Int. Comm. Arbitration Sem 9
Int. Comm. Arbitration Sem 9
Int. Comm. Arbitration Sem 9
2. Meaning of International:
A. To address global legal disputes effectively and speedily, International Arbitration
helps parties to enter into an arbitration agreement and resolve their disputes
3. UNCITRAL Model Law, 1985:
The term "commercial" should be given a wide interpretation so as
to cover matters arising from all relationships of a commercial nature,
whether contractual or not. Relationships of a commercial nature include,
but are not limited to, the following transactions: any trade transaction for
the supply or exchange of goods or services; distribution agreement;
commercial representation or agency; factoring; leasing; construction of
works; consulting; engineering; licensing; investment; financing; banking;
insurance; exploitation agreement or concession; joint venture and other
forms of industrial or business co-operation; carriage of goods or passengers
by air, sea, rail or road.
11. Advantages:
A. Faster and easier than litigation
B. Less formal and cheaper
C. Accessible to everyone as parties may choose the arbitrator and seat
D. More confidential than court
E. Easier to enforce across borders than court judgements as most countries have
signed the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of
Arbitral awards.
12. Commercial Arbitration has several defining characteristics:
A. Arbitration is consensual, the parties must agree to arbitrate their differences.
B. Arbitrations are resolved by non-governmental decision makers, arbitrators do
not act as government agents, but private persons selected by the parties.
C. Arbitration produces a definitive and binding award, which is capable of
enforcement through national courts.
13. Justice Vijender Jain: an arbitration relating to a commercial dispute which has at
least one of the parties belonging to a foreign country.
14. There are three ways of establishing the international character of arbitration.
Arbitration may be international because:
A. its subject matter or its procedure or its organisation is international; or
B. the parties involved are connected with different jurisdictions; or
C. there is a combination of both.
15. .
Concept and Nature - Sovereign States, Claims Commissions,
and Tribunals.
Kinds of Arbitration
2. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, does not mention the words 'Seat' or
'Venue.' However, these terms are commonly used in commercial agreements instead
of the word 'Place.' Interestingly, the Act does refer to the 'Place of arbitration' under
Section 20, but commercial agreements generally avoid using this term.
6. The Law commission in its 246th report had recommended certain amendments to
the arbitration and conciliation act, 1996 to clear dispel the confusion of venue and seat.
A. Amendment of Section 2
- Insert S2(1)(hh): “seat of the arbitration” means the juridical seat of the
B. Amendment of Section 20
- delete the word “Place” and add the words “Seat and Venue” before the
words “of arbitration”.
9. The Supreme court in BGS SGS SOMA JV v. NHPC, held that when the 'venue' of
arbitration is specified and no significant contrary indications exist, the designated
'venue' should be considered the 'seat' of the arbitration proceedings."
10. Hence, they are interchangeable unless specifically contradicted.
Mod 2: arb agreement and its validity
Submission Agreement
Multi-Party Arbitrations
1. Arbitration is a vehicle of dispute resolution in which parties to a contract select a neutral
arbitrator (s) to present their dispute for a legally binding ruling.
2. Arbitrations are resolved by non-governmental decision makers; arbitrators do not act as
government agents, but private persons selected by the parties.
3. The arbitrators should discuss with the counsel what steps should be taken to resolve
the dispute so that both the parties are satisfied with the procedure.
4. The 1996 Act provides extensive guidelines for various steps of the process of the
A. appointment of an arbitrator in Section 10 and Section 11,
B. the conditions under which an entity can be appointed as an arbitrator, the
conditions failing which the appointment of the arbitrator can be challenged,
under Section 12 and Section 13.
C. procedure and grounds for the removal of an arbitrator and the termination of
their mandate.
D. procedure for the substitution of the removed arbitrators in Section 15.
5. The arbitration procedure is incomplete without a neutral party to oversee and resolve
the dispute.
6. Arbitrators are independent, just and impartial third party entities unrelated to the
dispute at hand, appointed to pass an award that resolves the issue.
