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QatarEnergy_Detailed ICV Scorecard Submission Handbook

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Tawteen In-Country
Value (ICV) Program
Detailed ICV Scorecard
Submission Handbook

Version 4.1 : Jan 2025

This document was downloaded from Tawteen’s ICV Digital Portal at icv.qa
Please refer to Tawteen’s ICV Digital Portal to make sure you are using the latest version of the guidelines

1.2 Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction 3

2.0 Completion Guidelines 5

2.1 General Instructions 5

2.2 ICV Scorecard Submission Template 8

2.2.1 Scorecard
Components 13

2.3.1 Company Information 9

2.3.2 A1. Goods 12

2.3.3 A2. Services 16

2.3.4 B. Workforce Training 23

2.3.5 C. Supplier Development 26

2.3.6 D. Investment in Fixed Assets 30

2.3.7 Bonus Scheme 32

2.2.1 ICV
2.4 Scorecard
Policies Components 13

3.0 ICV Scorecard Certificate 38

4.0 ICV Contribution Percentages 39

5.0 Bonus ICV Contribution 40

6.0 Information Request List 42

7.0 Appendices 45 2

1.0 Introduction (1/2)

ICV Scorecard
The ICV Scorecard is a historical view of The Company’s achieved in-
country value (ICV) from business operations, based on their latest audited
financial statements.

Each ICV Scorecard must be validated by an ICV Certifier (pre-approved

chartered accounting firm). A valid ICV Score is mandatory for all
companies seeking to do business with the Energy Sector in Qatar.

The Company is advised to begin by reading this Detailed ICV Scorecard

Submission Template Handbook before attempting to create a new ICV
Scorecard on Tawteen’s ICV Digital Portal. This set of guidelines will provide
information about the template, how to complete each section and how to
submit the template to the ICV Certifier.

ICV Formula

Spend on local tangible Productivity &

Goods 1
goods and materials Automation
Spend on manpower and Capability
Services local services, including 2
overhead expenses

Workforce Spend on training activities Investment

B 3
Training provided to local employees Growth

Spend on development
Supplier 4 Qatarization
C activities provided to local

Spend on local assets, 5 Exports

Investments in
D including depreciation and
Fixed Assets
Research &
Total costs incurred from
Total Cost operations in Qatar for the
financial year 7 Sustainability


1.0 Introduction (2/2)

Roles and responsibilities

Stakeholder Roles and responsibilities

The Company • Complete the ICV Scorecard on the Digital Portal

and submit it to one of the pre-approved ICV
• Provide all required supporting documents to ICV
Certifier, as per the ICV Guidelines and related
• Provide accurate and up-to-date information within
the ICV Scorecard and in submitted documents.

ICV Certifier • Perform test procedures according to ICV

Certification Agreed-Upon Procedures (AUPs).
• Ensure ICV data provided by suppliers is aligned to
the guidelines in the ICV Scorecard Submission
• Issue Factual Findings Reports.
• Attend ICV Certifiers’ panel meetings.
• Provide access to Tawteen to review working papers
relevant to sample ICV certifications issued during
the review period.

Tawteen • Oversee the ICV program.

• Provide guidance and resolve disputes.
• Audit the ICV certification process.
• Facilitate the ICV Certifiers panel meetings.
• Support the ICV Tawteen Service Center with
technical questions regarding the ICV certification


2.0 Completion Guidelines

2.1 General Instructions (1/3)

After The Company has registered their profile, they may log in to Tawteen’s
Digital Portal to submit a new Detailed ICV Scorecard submission template
through the following approach:

• Click on ‘Create New ICV Scorecard’ button on the homepage, or

• Go to ‘ICV Scorecard’ in the navigation bar and click on ‘Create New ICV
Scorecard’ button on the top right.

Once the button takes you to the landing page, you can either:

1. Create a new ICV Scorecard, if The Company does not have one
already, by clicking on ‘Create New ICV Scorecard’. In this case, the ICV
Score and ICV components will be shown as 0%, or

2. Import data from a previously submitted ICV Scorecard by clicking on

‘Previous ICV Scorecard’s reference number’ and choosing the
relevant Scorecard from the drop-down list. Once you choose the
reference number, click on ‘Import’ button to be directed to a new
Scorecard created with editable information imported from the previous

Additional guidance
• The ICV Digital Portal will only allow The Company to submit the Detailed
ICV Scorecard submission template if they are engaged with an ICV


2.1 General Instructions (2/3)

The following general instructions should be followed when completing the

Detailed ICV Scorecard submission template in the ICV Digital Portal:

1. The Company is required to have a legal presence in Qatar

(Commercial Registration) to obtain an ICV Scorecard Certificate.

2. Scorecards should be issued for The Company based on Commercial

Registration, supported by audited financial statements.

3. All financial amounts should be reported in Qatari Riyal (QAR), actuals.

4. Amounts reported should correspond to The Company’s latest audited

financial statements, except for newly established entities (refer to point

5. For newly established entities, internally approved management

accounts signed by an authorized signatory (9 months at a minimum
and 15 months as a maximum from the date of establishment) or
audited financial statements (with a period up to 18 months from the
date of establishment) are acceptable for ICV Certification.

6. The maximum ICV Score that can be obtained by The Company is


7. The ICV Scorecard can only be issued against audited financial

statements that are, at most, two calendar years old from the issued
date of the ICV Certificate.

8. The ICV Scorecard can only be issued against standalone audited

financial statements. Consolidated financial statements are not eligible.

9. Once a new audited financial statement is issued, a new ICV Scorecard

cannot be based on older audited financial statements. The latest
audited financial statements must always be used for certification.

10. Revenues and costs reported in the template should be consistent with
the revenues and costs The Company would report utilizing
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in Qatar. For example, if The
Company does not recognize an item as revenue or an expense in its
income statement, then it cannot be claimed in the template.

11. Holding companies should be treated as other legal entities and their
ICV should be captured by completing the template.


2.1 General Instructions (3/3)

11. All numbers reported in the template need to be supported by

appropriate and auditable documentation, which are to be provided to
the ICV Certifier as required.

12. Amounts reported should not be double counted. For example, if a

service provider’s costs are accounted in A2. Services, these costs
cannot be counted again in any other section within the template.

13. Suppliers are encouraged to amend their existing trial balance codes
appropriately to capture specific costs required by Tawteen. This will
ensure that the certification is smooth and cost effective for the future

14. Assumptions and calculation methodologies utilized in preparing the

template should be consistent with those used in other contracts and/or
prior years.

15. Joint operations can be included in the ICV Scorecard based on the
share of interest.

16. Joint ventures accounted for using the equity method must not be
included in the ICV Scorecard.

17. Branches to the main entity must be under one certificate including all
branches' numbers and treated as one single entity.

18. The engagement letter between The Company and ICV Certifier must
only be signed by an authorized signatory (The Company) and an
approved engagement leader (ICV Certifier).

19. The Commercial Registration (CR) of The Company must be active on

date of signing the engagement letter with the ICV Certifier.

20. The Company must ensure that at least 80% of the total cost for the
financial year, as per the audited financial statements, is included in the
ICV Scorecard. If The Company is unable to meet this threshold, the
ICV Certifier will not be able to proceed with the engagement.


2.2 ICV Scorecard Submission Template

As a general overview, the key elements in the ICV Scorecard submission

template page are:

1. The Navigation bar on the left-hand side allows you to navigate between
the different components of the ICV Scorecard: Company Information,
A1. Goods, A2. Services, B. Workforce Training, C. Supplier
Development, D. Investment in Fixed Assets, and the Bonus Scheme.

2. The ICV Scorecard Submission Template Guidelines allows you to

download the guidelines document (this exact document).

3. The Download ICV Scorecard allows you to download the ICV

Scorecard submission template in PDF format.

4. The Top bar allows you to track the ICV Contribution percentage and
value (QAR) for each component across the template.

5. The SAVE button allows you to save their progress by clicking on it.

Note: You should save your progress after each section is completed to
avoid losing any filled data or progress.

6. The Proceed button allows you to proceed to the next component.

7. The Submit ICV Scorecard to Certifier button allows you to submit the
completed Detailed ICV Scorecard submission template to the ICV
Certifier you are engaged with.

Note: We recommend that you ensure all requested fields are completed
before submitting to the ICV Certifier.


2.3 Scorecard Components

2.3.1 Company Information (1/3)

This section contains general information about The Company and the types
of products and services it offers.

1. General Information

The ‘Company Name’, ‘Company Address’, and ‘Commercial

Registration number’ are automatically populated based on The
Company registration details. If the information requires update, exit the
ICV Scorecard Submission Template and navigate to ‘Manage Profile’.

