Urban sprawl
Urban sprawl
Urban sprawl
1Student, Department of Architecture & Planning, Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior, M.P.
2Professor Department of Architecture & Planning, Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior, M.P
3Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture & Planning, Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior,
Abstract - India has many problems with urban expansion, increasing density, redistributing density, implementing
and urban sprawl is one of them. Rapid urbanization brings transit-oriented development schemes, and utilizing land
uncontrolled expansion, incompatible land uses, and resources in mixed practices.
population movement toward cities are the prime factors for
Urban Sprawl. For cities to be livable, planners must solve This study evaluates the compact city concept in periphery
this problem. Compact planning for sustainable development areas, focusing on urban sprawl, lifestyles, and living
is required to handle these problems without threatening standards. It examines new urbanism, smart growth, and
prospects for future generations. The "Compact City" idea is compact cities as anti-sprawling models.
one of several sustainable urban development strategies to
limit the effects of urban expansion on the environment. High- 2. Sustainable Development
density, mixed-use and with distinct (i.e., non-sprawling)
In every aspect of human life, sustainable development is of
borders characterize this metropolis. A compact city can
utmost importance. It is a general phrase used in many
support social sustainability, socioeconomic viability,
disciplines, including economics, finance, health, and
sustainable land use, and sustainable transportation.
industrial output. Sustainable Development is defined in a
This study examines energy-saving, livable, productive, and variety of ways.
sustainable urban planning strategies for Indian cities. It looks
at urbanization trends, obstacles, and potential remedies for A sustainable development is one that meets the demands of
promoting the environment and the ecosystem. Options its inhabitants, such as a high quality of life, while adhering
include dense metropolitan areas, mixed-use development, to principles of lower levels of natural resource
reducing urban sprawl, and raising density. The compact city consumption, waste minimization, and pollution reduction
idea is examined in the study, along with its application in the as reduced levels of output.
Indian context.
According to the report of the Brundtland Commission from
Key Words: Urban Sprawl, Compact city, Sustainable 1987, the term "sustainable development" was first defined
development, environment, metropolitan planning as "meeting the requirements of the present without
sacrificing the ability of future generations to satisfy their
1. INTRODUCTION own needs. Given their roles as sources of resource use,
centers of population expansion, and engines of economic
Urbanization poses a significant challenge in the twenty-first growth, sustainable cities are essential to sustainable
century, particularly in Indian cities. Rapid growth, economic development.
restructuring, and population density have led to challenges
such as sprawl, uncontrolled expansion, and incompatible 3. Urban Sprawl, causing factors, characteristics,
land use. Conventional urban planning and strategies have and adverse impact on the city
led to unsustainable development, requiring new ideas for
city planning and urban development. Research suggests Urban sprawl can be described from a variety of angles,
that low-density regions near urban centers can be fully including specific land use models, land development
developed through urban regeneration procedures. procedures, justifications for land use behaviors, and the
Sustainable urban, environmental, social, and economic outcomes of such behaviors in urban settings. metropolitan
development is crucial for trade, governance, transportation, sprawl is the result of unplanned and uncontrolled growth
and innovation. brought on by the expansion of metropolitan areas. Because
it hinders regional sustainable development and eliminates
Urban sprawl and environmental damage contribute to areas of infrastructural services and essential amenities like
global warming, climate change, and energy consumption. health and education, this unchecked expansion is unsuitable
The compact city concept aims to address these issues by for urban or rural surroundings. Urban sprawl and urban
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Volume: 10 Issue: 08 | Aug 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
expansion have become serious issues in many cities Table -2: Characteristics of Urban Sprawl
throughout the world since the 1960s, especially in
metropolitan regions. Characteristics
According to Bruckner, sprawl results from inhabitants' Peri-Urban Growth Urban sprawl in India frequently
propensity to construct more infrastructure and larger takes the form of peri-urban
structures as well as rising income levels and population. growth, as cities spread out into
rural areas. Conflicts between
3.1 Causes of Urban Sprawl traditional farming operations
and urban growth may result
According to numerous studies on the causes of urban from this.
sprawl, the most significant ones are population and income
growth, low land prices, access to affordable housing, and Informal On the fringes of Indian cities,
benefits like affordable transportation, a network that Settlements informal settlements are
encourages commuting, new job centers in the suburbs, and expanding in tandem with urban
the use of infrastructure, subsidies, and public services. expansion. These communities
These elements will stimulate utility promotion and urban frequently form because of rural-
sprawl among inhabitants. Factors are categorized in Table to-urban migration and
1. frequently lack basic
infrastructure and amenities.
Table -1: Causes of Urban Sprawl Mixed Land Use Unlike global urban sprawl, which
typically separates land uses,
Factors Causes Indian towns frequently display
mixed land use in the form of
Economic growth and increasing
integrated commercial and
Economic income.
residential neighborhoods
Prices of land
Density gradients Urban sprawl in India can cause
Housing More space per person density gradients inside the city,
with the core of the metropolis
Variety of choices
being dense and the periphery
Transportation Private car ownership being characterized by low-
density residential construction.
