Música - Intelligent auxiliary system for music

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Intelligent auxiliary system for music

performance under edge computing and long
short-term recurrent neural networks
Yi Wang ID*

KU School of Music, Lawrence, Kansas, United States of America

* YvonneWang@ku.edu
a1111111111 Music performance action generation can be applied in multiple real-world scenarios as a
research hotspot in computer vision and cross-sequence analysis. However, the current
generation methods of music performance actions have consistently ignored the connection
between music and performance actions, resulting in a strong sense of separation between
OPEN ACCESS visual and auditory content. This paper first analyzes the attention mechanism, Recurrent
Citation: Wang Y (2023) Intelligent auxiliary Neural Network (RNN), and long and short-term RNN. The long and short-term RNN is suit-
system for music performance under edge able for sequence data with a strong temporal correlation. Based on this, the current learn-
computing and long short-term recurrent neural
ing method is improved. A new model that combines attention mechanisms and long and
networks. PLoS ONE 18(5): e0285496. https://doi.
org/10.1371/journal.pone.0285496 short-term RNN is proposed, which can generate performance actions based on music beat
sequences. In addition, image description generative models with attention mechanisms
Editor: Muhammad Fazal Ijaz, Sejong University,
REPUBLIC OF KOREA are adopted technically. Combined with the RNN abstract structure that does not consider
recursion, the abstract network structure of RNN-Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is opti-
Received: October 31, 2022
mized. Through music beat recognition and dance movement extraction technology, data
Accepted: April 24, 2023
resources are allocated and adjusted in the edge server architecture. The metric for experi-
Published: May 8, 2023 mental results and evaluation is the model loss function value. The superiority of the pro-
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the posed model is mainly reflected in the high accuracy and low consumption rate of dance
benefits of transparency in the peer review movement recognition. The experimental results show that the result of the loss function of
process; therefore, we enable the publication of
the model is at least 0.00026, and the video effect is the best when the number of layers of
all of the content of peer review and author
responses alongside final, published articles. The the LSTM module in the model is 3, the node value is 256, and the Lookback value is 15.
editorial history of this article is available here: The new model can generate harmonious and prosperous performance action sequences
based on ensuring the stability of performance action generation compared with the other
Copyright: © 2023 Yi Wang. This is an open access three models of cross-domain sequence analysis. The new model has an excellent perfor-
article distributed under the terms of the Creative
mance in combining music and performance actions. This paper has practical reference
Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in value for promoting the application of edge computing technology in intelligent auxiliary sys-
any medium, provided the original author and tems for music performance.
source are credited.

Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are

within the manuscript and its Supporting
information files.

Funding: The author received no specific funding

for this work.

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PLOS ONE Music performance under edge computing and long short-term recurrent neural networks

