• Granulocytes
• Neutrophils
• Eosinophil
• Basophil
• Agranulocytes
• Lymphocytes
• Small lymphocytes
• Large lymphocytes
• Monocytes
• The marrow produces around 200 billion red cells,
100 billion platelets, and 60 billion neutrophils
daily, matching the rate of peripheral destruction
• Hematopoiesis must persist throughout life
• It must be finely tuned and highly responsive to
changes in peripheral blood counts.
• Cytopenias (too few formed elements) and
cytoses (too many formed elements) can have
serious, potentially fatal consequences
• The hematopoietic system relies on a hierarchy of
progenitor cells
• HSCs are at the top of the hierarchy and are
multipotent, giving rise to all hematopoietic cells
• HSCs have self-renewal ability, ensuring
maintenance of HSC numbers
HSCs and progenitors
• HSC division
• Symmetric division
• Can lead to either two HSCs or two committed
• With 2 HSC often occur in the fetal liver, increasing
HSC numbers
• Symmetric divisions leading to differentiation occur
after hematopoietic stress
• Asymmetric division
• One HSC and one committed progenitor, common in
the bone marrow
• Early progenitors may differentiate into
either myeloid or lymphoid lineages
• With further divisions, progenitors matures
and become restricted to single cell types
Differentiation and maturation of HSC
• Differentiation
• Cell becomes part of a particular cell line (eg: neutophilic
cell line)
• This depends on specific signaling molecule like cytokines
and growth factors
• Maturation
• The process of a cell moving through the stages of that cell
• From blast to mature blood cell (eg: Myeloblast to
• WBCs arise from
• Myeloid cell line
• WBCs can develop in two
• Monoblasts develop into
• Myeloblasts can develop into
neutrophils, eosinophils, and
• Lymphoid cell lines
• Lymphoblasts lead to B cells (B
lymphocytes), T cells (T
lymphocytes), and natural killer
• Formation of granulocytes- Neutrophil, Eosinophil
and Basophil
• Myeloblast and promyelocyte can differentiate into
any type of granulocyte
• Neutrophilic /Basophilic/ Eosinophilic Myelocytes
• Differentiation into early cells
• Granules specific to the cells are seen
• Neutrophilic /Basophilic/ Eosinophilic metamyelocyte
• Similar to previous stage with a more condensed
• Band form
• Horse-shoe shaped nucleus
• Seen in circulation
• An increase may indicate the presence of inflammation or
• Segmented or mature neutrophil
• Three or four small sections of the nucleus joined by thin
strings of filament or nuclear membrane
Control of myelopoiesis by growth factors
• G-CSF (Granulocyte colony-stimulating
factor) is a key growth factor for
neutrophil progenitors
• Secreted by macrophages, endothelial
cells, and fibroblasts
• G-CSF production increases in response
to inflammatory cytokines (e.g., IL-1,
tumor necrosis factor)
• Stimulates granulocytic progenitors in the
marrow to increase neutrophil production
• G-CSF are glycoproteins that bind to
specific cytokine receptors which can
stimulate signaling through several
downstream pathways, including the
JAK/STAT, RAS, and AKT pathways
• G-CSF and GM-CSF is primarily used in
the treatment of drug-induced
White blood cells differentials
Age Normal WBC count
• Differential can provide important Newborns 9000-30,000 cells/mm3
clues to the type of infection. Children age <2 years 6200-17,000 cells/mm3