BS 1370 1979

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Amendment No. 1

Specification for

Low heat Portland


UDC 666.942.33


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BS 1370:1979

Cooperating organizations

The Cement, Gypsum, Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards

Committee, under whose direction this British Standard was prepared,
consists of representatives from the following Government departments and
scientific and industrial organizations:

Association of Consulting Engineers*

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Products Association
British Precast Concrete Federation Limited*
British Quarrying and Slag Federation*
British Railways Board
British Ready Mixed Concrete Association*
British Steel Industry
Cement Admixtures Association
Cement and Concrete Association*
Cement Makers’ Federation*
Chemical Industries Association
Concrete Society Limited*
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)*
Department of the Environment (Housing and Construction)
Department of the Environment (PSA)*
Department of the Environment (Transport and Road Research Laboratory)*
Department of Transport
Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors*
Federation of Stone Industries
Greater London Council
Gypsum Products Development Association
Institute of Quarrying
Institution of Civil Engineers*
Institution of Municipal Engineers
Institution of Structural Engineers*
Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists
National Federation of Building Trades Employers
Natural Environment Research Council (Institute of Geological Science)
Royal Institute of British Architects
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors*
Sand and Ballast Hauliers and Allied Trades Alliance

Sand and Gravel Association Limited

This British Standard, having Society of Chemical Industry*
been prepared under the
direction of the Cement, The organizations marked with an asterisk in the above list, together with the
Gypsum, Aggregates and following, were directly represented on the committee entrusted with the
Quarry Products Standards
Committee, was published preparation of this British Standard:
under the authority of the
Executive Board and comes Brick Development Association
into effect on British Steel Corporation
31 July, 1979 Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales
© BSI 02-1999

First published April 1947

First revision March 1958
Second revision, as Part 2, Amendments issued since publication
June 1974
Third revision, as BS 1370,
July 1979
Amd. No. Date Comments

4416 March 1984 Indicated by a sideline in the margin

The following BSI references
relate to the work on this
Committee reference CAB/1
Draft for comment 77/14421 DC

ISBN 0 580 10847 3

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BS 1370:1979


Cooperating organizations Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 References 1
3 Composition and manufacture of low heat Portland cement 1
4 Tests 1
5 Fineness 1
6 Chemical composition 1
7 Compressive strength 2
8 Setting times 2
9 Soundness 2
10 Heat of hydration 2
11 Manufacturer’s certificate 2
12 Independent tests 2
13 Sampling 2
14 Facilities for sampling and identifying 2
15 Compliance 3
16 Cement in tropical climates 3
17 Marking 3
Table 1 — Maximum total sulphur expressed as SO3 1
Publications referred to Inside back cover

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BS 1370:1979


This British Standard has been revised under the direction of the Cement,
Gypsum, Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards Committee, in order to
bring it into line with present practice followed in the production and testing of
cement. The previous edition, published in 1974 as BS 1370-2 which is now
withdrawn, was a metric version of the amended 1958 edition.
This standard covers low heat Portland cement which is intended for use in
structures where large masses of concrete have to be placed. The types of concrete
work for which the cement is specially suited include concrete dams and many
other types of water-retaining structures, bridge abutments, massive retaining
walls, piers, slabs, etc. In large masses of concrete there is often a considerable
rise in temperature resulting from the heat evolved as the cement sets and
hardens and from the slow rate at which it is dissipated from the surface. The
contraction which occurs on subsequent cooling sets up tensile stresses in the
concrete which may result in cracking. The use of a cement of the type covered by
this standard is advantageous since it evolves heat more slowly than ordinary or
rapid-hardening Portland cement. The rate of strength development of low heat
Portland cement is lower than that of ordinary Portland cement, but the ultimate
strength is comparable.
The detailed test methods previously described in the appendices to cement
standards have been revised and are now included in BS 4550-2 and BS 4550-3
so that this standard gives only the specification requirements with cross
references to the appropriate clauses of BS 4550. The methods of sampling
cement for test are now specified in BS 4550-1. It should be noted in particular
that various details of the concrete cube strength test, introduced in 1958, have
been made more stringent in order to produce more consistent results.
Specified minima for compressive strength are now only given at ages of 3 days
and 28 days. The 28-day strength requirement is considered to provide a better
indication of cement quality than the 7-day strength. Most of the specified
minima for compressive strength represent substantial increases over the values
in the previous edition.
The specified minimum fineness, expressed as specific surface, has been revised
to permit a reduction in early heat of hydration of cements complying with this
The clause dealing with the composition and manufacture of the cement has been
brought into line with the definition now given in BS 4627.
Propylene glycol may be added to the cement clinker before grinding to reduce the
energy required. It is driven off by the heat generated during grinding and only
traces remain. A method for determining the amount of any propylene glycol in
the ground cement has been included in BS 4550-2.
The requirements for lime have been expressed in terms of the lime saturation
factor, in line with BS 12. The specified limiting values correspond to those given
for lime in the 1974 edition of BS 1370 and are more restrictive than those for
ordinary Portland cement and rapid-hardening Portland cement in BS 12.
The limits for total sulphur, expressed as SO3, are related to a revised threshold
level of tri-calcium aluminate.
The clause in the 1974 edition of this standard, referring to the consistence of
standard cement paste, has been incorporated into the clause on setting time.
The clause on delivery in the 1974 edition has been omitted as being a contractual
arrangement but a requirement for marking has been introduced.
If necessary cement manufacturers may be consulted informally about the
provision of information additional to that required by this standard.


