EC305 - Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation

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EC305 - Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation 1) The errors that occurs mainly due to human errors are called

as a) Gross errors b) instrumental errors c) Environmental errors d) random errors 2) _________________ Errors are inherent in measuring instruments because of their mechanical structure. a) Gross errors b) random errors c) Environmental errors d) instrumental errors 3) The errors that occur due to conditions external to the measuring device, including conditions in the area surrounding the instrument are called as a) Gross errors b) environmental errors c) Limiting errors d) random errors 4) Static and Dynamic errors are classification of the error? a) Gross errors b) instrumental errors c) Environmental errors d) systematic errors 5) The errors are due to unknown causes and occur even when all systematic errors have been accounted are called as a) Gross errors b) instrumental errors c) Random errors d) environmental errors 6) The Torque developed in a PMMC movement is a) directly proportional to the flux density in the air gap and inversely proportional to Number of turns in the coil b) directly proportional to the flux density in the air gap and inversely proportional to the effective coil area c) Directly proportional to the flux density in the air gap and also directly proportional to The effective coil area d) Directly proportional to the flux density in the air gap and inversely proportional to The current in the coil 7) To decrease the response time, a PMMC movement system is designed to be a) Slightlyover damped b) slightly critically damped c) Slightlyunder damped d) highly under damped 8) Accuracy of a reading of an instrument refers to a) How close the reading is to the previous reading b) How many readings were taken at that point c) The repeatability of the reading d) How close the reading is to actual value 9) In dArsonval galvanometer can have the instrument error due to: a) Humidity b) Friction c) High temperature d) Vibrations in the taut suspension 10) The scale of resistance in an Ohmmeter is nonlinear because the a) relationship between voltage and current is nonlinear b) relationship between voltage and resistance is nonlinear c) relationship between resistance and current is nonlinear d) PMMC movement gives nonlinear readings

11) Which mechanism is used for providing the Galvanometer Damping? a) Mechanical b) electrical c) Electromechanical d) both a and c 12) Temperature compensation in PMMC mechanism is obtained by a) Swamping resistors b) swamping capacitors c) Inductors d) insulators 13) The swamping resistors are made up of a) Copper and zinc c) Magnanin and copper b) manganin and zinc d) none

14) The addition of a series resistor to dArsonvals mechanism will give us a) DC Voltmeter b) DC Ammeter C) DC Ohmmeter d) none 15) The sensitivity of DC voltmeter is expressed in terms of a) Volt per ohms b) ohms per volts c) Ohms per ampere d) none 16) One of the factors of using a R-2R ladder D/A converters is that a) It requires multiple resistors of a single value b) Its accuracy is poorer than that of a weighted resistor D/A converter c) It needs higher value of resistors d) This approach gives larger size of resistors 17) A 4-bit flash A/D converter needs a) 4 analog comparators c) 7 analog comparators b)8 analog comparators d) 15 analog comparators

18) The dynamic range of the 8-bit D/A converter is approximately a) 24 dB b) 16 dB c) 32 dB d) 48 dB 19) One of the factors in favor of using a dual slope A/D converter is that the a) Output generated is independent of the component values of the integrator b) Output generated is dependent of the component values of the integrator c) Output generated is directly proportional to the reference voltage d) Conversion time is inversely proportional to the number of bits of the counter 20) In an ammeter, the shunt resistor is used to a) Decrease the voltage range c) Decrease the current range b) increase the voltage range d) increase the current range

21) The fundamental difference between the pulse and square wave generator concerns a) Pulse width b) pulse period c) Average period d) Duty cycle 22) rising time in pulse wave is the time rise from A) 10% - 90% C) 90% - 10% b) 50% - 100% d) none

23) A function generator is a versatile instrument that delivers ________ waveforms. A) sine b) square c) Triangular d) all the three. 24) The triangular waveform is obtained from function generator at a) Integrator end b) M/V comparator end

c) Resistance and diode end

d) none

25) For higher frequency measurements the analyzer used is a) Frequency selective wave analyzer b) Heterodyne wave analyzer c) Both a & b d) none 26) The operating frequency range of Heterodyne wave analyzer is A) 5K 10 MHz b) 10K 10 MHz C) 10K 18 MHz d) 5K 18 MHz 27) Maxwells bridge is used to measure a) Inductance c) Reactance b) capacitance d) impedance

28) Which bridge circuit is used for high Q values? a) Maxwells bridge b) Hays bridge c) Weins bridge d) Andersons bridge 29) simple sine wave generator consists of two basic blocks a) Oscillator and amplifier b) Amplifier and attenuator c) Attenuator and Oscillator d) None of these 30) Duty cycle for square wave generator is A) 25% c) 50% 31) Triggering in a CRO a) generates the sweep signal b) provides input to the vertical plates c) provides stability in a repeated waveform d) chops the input signal 32) Basic function of a trigger in a CRO is to a) Increase the bandwidth c) Adjust the amplitude b) stabilize repeating waveforms d) adjust the phase b) 75% d) 100%