Enter the Financial Statement End date by clicking on the calendar icon
next to ‘Financial Statement End’ and picking a date from the calendar
or enter the date as per the following format (DD/MM/YYYY).

2. Financial Information

For ‘Total Revenue, for the financial statement year end’, The
Company shall state its annual revenue from operations in Qatar for the
financial year as per their audited financial statements.

For ‘Total Costs, for the financial statement year end’, The Company
shall state the total costs incurred from operations in the State of Qatar
for the financial year as per their audited financial statements.

Additional guidance
• Revenue should exclude all other income items stated in The Company’s
audited financial statements.

• Revenue from exports and re-exports should be included, and is defined

as revenue generated from a contract between The Company and an
entity outside of Qatar.

• Total Cost should exclude finance costs on borrowings from financial

institutions, bank charges, and non-cash transactions, such as provisions,
impairments and unrealized foreign exchange loss.

• Total Cost should exclude expenses paid to government entities.

Government entities are defined as any entity which does not have a
Commercial Registration (CR). Suppliers are compensated for this
exclusion in A2. Services.

• Total Cost includes depreciation on property, plant and equipment, and

amortization of right-of-use assets.


2.3.1 Company Information (2/3)

3. Contact Information

The main focal points of contact provided as part of the registration

details is automatically filled in the table.

• To edit or delete existing Contact information, click on the Actions


• To add a new contact information, click on ‘Add New Entry’ and a

pop-up will show where Contact Name, Email, Phone Number can be
entered. Once the information is filled, you can add the contact by
clicking on ‘Add Additional Contact’ button.

4. Business Description

The Company’s Business Description is automatically populated based

on The Company registration details. If the information requires update,
exit the ICV Scorecard Submission Template and navigate to ‘Manage

• To add Sub-Activity 1 and Sub-Activity 2 to The Company’s main

activity, click on Actions.

• To add a new Business Description, click on ‘Add New Entry’ and a

pop-up will show where you can choose The Company’s Main Activity
from a drop-down predefined list of activities, then choose The
Company’s Sub-activity 1 and Sub-Activity 2 accordingly.

The Company does not have to fill all activities selection. If The Company
cannot find the closest relevant activity, select ‘Other’ and add the activity
information in the provided field.


2.3.1 Company Information (3/3)

5. ICV Participation

The Company shall provide the total number of new jobs created, total
number of employees laid off and total number of newly hired employees
as well as a brief description of the activities and actions taken to boost
ICV in each component of the ICV formula, during the financial year.

Note: These fields are optional. The purpose of these fields is to highlight
your contribution towards localization for Tawteen. If you do not wish to
share this information, you may input 0 in these fields.

• To enter the total number of new jobs created, total number of

employees laid off and total number of newly hired employees,
navigate to the relevant field and enter the number.

• To describe the steps The Company have taken to increase ICV in

Qatar, navigate to the relevant field and enter the description.

6. Company Ownership Structure

The Company shall list all related parties and their percentage ownership,
commercial registration or license numbers (if available), and description
of goods and services they provide.

To enter company ownership structure details in the table, click on ‘Add

New Entry’.

Once the button is clicked, a pop-up will show where The Company can
enter ‘Company’ or ‘Individual’ ownership.

• To enter the details of a ‘Company’, The Company should fill The

Company Name, Ownership %, Industry, and Commercial Registration

• To enter the details of an ‘Individual’, click on the ‘Individual’ option

and enter the Individual Name, Ownership % and ID number.

Once filled, click on ‘Add Company Ownership’ to populate the table

under this section.


2.3.2 A1. Goods (1/4)

In this section, The Company shall capture its goods spend for the financial
year. This represents purchases from all suppliers and includes costs related
to manufacturing inputs and raw materials procured.

1. Spend on Government Regulated Goods, by Entity

In this section, The Company shall list its spend on government regulated
goods. The Company should group its spend based on the listed entities in
the relevant field, as follows:

1. QatarEnergy Marketing (Muntajat): for all goods purchased from entities

under QatarEnergy Marketing.

2. Qatar Steel: for all goods purchased from Qatar Steel Company.

2. Top 80% of Goods Consumed, by Supplier

In this section, The Company shall list 80% of its goods spend, including net
inventory movement, by adding individual Suppliers with the respective
spend in descending order.

Note: If The Company cannot identify the goods consumed during the year
per supplier, it can list the purchases during the year per supplier instead and
then add the Inventory Movement (Beginning Inventory – Ending Inventory)
in the Inventory Movement field in the ICV Scorecard.

To enter the details of the spend on goods in the table, click on ‘Add New
Entry’. Each time you add a new Supplier, the table under this section will be
automatically populated.

Once the button is clicked, a pop-up will show where you can Search
Supplier Details or Enter Supplier Details Manually.

• To ‘Search Supplier Details’ from Tawteen’s ICV Digital Portal database,

click on the search box where another pop-up will appear and you can
search by Commercial Registration number or Supplier name. The
Company Name, Commercial Registration number and ICV Score will
show in a table as available in the database. Once selected, the
information will be automatically populated and you will be required to
enter the following remaining fields:

1. Goods Category: From the drop-down list, select the appropriate



2.3.2 A1. Goods (2/4)

2. Goods Subcategory: From the drop-down list, select the

appropriate subcategory. This list is dependent on the goods
category selection.

3. Total Spend: Total spend on goods per category per Supplier for
the financial year, in QAR.

4. Description: Brief description of the types of goods that The

Company procured.

• To enter the Supplier’s Details Manually, click on ‘Enter Supplier Details

Manually’ option to enter the following details:

1. Supplier name

2. Supplier’s company country: Choose an option between ‘Local’

and ‘International’.

3. Issuing authority: If local supplier, select the authority that issued

the Registration Document of the company within Qatar.

4. Commercial Registration number: Input the Supplier’s

commercial registration number. If the Supplier is an international
company, this field will be automatically populated as ‘N/A’ once
you specify the company’s country.

5. Goods category: From the drop-down list, select the appropriate


6. Goods subcategory: From the drop-down list, select the

appropriate subcategory. This list is dependent on the goods
category selection.

7. Total spend: Total spend on goods per category per Supplier for
the financial year, in QAR.

8. Description: Brief description of the types of goods that The

Company procured.

Once filled, click on ‘Add Goods Spend’ to populate the table under this
section. To edit or delete one of the entries, click on the Actions button.

Totals including Total Spend and Total ICV Contribution will be

automatically calculated based on the filled information.


2.3.2 A1. Goods (3/4)

3. Remaining 20% of Goods Consumed, by Supplier Type

Once The Company has reached the top 80% of its goods spend, The
Company shall enter its remaining goods spend, in QAR, in Section 2.

This section has a pre-defined list of Supplier types, and The Company
should group its remaining spend based on the listed types in the relevant
field. These types are:

1. Local Farms: for all goods purchased from entities under Mahaseel

2. Local Manufacturers: for Suppliers who manufacture items locally

3. Other Local Suppliers: for all other local Suppliers, including agents and

4. International Suppliers: for goods imported directly

The ICV Contribution for each Supplier type and the Totals including Total
Spend and Total ICV Contribution will be automatically calculated.

Note: The ICV Contribution percentages for each Supplier type can be found
in Section 4.0 of the Scorecard Submission Handbook.

Additional guidance
• If a Supplier offers more than one category of spend, then duplicate the
supplier’s name by clicking on ‘Add New Entry’ and filling the remaining
required details of the additional category.

• Transactions between any related entities (sister companies, holding

companies etc.) shall be treated as normal transactions between legal

• Spend on local farms is only eligible if purchasing through Mahaseel, as

reflected in the respective invoices.


2.3.2 A1. Goods (4/4)

• The following table lists some examples of items to be included or

excluded in the A1. Goods section:

Included Excluded

• Goods, materials and • Costs associated with services

supplies (included under section A2. Services)
• Training costs • Customs/duties
associated with
• Government fees (included under
delivering/installing section A2. Services)
goods, or machines and
equipment • Non-cash transactions (provisions,
write-offs, foreign exchange gains and
losses, etc.)
• Costs associated with workforce
training (included under section B.
Workforce Training)
• Costs associated with supplier
development (Included under section
C. Supplier Development)
• Capital expenditure, depreciation of
property, plants & equipment, and
amortization of intangible assets
(included under section D. Investment
in Fixed Assets)
• Amortization of right-of-use assets
(included under section A2. Services,
Overhead Spend)
• Costs associated with Goods that
cannot be allocated to specific supplier


2.3.3 A2. Services (1/7)

In this section, The Company shall capture its manpower compensation and
services spend for the financial year. This section also includes costs related
to operating activities and overheads.

1. Manpower Compensation

In this field, The Company shall provide details related to eligible manpower
costs paid during the financial year, as per The Company audited financial

For MoCI registered companies, costs which can be claimed include basic
salaries paid through WPS and benefits paid through bank transfers.