Availability of road
Transit Issues Poor public transit infrastructure
Damaged infrastructure contributes to traffic congestion
Inner city Lack of green spaces and air pollution in India's
problem expanding cities, which increases
Social problems the use of cars.
Small residential units High-Rise Sprawl While low-rise suburban sprawl
is typical, high-rise sprawl is also
present in many Indian cities,
3.2 Characteristics of urban sprawl- with vertical growth taking the
shape of taller homes and
Urban sprawl, which is frequently characterized by low- businesses.
density development and insufficient planning control, is the
haphazard and unpleasant extension of an urban or Infrastructure Some expansive areas may not
industrial region into the countryside. It is at the forefront of Disparities have enough access to essential
urban expansion and can result in rising wealth disparity, amenities like water, sewage, and
employment instability, the decline of major cities, expensive power because of uneven
housing, lengthy commutes, environmental issues, the infrastructure development.
extinction of animals, the loss of agriculture, and a feeling of Rapid urbanization India is experiencing rapid
isolation.(Table-2) urbanization, which is causing
unplanned and spontaneous
Few characteristics of urban sprawl that are unique to India urban expansion on the outskirts
of existing cities.
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Volume: 10 Issue: 08 | Aug 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
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Volume: 10 Issue: 08 | Aug 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
4.2 The benefit of the Compact city model Improved public health- Reduced air pollution, alternatives
for active mobility, and access to green areas all help to
Given India's quick urbanization, dense population, and wide enhance the results and general well-being of the general
range of urban difficulties, the compact city concept offers population.
several advantages that are especially pertinent to the Indian
setting. In India, the compact city model has the following Reduced Energy Consumption- Due to shorter travel
main benefits: distances and energy-efficient building designs, compact
communities often consume less energy for heating/cooling
Less Urban Sprawl- Moving towards a compact city model and transportation.
aids in reducing urban sprawl, and protecting important
agricultural land, natural ecosystems, and open spaces. Long-term Sustainability- Changing to a compact city model
is consistent with sustainable urban development principles,
Effective Land Utilization- Compact city design, which which enhances the resilience and sustainability of cities
maximizes land utilization, allows for high population over the long run.
densities and vertical design. This is important in a nation
where there is a shortage of available land. By preventing In the end, the shift from sprawling cities to compact ones
can result in warmer and more welcoming, resilient, and
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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 08 | Aug 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
ecologically friendly urban settings that can accommodate land uses. It might be a challenging bureaucratic procedure
the needs of both the current and next generations. to update these rules so that they adhere to compact city
Here are some examples of how the compact city concept is
being applied in India Political and governance considerations- Effective
governance and strong political will are frequently needed
India is implementing the compact city concept in various for the implementation of compact city ideals.
ways, such as Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) in cities
like Delhi and Bangalore, revitalizing inner-city areas Cultural and Social Context- The adoption of compact city
through high-rise residential and commercial complexes, designs may be impacted by India's diverse cultural and
prioritizing green and open spaces in Mumbai, implementing social landscape.
inclusive housing policies, and promoting pedestrianization
and non-motorized transport in cities like Chennai. These Public Awareness and Community Involvement - To
initiatives aim to reduce traffic congestion, and carbon overcome opposition and misunderstandings, it is essential
emissions, and improve the overall urban experience. to raise public awareness of the advantages of a compact city
and to include the public in the planning process. Local
4.3 Challenges of the Compact City support is essential for the establishment of compact cities.
For their wants and concerns to be considered, people and
Despite their many benefits, compact cities provide unique stakeholders must be actively involved in the planning
obstacles for planners, architects, and administrators to process.
make them sustainable. These difficulties might be listed in
terms of problems with accessibility to capital, the Lack of Data- Planning and implementing compact city ideas
environment, traffic and transit, heat islands, etc. The can be difficult when there is a lack of accurate and current
following are some major obstacles to implementing the idea data on land use, population trends, and infrastructure.
of compact cities in India:
5. Comparative study between urban sprawl and
Informal Settlements- A sizeable number of informal compact city with two examples Gurgaon Haryana
settlements are found in Indian cities. There are several and GIFT (Gujrat International Finance Tec) City
obstacles to overcome to integrate these communities into Gandhinagar Gujrat
the compact city framework and improve living conditions.
