Lab 0 Manual
Lab 0 Manual
Lab 0 Manual
Objectives: When you have completed this lab, you will be able to:
• Create a new design and take it through the tool flow
• Design a digital logic circuit using gate primitives in schematic capture.
• Apply names to input and output signals.
• Export the schematic to Verilog.
• Simulate the circuit using a Verilog simulator.
• Create stimulus for the simulation.
• Create, and view, waveforms.
• Learn how to obtain help from the lab.
The purpose of this lab is to get you acquainted as quickly as possible to the tool flow we’ll be
using in this course.
If you are an in-person or hybrid student, you must vist the lab. It is located in GWC 273. (GWC
is the Goldwater Center.) Go to the lab and take a selfie in front of the white board with the TA
or UGTA who is on duty. Paste that selfie into your template.
If you are an online student, you must join the zoom office hours for the lab and take a screen
shot showing yourself and the TA or UGTA on duty. Paste that screenshot into your template.
Task 0-1: Build a 2-input XOR gate using AND, OR, and NOT gates in Digital.
Create a folder named Lab0. We’ll place all the files related to this lab in that folder.
NOTE: Digital.jar is not a normal application as it is based on Java. As a result, you may not be
able to click on designs created by Digital to open them. You’ll have to click on the Digital.jar
icon. It may be simpler to put this on your Dock on Mac or create a convenient alias in
Windows. Alternatively, from a command line, you can execute the command:
This will work if you execute this in the folder where Digital.jar is located. The ‘&’ at the end of
the command causes Digital to run in the background so that you are still able to use the same
terminal to do other things.
Otherwise, you must supply the path to Digital.jar. This example shows how to launch it if
Digital.jar is installed in the Applications directory on the Mac:
Finally, if you’ve been working on your lab and save your file and want to reopen it later, you
can add the name of the file:
A few tips. You can zoom in and out with the magnifying glass. Under the “View” menu, is the
selection “Fit to Window” which will zoom to the level where your entire design will fit. (You
may find that “scrolling” up and down on your mouse will also zoom in and out!) If you’ve made
a mistake, no worries – CMD-Z on Mac or CTRL-Z on Windows will undo changes. You can, as
expected, copy and paste as well.
NOTE: If you quit Digital and want to start editing your design again, open Digital.jar and your
design may appear, in which case you are good to go. Otherwise, under the File menu, select
Open, navigate to your design file, which will end with .dig, and select it. Or, as shown above,
start Digital from the command line in a terminal and specify the name of your .dig file.
If you try to open a file and can’t see it in the list but you know it’s there, type its name. As
long as you’re in the correct directory, you should be able to open it. This is true for folder
names as well. There is an issue with Digital/Java on some computers that makes some
folders and files invisible in the area where you’d normally expect to see them. If this
happens, type the name of the folder or file you would have selected in the “File Name” field
and click Open. Alternatively, you can start Digital in a terminal in the lab folder.
First, let’s put in the AND gates. Click on the Components menu at the top of the window and
select AND from the Logic submenu. An AND gate will appear as shown in Figure 3.
Click in the window where you want the AND gate to be placed. Then repeat these steps and
place another AND gate below the first. You’ll also notice that when you’ve used a component,
an icon representing that component appears with the other icons near the top of the window.
You can click on that icon to place another copy of the gate. Alternatively, you can select the
first AND gate and duplicate it with CMD-d on Mac or CTRL-d on Windows, and then place the
second AND gate. Finally, hitting the L key will allow you to place another copy of the last
component you placed. Repeat these steps choosing an OR gate and two NOT gates so that
your schematic is as shown in Figure 4. If you want to undo the most recent change, CMD-z on
Mac or CTRL-z on Windows will do the trick.
Now we need to add the inputs and the output. Under the Components menu is another
submenu, IO, which stands for Input Output. From this submenu, select the Input and place it in
front of the upper inverter. Place another Input just below it. Then place an output to the right
of the OR gate. For reference, see Figure 5. Notice that the shape of the input is square while
the output is round.
Next we need to connect the gates. Each of the items we’ve added have small colored pins on
them. Red pins are outputs from the instances, blue pins are inputs. Click and release on a pin
and move the mouse in the direction you want the connection to go. DO NOT CLICK AND DRAG!
You must click and release – the wire will follow the mouse. If you want the wire to turn, click
where you want the turn to be and head in a new direction. Finally, click on the pin of the gate
you want to connect to. The wire will terminate when you click on another pin. When done,
your design should look like the one in Figure 6. You can also terminate a wire at the last place
you clicked by pressing the ESC key.
To connect a new wire to an existing wire, click on the existing wire where you want the
connection to start and proceed as if you started on a pin.
Wires which cross each other but are not connected have no dot at the point where they cross.
However, when wires which cross are connected, there is a dot.
Note: to delete a wire, use the mouse to select a region which includes at least one of the
endpoints of the segment of the wire to be deleted. The segment(s) of the wire will then be
highlighted and you can delete it. If you select a region where two wires are connected, as
shown by a dot, then both wires will be deleted.
Finally, we need to name the inputs and the output. To bring up the window in Figure 7, right
click on the upper input. On the Mac, holding the CTRL button, click on the upper input. If this
doesn’t work on the Mac, try clicking with two fingers twice; that is, a two-finger double click. In
the Label field, name the input a.
In future, we may want to change the number of bits. However, in this lab, we’ll leave that field
alone and in the Label field put the letter a. Repeat the same steps for the other input, b, and
the output, y. Your schematic should now be as shown in Figure 8.