For non-MoCI registered companies, costs which can be claimed include

basic salaries and benefits paid through bank transfers.

Benefits include, but are not limited to, bonuses, gratuities, long term
incentives, pension plans, airfare, school fees, medical check-ups, etc.

Additional guidance
• Cost of manpower must only be captured for employees with a total
annual compensation greater than or equal to 72,000 QAR.

• For new joiners or leavers during the year, The Company can divide the
total compensation of employee by the number of working months and in
case the result is QAR 6,000 or more, the compensation for this employee
can be considered under Manpower Compensation.

• Costs related to interns, trainers (included under section B. Workforce

Training), and supplier development (included under section C. Supplier
Development) should be excluded from this section.

• This section must include The Company’s employees only. Costs related
to contractors’ and sub-contracted employees should be excluded.

• If the sponsorship of an employee is not under The Company's name,

then this cost must be treated as spend on services i.e. the sponsoring
company’s ICV Score multiplied by the spend on that employee.

• Costs related to owner’s salary should be excluded.

• Employee benefits paid to third parties can be included under A2.Services.


2.3.3 A2. Services (2/7)

2. Overhead Spend on Services, by Category

In this section, The Company shall provide their overhead spend on

services, prior to entering their top 80% of services spend and remaining
services spend. These costs are not to be claimed in the top 80% of services
spend or remaining services spend.

This section has a pre-defined list of category types, and The Company
should group its spend based on the listed types in the relevant field. These
types are:

1. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): includes donations to non-profit

organizations (only to entities listed in the Appendices).

2. Insurance: includes any costs paid to insurance entities, including

insurance brokers (only to local insurers with a valid CR).

3. Government fees: automatically calculated as 1.5% of the Total Cost

entered by The Company in ‘Company information’. Government entities
are defined as any entity which does not have a Commercial Registration

4. Utilities: includes services such as the supply and/or management of

water, gas, sewage, garbage, and related materials by a utility company
(only Kahramaa).

5. Fuel: includes all costs associated with the supply or generation of power
to an industrial plant, vehicle, or machine (only related to the
authorized fuel stations listed in the Appendices).

6. Rent: includes any costs associated with short-term renting of property or

land from an entity, including government entities, or an individual either
for direct business operations or for accommodation. This category also
includes depreciation on right-of-use assets and financing costs on lease

The ICV Contribution for each category type and the Totals including Total
Spend and Total ICV Contribution will be automatically calculated.

Note: The ICV Contribution percentages for each category can be found in
Section 4.0 of the Scorecard Submission Handbook.


2.3.3 A2. Services (3/7)

3. Top 80% of Services Consumed, by Supplier

In this section, The Company shall list 80% of its remaining services spend,
after allocating the Overhead Spend, by adding individual Suppliers with the
respective spend in descending order. The Company can also include its
Loss on Sale of Assets in the table below.

To enter the details of the spend on services in the table, click on ‘Add New
Entry’. Each time The Company adds a new Supplier, the table under this
section will be automatically populated.

Once the button is clicked, a pop-up will show where you can Search
Suppliers Details or Enter Supplier Details Manually.

• To ‘Search Supplier Details’ from Tawteen’s ICV Digital Portal database,

click on the search box where another pop-up will appear, and you can
search by Commercial Registration number or Supplier name. The
Company Name, Commercial Registration number and ICV Score will
show in a table as available in the database. Once selected, The
Company will be required to enter the following details:

1. Type of Service: Select the type of service provided from the

drop-down list

2. Total Spend (QAR): Total spend on services per category per

Supplier for the financial year, in QAR actuals.

3. Description: Brief description of the types of service that The

Company acquired.

• To enter the Supplier’s Details Manually, click on ‘Enter Supplier Details

Manually’ option to enter the following details:

1. Supplier name

2. Supplier’s company country: The Company shall choose an

option between ‘Local’ and ‘International’.

3. Issuing authority: If local supplier, select the authority that issued

the Registration Document of the company within Qatar.

4. Commercial Registration number: input the Supplier’s

commercial registration number. If the Supplier is an international
company, this field will be automatically populated as ‘N/A’, once
The Company specifies the company’s country.

2.3.3 A2. Services (4/7)

5. Type of service: Select the type of service provided from the

drop-down list.

6. Total spend (QAR): Total spend on services per category per

Supplier for the financial year, in QAR actuals.

7. Description: Brief description of the types of service that The

Company acquired.

Once filled, click on ‘Add Service Spend’ to populate the table under this

To enter the details of the Loss on Sale of Assets in the table, click on ‘Add
New Entry’. Each time The Company adds a loss on sale, the table under
will be automatically populated.

Once the button is clicked, a pop-up will show where you can enter the

1. Asset class: The asset class of the sale, as per The Company’s
audited financial statements

2. Description: Brief description of the type of asset that The

Company lost on sale.

3. Loss on Sale: Total loss on sale of asset for the financial year, in

To edit or delete one of the entries, click on the Actions button.

Totals including Total Spend and Total ICV Contribution will be

automatically calculated based on the filled information.


2.3.3 A2. Services (5/7)

4. Remaining 20% of Services Consumed, by Industry

Once The Company has reached the top 80% of its services spend, The
Company shall enter its remaining services spend.

This section has a pre-defined list of Supplier types, and The Company
should group its remaining spend based on the listed types in the relevant
field. These types are:

1. Engineering: services such as engineering design, MEP, geotechnical,

structural, and environmental engineering.

2. Construction, installation, and commissioning: services such as

construction of buildings, facilities, and other structures, as well as the
installation and assurance that all systems and components are
designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained according to the
identified operational requirements.

3. Management and consultancy: services such as management consulting,

human resources, outsourced project management, outsourced legal
services, or other related services.

4. IT: services such as technological design, plan, delivery, control, and

operation of information technology, such as computers and networks.

5. Procurement as a service: includes procurement services outsourced to

an external firm that combines technology and expertise to handle
another organization’s procurement function.

6. Other (catering, transport, etc.): includes all other services such as

catering, transportation, etc.

7. International service providers: includes all services provided by an

international company.

The ICV Contribution for each Supplier type and the Totals including Total
Spend and Total ICV Contribution will be automatically calculated.

Note: The ICV Contribution percentages for each industry can be found in
Section 4.0 of the Scorecard Submission Handbook.


2.3.3 A2. Services (6/7)

Additional guidance
• If a Supplier offers more than one category of spend, then duplicate the
supplier’s name by clicking on ‘Add New Entry’ and filling the remaining
required details of the additional category.

• Total spend on utilities, rent, fuel, insurance, and government fees should
only be captured in Overhead Spend on Services and should not be
claimed in any other section.

• Costs paid to insurance brokers should only be captured if there is

supporting evidence that the cost/policy can be allocated to a local insurer
with a valid Commercial Registration (CR) within Qatar.

• Total spend on government fees is automatically calculated as 1.5% of the

Total Cost reported in ‘Company information’, and the full value is counted
towards ICV contribution. Government fees consider only costs paid to
entities who do not possess Commercial Registration (CR).

• Transactions between any related entities (sister companies, holding

companies etc.) shall be treated as normal transactions between legal
entities including employee salaries.

• Management fees are to be excluded unless there is corroborating

evidence that the spend is for an equivalent specified good or services
(e.g. if it's for HR or manpower support, evidence needs to be provided for
the rates agreed between the parties and the time spent).

• The finance cost on lease liabilities shall be included in the Total Spend
reported for Rent.


2.3.3 A2. Services (7/7)

• The following table lists examples of items to be included or excluded in

the A2. Services section:

Included Excluded

• Services provided • Costs associated with purchases of goods

to The Company (included under section A1. Goods)
• Transportation cost • Customs/duties
• Utilities • Non-cash transactions (provisions, write-
offs, foreign exchange gains and losses,
• Rent (including rent
paid to
governmental • Costs associated with workforce training
entities) (included under section B. Workforce
• Depreciation on
right-of-use assets • Costs associated with supplier
development (included under section C.
• Finance costs on
Supplier Development)
lease liabilities
• Capital expenditure and
• Fuel (from list of
depreciation/amortization (included under
approved fuel
section D. Investment in Fixed Assets)
• Management fees
• Insurance
• Financing related costs (including interest
• Government fees
on loans)
• Spend on CSR
• Costs associated with sponsorships or
• Telecommunication donations other than the approved CSR
expenses entities
• Loss on sale of • Costs associated with services that cannot
fixed assets be allocated to specific supplier
• Other operating


2.3.4 B. Workforce Training (1/3)

In this section, The Company shall provide information about the training
activities it has provided for its employees during the financial year.