Competing interests: The authors have declared 1. Introduction

that no competing interests exist.
Music and dance have always been inseparable arts because dance accompanied by music can
satisfy the double enjoyment of the audience’s vision and hearing. With the rapid development
of Deep Learning (DL) technology and artificial intelligence, the realization of computer-gen-
erated dance performance actions through music is a hot research topic. Although there is no
one-to-one correspondence between performance actions and musical rhythms, there is a
robust correlation between the rhythms of the two. This strong correlation provides critical
clues for cross-domain sequence analysis of music and performance actions [1, 2]. Although
the current research on music performance action generation has achieved specific results
relying on DL, the algorithm’s shortcomings limit the practical application of music perfor-
mance action generation. Apart from algorithmic issues, there is currently a lack of compre-
hensive analysis on the extraction of musical features. There is no suitable dance synthesis
method. Therefore, a significant and challenging point of current related research is to reason-
ably analyze the characteristics of music and dance and generate a corresponding mapping
relationship between them. At present, the corresponding research results have been abun-
dant. Alemi (2017) showed preliminary results on GrooveNet. GrooveNet was a generative
system that learned to synthesize dance moves for a given soundtrack in real-time. The appli-
cation designed by GrooveNet was a public interactive installation. Viewers could provide
their music to interact with the avatar. Artificially trained neural networks were mainly stud-
ied, especially factor-conditioned restricted Boltzmann machines and Recurrent Neural Net-
works (RNNs). Recordings of dance moves for this project were captured on four small
datasets of synchronized music and actions. Preliminary results indicated that it was possible
to train on this small dataset to generate dance moves [3]. Zhuang (2022) especially proposed a
novel autoregressive generative model DanceNet to make the synthesized actions consistent
with the music’s style, rhythm, and melody. The music’s style, rhythm, and melody are used as
control signals to generate 3D dance moves with high realism and variety. Dilated convolu-
tions were proposed to improve the effect due to the spatiotemporal complexity of dance.
Gated activation units and separable convolutions were used to enhance the fusion of motion
features and control signals. Besides, a high-quality dataset was constructed by synchronizing
music dances by several professional dancers to improve the performance of the model [4].
Srinivasu et al. (2021) researched the relationship between DL neural networks and skin dis-
ease classification diagnosis through the development and use of Convolutional Neural Net-
works (CNNs) and visual geometry groups. The results showed that the proposed system
could help general practitioners effectively diagnose skin conditions, reducing further compli-
cations and morbidity [5]. Chandra et al. (2022) studied the application of DL technology
based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model in the prediction of the COVID-19. They
re-examined the epidemic changes through reliable data sources and innovative prediction
models. The results indicated that the accuracy of model prediction could be greatly improved
by DL through LSTM model [6]. In addition, the problems existing in the current recognition
of music and dance movements are analyzed. It can be found that there is a certain gap
between the current technology and the expected recognition accuracy of the model. The cur-
rent model’s music intelligent assistance level is low, which cannot achieve the effective combi-
nation of performance action and music beat.
The main contribution of this paper is to analyze and optimize the relationship between
music and dance performance movements using the attention mechanism model. The main
motivation of this paper is to design and apply intelligent auxiliary systems for music perfor-
mance through edge computing and long short-term RNNs to improve the performance level
of music and dance movements. The overall structure is shown as follows. Section 1 is the

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PLOS ONE Music performance under edge computing and long short-term recurrent neural networks

background of the discussion on music performance and dance movement recognition. Sec-
tion 2 introduces the attention mechanism and neural network models. Section 3 analyzes the
training and test results of the model through the establishment and experiment of network
model. Section 4 draws research conclusions through systematic induction and summary. The
research has practical reference value for promoting the intelligent level of music performance.

2. Materials and methods

2.1 The principle of attention mechanism
The attention mechanism originates from the study of human vision. It is first discovered in
cognitive science. Humans often only selectively focus on the essential local information of all
information to overcome the bottleneck of information processing while ignoring other visible
details. The attention mechanism decides which part of the input needs to focus on and allo-
cates limited information processing resources to the critical components. The attention
mechanism is extended to the learning of the NN model. Its principle is to divide the image to
be processed into different regions and assign weights to the other areas. According to the size
of the assigned weights, much attention can be devoted to the critical areas of the image, and
the attention to useless information in other areas can be reduced. On the one hand, it can
obtain detailed information on critical areas. On the other hand, it also reduces the complexity
of processing, making the learning and training of NN models flexible. The image description
generation model that introduces the attention mechanism is shown in Fig 1.
From Fig 1, the encoder of this model uses a CNN to extract the features of the image. The
decoder uses an RNN. It converts the previously extracted image features into textual informa-
tion matching the image content. In this process, the focus area of the image is determined
according to the weight of the attention. The attention mechanism is adopted here for feature
extraction. The resulting features are typical of sequence data, so what follows is a NN suitable
for processing sequence data.

