1),
= 0 and h2 = h
U =
L 1
k h
Introducing The numerical values of various quantities in the
above results, we obtains
L 1 0.02 1
T1 = + qo + T = + 10 5
+ 50 = 350 o
k h 20 500
qo 105
T2 = + T = + 50 = 250o C
h 500
1 1
U= = = 333.33 W / m 2 .o C
L 1 0.02 1
+ +
k h 20 500
U o Ao = U i Ai
U i Ai =
1 ln(ro ri ) 1
+ +
hi Ai 2kL ho Ao
Ui =
1 ri ln(ro ri ) ri
+ +
hi k ho ro
Fouling Factor
• The performance of heat exchangers usually
deteriorates with time as a result of accumulation of
deposits on heat transfer surfaces. Such deposits are
termed fouling and may significantly affect heat
exchanger performance.
• The layer of deposits represents additional resistance
to heat transfer and causes the rate of heat transfer in
a heat exchanger to decrease.
• The fouling factor Rf ─ The net effect of these
accumulations on heat transfer.
• The total thermal resistance
• Cold fluid entering the device meets the hot fluid just
as it is leaving, i.e., cold fluid at its lowest temperature
is placed in thermal contact with hot fluid also at its
lowest temperature.
• Changes in temperature of the two fluids as they flow
counter-currently through the length of the pipe are
shown in the figure.
• The cold fluid enters and flow inside through all the tubes in
parallel in one pass
• The hot fluid enters at the other end and flow counterflow across
the outside the tubes in the shell side.
• Cross-baffles – increase the shell side heat transfer coefficient
Fig . Shell and tube heat exchanger
(1 shell pass and 2 tube passes (1-2 exchanger))
• The liquid on the tube side flows in two passes
• The shell-side liquid flows in one pass
• In the first pass of the tube side, the cold fluid is flowing
counterflow to the hot shell-side fluid
• In the second pass of the tube side, the cold fluid flows in parallel
Fig . Shell and tube heat exchanger
(2 shell pass and 4 tube passes (2-4 exchanger))
Fig. Shell and tube heat exchanger
Fig. baffle
Mean Temperature Difference
Where there are two heat transfer fluids separated by a wall,
the heat transfer for the combined situation can be defined
in terms of an overall heat transfer coefficient, U based on
the assumption that the fluid temperatures remain constant.
Which gives
Note that ΔTlm is always less than ΔTam. Therefore, using ΔTam in
calculations instead of ΔTlm will overestimate the rate of heat
transfer in a heat exchanger between the two fluids. When ΔT1
differs from ΔT2 by no more than 40 percent, the error in using
the arithmetic mean temperature difference is less than 1 percent.
But the error increases to undesirable levels when ΔT1 differs
from ΔT2 by greater amounts. Therefore, we should always use
the logarithmic mean temperature difference when determining
the rate of heat transfer in a heat exchanger.
Note that ΔTlm is always less than ΔTam. Therefore, using
ΔTam in calculations instead of ΔTlm will overestimate the
rate of heat transfer in a heat exchanger between the two
fluids. When ΔT1 differs from ΔT2 by no more than 40
percent, the error in using the arithmetic mean temperature
difference is less than 1 percent. But the error increases to
undesirable levels when ΔT1 differs from ΔT2 by greater
amounts. Therefore, we should always use the logarithmic
mean temperature difference when determining the rate of
heat transfer in a heat exchanger.
Correction of LMTD in Multipass
• Multipass exchangers have more tube passes than shell
• The LMTD does not apply in this case and it is
customary to define a correction factor, FT.
• The relationship between LMTD and FT is define as
Tm = FT Tlm
Tlm =
(Thi − Tco ) − (Tho − Tci )
Thi − Tco
Tho − Tci
Figure 4.9-4(a) Correction factor to LMTD for 1-2 and 1-4
exchangers (Geankoplis, 4th ed.)
Figure 4.9-4(b) Correction factor to LMTD for 2-4
exchangers (Geankoplis, 4th ed.)
Example 1 Temperature Correction Factor for a Heat
A 1-2 heat exchanger containing one shell pass and two tube passes
heats 2.52 kg/s of water from 21.1 to 54.4 0C by using hot water
under pressure entering at 115.6 and leaving at 48.9 0C. The outside
surface area of the tubes in the exchanger is Ao = 9.30 m2.
The temperatures are as follows:
Thi = 115.6 0C Tho = 48.9 0C Tci = 21.2 0C
Tco = 54.4 0C
Heat balance on the cold water, assume Cpm of water of 4187 J/kg.K
and Tco – Tci = (54.4 – 21.1) 0C = 33.3 0C = 33.3 K
Tlm =
(115.6 − 54.4) − (48.9 − 21.1) = 42.3C = 42.3K
115.6 − 54.4
48.9 − 21.1
Calculate the Z and Y values using Eq (5 & 6)
Thi − Tho 115.6 − 48.9
Z= = = 2.00
Tco − Tci 54.4 − 21.1
Tco − Tci 54.4 − 21.1
Y= = = 0.352
Thi − Tci 115.6 − 21.1
From Figure 4.9-4(a), FT = 0.74
Using Eq. (3),
Tm = FT Tm = 0.74(42.3) = 31.3C = 31.3K
Rearranging Eq. (4) to solve for Uo and substituting the known values,
we have q 348200
Uo = = = 1196 W/m 2 .K (211 bu/h.ft 2 .o F)
Ao Tm (9.30)(31.3)