Spend on Workforce Training Activities

To enter the details of the spend on training in the table, click on ‘Add New
Entry’. Each time The Company adds a new Training, the table under this
section will be automatically populated.

Once the button is clicked, a pop-up will show where The Company can
enter the following:

1. Training Activity: Specify and briefly describe the training activity The
Company has paid for.

2. Training Provider: From the drop-down list, select the appropriate type
of entity conducting the training:

I. External: for training activities delivered by a third party.

II. Internal: for training activities provided by The Company, or sister

companies, to its staff.

3. Training Institute: Name the organization/institute who delivered the

training. For internal trainings, enter “N/A”.

5. Training Type: From the drop-down list, select the appropriate training
type that describes the activity.

I. Functional: refers to different areas including problem solving,

time management, presentation skills, interpersonal skills,
business etiquette, communication skills, etc.

II. Leadership: refers to the training that teaches skills necessary to

direct and manage other people. It is usually taken by top

III. Technical: refers to the training that teaches the skills necessary
to implement, maintain, support or operate a particular technology
or related application, product or service.


2.3.4 B. Workforce Training (2/3)

6. Mode of Training: Select between the pre-defined modes of training

from the drop-down list. They are:

I. Exchange program: is an exchange of employees between

companies to support staff development by giving them the
chance to work in different environments.

II. In-person: for training activities where trainees are taught by

instructors at the training facility.

III. Internship/cooperative education: training provided to potential

employees, usually undergraduates or students, for a specific
time period.

IV. On the job: for training activities at the workplace while the
employee is doing the actual job. These types of training are
usually done by experienced professionals and experts of the
field. This also includes apprenticeships.

V. Online: for online courses and distance learning.

7. Number of Employees Trained: Specify the number of employees

benefiting from the training activity.

8. Total Spend on Training (QAR): Specify the total amount of spend, in

QAR, on the training activity for the financial year.

Once filled, click on ‘Add Training Activity’ button to populate the table
under this section.

To edit or delete one of the entries, click on the Actions button.

Totals including Total Spend and Total ICV Contribution will be

automatically calculated based on the filled information.


2.3.4 B. Workforce Training (3/3)

Additional guidance
• External training, conducted by a third party, should only be captured if
backed by invoices.

• Internal trainings should be claimed only if the allocated costs associated

with the specific activities are incremental to The Company, with
corroborating evidence available (e.g. third party invoices, contracts, time
sheet system in place, etc.).

• Training done outside the country can be included in this section.

• Cost of training should exclude any associated expenses (e.g. flights,

hotels, taxis, allowances, etc.).

• Training costs associated with delivering and installing goods, or machines

and equipment, should be excluded (included under section A1. Goods).

• Shared costs/recharges by group entities pertaining to training should be

treated as spend with a sub-supplier (i.e. the group entity) with their
corresponding ICV Score (included under section A2. Services).

• Cost of internship/cooperative education should only be captured if

supported by signed agreements.


2.3.5 C. Supplier Development (1/4)

In this section, The Company shall provide information about the

development activities it has provided for suppliers in Qatar during the
financial year.

Spend on Supplier Development Activities

To enter the details of the spend on supplier development in the table, click
on ‘Add New Entry’. Each time The Company adds a new supplier, the table
under this section will be automatically populated.

Once the button is clicked, a pop-up will show where The Company can
Search Suppliers Details or Enter Supplier Details Manually.

• To ‘Search Supplier Details’ from Tawteen’s ICV Digital Portal database,

click on the search box where another pop-up will appear, and The
Company can search by Commercial Registration Number or Supplier
name. The Company Name, Commercial Registration number and ICV
Score % will show in a table as available in the database. Once selected,
The Company will be required to enter the following:

1. Development Type: There are two types of development

activities. From the drop-down list, select the supplier development
type that best describes the activity. These are:

I. Collective: this category includes activities taken by The

Company to improve its Suppliers’ standards and efficiency.

II. Individuals: this category includes activities taken by The

Company to develop and train its Supplier’s workforce.

2. Development Activity: For each development type there are

different development activities. After selecting the development
type, select the appropriate development activity from the drop-
down list. This list is dependent on the Development Type

For the “Collective” type of development, the following are the

applicable activities to choose from:

I. Operation: any type of assistance given to Suppliers to help in

improving efficiency, or operation and production standards, or
in obtaining relevant certification. e.g. lean implementation.


2.3.5 C. Supplier Development (2/4)

II. Quality: any type of assistance given to Suppliers to help in

improving the quality of products or services, or in obtaining
quality certificate. e.g. ISO certification.

III. Safety: any type of training or assistance in obtaining

certifications related to work safety and procedures. e.g.
OSHA Outreach Training Program certification.

For the “Individuals” type of development, the following are the

applicable activities to choose from:

I. Exchange programs: programs involving the exchange of

employees between companies for purposes of skills
development and experience of working in different

II. Leadership: any training given to the supplier’s management

team to improve their managerial skills and effectiveness.

III. Technical: any training given to the Supplier’s staff to improve

their skills in implementing or operating a particular technology
or related application, product or service.

3. Development Spend (QAR): Specify the total amount of spend,

in QAR, on the development activity for the financial year.

4. Activity Description: The Company shall briefly describe the

actions taken to develop its Supplier.

• To enter the Supplier’s Details Manually, click on Enter Supplier Details

Manually option to enter the following:

1. Supplier Name

2. Development Type: There are two types of development

activities. From the drop-down list, select the supplier development
type that best describes the activity. These are:

I. Collective: this category includes activities taken by The

Company to improve its Suppliers’ standards and efficiency.

II. Individuals: this category includes activities taken by The

Company to develop and train its Supplier’s workforce.


2.3.5 C. Supplier Development (3/4)

3. Development Activity: For each development type there are

different development activities. After selecting the development
type, select the appropriate development activity from the drop-
down list. This list is dependent on the Development Type

For the “Collective” type of development, the following are the

applicable activities to choose from:

I. Operation: any type of assistance given to Suppliers to help in

improving efficiency, or operation and production standards, or
in obtaining relevant certification. e.g. lean implementation.

II. Quality: any type of assistance given to Suppliers to help in

improving the quality of products or services, or in obtaining
quality certificate. e.g. ISO certification.

III. Safety: any type of training or assistance in obtaining

certifications related to work safety and procedures. e.g.
OSHA Outreach Training Program certification.

For the “Individuals” type of development, the following are the

applicable activities to choose from:

I. Exchange programs: programs involving the exchange of

employees between companies for purposes of skills
development and experience of working in different

II. Leadership: any training given to the supplier’s management

team to improve their managerial skills and effectiveness.

III. Technical: any training given to the Supplier’s staff to improve

their skills in implementing or operating a particular technology
or related application, product or service.

4. Development Spend (QAR): Specify the total amount of spend,

in QAR, on the development activity for the financial year.

5. Activity Description: The Company shall briefly describe the

actions taken to develop its Supplier.


2.3.5 C. Supplier Development (4/4)

Once filled, click on ‘Add Development Activity’ button to populate the

table under this section.

To edit or delete one of the entries, click on the Actions button.

Totals including Total Spend and Total ICV Contribution will be

automatically calculated based on the filled information.

Additional guidance
• Cost items that are not supported with invoices or other auditable
documentation, should not be accounted for.

• In order to calculate the total supplier development costs (e.g. training

and/or certification costs) in cases when:

‒ The Company is using its own employees (with total annual

compensation equal or above QAR 72,000) to develop Suppliers, the
cost is already accounted for in section A2. Services as part of
manpower compensation and should be excluded from this section.

‒ The Company is using its own employees (with total annual

compensation less than QAR 72,000) to develop Suppliers, the cost
can be included in this section and amounts to the total staff cost
associated with the delivery of this training.

‒ The Company is using external service providers to develop

Suppliers, the cost can be included in this section, however the
contract should not be duplicated in sections A1. Goods and A2.

• The Company can claim the following expenses as Supplier Development:

‒ Activities taken by The Company to improve its suppliers’ standards

and efficiency.

‒ Activities taken by The Company to develop and train its supplier’s


‒ Facilitating the establishment of supplier in Qatar.

‒ Costs incurred due to ICV Certification.


2.3.6 D. Investment in Fixed Assets (1/2)

In this section, The Company shall provide details about its capital
investments (fixed assets additions), and depreciation and amortization
expenses for the financial year.

1. Total Depreciation and Amortization for Local Assets

In the field, The Company shall provide the total annual depreciation and
amortization, in QAR, for the financial year, excluding depreciation on right-
of-use assets.

2. Capital Investment

In this table, The Company shall list its capital investments (fixed assets
additions) in Qatar for the financial year.