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BS 1370:1979

A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.


Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,
pages 1 to 4, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.

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BS 1370:1979

1 Scope 6.1 Lime saturation factor (LSF). The lime

saturation factor shall not be greater than 0.88 and
This British Standard specifies requirements for the
not less than 0.66 when calculated by the formula:
composition, the manufacture, and the chemical and
physical properties of low heat Portland cement. ( CaO ) – 0.7 ( SO 3 )
LSF = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.8 ( SiO2 ) + 1.2 ( Al 2 O 3 ) + 0.65 ( Fe 2 O 3 )
2 References where each symbol in parentheses refers to the
The titles of the standards publications referred to percentage (by mass of total cement) of the oxide, as
in this standard are listed on the inside back cover. determined by the methods described in
BS 4550-2:1979 as follows: 4.2 for SiO2, 6.2 for

3 Composition and manufacture of low CaO, 7.2 for Al2O3, clause 8 for Fe2O3 and clause 10
heat Portland cement for SO3, excluding any contained in the insoluble
residue referred to in 6.2 of this standard.
The cement shall be obtained by pulverizing clinker,
consisting mostly of calcium silicates, obtained by 6.2 Insoluble residue. The mass of insoluble
heating to partial fusion a predetermined and residue, as determined by the method described in
homogeneous mixture of materials containing clause 3 of BS 4550-2:1970, shall not exceed 1.5 %.
principally lime (CaO) and silica (SiO2) with a 6.3 Magnesia. The mass of magnesia, as
smaller proportion of alumina (Al2O3) and iron determined by the method described in 9.2 of
oxide (Fe2O3). (See item no. 301 of BS 4627:1970.) BS 4550-2:1970, shall not exceed 4.0 %.
The cement shall contain no additions except as 6.4 Sulphuric anhydride. The mass of total
provided for below. sulphur, expressed as SO3 and determined by the
a) Water or gypsum or anhydrite, or other method described in clause 12 of BS 4550-2:1970,
derivatives of calcium sulphate, or any shall not exceed the appropriate value shown
combination of these substances, the amount of in Table 1.
addition to be such that the limits shown for Table 1 — Maximum total sulphur
sulphuric anhydride and loss on ignition shall not expressed as SO3
be exceeded. %
b) Propylene glycol in a proportion by mass that
When tri-calcium aluminate is 5 % or less 2.5
shall not exceed 0.10 %, as determined by the
method described in clause 18 of BS 4550-2:1970. When tri-calcium aluminate is more than 5 % 3.0
Metallic iron from the grinding process shall not be
The tri-calcium aluminate content (C3A) is
regarded as an addition.
calculated by the formula:
4 Tests C3A = 2.65 (Al2O3) – 1.69 (Fe2O3)
The sample or samples, taken as described in where C = CaO, A = Al2O3 and each symbol in
clause 13, shall be tested in the manner specified parentheses refers to the percentage (by mass of
for: total cement) of the oxide, as determined by the
methods described in BS 4550-2:1970 as follows: 7.2
a) fineness (clause 5);
for Al2O3 and clause 8 for Fe2O3 excluding any
b) chemical composition (clause 6); Al2O3 and Fe2O3 contained in the insoluble residue
c) compressive strength (clause 7); referred to in 6.2 of this standard.
d) setting time (clause 8); 6.5 Loss on ignition. The loss on ignition, as
e) soundness (clause 9); determined by the method described in 13.2 of
BS 4550-2:1970, shall not exceed 3.0 % for cement
f) heat of hydration (clause 10). in temperate climates or 4.0 % for cement in tropical
5 Fineness
The cement shall be tested for fineness by the
method described in BS 4550-3.3 and shall have a
specific surface of not less than 275 m2/kg.

