PID6365049 (1)
PID6365049 (1)
PID6365049 (1)
Abstract—Melanoma is considered as one of the fatal cancer stage. Self examination is so vital even if you have carefully
in the world, this form of skin cancer may spread to other parts protected your skin from ultraviolet radiations. Thus, people
of the body in case that it has not been diagnosed in an early should examine their skins head to toe regularly, looking for
stage. Thus, the medical field has known a great evolution with
the use of automated diagnosis systems that can help doctors and any lesions that might be turned into melanoma . Self-exams
even normal people to determine a certain kind of disease. In can help you identify skin cancers in an early stage, when
this matter, we introduce a hybrid method for melanoma skin the odds of curing them are completely high. Yet, physicians
cancer detection that can be used to examine any suspicious encourage people to routinely do self-examination if they
lesion. Our proposed system rely on the prediction of three notice any suspicious-looking lesions. ”when in doubt, cut it
different methods: A convolutional neural network and two
classical machine learning classifiers trained with a set of features out”, says Darrick Antell, MD, a board-certified plastic and
describing the borders, texture and the color of a skin lesion. reconstructive surgeon practicing in New York.
These methods are then combined to improve their performances In this matter, it becomes vital to use supportive imaging
using majority voting. The experiments have shown that using techniques that have been shown to improve and facilitate
the three methods together, gives the highest accuracy level. the diagnosis process. These techniques are build based on
Index Terms—Melanoma detection, deep learning, classical
machine learning, data fusion, majority voting strategies invented by physicians to capture the melanoma at
an early stage. Automatic detection of melanoma is comprised
of a variety of steps including preprocessing, extraction of
interested area, post-processing, and lesion inspection. These
Melanoma the deadliest form of skin cancer, is considered steps look like the steps of the classical pattern recognition
as the less common form of skin cancers but it is the most fatal. system, where the main design steps of such system are: image
As mentioned above, it can quickly spread to other parts of the acquisition, image processing and lesion segmentation, and
body. Melanoma arises through malignant transformation of classification methodology of the lesion in question [14]. In
melanocytes which are derived from the neural crest neoplasia this paper, we present a new method for melanoma detection
[7]. Melanoma causes 55 500 cancer deaths annually which is for a better self-examination.
0.7% of all cancer deaths. The incidence and mortality rates In this paper, the first section gives a brief description of some
of melanoma differ from one country to another due to the existing work and the visual cues that are used by physicians
variation of ethnic and racial groups [15]. Established risk for melanoma detection. The second section is reserved to
factors for melanoma include ultraviolet radiation, life in low introduce the proposed method. All the conducted experiments
geographic latitudes, high alcohol consumption, consuming and the results evaluating the performance of the proposed
fatty foods, the presence of melanocytic or dysplastic naevi, method are given after that. In the last section, a discussion
a family or personal history of melanoma, phenotypic charac- and conclusion are given.
teristics including fair hair, eye, and skin colors [13].
The incidence and mortality of melanoma are related to the II. R ELATED WORK
development index (HDI), The increase in the HDI index One typical and commonly used clue for melanoma di-
increases access to health services and early detection of agnosis is the ABCDE signs which is a useful indicator
disease and treatment of the disease at an early stage, thereby for melanoma. This feature can differentiate a malignant
reducing mortality [13]. Yet , statistics shows that the 5-year melanoma from a benign skin lesion based on five char-
relative survival rate for people who has been diagnosed with acteristics, namely asymmetry (A), border irregularity (B),
melanoma in an early stage is about 98%. However, about color variability (C), diameter greater than 6 mm (D), and
20% to 50% of people having melanoma in advanced stage evolution (E) or any kind of change. Melanoma detection
will be alive 5 years after diagnosis [15]. typically involves several processes: image acquisition and
Since, it is important that the melanoma is caught at an early preprocessing, lesion segmentation, lesion characterisation and
finally lesion classification. The exact order in which these
processes are applied varies from one method to another,
however, some of them can skip or add other processes, or
use some of them in a hybrid way.
