JULY, 2022
Shashamane /ETHIOPIA
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................2
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................4
1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................5
1.1. Objective of the project.....................................................................................................6
1.2. Profile of the Promoter......................................................................................................6
1.3. The Economic Significance of the Project........................................................................7
1.4. Location and Premises Required.......................................................................................8
2. MARKET STUDY.................................................................................................................11
2.1. Scope of the Market Study..............................................................................................11
2.2. Market Demand...............................................................................................................11
2.3. Market Supply.................................................................................................................13
2.4. Target Customers............................................................................................................13
2.5. Market Prospects.............................................................................................................13
2.6. Marketing Promotion and Strategy.................................................................................13
2.7. Service program..............................................................................................................14
2.8. Sales Plan/Capacity.........................................................................................................14
3. SERVICE MIX AND CIVIL WORK OF THE PROJECT...................................................15
3.1. Service mix.....................................................................................................................15
3.2. Civil Engineer Building and Civil Works.......................................................................16
4. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT..........................................................................17
4.1. Organization and Management.......................................................................................17
4.2. Man Power......................................................................................................................17
4.3. Organizational Structure.................................................................................................17
5. FINANCIAL REQUIRMENT AND ANALYSIS.................................................................20
5.1. Total Initial Investment Cost...........................................................................................20
5.1.1. Fixed Investment.....................................................................................................20
5.2. Annual Service (Production) Cost at Full Capacity........................................................22
5.3. Financial Analysis and Statements.................................................................................23
5.3.1. Underlying Assumption...........................................................................................24
1. Project Name Fuel Station Project
3. Nationality Ethiopian
The Ethiopian economy has been registering extraordinary, double digit, and economic growth
for the last nine years. When there exist fast economic growth in one nation, the income of the
citizen also increase this phenomena changes the life style and modernization of the citizen.
In order to keep the economic growth long lasting there should be parallel growth and linkage in
all sectors of the economy such as manufacturing and service (tertiary) sector. The development
of hotel as one part of service sector has a great contribution to the economy in different ways.
However, the implementation of the fuel station project is concentrates in main woreda of the
nation. Hence, further investments in these areas are very vital for better service provision for the
citizens through that it supports the economic development.
The government of Ethiopia has developed a conducive investment policy packages and other
sectoral reforms at federal and regional level to attract a huge private investment for the
wellbeing of the nation and its citizens as a whole. Besides, it is also currently implementing the
five years growth and transformation plan (2010/11-2014/15) that gave a space for the
development industrialization and tertiary sector by private sector.
Like the federal government investment policy packages and incentives, the Oromia regional
state government has been exerting its maximum effort to expand investment opportunities in the
region, so as to foster the economic development of the region and subduing the region’s big
enemy that is the trap of poverty. Therefore, the regional government has been prepared a viable
business environment to attract many domestic and foreign investors so that the dream of making
poverty history turns to be true.
Furthermore, this region is the largest regional state in terms of area and population. The total
area of the Region is 363,136 km2, accounting for about 34.3 percent of the total area of the
country. Administratively, the Region is divided into 18 administrative zones, 304 woredas (out
of which 39 are towns structured with the level of woredas and 265 rural woredas), more than
6,342 peasants and 482 Urban Dwellers Kebeles. (ONRS, PPACC, 2011).
Therefore, the visible market gap, attractive investment policies and deep interest to contribute
for the development of birth town attracts the owners of the envisioned project to establish Fuel
Station Company in, Shashamane town of Oromia region.
Shashamane town the capital town is west Arsi which is on the way of the roads Addis Ababa
to Southern Ethiopia, main asphalt road and rail way, and the district capital, Bote town is
endowed with different crop production mainly irrigated vegetable and fruit production.
The owners of this envisaged project has a good business experiences and very ambitious to
establish the company by expecting a good support and facilitation from the regional
The main objective of this project is to establish a standard Fuel Station in West Arsi zone
Shashamane town Oromia Region.
The promoter of the project MR Adugna Busa Haji is a known business entrepreneur in the
area and also engaging in different business in Bote town and surrounding area. In addition, the
owner of this project hope this project to be the first of many other developmental projects to
follow as they look forward to share the responsibility of fighting poverty, reducing
unemployment here in Ethiopia. The promoter accumulated diversified skills in the area and also
adopted working with many people. Thus, it is these experiences which primarily motivated this
investor to develop the inception of this project idea.