6 Chemical composition
The chemical composition of the cement shall
comply with the following requirements.

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BS 1370:1979

7 Compressive strength 10 Heat of hydration

7.1 General. The cement shall be tested for The heat of hydration of the cement, as determined
compressive strength by one of the methods by the method described in BS 4550-3.8, shall be:
specified in 7.2 and 7.3. The method of test shall be 7 days: not more than 250 kJ/kg
agreed between the vendor1) and the purchaser at
the time of placing the order. In the event of a 28 days: not more than 290 kJ/kg
dispute a retest shall be carried out in the presence
of representatives of the two parties concerned. 11 Manufacturer’s certificate
7.2 Method 1. The average compressive strength of The manufacturer shall be satisfied that the cement
three concrete cubes, prepared, stored and tested as at the time of its delivery complies with the
described in clause 1 of BS 4550-3.4:1978, shall be: requirements of this British Standard and, if
at 3 days (72 ± 1 h): not less than 5 N/mm2 requested, he shall forward a certificate to this
effect to the purchaser or his representative. The
at 28 days: higher than the compressive certificate shall include the results of tests on
strength at 3 days and not samples of cement relating to the material
less than 19 N/mm2 delivered. The following test information shall be
provided; fineness, compressive strength at 3 days
7.3 Method 2. The average compressive strength of and 28 days, initial and final setting times and
three mortar cubes, prepared, stored and tested as soundness.
described in clause 2 of BS 4550-3.4:1978, shall be:
If requested, the compressive strength at 7 days
at 3 days (72 ± 1 h): not less than 10 N/mm2 shall be made available.
at 28 days: higher than the compressive
strength at 3 days and not 12 Independent tests
less than 28 N/mm2 If the purchaser or his representative requires
independent tests, they shall be carried out in
8 Setting times accordance with this British Standard on the
written instructions of the purchaser or his
The setting times of cement paste of standard representative.
consistence as determined by the methods described

in BS 4550-3.5 and BS 4550-3.6, shall be: 13 Sampling

initial setting time: not less than 1 h
If a sample is required for independent tests, it shall
final setting time: not more than 10 h be taken at the option of the purchaser or his
representative, before delivery or within one week
9 Soundness after delivery of the cement by the method described
in BS 4550-1. The tests shall be commenced
The cement, when tested for soundness by the within 4 weeks of delivery. If the vendor1) so desires
method described in BS 4550-3.7, shall have an he or his representative shall be present at the
expansion of not more than 10 mm. sampling
If the cement fails to comply with this requirement,
a further test shall be made in the manner 14 Facilities for sampling and
described. For this test another portion of the same identifying
sample shall be used after it has been aerated by
being spread out to a depth of 70 mm to 80 mm at a When a sample of cement for testing is to be taken
relative humidity of 50 % to 80 % for a total period on the premises of the vendor, he shall afford every
of 7 days. The expansion of this aerated sub-sample facility and provide all labour and materials for
shall not exceed 5 mm. taking and packing the sample and, as far as
possible, for subsequently identifying the cement
NOTE It is recognized that there may sometimes be difficulty in
complying with the last requirement since it may not be possible
to identify a particular consignment of cement after it has been
placed with other cement in a silo on the user’s site.

The term “vendor” in this standard means the seller of the cement whether he be the manufacturer of the cement or not.

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BS 1370:1979


15 Compliance 17 Marking
Any consignment, or part of a consignment, which, Low heat Portland cement manufactured in
when sampled in accordance with clause 13, fails to compliance with this British Standard shall be
comply with any one or more of the requirements of marked in relation to the product (e.g. on the bag,
this standard shall be deemed not to comply with the manufacturer’s certificate, the delivery note or
the requirements of this British Standard. the invoice, etc.) with the following particulars.
a) The name, trade mark or other means of
16 Cement in tropical climates identification of the vendor.
The temperatures specifically mentioned in b) The name of the material, i.e. low heat
BS 4550 are applicable to temperate climates. Portland cement.
Cement intended for use in tropical climates may be c) The number and year of this British Standard,
tested at temperatures exceeding 21 °C but not i.e. BS 1370:1979.
exceeding 35 °C2). When so tested, cement
complying with the requirements herein specified
for temperate climates shall be deemed to comply
with the requirements of this British Standard.

2) When cement is tested at temperatures above 21 °C the strength, setting time and heat of hydration requirements may be

altered by agreement between purchaser and vendor. It should be noted that an increase in the testing temperature increases
the early compressive strength and the heat of hydration and reduces the setting time.

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BS 1370:1979

Publications referred to

BS 12, Ordinary and rapid-hardening Portland cement3).

BS 4550, Methods of testing cement.
BS 4550-1, Sampling.
BS 4550-2, Chemical tests.
BS 4550-3, Physical tests.
BS 4550-3.3, Fineness test.
BS 4550-3.4, Strength test.
BS 4550-3.5, Determination of standard consistence.
BS 4550-3.6, Test for setting times.
BS 4550-3.7, Soundness test.
BS 4550-3.8, Test for heat hydration.
BS 4627, Glossary of terms relating to types of cements, their properties and components.

3) Referred to in the foreword only.


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