Note: This section is optional. The purpose of this section is to highlight The
Company’s contribution towards localization for Tawteen. If you do not wish
to share this information, mark ‘No Capital Investments’ box. Marking the
box will allow you to submit the Scorecard Template without entering any
optional Capital Investments details.

To enter the details of the Capital Investment in the table, click on ‘Add New
Entry’. Each time The Company adds a new Capital investment, the table
under this section will be automatically populated.

Once the button is clicked, a pop-up will show where The Company can
enter the following:

1. Capital Investment Name: The Company shall fill its capital investments
items for the financial year.

2. Investment Amount: The Company shall specify the amount invested, in

QAR, for the financial year.

3. Description: The Company shall provide a brief description of the


Once filled, click on ‘Add Capital Investment’ button to populate the table
under this section.

To edit or delete one of the entries, click on the Actions button.

The Total Investment Amount will be automatically calculated based on the

filled information.


2.3.6 D. Investment in Fixed Assets (2/2)

Additional guidance
• Assets and the associated depreciation cost owned by the entity that are
held outside Qatar should be excluded.

• As per standard accounting practices, major refurbishments and repairs, if

capitalized in The Company’s audited financial statements, should be
included in this section.

• Work in progress or assets that have not yet entered service should be
excluded. These assets can be included once they are in operation and
placed in service.

• Land, which is not normally depreciated, should be excluded.

• Goodwill, which is not normally amortized, should be excluded. Other

intangible assets such as intellectual properties, patents, copyrights, etc.
should be included in this section.

• Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) and investment properties should be

included in this section.

• In order to capture depreciation for investment properties measured based

on the fair value model, The Company should complete a cost model
separate from the audited financial statements and present it to the ICV
Certifier as support to include depreciation in this section.

• Assets that are not under the name of The Company must be excluded.

• Depreciation on right-of-use assets are recognized under A2. Services

and should not be claimed in this section.


2.3.7 Bonus Scheme (1/5)

In this section, The Company shall provide details for the strategic behaviors
captured in the Bonus Scheme. The Bonus Scheme is optional, and The
Company may choose which levers, if any, they wish to complete.

Note: The Bonus ICV Contribution for each lever can be found in Section 5.0
of the Scorecard Submission Handbook.

1. Productivity and Automation

In this section, The Company shall provide their Smart Industry Readiness
Index (SIRI) Assessment results. The Company should enter the achieved
score, from 0-5, for each of the 16 dimensions in the SIRI Assessment:

1. Vertical Integration 7. Shop Floor 13. Workforce Learning

Connectivity & Development
2. Horizontal
Integration 8. Enterprise 14. Leadership
Connectivity Competency
3. Integrated Product
Lifecycle 9. Facility Connectivity 15. Inter-and Intra
4. Shop Floor 10. Shop Floor
Automation Intelligence
16. Strategy &
5. Enterprise 11. Enterprise
Automation Intelligence
6. Facility Automation 12. Facility Intelligence

The Productivity and Automation Average will be automatically calculated

based on the filled information.

The Productivity and Automation Bonus ICV Score will be automatically

calculated based on the achieved Productivity and Automation Average.

Additional guidance
• The complete SIRI Assessment report includes a table with all 16
categories and the achieved band scores.

• The Company may only claim a SIRI Assessment report if issued within
three years of the date of uploading the signed engagement letter.

• If The Company is issued a report during the validity of an existing ICV

Certificate, they may submit this documentation directly to Tawteen. Upon
validation, Tawteen will update the Bonus in the Scorecard of The
Company directly.

2.3.7 Bonus Scheme (2/5)

2. Capability Building

In this section, The Company will not be required to fill any values.

1. Spend on Workforce Training Activities: automatically populated from

the values entered in section B. Workforce Training.

2. Spend on Supplier Development Activities: automatically populated

from the values entered in section C. Supplier Development.

3. Total Cost: automatically populated from the value entered in the

Company Information section.

The Capability Building % will be automatically calculated based on the

Spend on Workforce Training Activities, Spend on Supplier
Development Activities, and Total Cost values.

The Capability Building Bonus ICV Score will be automatically calculated

based on the achieved Capability Building %.

3. Investment Growth

In this section, The Company shall provide information about the investment
growth activities it has undergone during the financial year.

1. Equity in Current Financial Statement: Specify the amount of the

equity transaction, based on the current financial data, in QAR

2. Equity in Previous Financial Statement: Specify the amount of the

equity transaction, based on the previous financial data, in QAR

The Percentage Change of Equity from the Previous Year will be

automatically calculated based on the values input into the Equity in
Current Financial Statement and Equity in Previous Financial
Statement fields.

The Investment Growth Bonus ICV Score will be automatically calculated

based on the achieved Percentage Change of Equity from the Previous


2.3.7 Bonus Scheme (3/5)

3. Investment Growth (Cont.)

Additional guidance
• All amounts reported must be consistent with the audited financial
statement used for the entirety of the Scorecard.

• The Company is to include equity transactions for share capital, retained

earnings, shareholder contributions, shareholder’s current accounts in
equity, and any reserved amounts from retained earnings.

• The Company is to exclude transactions related to fair value reserves,

foreign currency translation, and hedging reserves.

4. Qatarization

In this section, The Company shall provide information about the

employment of Qatari nationals within the organization during the financial

1. Total Number of Qatari Employees: the total number of Qatari

nationals employed by The Company during the financial year.

2. Total Number of White Collar Employees: the total number of white

collar positions employed by The Company during the financial year.

The Qatarization % will be automatically calculated based on the values

input in the Total Number of Qatari Employees and Total Number of
White Collar Employees fields.

The Qatarization Bonus ICV Score will be automatically calculated based

on the achieved Qatarization %.

Additional guidance
• White collar employees are defined as any employee with a total annual
compensation greater than or equal to 72,000 QAR.

• The Company is to exclude contractors and subcontracted employees.

Only The Company’s employees are to be included.


2.3.7 Bonus Scheme (4/5)

5. Exports

In this section, The Company shall provide information about the export
activities it has undergone during the financial year.

1. Annual Revenue, from Exports and Re-Exports: specify the amount of

revenue earned exports and re-exports, in QAR.

2. Total Annual Revenue, from all Operations: automatically populated

from the value entered in the Company Information section.

The Exports % will be automatically calculated based on the values input in

the Annual Revenue, from Exports and Re-Exports and Total Annual
Revenue, from all Operations fields.

The Exports Bonus ICV Score will be automatically calculated based on

the achieved Exports %.

Additional guidance
• All amounts reported must be consistent with the audited financial
statement used for the entirety of the Scorecard.

• Revenue from exports and re-exports is defined as being from sale of

goods or services, supplied locally by the Company, to customers and/or
end users located outside the State of Qatar.

• Revenue from customers which are companies in Free Zones located in

Qatar will not be considered as revenue from export/re-export.

• Revenue from exports should only be considered if backed by proper

documentation (e.g. purchase orders, invoices, etc).

6. Research & Development (R&D)

In this section, The Company shall provide information about the Research &
Development (R&D) activities it has undergone during the financial year.

1. Research & Development Expenses: specify the amount spent on R&D

activities, in QAR.

2. Total Cost: automatically populated from the values entered in the

Company Information section.


2.3.7 Bonus Scheme (5/5)

6. Research & Development (R&D) (Cont.)

The Research & Development % will be automatically calculated based on

the values input in the Research & Development Expenses and Total Cost

The Research & Development Bonus ICV Score will be automatically

calculated based on the achieved Research & Development %.

Additional guidance
• R&D expenses reported must be consistent with the audited financial
statement used for the entirety of the Scorecard.

• The Company shall include only R&D expenses which align with the
definitions provided by the International Accounting Standard (IAS) 38.

• All activities must be backed by proper documentation (e.g. purchase

orders, invoices, etc).

7. Sustainability

In this section, The Company shall provide information about the

Sustainability certifications it has obtained. The Company shall select all of
the certificates applicable, from the below list:

1. ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System

2. ISO 14067 – Carbon Footprint of Products

3. ISO 50001 – Energy Management Systems

The Sustainability Bonus ICV Score will be automatically calculated based

on the achieved certificates.

Additional guidance
• The Company may only claim certificates issued within three years of the
date of uploading the signed engagement letter.

• The Company should be able to provide the official certificate(s).

• If The Company is issued a certificate during the validity of an existing ICV

Certificate, they may submit this documentation directly to Tawteen. Upon
validation, Tawteen will update the Bonus in the Scorecard of The
Company directly.

2.4 ICV Policies

This section provides an overview of ICV policies which support the overall
strategic objectives of the ICV Program. These policies are applied
independent of information entered in the ICV Scorecard.