33) The color of the beam in a CRO is the characteristics of the a) signal being viewed b) primary electrons being emitted from the cathode c) coating material of the screen d) accelerarion voltage 34) The time base of a CRO is developed by a a) sine waveform c) rectangular waveform b) square waveform d) sawtooth waveform

35) The input impedance of a general purpose CRO must a) be high b) be low c) appear capacitive d) appear inductive 36) The X-Y recorder records a) the parameters on digital display b) one parameter with reference to the other parameter c) one parameter on the x-axis and the other parameter as time on the y-axis. d) one parameter on the y-axis and the other parameter as time on the x-axis. 37) A modern paperless recorder can be

a) a circular chart display c) a graphics display

b) an alarm display d) all of the above

38) The methods used for magnetic tape recording are a) direct recording b) frequency modulating recording c) pulse duration modulation recording d) all the three 39) The time period for which the trace remains on the screen after the signal becomes zero is known as a) consistence b) persistence c) efficiency d) none 40) The deflection on the screen will be more if the a) deflection voltage is decreased b) accelerating voltage is increased c) distance between the deflection plates is increased d) distance from the center of the deflection plates to screen is increased 41) SINAD is used to measure____________________. a) receiver sensitivity b) receiver selectivity c) both a & b d) none 42) The IEEE 488 was evolved at first by a) MICROSOFT c) HP 43) IEEE 488 standard is __________________. a) long distance system c) medium distance system 44) Number of management lines in IEEE 488 is a) 4 c) 5 45) Handshake lines in IEEE 488 are a) NRFD, NDAC & ATN c) NRFD, NDAC & DAV 46) EOI line is used by a) talker c) controller 47) IFC line is used by a) talker c) controller 48) SRQ line is used by a) talker c) controller b) IBM d) none b) short distance system d) none b) 3 d) 8 b) NRFD, IFC & DAV d) ATN, IFC & SRQ. b) listener d) none b) listener d) both a & b b) listener d) any device

49) How many test equipment should be connect via IEEE 488 a) <15 b) >15 c) 15 d) 16 50) Electronic weighing system has advantage of a) accuracy b) less error c) efficient d) a & b & c

51) The purpose of instruments is to a) Allow measurements to be made c)change signals

b) transmit information d) any of above

52) The measurements refer to which of the following a)primary signal b)measured variable c)output d)all of above 53) Errors which may be variable both in magnitude and nature are classified as a)hysteresis errors b)random errors c)systematic errors d)interaction errors 54) A true rms reading voltmeter uses two thermocouples in order a)to increase sensitivity b)to prevent drift in d.c. amplifier c)second cancels out non-linear effect of first d)all of the above 55) In an electronics ohmmeter, an OP-AMP is used as a a)summer b)multiplier c)buffer amplifier d)integrator 56) A PMMC meter has an internal resistance 200 and the current required for its full scale deflection is 50A. The meter is capable of measuring on its own, a maximum voltage of a)5mV b)10mV c)5V d)10V 57) In a CRT the focusing anode is located a)between pre-accelerating and accelerating anodes b)after accelerating anode c)before pre-accelerating anode d)none of above 58) An aquadag is used in CRO to collect a)primary electrons c)both 1 & 2 59) Frequency can be measured by using a)Maxwells bridge c)HeavisideCampbell bridge b)secondary emission electrons d)none of above b)Schering bridge d)Wiens bridge

60) In signal generators a)energy is created b)energy is generated c)energy is converted from D.C. to A.C. at specific frequency d)all of above 61) A random noise generator produces a signal a)whose amplitude varies randomly c)has an unpredictable power spectrum b)which has no periodic frequenc d)all of above

62) The DArsonval meter movement can be converted into an audio frequency A.C. ammeter by adding a .. to it a)thermocouple b)rectifier c)chopper d)transducer 63) Digital instruments are those which a)have numerical readout c)have a circuitry if digital design b)use LED or LCD displays d)use deflection type meter movement

64) The main difference between the electronic and electrical instruments is that an electronics instrument caontains a)an electronic device b)a transducer c)digital readout d)electrons

65) The essential elements of an electronic instruments a)transducer b)signal conditioner c)indicating device d)all of the above 66) Piezoelectric crystals are used for measurements of .. changes a)static b)dynamic c)static and dynamic d)any of these 67) Capacitive trnasducers are normally employed for .. measurements a)static b)dynamic c)static and dynamic d)transient 68) Thermocouples are transducers a)active b)passive c)adhesive d)both a & c 69) A resistance thermometer is basically a/an a)active transducer c)potentiometer b)passive transducer d)none of these

70) For surface temperature measurements one can use a)strain gauges b)diaphragm c)RTD d)thermocouple 71) LVDT can be used for a)vibration measurement c)force measurement in beam b)angular velocity measurement d)load measurementon a column d)current

72) A halls effect pick up can be used for measuring a)pressure b)magnetic flux c)relative humidity

