QPwriter’s effect moving on upward
QPwriter’s effect moving on upward
QPwriter’s effect moving on upward
Read Text C, Moving on upwards, in the insert and then answer Questions 2(a)–2(d) on this
question paper.
Question 2
(a) Identify a word or phrase from the text which suggests the same idea as the words
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(ii) The narrator expected his bike ride to be a new, exciting experience.
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(iii) The narrator considers his fiftieth birthday to be a significant stage in his life.
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(iv) Sonny plans to record the entire bicycle ride on his mobile phone.
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(b) Using your own words, explain what the writer means by each of the words underlined:
Though I am keeping to the outside of the bend, I feel the tension in my thighs increasing in
a matter of metres. Ahead lies the notorious forest where many a dismayed cyclist is forced
to dismount after kilometres of hard labour.
(c) Use one example from the text below to explain how the writer suggests the father’s experiences
and feelings as he starts the sharp incline on the hill.
I can see my own contorted expression, looking out, gargoyle-like, over the bike handlebars,
forming part of that ‘family entertainment’.
• contorted expression: grimacing / features appear distorted / suggests his face is twisted in pain /
concentration / out of comfort zone
• (looking out), gargoyle-like, (over the bike handlebars): suggests (like the architectural gargoyles /
water spouts that look out over the sides of buildings) he is open-mouthed (panting) / pulling
grotesque faces / pushing his upper body over the handle bars / stony faced determination / feeling
• ‘family entertainment’: the inverted commas (quoting Sonny) suggest his ironic tone / unamused or
engaging in self-deprecating humour, knows he won’t be allowed to forget this
• I nod and pant: short sentence suggests he can’t speak and needs oxygen in order to perform any
additional movement / focused on effort of cycling
• ‘It’ll soon be ten per cent gradient, Dad.’: (unwelcome) reminder that the ride is going to get tougher;
feeling (un)supported/ mocked; specific detail (‘ten per cent’) / anticipated point in the ride
• (my legs) heave a sigh of relief: suggests his legs are feeling the benefit of the changed gear, his
overall feeling of exhaustion is emphasised by his legs having a reaction of their own (personifying [3]
them) / brief moment of physical comfort
• Paragraph 2 begins ‘Time for another ’ and is about the father trying to drink some water.
• Paragraph 12 begins ‘The steep road ’ and is about the father’s feelings about the road
Explain how the writer uses language to convey meaning and to create effect in these
paragraphs. Choose three examples of words or phrases from each paragraph to support
your answer. Your choices should include the use of imagery.