Grace Period

The Grace Period Policy provides suppliers with an additional 90 days to the
validity of their ICV Score, for a total period of 1 year + 90 days from the ICV
Certificate issue date. This policy allows flexibility to ensure suppliers have
due time to complete and issue a new ICV Certificate.

Eligibility: All ICV Certificates valid on, or issued after, Nov 1st, 2024.

Identification on Digital Portal: When in effect, the ‘Status of ICV Score’

will display an orange circle with the phrase ‘Grace Period’ for the supplier,
visible in the Suppliers’ ICV Database, Supplier Profile, and ICV Certificate.

Additional information: To participate in direct bidding with the Energy

Sector while in the grace period, suppliers are required to submit a letter
from their ICV Certifier confirming certification process initiation with their bid
documents. For purchases between suppliers, ICV Contribution of the
respective spend is calculated using total validity period (1 year + 90 days).


3.0 ICV Scorecard Certificate

The result of the ICV Certification process is the ICV Scorecard Certificate
which contains details outlined in this section.

ICV Certificate shall be printed, signed by both ICV Certifier and The
Company and uploaded to the Tawteen’s ICV Digital Portal by the Certifier.

The ICV Digital Portal will put a printing date stamp whenever ICV Certificate
is printed.

Refresh and recertifications

The ICV Certificate will be dynamically refresh through the portal based on
the original authentication. For example, if a non-certified Supplier obtains
their ICV Scorecard after The Company’s certificate is issued, The
Company’s ICV Score will be refreshed based on their spend on that newly
certified Supplier. Hence, a refreshed ICV Certificate will be available to be

Note: Refreshed ICV Certificates will not require re-signature but must be
attached to the originally signed certificate in tenders.

For recertification due to audit observations, ICV Certificates shall be signed

and stamped by both parties, ICV Certifier and The Company.

Auto-populated information
The following information will be auto populated into the ICV Certificate
based on The Company’s profile and ICV Scorecard Submission Template:

1. Company name, address and 6. Expiry date (validity period of 15

Commercial Registration months from issue date,
number. inclusive of the 90 day grace
2. ICV Certificate number
7. Download date
3. Name of the ICV Certifier
8. ICV contribution of each
4. Financial Year component (A, B, C, D, and
5. Issue date
9. ICV Score

10. Signatures


4.0 ICV Contribution Percentages

Section Sub-section ICV Contribution percentage

A1. Goods Table A1.1 Linked to each Supplier’s ICV Score

A1. Goods Inventory Total ICV Contribution/Total Spend on Goods


A1. Goods Table A1.2 Local farms: 100%

Local Manufacturers: 70%
Other Local Suppliers: 30%
International Suppliers: 0%
A2. Services Manpower 100%

A2. Services Table A2.1 Utilities: 80%

Fuel: 80%
Rent: 100%
Insurance: 60%
Government fees: 100%
CSR: 100%
A2. Services Table A2.2 Linked to each Supplier’s ICV Score

A2. Services Loss on Sale of 100%


A2. Services Table A2.3 Engineering: 60%

Construction, Installation and Commissioning: 30%
Management and Consultancy: 60%
IT: 30%
Procurement as a Service: 30%
Other (catering, transport, etc.): 30%
International Service Provider: 0%
B. Workforce Table B.1 100%

C. Supplier Table C.1 100%


D. Investment Table D.1 100%

in Fixed Assets


5.0 Bonus ICV Contribution (1/2)

• The following table breaks down each lever within the bonus scheme into
thresholds (low, medium, high) and their respective ICV Score.

• Threshold values are related to the calculation mechanism of that specific

lever. The thresholds column identifies the minimum value that must be
achieved to gain the respective ICV Score for that lever.

• The ICV Score column identifies the direct percentage added to The
Company’s ICV Score for achieving the respective threshold for that lever.

Note: Although the total ICV Score of the bonus scheme levers is 20%, the
maximum ICV Score applied to an individual supplier is 15%.

Bonus lever Thresholds ICV Score (%)

1. Productivity & Automation 0.1 report average 1.0

1.0 report average 2.4

2.0 report average 5.0

2. Capability Building 0.1% of Total Cost 1.0

0.3% of Total Cost 2.4

0.6% of Total Cost 5.0

3. Investment Growth 2.5% equity growth 0.6

6.0% equity growth 1.4

9.0% equity growth 3.0

4. Qatarization 1.5% Qatarization 0.6

3.2% Qatarization 1.4

5.0% Qatarization 3.0


5.0 Bonus ICV Contribution (2/2)

Bonus lever Thresholds ICV Score (%)

5. Exports 1.4% of Total Revenue 0.2

4.3% of Total Revenue 0.6

10.0% of Total Revenue 1.4

16. Research & Development 0.3% of Total Cost 0.2

0.9% of Total Cost 0.6

2.0% of Total Cost 1.4

7. Sustainability 1 certificate 0.2

2 certificates 0.6

3 certificates 1.2


6.0 Information Request List (1/3)

Section Information request list (includes but not limited to the below)
a. Commercial Registration.
b. Audited Financial Statement (Stamped by Auditor).
a. Detailed schedule of goods spend per supplier.
b. Reconciliation between the amounts stated in the audited financial
statements, the detailed schedule of goods spend, and the
amounts considered in the ICV Scorecard.
c. Commercial Registration license for 10 sub-suppliers or
representing 10% (whichever is lower) of local sub-suppliers
without an ICV score (selected by ICV Certifier).
d. Invoices (supporting documents) for the sample selected by ICV
Certifier. The number of invoices required will be based on the
sampling methodology below:
i. 0 - 1000 local transactions: sample of twenty-five (25) local
invoices or representing 20% of the total local spend in table
A1. Goods
A1.1 (whichever is lower), including the 10 highest values
from total spend in table A1.1. The remaining samples will
be selected randomly from table A1.1. In addition, 2 local
invoices from each group in table A1.2 will be selected and
ii. Above 1000 local transactions: a sample of forty (40) local
invoices or representing 30% of the total local spend in table
A1.1 (whichever is lower), including the 20 highest values
from total spend in table A1.1. The remaining samples will
be selected randomly from table A1.1. In addition, 2 local
invoices from each group in table A2.2 will be selected and
a. Details of annual staff schedule compensation for all employees for
the respective certification year.
b. Reconciliation between the amounts stated in the audited financial
statements, detailed schedule annual compensation, and the
amounts considered in the ICV Scorecard.
c. For a random sample of employees (Qatari nationals and residents
with a total annual compensation greater than or equal to 72,000
QAR) totaling to 40 samples or representing 20% of total number
of eligible employees, whichever is lower, and agree the
compensation and benefit amounts to The Company's payroll &
other supporting documents.
A2. Services d. For each of the samples selected obtain the following supporting
(Manpower Compensation) documents: QIDs, monthly breakdown of compensation for the
employees selected, WPS transfer for the month selected, bank
transfer advice or bank statement for the month selected.

Note: Should The Company exhibit reluctance in sharing staff

compensation details for confidentiality purposes, employee name
can be replaced with an employee number or code. For testing the
sample, ICV Certifier can validate the sample on site/virtually
without retaining the supporting documents. However, annual
schedule of staff compensation details shall be obtained and
retained to perform the reconciliation required and cannot be tested


6.0 Information Request List (2/3)

Section Information request list (includes but not limited to the below)
a. Detailed schedule of services spend per supplier.
b. Reconciliation between the amounts stated in the audited financial
statements, the detailed schedule of services spend, and the
amounts considered in the ICV Scorecard.
c. Commercial Registration license for 10 sub-suppliers or
representing 10% (whichever is lower) of local sub-suppliers
without an ICV score (selected by ICV Certifier).
d. Invoices (supporting documents) for the sample selected by ICV
Certifier. The number of invoices required will be based on the
sampling methodology below:
i. 0 - 1000 local transactions: a sample of twenty-five (25) local
A2. Services
invoices or representing 20% of the total local spend in table
A2.3 (whichever is lower) including the 10 highest values
from total spend in table A2.3. The remaining samples will
be selected randomly from table A2.4. In addition, 2 invoices
from each group in table A2.1 will be selected and tested.
ii. Above 1000 local transactions: a sample of forty (40) local
invoices or representing 30% of the total local spend in table
A2.3 (whichever is lower) including the 20 highest values
from total spend in table A2.3. The remaining samples will
be selected randomly from table A2.4. In addition, 2 local
invoices from each group in table A2.1 will be selected.
a. Detailed schedule of total cost of workforce trainings conducted by
the Supplier for its employees for the respective certification
B. Workforce b. Reconciliation between the amounts stated in the audited financial
Training statements, the detailed schedule of total cost of workforce
trainings, and the amounts considered in the ICV Scorecard.
c. Sub-supplier invoices for a sample of training courses (20 samples
or representing 15% of the total training costs, whichever is lower).
a. Detailed schedule of total cost of supplier development conducted
by Supplier for its employees for the respective certification period.
b. Reconciliation between the amounts stated in the audited financial
C. Supplier statements, the detailed schedule of total cost of supplier
Development development , and the amounts considered in the ICV Scorecard.
c. Sub-supplier invoices for a sample of training courses (20 samples
or representing 15% of the total supplier development costs,
whichever is lower).
a. Reconciliation between the amounts stated in the audited financial
D. Investment in Fixed statements, and the amounts considered in the ICV Scorecard.
Assets b. Written representation letter confirming ownership and location of
the assets claimed.
a. List of all costs excluded from the Total Cost component of the ICV
b. Reconciliation between the amounts stated in the audited financial
statements and the amounts considered in the ICV Scorecard.
Total Cost
Note: Cost components without schedules, listings or any
breakdown must remain part of the Total Cost, unless the amount
pertains to the excluded items as explicitly mentioned in the
Detailed ICV Scorecard Submission Handbook.