The first step in expert systems used for melanoma detection
involves the acquisition of the tissue digital image. The most
common techniques used for this purpose are the epiluminence
microscopy(ELM), it is also known as dermoscopy [9]. Yet,
smartphone cameras are becoming more and more capable and Fig. 1. RGB color channels of a skin lesion.
effective to capture skin lesions, the resolution of the image
has improved over years which can encourage experts to use
smartphone cameras to clinically imaged lesions rather than of the segmentation step, deep learning automatically detects
using traditional acquisition methods [11]. In addition this help the skin lesion and learns a feature representation from a large
people to easily do self-examination in order to inspect any number of skin images.
suspicious lesion. In paper [10], an automatic detection of melanoma lesion on
Most of the existing systems use the dermoscopic images skin images has been proposed based on the concept of deep
which are proved to be very efficient in melonoma inspection. learning. The results shows that deep learning using CNN
These systems can use image processing and classical machine is able to detect the melanoma lesion efficiently when using
learning techniques [11], [3], [6] or more sophisticated and CNN with 15 × 15 training input size. This neural network
powerful technique which is the deep learning [10], [18]. architecture can accurately detect melanoma or any kind of
After the image is taken, a lesion segmentation is conducted skin lesions though.
in order to isolate the pathological skin lesions from the
surrounding healthy skin. This step is considered to be critical
step in the whole process of melanoma detection. One inter- Generally people tend to see doctors when the melanoma
esting and recent method have been proposed by Uzma Jamil is in its last stage and when it becomes difficult to be treated.
et al. [11], which consists on separating the foreground (the People normally consider skin lesion as normal diseases such
lesion) from the background by filtering the image with the any environment infection. Thus it becomes a necessity to
gradient magnitude. do self-examination of any suspicious lesion. Nowadays the
Then, a set of characteristics are extracted. Generally, these medical fields depend not only on the doctor diagnosis but
primitives will represent only the ABCD rule which describes also upon computer-aided diagnosis. Digital image process-
the color, the border and the texture looking for some differ- ing makes dermatologist and patients life easier. It helps in
ential structures [14]. Studying the texture of a skin lesion can diagnosing the lesion area without any physical contact with
bring out many characteristics which can be extracted using skin, in this section we present our proposed methods that help
different kind of texture descriptors, such as SIFT feature, people and doctors in accurately diagnosing melanoma.
SURF and HOG [12]. However in [17], the authors have One typical problem in melanoma detection is to separate the
used color in addition to the textural features. The CN (Color skin lesion from the healthy skin. The segmentation step is
Name) features which are linguistic color labels representing incredibly sensitive to the output of the preprocessing phase.
11 different colors, are used to detect the presence of the Thus improving the image analysis and preprocessing by
black and blue colors in a lesion. The blue-black color is removing the artifacts will certainly improve the segmenta-
another typical feature that is used by physicians to recognize tion process. Artifacts may occlude some information of the
melanoma. It is defined as the presence of a combination of inspected lesion. Artifacts can be hair pixels which should be
blue and black pigmented areas involving at least 10% of the removed for a better segmentation and lesion analysis. In fact,
lesion surface [2]. in the literature many hair removal systems are introduced to
Once the features are extracted, a training phase is needed deal with that issue.
to create a model that differentiate between malignant and The preprocessing method for the hair detection proposed in
benign lesions. Researchers have widely used the support [1] is adopted. A minor changes was introduced. The proposed
vector machines (SVMs), due to their effectiveness and low hair removal system involves several steps which are described
complexity in generating an accurate model [3], [8]. However, below. First, a color enhancement technique based on the blue
in [6] authors proposed a comparison between a K-Nearest component of the RGB color channels is selected for the rest of
Neighbor (KNN) classifier and Artificial Neural Network processing which gives better results of both hair removal and
(ANN) which prove to be more accurate than the KNN, since segmentation. Fig. 1 shows the differences of gray level values
they iteratively adjust their connection weights by minimizing over the 3 RGB color channels. Detecting hair lines from the
the error between the ground truth and the predicted outputs. dermoscopic images is done based on the 2-D derivatives of
Yet, involving the concept of deep learning has become a trend Gaussian(DOG) of the blue component of the images. The
in melanoma detection systems. Different from the traditional DOG accurately detects lines of the hair in four different
pattern recognition systems, which heavily rely on the result directions. Thresholding is then applied to separate the hair
Fig. 2. Hair lines detection using DOG filter.
Fig. 3. Skin lesion segmentation using thresholding. Fig. 5. Skin lesion segmentation using MorphGAC.
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