IMPORTANT: In order for your simulations to work, you MUST use the names specified for
inputs, outputs, and design files.
You’ve now completed your first schematic design. Nice job! Now, let’s save it. On the Mac, hit
CMD-s, on Windows CTRL-s, or select Save under the File menu. Name your file xor_test and
click Save. Make sure the directory where it is saved is Lab0. You may have to click on the folder
in the upper section of the window to select the folder. See Figure 9 for an example where you
must click on the Lab0 folder, which is highlighted in the figure.
Click on the Simulation menu and select Start of Simulation. A shortcut is to click on the triangle
icon to the right of the trash icon. (If you hover over the icons below the menus at the top of
the screen, text pops up to tell you what pressing that icon will do.) Press the one that says,
“Starts the simulation of the circuit”.
When the simulation starts, the wires will change from blue to green. Dark green means the
wire is at logic 0. Light green means it is at logic one. (If you are color blind or would like to
change the color scheme, select Settings under the Edit menu. There is a dropdown menu for
Color-Scheme. Select the scheme you would like or create a custom scheme.)
Click on the inputs to change them. By watching the colors, you can see if the circuit is working
as expected. While handy, we’ll see in future labs that this is not a great way to verify a more
complex circuit. When you are satisfied that the circuit is working, move on to the next task.
End the simulation by clicking on the square icon two spots to the right of the triangle icon used
to start the simulation or select Simulation->Stop Simulation.
Under the File menu, select Export->Export to Verilog. Since you named your design xor_test,
the default name xor_test.v will be provided. Click save. You should now see the Verilog file on
your computer.
You have been provided with two files: xor_top.v and xor_stim.txt. Make sure they are in the
Lab0 folder. The xor_top.v file will instantiate your design, apply the test stimulus found in
xor_stim.txt, and check the results against the expected responses which are also in
xor_stim.txt. You may look in these files, but do not change them. In the future, you’ll create
your own stimulus and expected response files!
The xor_stim.txt file provides 8 bits per line since each of the hexadecimal digits represents 4
bits. We use 4 bits to make it easier to see the values at a glance. The left digit holds the
expected output. The right digit is the stimulus to apply; that is, the input values. Since there
are two inputs and one output, this means that 5 of the bits are not used. Table 1 shows how
each bit is used.
On the Mac, open the Terminal program, which is found in /Applications/Utilities. Navigate
using the cd command to the folder where your circuit is located. For example, if the Lab0
folder is on your Desktop, type “cd Desktop/Lab0” and you’ll be where you need to be. If it’s in
your Documents folder in a subfolder named EEE120, type “cd Documents/EEE120/Lab0”. To
see what is in the current folder, type “ls”. (That’s a lower case L.)
On Windows, open the Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell. Navigate using the “cd”
command to the folder where your circuit is located. For example, if the Lab0 folder is on your
Desktop, type “cd Desktop/Lab0” and you’ll be where you need to be. If it’s in your Documents
folder in a subfolder named EEE120, type “cd Documents/EEE120/Lab0”. To see what is in the
current folder, type “dir”.
On both Windows and Mac you can use the tab key to auto-complete file and directory names
and to browse through alternatives.
To simulate the design, type the following command in the terminal. Make sure the files
xor_stim.txt and xor_top.v, which you were provided, are in the Lab0 directory.
iverilog will create an executable file called xor.exe. Now we need to run it by typing the
following command in the terminal. On the Mac, type:
On Windows, type:
vvp xor.exe
Finally, we need to look at the waves. On the Mac, launch the GTKWave application. Under File,
select “Open New Tab”. Alternatively, on Mac press CMD-T or on Windows CTRL-T. Select the
file xor_waves.vcd. You may have to navigate to the Lab0 folder.
Notice where it says xor_top in the upper left area. Click on the small triangle (on Mac) or the
small + (on Windows) to the left of xor_top. You’ll see xor_test. This is your design. This is the
instance name we’ve given to your circuit. You can see the two inputs and the output of your
circuit in the lower area on the left. If you double click on each of the signal names, waves will
appear in the window. You can examine the waves to see if your circuit is behaving correctly.
Figure 11 shows how your waves should appear.
When you are satisfied that the waves are correct for the XOR function, take a screen shot of
the entire window.
Create a video showing your schematic in Digital, and your waveforms. Be sure to show yourself
in the video and show your screen. Place a link to the video in your template. Be sure to include
any required password or to set permissions so that everybody can see your video. (The easiest
method to create a video is to use Zoom. Make sure you record to the cloud! Shortly after you
complete the video, Zoom will send you an email with a link and a password. Be sure to paste
BOTH the link and the password into your template. Other methods of creating your recording
may be used. But remember that if the grader can’t watch your video, you’ll lose the
corresponding points.)
Make sure all of your files are in the Lab0 directory. Create a zip file of the Lab0 directory. Turn
in the zip file and your completed template. (Double check that you turned in the completed
template and NOT the blank one you downloaded. Unfortunately, turning in the wrong
template file is a common mistake.)
If you did turn in the wrong file, no worries! Just turn in everything again. Canvas may change
the file names, but don’t worry about that. Just make sure you turn in both files even If only
one of them was the wrong one. The grader will look at the latest submission. (If the deadline
has already passed, you won’t be able to submit again, so double check!)
Turn in your template as a PDF. If you turn in any other format, it might not be graded!