6.0 Information Request List (3/3)

Section Information request list (includes but not limited to the below)

Bonus: Productivity & a. The official Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) Assessment
Automation report used by the Supplier for the purpose of the ICV Scorecard

a. For each sample of eligible Qatari employees selected:

i. Valid Qatar ID card (QID) of the employee.
Bonus: Qatarization
ii. Employment contract, signed by both the Supplier and the

a. Detailed schedule of revenue, by type of revenue (i.e., local or

export revenue from Qatari operations) and by type of customer
(i.e., local or international customers), as included in the ICV
Bonus: Exports Scorecard.
b. For each sample of export revenue selected:
i. Purchase order or contracts.
ii. Invoices.

a. Detailed invoice-wise schedule of R&D costs incurred during the

relevant financial year within Qatar (“Schedule of R&D Expenses”),
as included in the ICV Scorecard.
b. Reconciliation of the cost breakdown per the Schedule of R&D
Bonus: Research &
Expenses to the audited financial statements, highlighting all
exclusions for ICV Scorecard purposes.
c. For each sample of R&D expense selected:
i. Purchase order or contracts.
ii. Sub-supplier invoice

Bonus: Sustainability a. Official ISO certifications as included in the ICV Scorecard.


7.0 Appendices

7.1 Eligible entities: CSR (1/8)

• The following table lists eligible entities which can be considered for spend
on Corporate Social Responsibility (continued):

# CSR entities
1 Qatar Charity
2 Qatar Red Crescent
3 Qatar Society for the Rehabilitation of Special Needs
4 Qatar Cancer Society
5 Sheikh Eid Charity Foundation
6 Thani Bin Abdullah Humanitarian Foundation (RAF)
7 Afif Charity
8 Jassim & Hamad Bin Jassim Charitable Foundation
9 Al Faisal Without Borders Foundation
10 Sheikh Nasser bin Khalid Al-Thani Charitable Institution
11 Faisal Bin Fahad Al Thani Charitable Association
12 Naser Bin Jassim Al Thani Charitable Association (Dar al Bir)
13 Saeed Bin Salem Al-Muhanadi Institution (Ataa)
14 Al-Taqwa Center for the Memorization of the Noble Qur’an
15 Dar Al-Fajr for the memorization of the Noble Qur’an and its Sciences
16 Dar Nasser bin Issa for the Qur'an and its Science
17 House of Wisdom Center for the Noble Qur'an and Dawa (Dar al Hikma)
18 Hamad Bin Khaled Al Thani Foundation for Teaching of the Holy Qur’an
19 Sharifa Qassem Foundation for the Memorization of the Holy Quran
20 Ahmed Bin Ali Center for Memorization of the Noble Qur’an for women
21 Al Hanzab Center for the Holy Quran and its Sciences
22 Bin Zamel Center for the Qur’an and its Sciences
23 Crescent Religious Center
24 Spring of Hearts Center for the Qur’an and its Science
25 Abdullah Abdulghani Center for Quranic Sciences
26 Future Girls Center for the Memorization of the Holy Quran
27 Ghanem Bin Muhammad Center for the Holy Quran and its Sciences
28 Hajar Center for the Memorization of the Qur’an
29 Lulwa Al Mohannadi Center for the Holy Quran and its Sciences
30 Maryam Bint Imran Center for the Memorization of the Holy Quran
31 Muhammad Bin Raml Center for Quranic Education
32 Qatar Guests Center
33 Saad bin Saad Center for the Holy Quran and its Sciences
34 Sara Bint Muhammad Center for the Memorization of the Holy Quran
35 Perfection Center for the Holy Quran and its Sciences


7.1 Eligible entities: CSR (2/8)

• The following table lists eligible entities which can be considered for spend
on Corporate Social Responsibility (continued):

# CSR entities
36 Gulf Heart Association
37 Gulf Qatari Classic Cars Association
38 Mental Health Friends Association (WEYAK)
39 Qatar Astronomical Center
40 Qatar Fine Arts Association
41 Qatar Lawyers Association
42 Qatar Medical Association
43 Qatar Nursing Association
44 Qatari Autism Society
45 Al Balagh Cultural Association
46 Qatar Association of Certified Public Accountants
47 Qatar Women Association for Economic and Investment Awareness
48 Japan-Qatar Friendship Association
49 Qatar Association for Celiac Awareness
50 Anti-Smoking Association
51 Qatar Livestock Society (Anaam)
52 Qatar Amateur Radio Society
53 Qatar Society of Engineers
54 Behavioral Healthcare Center
55 Dreama
56 NAMA Center
57 The Family Consulting Center (Wifaq)
58 The Center of Empowerment and Elderly Care (Ehsan)
59 Protection & Social Rehabilitation Center (AMAN)
60 Al Noor Center for the Blind
61 Qatar Social Work
62 ‫ دمجت‬/‫مركز الحماية والتأهيل االجتماعي‬
63 Shafallah Center for Children with Special Needs
64 Qatar Media Center
65 The Qatari Center of Social Cultural for the Deaf
66 Qatar Philateic & Numismatic Center
67 Al Khor Cultural Center
68 Visual Art Center
69 Wijdan Cultural Center
70 Theater Affairs Center


7.1 Eligible entities: CSR (3/8)

• The following table lists eligible entities which can be considered for spend
on Corporate Social Responsibility (continued):

# CSR entities
71 Qatar Social & Cultural Center for the Blind
72 Qatar Voluntary Center
73 Qatar Poetry Center (Diwan Al Arab)
74 Nomas Center
75 Qatar Cultural and Heritage Events Center
76 Qatari Forum for Authors
77 Qatar Photographic Center
78 ‫مركز لدعم الثقافي‬
79 Music Affairs Center
80 Qatari Publishers & Distributors Forum
81 Al Jasra Social And Cultural Club
82 Homing Pigeon Hobbyists Center
83 Qatar Theatre Group
84 Dar Al Kutub Qatar
85 Doha Theater Group
86 Watan Theater Group
87 Doha Magazine
88 Al Ahli Sports Club
89 Al Kharaitiyat Sports Club
90 Al Khor Girls Center
91 Al Majd Girls Center
92 Al Markhiya Sports Club
93 Al Sadd Sports Club
94 Al Thakhira Youth Center
95 Al Wakra Girls Center
96 Al-Arabi Sports Club
97 Al-Duhail Sports Club
98 Al-Gannas Society
99 Al-Gharafa Sports Club
100 Al-Jumayliyah Youth Center
101 Alkaaban Youth Center
102 Al-Khor Sports Club
103 Al-Rayyan Sports Club
104 Alreyada Girls Center
105 Al-Sailiya Sports Club


7.1 Eligible entities: CSR (4/8)

• The following table lists eligible entities which can be considered for spend
on Corporate Social Responsibility (continued):

# CSR entities
106 Al Shahania Sports Club
107 Al-Shamal Sports Club
108 Althakira Girls Forum
109 Al-Wakrah Sports Club
110 Aspetar
111 Aspire Academy
112 Aspire Logistics
113 Barzan Youth Center
114 Batabit – Qatar Centre for Motorcycles
115 Camel Racing Committee (Hejen Racing Committee)
116 Doha Film Institute
117 Doha Girls Center
118 Doha Marine Sports Club
119 Doha Youth Center
120 Friends of the Environment Center
121 Girls Creativity Center
122 International Circuit Lusail
123 Sealine Circuit Sports Club - Mawater
124 Mesaimeer Sports Club
125 Muaither Sports Club
126 Poet Majles
127 Porsche Club Qatar
128 Qatar Air Sports Committee
129 Qatar Athletics Federation
130 Qatar Basketball Federation
131 Qatar Bicycles Center (Qatar Cyclists)
132 Qatar Billiards & Snooker Federation
133 Qatar Bowling Federation
134 Qatar Boxing and Wrestling Federation
135 Qatar Chess Association
136 Qatar Equestrian Federation
137 Qatar Football Association
138 Qatar Golf Association
139 Qatar Gymnastics Federation
140 Qatar Handball Association


