From 1888 to 1899, he was a member of the Verein zur Förderung der Luftschifffahrt, from which he
organized scientific balloon ascents in order to study the atmosphere. From these studies, valuable
insights in regards to atmospheric stratification of the troposphere were made.[1] He is also credited for
popularizing the field of meteorology, and played a significant role in several scientific newspapers and
magazines during his career. From 1884 until his death, Assmann published the popular monthly
magazine Das Wetter (The Weather).[1]
With Léon Teisserenc de Bort (1855–1913), he is credited as co-discoverer of the stratosphere, as both
men announced their discovery during the same time period in 1902.[2]
In 1903, with meteorologist Arthur Berson (1859–1942), he was
awarded the Buys Ballot Medal by the Royal Netherlands
Academy of Sciences.
Selected writings
Der Einfluß der Gebirge auf das Klima von
Mitteldeutschland, 1886 - The influence of mountains on the
climate of central Germany.
Das Aspirations-Psychrometer. Ein Apparat zur Bestimmung
der wahren Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit der Luft, (editor),
1892 - The aspiration psychrometer. An apparatus for
determining the true temperature and humidity of the air.
Wissenschaftliche Luftfahrten, ausgeführt vom Deutschen
Verein zur Förderung der Luftfahrt in Berlin, (three volumes,
co-edited with Arthur Berson), 1899–1900 - Scientific air
trips, run by the German Association for the Advancement of
Aviation in Berlin.
Beiträge zur Erforschung der Atmosphäre mittels des
Luftballons, 1900 - Contributions to the study of the
atmosphere by means of balloons.
Die modernen Methoden zur Erforschung der Atmosphäre
mittels des Luftballons und Drachen, 1901 - The modern
methods to study the atmosphere by means of balloons and
Über die Existenz eines wärmeren Luftstromes in der Höhe
Threefold aspiration-psychrometer von 10 bis 15 km, in: Sitzungsberichte der Königlich-
(Assmann type, prior to 1900) Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin
(Sitzung der physikalisch-mathematischen Klasse vom 1.
Mai 1902), Bd. 24, 1902, S. 1-10. - On the existence of a
warm air current at heights from 10 to 15 km.[1]
This article is based on a translation of an equivalent article at the German Wikipedia.