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2020 National Astronomy Competition

1 Instructions (Please Read Carefully)

The top 5 eligible scorers on the NAC will be invited to represent USA at the next IOAA. The next 5 eligible
scorers will be invited to join the USA guest team at the next IOAA. In order to qualify for the national
team, you must be a high school student with US citizenship or permanent residency.

This exam consists of 3 parts: Short Questions, Medium Questions and Long Questions.

The test must be completed within 2.5 hours (150 minutes).

Please solve each problem on a blank piece of paper and mark the number of the problem at the top of the
page. The contestant’s full name in capital letters should appear at the top of each solution page. If the
contestant uses scratch papers, those should be labeled with the contestant’s name as well and marked as
“scratch paper” at the top of the page. Scratch paper will not be graded. Partial credit will be available
given that correct and legible work was displayed in the solution.

This is a written exam. Contestants can only use a scientific calculator for this exam. A table of physical
constants will be provided. Discussing the problems with other people is strictly prohibited in any
way until the end of the examination period on April 5th. Receiving any external help during the
exam is strictly prohibited. This means that the only allowed items are: a scientific calculator, the provided
table of constants, a pencil (or pen), an eraser, blank sheets of papers, and the exam. No books or notes are
allowed during the exam.
2 Short Questions
1. (5 points) The sidereal period of Mars is 687 days, while the sidereal period of Earth is 365.26 days.
The most recent opposition of Mars occurred on July 27, 2018. Predict all dates in the year 2020 when
Mars will be in quadrature. You may use the fact that the orbital radius of Mars is 1.52 AU and that
Earth and Mars have circular orbits. Why might your answer be inaccurate?
2. (10 points) The star Betelgeuse has recently made news for its abnormal dimming. Although the dim-
ming has now been attributed to dust, we consider in this problem that it was due to radial pulsations.
Suppose that Betelgeuse’s mass is 11 solar masses and its radius is 887 solar radii. Furthermore, Betel-
geuse is currently rotating such that the tangential velocity of a point on its equator is 5000 m/s (assume
Betelgeuse is perfectly spherical). The dimming has increased Betelgeuse’s apparent magnitude by 1.05.
You may neglect the contribution of pulsation to the surface velocity.
(a) Assuming contraction and expansion are isothermal, find the (new) radius of the star (in solar radii)
needed to account for the dimming.
(b) Assuming no mass loss, find the new angular rotation velocity of the star.
3. (10 points) The Lyman-break galaxy selection technique makes use of the fact that any light from
galaxies with wavelength shorter than the Lyman limit (the shortest wavelength in the Lyman series) is
essentially totally absorbed by neutral gas surrounding the galaxies. The ionization energy of hydrogen
is 13.6 eV. Suppose that we are observing galaxies in the V band, whose effective midpoint is 551 nm
and bandwidth is 99 nm.
(a) At what range of redshifts would we begin to see galaxies “disappear” (break) from images in the V
(b) What range of recessional velocities (km/s) and distances (Mpc) does this correspond to? Assume
only Hubble expansion contributes to the radial velocity and redshift.
4. (5 points) TRAPPIST-1d is a temperate exoplanet that orbits the ultra-cool M dwarf star TRAPPIST-
1 with a semi-major axis of 0.022 AU. TRAPPIST-1 has a mass of 0.089 Solar masses and an effective
temperature of 2511 K. Through transit timing variations induced by other planets in the TRAPPIST-1
system, TRAPPIST-1d is estimated to have a mass of 0.420 Earth masses. Assuming that TRAPPIST-
1d has a circular orbit (which is a good approximation because the measured eccentricity is only 0.008),
what is the radial velocity semi-amplitude of TRAPPIST-1 due to the orbital motion of TRAPPIST-1d,
in m/s?
5. (5 points) HD 209458b is a hot Jupiter exoplanet with a mass of 0.69 Jupiter masses. However, HD
209458b has an anomalous radius of 1.38 Jupiter radii that is inflated relative to Jupiter. Jupiter has an
interior that is comprised of metallic hydrogen at pressures greater than 1 Mbar. Estimate the pressure,
in Mbar, at the center of HD 209458b, and determine whether or not the interior of HD 209458b will
also be comprised of metallic hydrogen.

3 Medium Questions
1. (15 points) An astronomer used his f/5 telescope with a diameter of 130 mm to observe a binary system.
He is using an eyepiece with a field of view of 45o and a focal length of 25 mm. In this system, star A
has a mass of 18.9 solar masses, and an apparent magnitude in the V filter of 9.14. Star B has a mass
of 16.2 solar masses, and an apparent magnitude in the V filter of 9.60. The period of the system is 108
days, and the distance between the binary stars and the Solar System is 2.29 kpc. The binary system
has an edge-on orbit relative to the Solar System.
(a) What is the field of view of the telescope?
(b) What is the limiting magnitude of the telescope?