2.2 RNN
The earliest research on RNN started in the 1980s and 1990s. RNN has become one of the
most common algorithms in DL. RNN takes sequence data as input. The input is recursively
carried out in the evolution direction of the sequence, and all the recurrent units are connected
in a chain. The primary function is to perform repetitive operations on a set of sequential data
inputs [7]. There is no absolute correlation between the previous input and the following input
of the CNN. While it is possible to make all inputs relatively independent, the outputs can also
be completely uncorrelated. Therefore, the connection before and after cannot be considered
in processing time-series data. Each layer of RNN can memorize all previous unit information,
indicating that it can review infinitely. In practice, RNN can only remember the information
of a few steps back, so most scholars improve the memory ability of previous information by
improving the structure of RNN [8]. Fig 2 displays the simple structure of RNN.
In Fig 2, the vectors X, S, and O represent the values of the input, hidden, and output layers.
The matrix U and matrix V represent the calculation weight of the data from the input layer to
the hidden layer and the weight of the hidden layer to the output layer. If the cycle layer is not
considered, the specific structure analysis is shown in Fig 3.
From Fig 3, this is a simple, fully connected NN. X as the input layer is a three-dimensional
vector, and U is the parameter matrix from the input layer to the hidden layer. The dimension
in the figure is 3×4, and S is the vector of the hidden layer. In the figure above, the dimension
is 4×2, and V is the parameter matrix from the hidden layer to the output layer. O is the vector

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PLOS ONE Music performance under edge computing and long short-term recurrent neural networks

Fig 1. Image description generation model with the attention mechanism.


Fig 2. RNN abstract structure diagram.


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Fig 3. The specific structure of the RNN network without considering the recurrent layer.

Fig 4. Expanded RNN abstract structure diagram according to the timeline.


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of the output layer. In the above figure, the dimension is 2 [9, 10]. Fig 2 is expanded according
to the timeline. Then, Fig 4 shows its structure.
From Fig 4, when the input value Xt is received at t, the value of the hidden layer is St, and
the output value is Ot. Therefore, RNN can solve the principle of sequence problems. It can
remember every moment of information. The hidden layer St at each moment is determined
by the input layer Xt at that moment and the hidden layer St−1 at the previous moment [11].
The way each layer of the RNN is calculated is as follows.
� �
Ot ¼ g Vst ð1Þ

St ¼ f ðUXt þ WSt 1 Þ ð2Þ

The RNN output layer can be calculated according to Eq (1). Ot represents the output at
time t. The output layer is fully connected. The hidden layer can be calculated according to Eq
(2). St represents the value of the hidden layer at time t, while V and W represent the corre-
sponding weight matrix [12]. Eq (2) is substituted into Eq (1) repeatedly, and there are:
Ot ¼ Vf ðUXt þ WSt 1 Þ ð3Þ

Ot ¼ Vf ðUXt þ Wf ðUXt 1 þ WSt 2 ÞÞ ð4Þ

Ot ¼ Vf ðUXt þ Wf ðUXt 1 þ Wf ðUXt 2 þ WSt 3 ÞÞÞ ð5Þ

Ot ¼ Vf ðUXt þ Wf ðUXt 1 þ Wf ðUXt 2 þ Wf ðUXt 3 Þ þ � � �ÞÞÞÞ ð6Þ

In Eqs (3)–(6), finding the value of the output layer 0t of RNN needs to consider the influ-
ence of all the previous input layers X Xt, Xt−1, Xt−2, Xt−3,. . .. . .. This is exactly why RNNs
are suitable for time series data. However, the scale of model parameters becomes extremely
large as RNN increases with the number of network layers. It leads to the problem of gradient
explosion and disappearance during training. As a result, the memory of the current layer to
the distant previous layer decays rapidly [13]. The problem of gradient disappearance can be
solved by adjusting the initialized weight, changing the activation function, or using a variant
of RNN. The most suitable one is the long and short-term RNN.

2.3 Long and short-term RNN

The long and short-term RNN can alleviate the defects of CNN to a certain extent compared
with the traditional RNN explained before. Fig 5 demonstrates the simplified schematic dia-
gram of its principle.
From Fig 5, a new unit state c is added when the RNN has only one hidden state, h. h is sen-
sitive to short-term input, and c can save long-term state. Fig 5 is expanded in the time dimen-
sion, and its structure is shown in Fig 6.
In Fig 6, xt represents the input parameters at time t. ht-1 represents the input parameters
of the previous time t-1. ct-1 represents the previous cell state. ht-1 represents the output value
at the previous moment. The core of the long and short-term RNN controls the newly added
unit state c [14]. The idea is the gating algorithm. The RNN is given the ability to control the
accumulation of its internal information through gating units. In learning, it can not only mas-
ter long-distance dependencies but also selectively forget information to prevent overload
through three control gates [15]. The framework structure of the proposed model is shown in
Fig 7.