5.1 Urban Sprawl Gurgaon
Population expansion- Due to India's rapid urbanization and
population expansion, housing and infrastructure are under Gurgaon, is an Indian city in the urban footprint of Delhi, in
more stress, making it difficult to tolerate increasing terms of its population expansion and land use changes.
densities without good planning. From 57 thousand people in 1971 to 15.14 lakh in 2011,
Gurgaon has seen a population increase. Additionally, the
Property Ownership and Fragmented Land Parcels- The growth rate has shown a rising tendency. The structure of
requirement for land consolidation for compact the town and its surrounding neighborhood is also altering
development can be hampered by fragmented land because of the strain from the metropolis' continued growth.
ownership and unregulated property markets, which makes
it difficult to find land for redevelopment. This study examines the impact of urban population
expansion on agricultural land in Gurgaon, a satellite town of
Inadequate public transport infrastructure- Changing from the Delhi metropolis. Gurgaon, near Delhi, has experienced
relying on private vehicles to public transit is difficult since rapid land use changes and population growth due to its
many Indian cities have undeveloped or insufficient public proximity to an international airport and strong
transport networks. infrastructure. As a hub of industrial growth, Gurgaon town
and its surroundings are experiencing rapid industrial
Affordability-The demand for cheap housing must be
balanced with the growth of places with higher densities,
however, this may be difficult because higher density areas According to this case study, a major change in agricultural
may result in higher land values and property prices. land from 1971 to 2019 was a reduction from 80 % to 14%
of the total area. The built-up area was 8% of the total area
Inadequate Infrastructure Services- It is difficult for many
in 1971 and increased to 78% of the total area in 2019. It
Indian cities to provide the most basic infrastructure
shows the Significant conversion of agricultural land to
services, such as waste management, sewage, and water
commercial, residential, and other urban purposes. This can
supply, which must be enhanced for compact growth.
be attributed to the rapid outsourcing of economic activities
Regulations & Zoning- Many Indian cities have out-of-date and the increase in the demand for residential and
zoning laws that favor single-use areas and forbid mixed commercial purposes. The villages in the Gurgaon region can
© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 672
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 08 | Aug 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
broadly be classified into three categories based on the GIFT City aims to achieve zero accident rates by
process of their transformation: Rural - dominated with implementing transit-oriented development, proper road
agricultural land and primary activities; transitional semi- design, and segregating vehicular traffic from pedestrians.
rural to semi-urban dominated with built-up land and The community includes housing, office, retail, and
territory activities. The process of urban sprawl can be multilevel parking, with a 10:90 modal split, reducing carbon
clearly understood as the urbanization of Gurugram. emissions. The city is well-connected to BRTS and MRTS.
Characteristics GIFT City has a projected 488 TPD waste volume, aiming
to minimize environmental impact, human intervention,
Having a low population density and considerable space requirements, and health hazards. It uses automatic
real estate development. collection and transportation systems and Plasma
Residential, commercial, and industrial districts are Gasification Technology for waste treatment.
divided because of single-use zoning.
Dependence on personal autos because there are Characteristics
few public transit choices.
loss of agricultural land and fragmented green Greater population density achieved by focused
places. development.
Invasion of rural regions and rapid suburbanization. Mixed-use land with residential, commercial, and
financial operations.
Result Public transit, walkability, and green
infrastructure are prioritized.
Longer commutes and traffic jams. Land and resource use that is efficient.
Contamination of the air and rising carbon Vertical development and high-rise structures.
loss of biodiversity and agricultural land. Result
Problems with the infrastructure and rising prices.
Public places that are scarce and social Shorter commutes and less traffic congestion.
cohesiveness. Environmental sustainability and improved air
Planning methodology Land usage and resource efficiency have been
Gurgaon's growth grew with insufficient integrated planning, Improvements to public transport and
resulting in uneven land use, gridlock in traffic, and walkability.
insufficient infrastructure. Green places that are integrated with high-quality
public facilities.
5.2 GIFT City, Gujrat
Planning methodology
GIFT is located halfway between Ahmedabad and
Gandhinagar. With a concentration on financial and technical GIFT City (Gujarat International Finance Tec-City) is a
businesses. It has skyscrapers, efficient transit networks, master-planned community with an emphasis on sustainable
walkable streets, and green areas. the primary features of a urban architecture, smart infrastructure, and efficient land
Gift City are sustainable architecture, energy efficiency, use.
simple access to essential utilities, an effective transit system
and planning, telecommunication facilities, and general
safety. GIFT City has all these characteristics, as well as the
6. Result
designation of a Central Business District. Finally, Gurgaon's urban development has created issues
with traffic, pollution, and inadequate infrastructure. Gift
GIFT City is divided into two parts: (1) a Smart City and (2) a
City's small city idea, on the other hand, emphasizes
Global Financial Hub. The city will most likely have two
sustainability, effective land use, and high-quality urban
financial zones, one domestic and one international.
architecture. The two instances demonstrate the distinctions
An attractive feature of GIFT City's 24-hour drinking water between these two methods and their consequences for
supply. For 15-day storage, Samruddhi Sarovar, a man-made urban development.
water reservoir, is used together with the Narmada Main
Canal and rainwater collection systems. For toilet flushing 7. Conclusion
and gardening, produced wastewater is handled according to
Cities and towns are crucial for India's development, but
the Zero Liquid Discharge philosophy.
issues like informal settlements, subpar services, climate
© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 673
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 08 | Aug 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
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