73) The transducer that converts the input signal into the output signal, which is a continuos function of time, is known as .. a)active b)passive c)analog d)digital 74) Certain types of materials generate an electrostatic charge or voltage when mechanical force is applied across the,. Such materials are called the a) Piezo-electric b)photo electric c)thermo-electric d)none of these 75) Seismic transducer is used for measurement of a)linear velocity b) angular velocity c)acceleration d)pressure 76) A load cell is essentially a a) Strain gauge b)thermistor c)resistive potentiometer d)inductive transducer

77) Which of the following devices cannot be used for measurement of temperature? a)RTD b)Thermocouple c)LVDT d)pyrometer 78) Angular velocity is measured by a)strain gauge b)solarcell c)A.C.tacho-generator d)none of the above

79) A wheatstone bridge circuit using strain gauges can be used for measuring a) Static strains b)dynamic strains c)both a and b d)none of the above 80) The switching time of LEDs is of the order of a)1s b)1ms c)1microsec d)1ns 81) X-Y recorders a)record one quantity with respect to another quantity b)record one quantity with X axis with respect to time on Y axis c)record one quantity with Y axis with respect to time on X axis d)any of the above

82) The operation of a moving-coil current recording instruments is based on a) photo-electric principle b) D Arsonval principle c) piezo-electric principle D) Thermo electric principle 83) Which of the following recorder/display units has the highest frequency response and least response time? A) X-Y plotters b) U.V.recorders c) Pen recorders d) cathode ray oscilloscope 84) The property of the material to continue light emission even after the source of excitation is cutoff is called a) Fluorescence b) persistence c)phosphorescence d) none 85) The modulation percentage can be determined as a) A+B/A-B x100% b) AB/A-B x100% c)A-B/A+B x100% d) A-B/AB x100% Where A is the peak of the modulated envelope B is the minimum 86) Which type of A/D convertor is most often used in data acquisition a)flash b)successive approximation c)both a&b d) none of the above 87) What is the velocity of electrons that have been accelerated through a potential of 2000v? a) 2.65x10^7 m/s b)3x10^8 m/s c)1.24x10^6 m/s d)2.65x10^9 m/s 88) The oscilloscope in which the electron beam splits up and passes through the deflection plates is A) Dual beam B) dual trace c) Storage d) Both a & b 89) If Barkhausen criterion is not satisfied by an oscillator circuit, it will a) Stop oscillating b) produce damped waves continuously c)become an amplifier d) produce high frequency whistles 90) In RC phase shift oscillator circuits A) There is no need for feedback c)Pure sine wave output is possible b) feedback factor is less than unity d) transistor parameters determine oscillation frequency d)high gain

91) Wein-bridge oscillators are based on a)positive feedback b)negative feedback c)The peizo electric effect

92) The wein-bridge oscillators positive feedback circuit is a) An RL circuit b) an LC circuit c) a voltage divider d)a lead-lag circuit 93) A phase shift oscillator has a) Three RC circuits B) three LC circuits c)two RC circuits d)two LC circuits 94) An oscillator whose frequency is changed by a variable dc voltage is known as a) A crystal oscillator b) a VCO c)an Armstrong oscillator d)a piezo-electric filter 95) The main feature of crystal oscillator is a)economy b)reliability c)stability d)high frequency 96) The operation of relaxation oscillator is based on

a) Charging and discharging of a capacitor b) A highly selective resonant circuit

c) a very stable supply voltage d)low power consumption

97) The Duty cycle for a pulse is given by a)pulse width * pulse period b)pulse period/pulse width c)pulse width/pulse period d)2*pulse width/pulse period 98) What wave analyser is used for measurement in RF and Mhz range? a)freq selective wave analyser b) Heterodyne wave analyser c)harmonic wave analyser d)none of the above 99) Total harmonic distortion is given by? a) D=(d1 +d2 +d3 + d4+) b) D=(d1 +d2 +d3 + d4+)^2 c) D=(d1 +d2 +d3 + d4+)^.5 d) D=(d1 +d2 +d3 + d4+)/no. of harmonics above: d1,d2represent the distortion due to each harmonic. 100) What is spectrum analyser used for? a) takinglaplace transform of the signals b) displaying signals in the time domain c) displaying the various power levels in the signal d) displaying signals in the frequency domain 101) What type of generator can be phase locked to an external source? a)function generator b)sweep generator c)std signal generator d)none of the above 102) What type of generator provides an sinusoidal o/p whose freq varies smoothly over an entire freq range?(usually audio) a)sweep generator b)function generator c)std signal generator d)random noise generator 103) Which is the most accurate type of signal generator? a) function generator b)marker generator c)standard signal generator d)random noise generator 104) What type of wave analyser can be used in the audio frequency range? a)digital fourieranalyser b) frequency selective wave analyser c)heterodyne wave analyser d)harmonic distortion analyser 105) What is the approx. freq range for uhf band? a)10=100khz b)300-3000khz c)300-3000mhz d)300-3000ghz 106) What is the reason for significant wave distortion in amplifiers? a)noise of the different components b) non-linear charac of the active devices. c)heat generated at the passive elements d) linear charac of the active devices

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