7. Section 18 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act states that the parties to the dispute
must be treated with equality, and the arbitrators must provide them with full
opportunities to present their sides.
Case law
arshan Motor vehicle pvt ltd in their dealership dispute with Anu, declares X as a party
appointed arbitrator.
Anu appoints Mr.Y as party appointed arbitrator.
X and Y jointly appointed Mr.Z as a presiding arbitrator to the dispute in the proceedings.
W&W pvt ltd, a financial institution known for third party funding for Arbitration funded
Darshan for covering their cost of arbitration.
So Mr.X is a stockholder of W&W on disclosure of the third party information by the
party. Challenging Mr.X and his removal, can it be sustained?
5. .
Powers of Arbitrators
1. Conduct the arbitration
2. Ensure that each party has the right to be heard, present evidence, and cross-examine
3. Impose sanctions for misconduct or bad faith
4. Administer oaths to parties and witnesses
5. Make awards
6. Seek court assistant
7. Administer interrogatories
8. Proceed ex-parte
1. Article 17: Power of arbitral tribunal to order interim measures
(1) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitral tribunal may, at the
request of a party, grant interim measures.
(2) An interim measure is any temporary measure, whether in the form of an award
or in another form, by which, at any time prior to the issuance of the award by
which the dispute is finally decided, the arbitral tribunal orders a party to:
(a) Maintain or restore the status quo pending determination of the dispute;
(b) Take action that would prevent, or refrain from taking action that is likely
to cause, current or imminent harm or prejudice to the arbitral process
(c) Provide a means of preserving assets out of which a subsequent
award may be satisfied; or
(d) Preserve evidence that may be relevant and material to the resolution of
the dispute.
2. Article 26(2):
If any of the parties, although duly summoned, fails to appear without valid excuse,
the arbitral tribunal shall have the power to proceed with the hearing
3. Article 28(2):
Before the file is transmitted to the arbitral tribunal, and in appropriate circumstances
even thereafter, the parties may apply to any competent judicial authority for interim or
conservatory measures.
The application of a party to a judicial authority for such measures or for the
implementation of any such measures ordered by an arbitral tribunal shall not be
deemed to be an infringement or a waiver of the arbitration agreement and shall not
affect the relevant powers reserved to the arbitral tribunal.
Any such application and any measures taken by the judicial authority must be
notified without delay to the Secretariat. The Secretariat shall inform the arbitral
tribunal thereof.
A. Order interim measures
B. Not be deterred by such measures
C. Informed of application interim measures
4. .
Duties of Arbitrators
1. Maintaining confidentiality
2. Resolving disputed efficiently
3. Setting a time and place
4. Determining the rules
5. Regulating the hearing
6. Making an award
7. Avoiding misconduct
4. Article 7(5):
A. Any Request for Joinder made after the confirmation or appointment of any
arbitrator shall be decided by the arbitral tribunal once constituted and shall be
subject to the additional party accepting the constitution of the arbitral
tribunal and agreeing to the Terms of Reference, where applicable.
B. In deciding on such a Request for Joinder, the arbitral tribunal shall take into
account all relevant circumstances, which may include whether the arbitral
tribunal has prima facie jurisdiction over the additional party, the timing of
the Request for Joinder, possible conflicts of interests and the impact of the
joinder on the arbitral procedure.
C. Any decision to join an additional party is without prejudice to the arbitral
tribunal’s decision as to its jurisdiction with respect to that party.
Review: AI generated
1. The review process for arbitral awards varies significantly across jurisdictions but
generally focuses on ensuring that the arbitration was conducted fairly and according to
agreed-upon rules.
2. In many cases, national courts have limited grounds for reviewing arbitral awards,
primarily checking for:
A. Public Policy Violations: Courts may refuse to enforce an award if it
contravenes fundamental principles of public policy in the jurisdiction where
enforcement is sought.
B. Procedural Fairness: This includes ensuring that both parties had a fair
opportunity to present their case and that the arbitrators acted within their
(2) Recognition and enforcement of an arbitral award may also be refused if the
competent authority in the country where recognition and enforcement is
sought finds that:
(a) The subject matter of the difference is not capable of settlement by
arbitration under the law of that country; or
(b) The recognition or enforcement of the award would be contrary to the
public policy of that country.