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(c) What is the angular resolution of the telescope?
(d) What is the angular separation between the stars?
(e) Is the astronomer able to observe both stars as distinct points in the telescope? Answer as YES or

The limiting magnitude for the human eye is 6.0, and the diameter of the pupil is equal to 7.0 mm. Also
consider that visible light has a wavelength of 550 nm.
2. (20 points) The rotation curve of a particular spiral galaxy is modeled by an exponential function of
the form V prq “ V0 p1 ´ e´r{R q, where V0 “ 250 km/s, R “ 7.5 kpc, and r is measured radially from
the center of the galaxy. Throughout parts (a)-(d), you may assume the galaxy is disk-shaped. Further,
we’ll assume that the distribution of mass in the galaxy depends only on the radial coordinate r (and is
thus radially symmetric).
(a) Find the period of rotation (in years) of a particle 10 kpc from the center of the galaxy. Also, find
the mass enclosed within the (circular) orbit in solar masses, i.e. the mass within r “ 10 kpc from
the center of the galaxy.
(b) Find the angular velocity of the galaxy very close to the center (r ! R). Hint: ex « 1 ` x for
|x| ! 1.
(c) Determine how the (gravitational) mass per unit area must vary with distance from the center of
the galaxy in order to yield the given rotation curve. Find the expressions only for regions very far
from the galactic center.
(d) An astronomer measures the absolute bolometric magnitude of the galaxy to be -21.2. For compar-
ison, the bolometric magnitude of the sun is 4.75. Assume that the luminous mass per unit area
follows a profile given by σL “ kr for k “ 2.55 ˆ 108 MSun /kpc and that all of the luminous mass is
in the form of Sun-like stars. Approximate the percentage of the galaxy’s mass that is dark matter,
out to the maximum distance (radius) that is still visibly defined.

3. (15 points) An astro-photographer has taken the photo of the moon close to a new moon day shown
below right before the sunset on December 21 (Winter Solstice) in a wide open area.

(a) In which hemisphere (Northern or Southern) is the photographer located?

(b) Find the latitude of the photographer. Ignore the orbital inclination of the Moon and the ellipticity
of the Earth’s orbit. Hint: The green equiangular lines are added to the image to help you out in
measuring any relevant angle.
(c) Calculate the sidereal time when the photo was taken.

Page 3
4. (20 points) In general relativity, the orbit of satellites around a massive object (like a black hole) are
known as geodesics and do not obey all of Kepler’s laws for orbits. However, for objects that are moving
at non-relativistic speeds, we can analyze the orbit using classical mechanics, with a corrective term
added to Newton’s Law of gravity. In this case, the potential energy of an object in orbit around a black
hole is:
GM m GM L2
Vs prq “ ´ ´ 2 3
r c mr
where M and m are the masses of the black hole and the object respectively, c is the speed of light, L
is the angular momentum of the object in orbit and r is the distance of that object from the black hole.
Likewise, the gravitational force from a black hole has magnitude:

GM m 3GM L2
Fs prq “ ` 2 4
r2 c mr
You may assume that both conservation of energy and conservation of angular momentum hold in this
(a) Argue which of Kepler’s laws are still true.
(b) Calculate the radius of a stable circular orbit with an angular momentum L (you will get two
solutions, the stable orbit generates the classical result under the proper limits)
(c) What is the radius, RISCO of the innermost stable circular orbit (the smallest stable circular obit)
for a black hole of mass M ? What is the numerical value of RISCO for Sagittarius A*, which has
mass 3.6 ˆ 106 solar masses?
(d) Suppose we discovered a new star orbiting Sagittarius A*, S99, that has a periapsis of 10RISCO
and an apoapsis of 16 AU. Find the magnitude of velocity of S99 at both periapsis and apoapsis.

5. (15 points) The following table gives the numerical values for some physical properties of four stars.
The quantities that are affected by, i.e. include the effects of, interstellar extinction are marked with a
star (*). You may consider that all stars are black bodies. The temperature of a star can be calculated
directly from its B-V index, by using Ballesteros’ formula:
ˆ ˙
1 1
Tef f “ f pB ´ V q “ 4600 ` K.
0.92pB ´ V q ` 1.7 0.92pB ´ V q ` 0.62

Determine the numerical values of all the other physical characteristics presented in the given table. For
full credit, show your full work by writing all the mathematical expressions used in the calculation.