The feasibility of the project has been carefully assessed and the promoters are confident that it
will be a total success. The business will be run by a team of competent management
professionals who have acquired practical achievement in related business fields. The marketing
oriented approach to placement of products and distribution will be primarily based on the need
and preference of the customers and end users.
The promoter also is visionary and ambitious business, who is committed to make a difference in
traditional business practice by approaching it in an innovative way. The promoter is currently
seeking to establish Fuel Station project which shores up the development base the country is
looking for; as well as meets the growing demand of the service in most wide ranging like hotel
and tourism sectors.
The envisaged project deemed to contribute to the economic development of the region in
general and the district/zone in specific with following ways:
By providing quality services, the project will satisfy the demand of the customers.
2. Source Of Revenue
As public policy of any nation, the government collects different forms of taxes from different
business organizations and individuals. Among the different forms of taxes, business income
taxes and payroll taxes are collected from undertaking business activities. Therefore, the project
has been serving sources of revenue for regional government.
3. Employment Opportunity
One of the problems that our country faced is unemployment. Therefore, the current objective of
the government is working on tackling the problem of unemployment and fostering the
development process either through creating self-employment or employment in other
organization. In this regard, project will hire 32employees.
Besides, during the construction work of the project extra jobs will be created particularly for
local community in construction part
Apart from employment opportunity for local community, as a corporate responsibility the
project has been engaged in different development activities. This will better worth the
community in particular and contribute for the development of the nation as a whole
The project will increase economic relationship and transactions among different actors in the
local economy.
A. Project Location
The envisioned project will locate in, West Arsi Zone, Shashamane town, Oromia Regional
Location Map of the area
B. Land Requirement
The total land required by the project is estimated to be 2500M 2. The premises required and land
use plan is indicated in table below;
Table. Premises required and land use plan
SN Description Land m2
The project is targeted for Shashamane town district cross the vicinity and surrounding area.
Hence, the scope of market study of this project concentrates on the Shashamane town and
surrounding rural villages in general and the kebele in specific scenario.
There are a number of factors which creates demand for Fuel Station In the area. The following
major factors are identified;
Economic activities
Location Importance
Infrastructure (road)
Availability of different institutions
Energy Demand
These major demand factors for the project are explained as follows
1. Economic Activities
According to responsible municipalities in the eight towns, the estimated population figure is
258,857. This is more than the figure provided by OUPI and CSA, which are 134,846 and
183,138, respectively. However, the figure demonstrated under the 2007 census survey is
228,420. On the other hand, the recent census result shows the total figure of the rural people in
the Special zone is 566, 069. On the contrary, figures provided by District Administration and
OUPI estimation/projection are 640,781 and 800,356 respectively.
2. Location Importance
The planned Hotel service use project will be established in Oromia regional state, West Arsi ,
Shashamane town , where the different construction is flourishing from time to time. Because
this cash crop area has easy access to the fundamental utilities and other facilities required for
construction area such as treated water supply, electric power, access to telephone line and easy
access for transportation and market outlet. Moreover, the regional government has been
undertaking various measures help boost the growth of investment endeavors in the area by
allotting land, and providing efficient municipal services
3. Infrastructure (Road)
In the district there exist asphalt all whether and dry whether roads that connects different areas
that will create a demand for the fuel station services.
In the district, there exist many governmental bureaus. Besides, there exist non-government
organizations (NGOs) and private companies. All these institutions are potential market demand
for the project
5. Energy Demand
The major source of domestic energy supply is agri-wastes, followed by firewood, animals dung,
charcoal and kerosene. Hydro electric light services and more than 10 fuel stations were
available in the district (at Bote towns).
Hence, there will be a good market demand potential for the envisioned project (fuel station) in
consumption of fuels for vehicles, the district is an Intercept of the roads Addis Ababa to
Southern Ethiopia, Eastern way to main ,.
In the Bote town there exist few service provider organizations. Standard restaurants, cafeterias,
pensions, assembly halls, play station and fuel station centers. Besides, all quality services in one
organization is almost nonexistence in the woreda kebele’s abroad.