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PLOS ONE Music performance under edge computing and long short-term recurrent neural networks

Fig 5. RNN-LSTM abstract schematic.


In LSTM structure network, the functions of the three control gates are represented by
switches. The three control gates are: forget gate, input gate, and output gate. The forget gate
determines the information retained by the cell state ct-1 at the previous time t-1 to the current
time ct. The input gate determines the amount of information from the input xt at present t to
the cell state ct. The output gate determines the amount of information from the long-term
cell state ct to the output value ht of the model at this moment. The function of gating is to
allow information to pass selectively. The output range of the activation function Sigmoid is
from zero to one to define the degree of passing through the gate. Zero represents that all
information is not accessible, while one means that all information is fully accessible [16]. The
specific calculation process is as follows.
� �
ft ¼ s wft xt þ wfh ht 1 þ bf ð7Þ

� �
it ¼ s wix xt þ wih ht 1 þ bi ð8Þ

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PLOS ONE Music performance under edge computing and long short-term recurrent neural networks

Fig 6. Expanded view of LSTM structure.


~c t ¼ tanhðwcx xt þ wch ht 1 þ bc Þ ð9Þ

The forget and input gates can be calculated according to Eqs (7) and (8). Eq (9) represents
the calculation when the state is updated. c represents the internal state. h represents the sys-
tem state. b represents the weight. f, i, and o each represent a forget gate, an input gate, and an
output gate. σ represents the Sigmoid function, and Tanh represents the hyperbolic tangent

Fig 7. The framework structure diagram of the proposed intelligent assistance system.

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function. Two influencing factors of the current input unit state c~t are the output of the previ-
ous unit state and the input given by the existing state network [17]. Besides, the unit state c~t is
obtained according to Eq (10).
ct ¼ ft � ct 1 þ it � c~t Þ ð10Þ

In Eq (10), ct-1 represents the unit’s state at the previous moment. ft represents the forget
gate. it represents the input at the current moment. The symbol � represents the multiplication
of the corresponding elements of two vectors. The current state memory c~t in the long and
short-term RNN can be combined with the previously accumulated memory ct−1 for a long
time through the above operations. The calculation of the output gate is shown below.
ct ¼ sðwox xt þ woh ht 1 þ bo Þ ð11Þ

The final output of the long and short-term RNN is jointly determined by the output gate
and the unit state.
ht ¼ ot � tanhðct Þ ð12Þ

From the above calculations, the long and short-term RNN introduces the forget gate,
which can retain useful information and forget other useless information, so it can save space
to memorize the front data in the time series. The input gate is mainly to continuously input
new information to iterate the forward timing information for efficient processing. The output
gate will analyze the value of the information stored in the previous period. The final output is
determined jointly by the output gate and the unit state. Long and short-term RNNs can be
crucial in developing RNNs to generate variants [18].

2.4 Music-dance feature extraction

There are many features in both music and dance action information. Representative and
strongly correlated music and dance features are selected here. The typical musical feature of
beat is chosen to achieve the correlation between the two. The combination rule between
strong and weak beats in music is reflected in the accent position in the music information.
The rhythm can clearly express the mood of the music. For example, 2/4 time in music refers
to one strong and one weak. The quarter note is a beat, with two beats per measure. There can
be two-quarter notes representing the march’s rhythm and liveliness. 3/4 beats are strong,
weak, and weak, meaning swaying rhythm and emotional serenity. 4/4 beats are strong, weak,
second strong, and weak, representing solemnity and sadness. The dance performance is also a
series of actions according to the rhythm of the music [19]. The following are the music and
dance feature extraction methods used here.
For music feature extraction, its overall structure is shown in Fig 8.
In the data preprocessing stage, sampling is performed using the sampling rate fs = 44.1kHz
configuration. The result is used as a later network input. The audio signal is averaged. The
purpose is to convert the stereo signal to a mono signal to reduce the amount of post-process-
ing. After the signal is divided into frames and windowed in turn, the Fourier transform is per-
formed to divide it into sound waves of different frequencies so that the neural network can
learn later. In addition, the calculation of the power spectrum and the conversion of the Mel
spectrum are performed. Mel spectral coefficients can describe the contour of the spectral
envelope. The envelope peak position and height are essential features for beat discrimination.
The final beat recognition result is displayed by the moment when the beat appears. The corre-
sponding time indicates the time the beat point appears in a piece of music.