Hint: You might use the following empirical relation:

“ 3.2

Page 4
Star κ Velorum β Tauri Sirius A Sun
Annual Parallax
6.05 24.89 379.2 -
p˚ p10´3 arcsecq
Distance to Sun
∆˚ ppcq
Interstellar Extinction
0.20 0.08 Negligible -
in V Band AV (mag)
100.2ˆAV -
Distance to Sun
4.85 ˆ 10´6
Annual Parallax
pp10´3 arcsec)
Distance Modulus
Visual apparent magnitude
2.86 1.68 -1.47 -26.73
m˚ pmagq
Visual apparent magnitude
m (mag)
Visual absolute magnitude
MV (mag)
Color Index
-0.14 -0.06 +0.01 +0.65
pB ´ V q˚ (mag)
EB´V (mag)
Color Index
pB ´ V q (mag)
Effective Temperature
Tef f “ f pB ´ V q (K)
λm (nm)
9.10 4.60 1.71 1.00
(Solar Radius, RS )
Total Luminosity
(Solar Luminosity,LS
Absolute Bolometric
Magnitude Mbol (mag)
Bolometric Correction
BC for V band (mag)

4 Long Questions
1. (30 points) M15 is a globular cluster in the constellation Pegasus. The Hertzsprung–Russell diagram
(apparent visual magnitude versus color index) of the cluster is shown in fig. 1. Considering that the mass
(M)– luminosity (L) relation for main sequence stars is given by ML3 “constant, answer the following
questions. In this problem, ignore the interstellar reddening and dust extinction effects.

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Figure 1: HR diagram for M15

(a) Given that all the stars are formed at the same time, estimate the age of the globular cluster. The
color index of the sun (pB ´ V qd ) is 0.65 and its life time on the main sequence is 10 billion years.
(b) Estimate the distance of this globular cluster from the Earth. Give the answer in parsec. The
absolute visual magnitude of the Sun is 4.83.
(c) Given that stars spend about 10% of their main-sequence life time in the post main sequence phase,
find the mass of the most massive star in the post main sequence stage.
(d) The number of stars in the mass range of pM1 , M2 q can be written as:

N pM1 ď M ď M2 q “ ApM1´1.35 ´ M2´1.35 q (1)

where A is a constant, M1 and M2 are in units of solar masses. Assuming that the number of stars
in the post main sequence phase is 515, calculate the value of constant A in equation 1.
(e) M15 is one of the most densely packed globular clusters such that in a visual band (λ „ 5500Å)
image of M15 taken by a telescope with diameter of 10 cm, the stars at the center of cluster cannot
be resolved. Estimate the minimum number of stars in this cluster. The angular diameter of M15
is 12.3 arc minutes. Assume that the number density of stars is constant within the cluster.
(f) Use your answers from parts (d) and (e) to estimate the mass of the lowest possible mass star in
this cluster. For this part, assume that the mass of the most massive star in the cluster is 20Md .

Page 6
Figure 2: Solar magnetograms taken at the end of Jan 2020

2. (25 points) Fig. 2 shows two magnetograms of the Sun taken with the Heliseismic and Magnetic Imager
(HMI) at the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) towards the end of January 2020. The picture on the
left was taken three days after the image on the right.
(a) Select the pair of images (numbered from I to V) in which the lines are drawn at the Sun’s Equator
and the Xs correspond to the position of each sunspot 4 days before the pictures were taken.

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(b) Estimate the absolute value of the latitude of both Sunspots in Figure 2.
(c) Fig. 3 is a magnetogram of the Sun in normal activity. It is possible to notice that the sunspots
have different orientations in different hemispheres. In one of the hemispheres, each spot has the
white part on the left and the black one on the right, and vice-versa. However, this is not the case
for the images presented in fig. 2. Suggest an explanation for the anomaly on the images in fig. 2.

Figure 3: Sun in normal activity

(d) Assume for the sake of simplicity that a specific sunspot has a shape very similar to that of a
spherical triangle. The sides of the triangle are equal to 0.176˝ , 0.0981˝ , and 0.201˝ . Calculate the
value of the three internal angles in degrees.
For the following parts, assume that this sunspot is centered at 7.89˝ South and 51.74˝ East of the
center of the Solar disk for an observer on Earth.
(e) For an observer on Earth, what is the ratio between the area of the Solar disk and the observed area
of the sunspot? Note that the required ratio is between the areas observed by someone on Earth,

Page 9
not the ratio between the actual areas. The area of a spherical triangle is equal to πR2 E{180˝ , in
which the spherical excess (E) in (deg) is equal to the sum of the internal angles minus 180˝ and R
is the radius of the sphere on which the spherical triangle lies.
(f) If an observer on Earth uses a huge f/5 telescope with a focal length of 13 m to look at this sunspot,
will it be possible to resolve it? Visible light is centered at 550 nm.
(g) The Sun generates its luminosity by converting Hydrogen into Helium in the proton-proton chain.
In the most energetic branch of the chain, 4 protons fuse into a helium nucleus. Considering that
only 10% of the solar mass can be converted into energy, calculate the time that the Sun spends in
the Main Sequence.

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