From the above analysis of market, it can be deduced that there is a huge gap between demand
and supply for Hotel business in the kebele as well as in the district that will give a lucrative
market for the envisioned project.
To reach customers different marketing ways will be used. Among the different marketing
strategies and tools for promotion controlling the market:
The Fuel Station under discussion will have diversified marketing strategies that could enable it
come up with the different competitors in the market. Moreover, customer satisfaction will be the
key marketing strategy of the building. Generally the project has a competitive advantage since
there are no many standard fuel station in the town.
The organization will initially operate at 70% of its capacity and will reach 100 %( full capacity)
service provision in the second year.
The project will provide different fuel energy (like kerosene, benzene and Diesel) for end users
by franchise based business from one of the oil company. Besides, the projects will also sale
different oil and lubricants for consumer. Moreover, service like car wash and parking will be
provided by the company.
As indicated in part 1 the total land requirement for the project is estimated to be 2500M2.The
buildings are planned to accommodate fuel station, and other utility requirements as well as
green areas and parking.
In general the buildings must be capable of being kept clean and provision should be made for
keeping the sewerages drained out properly and room temperature is attained to keep healthy
environment. In most environments, equipment should be totally enclosed in a light structure:
where the climate is suitable. A concrete floor, which can be swept, is usual.
The site will be encircled by a chain linked fence fastened to concrete posts. The project
construction is designed by professional engineers and construction will be done under close
supervision and colla Shashamane town of the engineers.
Employees under each unit will be supervised by the department head that is accountable for the
general manager. General Manager is appointed by the owner.
General Manager
Fuel Sta琀椀on Car Wash Parking Engine Oil Vehicle Spare Employee rooms
Shop Part
He/she will plan, organize, direct and control the human and non-human resources of the
organization (other departments) so as to achieve the short and long run objectives of the
B. Service Management Department
This is the core department that has six main sections (Fuel station, Car Wash, Parking area,
Engine Oil Shop, Vehicle Spare Parts and employee rooms)
To render those outlined services of the project and manage the overall service delivery
system of the motel and fuel station in line with the customer need and satisfaction.
He/she will incorporate modern technological innovation that will facilitate the service
delivery of the fuel station Car Wash, Parking area, Engine Oil Shop, Vehicle Spare Parts
and employee rooms’ services that will increase customer’s satisfaction.
Will handle the overall marketing activities of the organization which include planning,
organizing, directing, and controlling.
Will develop the marketing strategies.
Will develop effective customer handling strategies
Plan and execute the promotion mix
D. O昀케ce Equipments
Unit Price in Total Price in
SN Description Measurement Oty
Br Br.
1 Chairs Unit 20 1500 30000
2 Tables Unit 20 10000 200000
3 Computer Unit 10 5000 50000
4 Printer Unit 2 3500 7000
5 Computer table with chairs Set 10 1300 13000
Managerial Chair with
6 Set 4 1800 7200
7 File Cabinet Unit 2 1200 2400
8 Self 3 2200 6600
9 Telephone Set Unit 2 1500 3000
10 Decoration Set 7000
Total 326,200.00
F. Pre-Service Expense
No Description Cost
1 Project proposal 10,000.00
2 Licensing fee and others 1500.00
Total 11,500.00
The financial analysis of the envisioned Motel and is based on the data provided in the preceding
sections and the following assumptions.
A. Construction and Finance
Building 5%
Machinery and equipment 10%
Office furniture 10%
Vehicles 20%
C. Working Capital
SN Description % share
1 Owners Share 30 5,0000,000
2 Bank Loan 70 11,500,000
Total 100 16,500,000
5.3.9. Profitability
According to the projected income statement, the project will start generating profit in the 1st
year of operation. Important ratios such as profit to total sales, net profit to equity (Return on
equity) and net profit plus interest on total investment (return on total investment) show an
increasing trend during the lifetime of the project.
The income statement and the other indicators of profitability show that the project is viable.
Currently the issue of environment and envelopment get due emphasis and thus every citizen
called exert their maximum effort for fighting against any negative impacts on the environment
so as to result in a win-win solution on common agenda that is creating environmentally friendly
business environment. Therefore, this Hotel project does not cause a negative impact on the