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PLOS ONE Music performance under edge computing and long short-term recurrent neural networks

Fig 8. Structure of music beat recognition.


This paper regards the dancer’s dance actions as a collection of different human body parts
coordinate points to simplify the actions and obtain critical dance features. Therefore, the
action information can be obtained by recognizing the human body posture of each frame
image in the video so that the position information can be saved as the dance feature. Here,
OpenPos, an open-source system for multi-person pose detection, is used for initial human
pose estimation, which can detect the main parts of the human body, including limbs and
faces. Feature extraction is revealed in Fig 9.
From Fig 9, extracting the Mel spectrogram requires adjusting the value of the number of
frames. The goal is to have the same frame rate for both the music and dance features. After
the OpenPose system processes the video, the 2D coordinate positions of 14 key points can be
obtained, including the simulated robot dance actions in each frame, as shown in Fig 10.
Fig 10 shows the specific positions of the 14 limb critical points of the simulated robot
when performing dance movements, and the information is normalized to limit it to the inter-
val [-1,1]. On the one hand, subsequent data processing is convenient. On the other hand, the
model runs with a fast convergence rate.

2.5 Edge server architecture and resource allocation strategy

Nodes need to be collected for data to solve the problems of long access time and limited net-
work bandwidth when many users access. The system architecture of the edge server is built
through the data source and the computing resource allocation strategy of the cloud comput-
ing center. The user’s resource computing and storage tasks are assigned to different edge serv-
ers for processing through the task-processing environment built by the underlying operating
system and edge service functions. The general structure of edge computing built by users in
the network is analyzed. The framework comprises three parts: the cloud computing layer,

Fig 9. Flow chart of dance action feature extraction.


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PLOS ONE Music performance under edge computing and long short-term recurrent neural networks

Fig 10. 2D location map of 14 key points in robot dance action.


edge layer, and field layer. On the monitoring platform of music and dance movements, musi-
cal features are jointly positioned through multiple microphones. Communication and data
transmission between the individual system modules are connected using routers. The hard-
ware structure of the established edge server system is shown in Fig 11.

2.6 The establishment of the network model

Music needs to be linked to dance actions, so the model must reflect a high degree of non-lin-
earity between music and dance actions. The previous elaboration of the long and short-term
RNN shows excellent and stable performance and training results for cross-domain sequence
analysis. Therefore, this paper adopts an improved network model of long and short-term
RNN fused with the attention mechanism, and its structure is shown in Fig 12.

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PLOS ONE Music performance under edge computing and long short-term recurrent neural networks

Fig 11. Hardware structure diagram of the edge server system.


From Fig 12, the NN structure is an improved model based on encoder-decoder long and
short-term RNN. Besides, an attention mechanism is introduced to deal with the problem that
the long and short-term RNN ignores the relationship between elements in the music sequence
and the same semantic code of each frame of its output. On the one hand, all states in the
encoder are preserved, and each element is assigned its weighted average. The semantic codes
of each frame corresponding to the output are different. On the other hand, a new attention

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PLOS ONE Music performance under edge computing and long short-term recurrent neural networks

Fig 12. Structure of the improved network model.


mechanism can be added when the sequence is processed to obtain the relationship between
the sequence elements. The new model is divided into three modules. The function of the
LSTM module is to process the input information. The function of the Dense module is to out-
put a sequence. The function of the Attention module is to change the decoding process of the
decoder. The whole process is as follows. First, the beat and position features in OpenPose are
extracted from the music and dance sequences. Then, the feature information of the two is
input into the encoder network and goes through each layer in turn. The encoder result is fed
into the decoder network and goes through each layer. When a new model is trained, music
data is used as features and dance data as labels. The connection between music and dance
actions is represented by adding the parameter Lookback. During training, the parameters of
the NN are initialized first, and the forward propagation of the NN is performed. The network
back-propagation calculation is implemented through the obtained loss function value, and
the weight parameters of each layer are updated. When the number of iterations exceeds the
maximum number of iterations, or the loss function is less than the error threshold, the train-
ing ends, and all training samples are saved for prediction.