7.1 Eligible entities: CSR (5/8)

• The following table lists eligible entities which can be considered for spend
on Corporate Social Responsibility (continued):

# CSR entities
141 Qatar Motor & Motorcycle Federation
142 Qatar Music Academy
143 Qatar Olympic Committee
144 Qatar Paralympic Committee
145 Qatar R/C Sport Center
146 Qatar Sports Club
147 Qatar Scientific Club
148 Qatar Shooting & Archery Association
149 Qatar Sports For All Federation
150 Qatar Swimming Association
151 Qatar Table Tennis Association
152 Qatar Teakwondo, Judo & Karate Federation
153 Qatar Tennis, Squash and Badminton Federation
154 Qatar Volleyball Association
155 Qatar Winter Sports Committee
156 Qatar Women's Sport Committee
157 Qatar Youth Hostels
158 Qatar Sailing & Rowing Federation
159 Qatar Racing and Equestrian Club (QREC)
160 Saumaisma & Al-Daayen Youth Center
161 Umm Salal SC
162 Youth Art Center
163 Doha 2020 Bid Committee
164 Qatar Cycling and Triathlon Federation
165 Qatar Weightlifting Federation
166 Qatar School Sports Federation (QSSA)
167 Al-Ramii Sports Club
168 Qatar Rugby, Hockey and Cricket Federation
169 Qatar Camel Mzayen Club
170 Qatar Endurance Racing Club
171 Qatar Endurance Committee
172 Al Dana Girls Center
173 Arab Gulf Cup Football Federation
174 Qatar Stars League
175 Syrian Business Forum


7.1 Eligible entities: CSR (6/8)

• The following table lists eligible entities which can be considered for spend
on Corporate Social Responsibility (continued):

# CSR entities
176 Qatar Nanny Training Academy
177 Qatar Diabetes Association
178 Best Buddies Qatar
179 International Union of Muslim Scholars
180 The Arab Network for National Human Rights Institutions
181 The American Chamber of Commerce in Qatar
182 Qatar Sports Arbitration Foundation
183 Visually Impaired Foundation in Qatar
184 INJAZ Qatar
185 Education Above All
186 Qatar Players Association
187 Childhood Cultural Center
188 International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS)
189 Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies
190 Qatar Press Center
191 International Committee for Quran Reflection (Tadabor)
192 Sidra Medicine
193 Silatech
194 Teach For Qatar
195 Qatar Foundation
196 The Forum for Arab and International Relations
197 Howiati Foundation
198 Wa’i Foundation
199 Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue
200 Qatar Heritage & Identity Center
201 Doha Institute for Graduate Studies
202 Doha Goals Forum
203 beIN
204 Qatar Olympic Academy
205 Qatar Foundation for Child and Woman Protection
206 Qatar Foundation for Combating Human Trafficking
207 ‫مؤسسة أفاق‬
208 Thani Bin Abdullah Humanitarian Foundation
209 Jassim & Hamad Bin Jassim Charitable Foundation
210 Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU)


7.1 Eligible entities: CSR (7/8)

• The following table lists eligible entities which can be considered for spend
on Corporate Social Responsibility (continued):

# CSR entities
211 Ras Laffan Foundation for Environmental Conservation
212 Al Jazeera Media Network
213 Katara Public Diplomacy Center
214 Gulf Studies Center
215 Qatari Traditional Sail Center
216 Maktaba Children's Library
217 Abdulla Abd Al-Ghani Est. for Cultural Communication (HADARA)
Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah International Foundation For Energy &
218 Sustainable Development
219 Ajyal Film Festival
220 Nahj Foundation
221 Middle East Council on Global Affairs
222 Mada – Assistive Technology Center Qatar
223 Doha Center for Media Freedom
224 Bedaya Center
225 Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Center (ROLACC)
226 Qatar 2022 Local Organising Committee
Muhammad Bin Hamad Al Thani Center for Muslim Contribution to
227 Civilization
228 Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI)
229 Arab Democracy Foundation
230 QLRS
231 Qatari French Business Club (QFBC)
232 ‫مؤسسة الشيخ سلطان بن سحيم بن حمد ال ثاني لخدمة المجتمع‬
233 ‫المركز القطري للدراسات والبحوث الدفاعية واألمنية‬
234 Al Shaqab
235 Generation Amazing Foundation
236 B4Development Foundation
237 Qatar Physics Society
238 The Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors
239 Chartered Institute of Arbitrators - Qatar & QFC
240 Belgian Business Club
241 BPA Worldwide
242 CFA Society Doha
243 Maison de la France
244 Dutch Business Council Qatar (DBCQ)
245 Chilean Chamber of Commerce & Industry

7.1 Eligible entities: CSR (8/8)

• The following table lists eligible entities which can be considered for spend
on Corporate Social Responsibility (continued):

# CSR entities
246 Qatar Nigerian Business Council
247 Croatian Business Council
248 Qatar-Ukraine Business Forum (QUBF)
249 Spanish Business Council
250 Portuguese Business Council
251 Swiss Business Council
252 Philippine Business Council
253 Canadian Business Council Qatar
254 Doha Chapter of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
255 The Institute of Internal Auditors Doha Chapter
256 Indian Business and Professional Council
257 Japanese Society in Doha
258 Pakistan Business Forum Doha
259 Baltic Business Council
260 Innovation Centre for Education (iCE) Doha
261 IEEE Worldwide Limited
262 Singapore Business Council Qatar
263 TriDoha
264 Nepal Business Association Qatar
265 Philippine Institute Of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA)


7.2 Eligible entities: Fuel (1/2)

• The following table lists authorized fuel stations which will be assigned a
pre-defined ICV Score of 80%:

# Authorized Fuel Stations (1/2)

1 Qatar Petrol Station
2 Automart Station
3 Al-Hilal Petrol Station
4 Yarmook Petrol Station
5 Sealine Petrol Station
6 Industrial Petrol Station
7 Al - Ahliyah Petrol Station
8 Al Jazerah Petrol Station
9 Al Khor Coastal Petrol Station
10 Teyseer Petrol Station
11 Al Zabara Petrol Station
12 Khalifa Town Petrol Station
13 Al-Andalus Petrol Station And Tech
14 Umm Al-Afaei Petrol Station
15 Al-Watan Petrol Station
16 Al-Salam Petrol Station
17 Salwa Petrol Station
18 Abu Hamour Petrol And Car Service
19 Westbay Petrol Station
20 Abu Nakhla Petrol Station
21 Tebah Petrol Station And Tech Service
22 City Petrol Station
23 Doha Petrol Center Ltd.
24 Al-Nayef Petrol Station
25 University Petrol Station
26 Al Khor Al Wataniya Petrol Station
27 Madinat Al Shamal Petrol Station
28 Lusail Real Estate Development Company
29 United Development Company
30 Khessah Petrol Station
31 Tadamun Petrol Station
32 Doha Petrol Station N.B.K
33 Falcon Petrol Station
34 Al Waeb Petrol Station
35 Al Shaqab Petrol Station


7.2 Eligible entities: Fuel (2/2)

• The following table lists authorized fuel stations which will be assigned a
pre-defined ICV Score of 80% (continued):

# Authorized Fuel Stations (2/2)

36 Al Garden Petrol Station
37 Airport Petrol Station
38 Al Merkhiyah Petrol Station
39 Jaidah Motors and Trading Co.
40 Masilah Petrol Station
41 Al Khor Petrol Station
42 Muntazah Petrol Station
43 Al Najma Petrol Station
44 Madenat Al Shamal Petrol Station
45 Arabian Gulf Petrol Station
46 Al-Noor Petrol Station
47 Al Wasail Petrol Station
48 Ras Laffan Petrol Station
49 Cornich Marine Petrol Station
50 North Field Petrol Station
51 Rayyan Petrol Station
52 Al Wkair Petrol Station
53 Port Petrol Station
54 Al-Shaab Petrol Station
55 Wajbah Petrol Station
56 Al-Shahaniya Petrol Station
57 Al-Fruseiah Petrol Station
58 Sohatco Petrol Station
59 Al Wakrah Petrol Station
60 Mergab Petrol Station
61 Navigation Marine S.Center
62 Al Markiya Petrol Station
63 Al-Ahliyah Petrol Station
64 Arabian Gulf Petrol Station
65 Al Seef Petrol Station
66 Aziz Petrol Station
67 Al Mana Petrol Station
68 Al-Ramzani Petrol Station
69 Central Market Petrol Station


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