3. Results and discussion

The data here are all from Music&Dance2019. This is a dataset of jazz dance genre music-
dance pairs. A total of 60 different types of dance video data are selected therein. In addition,
48 of them are used to train the network model, and the other 12 videos are used to test the
performance of the network model. The music-dance data to be trained and tested is prepro-
cessed before being used as input data. In addition, in the process of establishing the network

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model, the network structure characteristics of RNN and LSTM are analyzed. Input is 50, Ten-
sor is 100, and Kernel size is 2*2. Stride 2 is also used. The type of activation function is Sig-
moid. The proposed model executes 500 iterations with an initial learning rate of 0.005. The
model saturates after 400 iterations. Combined with the relevant literature information [20],
the specific settings of the network structure parameters are given in Table 1.

3.1 Experiments with different structural models

The experimental results of the loss function and visual effects are tested by changing the num-
ber of layers of the LSTM module, as demonstrated in Fig 13.
From Fig 13, when the number of layers increases from one to three, it is found that the loss
function decreases significantly. When the number of layers is increased to five, the change in
the loss value can be ignored. The LSTM proposed here finally chooses a three-layer network
structure to reduce the over-fitting problem and training cost caused by too deep layers. Fig 13
reveals the experimental results of testing the loss function and visual effect by changing the
number of nodes of the LSTM module. The loss function and visual effect change data of dif-
ferent modules of Loss are analyzed. Table 2 reveals the results.
From Fig 14, when a three-layer LSTM is used, the final results are different due to the dif-
ferent number of nodes in each layer. The loss value decreases significantly when the node
value increases from 36 to 256. However, when the node value rises to 512, although the loss
value decreases, the decrease is slight. The node value selected in the final model structure is
256 to reduce the volume of the model. The value of the Lookback will also affect the model’s
performance. The results are shown in Fig 15.
Fig 15 shows the trend of loss value under different Lookback values. It is found that when
the lookback value is 1 or 70, the corresponding loss function curve changes very little, indicat-
ing that the number of music frames is too small or too long, which is not conducive to pre-
dicting dance actions. When the Lookback value is 15 and 30, the loss function value is the

Table 1. Specific parameters setting of the network structure layer.

Parameter name Parameter value
Number of layers 5
Units 32
Epoch 4
Batch size 128
Threshold value 0.05
Iterations 500
Input 50
Tensor 100
Kernel size 2*2
Stride 2
Activation function Sigmoid
Learning rate 0.005
Training loss 0.005
Testing loss 0.004
Training accuracy 0.74
Testing accuracy 0.76
Training precision 0.82
Testing precision 0.86

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PLOS ONE Music performance under edge computing and long short-term recurrent neural networks

Fig 13. Loss functions and visual effects with different layers of LSTM modules.

smallest, and the change is noticeable. Finally, the Lookback value is set to 15 to strengthen the
connection between music and dance actions.

3.2 Comparison between different cross-domain sequence models

The new network model proposed here is compared with other cross-domain sequence analy-
sis models. The comparison results are shown in Fig 16.
From Fig 16, the model designed here performs the best, and the worst is the CNN model.
From the actual training results, the dance sequences generated by CNN cannot produce obvi-
ous dance actions. The dance actions synthesized by the AM model have too large span, and
the upper body, especially the swing of the arms, is too large, which is inconsistent with the
aesthetics of conventional dance actions. The variation amplitude and frequency of the dance
actions of the SA model are too small. The actions of the dance sequences synthesized by the
model reported here conform to conventional dance postures and have rich and varied
actions, which have initially met the requirements of music performance action generation.
Table 3 shows the comparison of loss function values of these different cross domain
sequence models under different look back values.

Table 2. Loss function and visual effect change data of different modules of Loss.
Model LSTM-1 LSTM-3 LSTM-5 LSTM (nots = 36) LSTM (nots = 128) LSTM (nots = 256)
Loss 0.0036 0.0028 0.0028 0.00433 0.00282 0.00279

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PLOS ONE Music performance under edge computing and long short-term recurrent neural networks

Fig 14. Loss functions and visual effects with different numbers of nodes in the LSTM module.

Table 3 suggests that as the lookback value increases, the loss values of different cross
domain sequence models all increase to a certain extent. However, the improved model always
maintains a loss value around 0.0022 and is lower than other models. This indicates that the
improved model has less loss and better performance in establishing a connection between
music and dance movements.

4. Discussion
The edge server structure and resource allocation strategy are analyzed. The results of this
paper are compared with those of previous literature. Sun (2020) [21] studied the vocal teach-
ing system of mobile edge computing. A system resource allocation method based on power
iteration was proposed through the allocation and research of system teaching resources. The
throughput of the unloading process was set as the objective function. It had practical refer-
ence value for promoting the heterogeneity of edge servers and the optimization of teaching
resources. Hong et al. (2022) [22] researched the role of machine learning and artificial intelli-
gence in music education for online games through the optimization of decision support sys-
tems. The results showed that innovative and complex methods based on artificial intelligence
and machine learning were being used to improve music teaching. Hu et al. (2019) [23] stud-
ied artificial intelligence-assisted in-vehicle networks and proposed a strategy that integrated
communication, caching, and computing to achieve cost-effectiveness of in-vehicle networks.

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Fig 15. Loss function values under different Lookback values.


In addition, the statistical test results show that the proposed model structure based on edge
computing and RNN has the highest accuracy of movement recognition. In summary, the pro-
posed edge cache strategy can optimize the structure of the system, and the proposed edge
server hardware structure can improve the network structure model. The model loss value of
the system is greatly reduced, and the accuracy of extraction and recognition of music and
dance movements is greatly improved.

5. Conclusion
This paper focuses on the problem of motion generation in music performances. The rhythm
of music is characterized to realize the interaction between music and dance actions. In addi-
tion, a new network model is constructed based on the attention mechanism and the long and
short-term RNN. Model training and prediction are carried out based on videos on Music&-
Dance2019. The results indicate that the loss function result is the smallest, and the video effect
is the best when the number of layers of the LSTM module in the model is 3, the node value is
256, and the lookback value is 15. Besides, edge computing and long short-term RNNs are
integrated into the optimization of music performance and intelligent assistance systems. The
main contribution is to solve the problems of long access time and limited network bandwidth
during multi-user access through edge server architecture and system resource allocation.
Also, the efficiency of data collection is improved. The necessity of this paper is to provide a
reference for the optimal design of music teaching system. The results indicate that the new

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PLOS ONE Music performance under edge computing and long short-term recurrent neural networks

Fig 16. Comparison of different performance action synthesis models.


model can generate harmonious and rich performance action sequences based on ensuring
stability. However, the research content is still limited and needs further improvement. The
first is that the recognition of music beats is not ideal enough. The second is that the dance
moves are still too monotonous and not smooth. The third is that an extensive database has
not been established to achieve matching with music. The last point is that no suitable action
character is designed, and the dance is too simplistic and abstract. It is hoped that in future
studies and research, research in this area can be conducted to realize the generation of intelli-
gent and humanized music performance actions.

Table 3. Loss function and visual effect change data of different modules of Loss.
Lookback value CNN AM SA The improved model
10 0.0026 0.0028 0.0029 0.0021
20 0.0027 0.0029 0.0031 0.0022
30 0.0028 0.0031 0.0033 0.0026
40 0.0031 0.0035 0.0037 0.0022
50 0.0049 0.0052 0.0059 0.0025

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PLOS ONE Music performance under edge computing and long short-term recurrent neural networks

Supporting information
S1 Data.

Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Yi Wang.
Investigation: Yi Wang.
Supervision: Yi Wang.
Visualization: Yi Wang.
Writing – original draft: Yi Wang.
Writing – review & editing: Yi Wang.

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