4. In the United States,the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) governs arbitration and
provides limited grounds for vacating an arbitral award, such as evident partiality or
misconduct by arbitrators. U.S. courts typically uphold arbitral awards unless there are
significant procedural flaws or violations of public policy.
Conflict Rules and the Search for the Applicable Law; Other
Applicable Rules and Guidelines and Challenges
1. Ma'am said: UNCITRAL Model law and 1996 act but write them wrt below information
2. The law and practice of international commercial arbitration suggests that there are at
least five systems of law that are relevant and have a bearing on the process and
the outcome of arbitration, which are as follows:
A. law governing the contract
B. law governing the arbitration agreement
C. law governing the arbitral proceedings
D. law governing the capacity of parties to sign and get into an arbitration
agreement; and
E. the law governing the land of enforcement of arbitral awards.
3. Out of these, as a matter of best practice, at least the
A. law governing the contract
B. law governing the arbitration agreement
C. law governing the arbitral proceedings
are expressly mentioned in a contract itself, which then makes it easier to
determine the laws governing capacity of the parties and enforcement of
4. Problems arise when any of the first three are not expressly provided for in the text
of the contract, because then the tribunals generally rely upon a number of doctrines,
tests and theories to pinpoint the same.
4. When the parties do not state the law governing the agreement, the two positions
broadly taken are:
A. the law governing the main contract governs the arbitration agreement; and
B. the law of the seat of the Arbitral Tribunal governs the arbitration agreement
5. The position earlier was more in favour of the seat of the Tribunal, which is now
however slowly changing with time.
6. The UN Working Group which also drafted the UNCITRAL Model Law on International
Commercial Arbitration started with the assertion that when the parties have not
expressly provided for any law to determine the substantive validity of the arbitration
agreement itself, then the law of the seat of the Arbitral Tribunal must apply for the
7. The same rule can also be inferred from Article 31(3) and Article V(1) of the New
York Convention.
8. The primary rationale behind adopting such a position is because the law of the seat of
the Tribunal has the “real and close” connection with arbitration.
9. The argument of severability of the arbitration agreement from the contract also
added to their favour to argue for two different laws for contract and the arbitration
10. Notwithstanding, there have been cases where it has been held by courts from most of
the countries that regardless of where the seat of arbitration is, the law governing the
underlying contract will extend to the arbitration agreement in the absence of an
express choice, since it acts as a tacit choice. This line of argument is to see the
contract as a whole and not in bits and parts.
11. The tension was prevalent in English Law as well.
12. The initial understanding was in favour of adopting the law of the seat of the Tribunal
as the law of the arbitration agreement as well based on the understanding of “real and
close connection” test.
13. This was, however, changed in Sulamérica Cia Nacional de Seguros SA v. Enesa
Engelharia SA that gave primacy to the law of the contract and held that to be the
proper law of the arbitration agreement as well. The same was upheld later by
subsequent cases because the same was taken as an “implied” choice of law in C v.
14. In India as well, there has been confusion with regard to the same, however in a
different order.
15. India initially recognised the principle of extending the law of the underlying contract
to the law of the arbitration agreement through
A. NTPC v. Singer Co., 1992
B. Videocon Industries Ltd. v. Union of India, 2011
C. Yograj Infrastructure Ltd. v. Ssang Yong Engg. & Construction Co Ltd., 2011
16. The line of reasoning adopted by the courts in these cases were similar in that argued
that the contract must be seen as a whole; choice of law of contract creates a
“strong indication of parties’ intention of implied choice; it is rare and exceptional to
have it any other way, etc.
17. However, just along with this model of argument developed its counter that the law of the
seat determines the law applicable to arbitration agreement.
18. In Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd. v. Aksh Optifiber Ltd., 2005, it was recognised that the
closest and real connection would make the seat of the tribunal to be made
19. In UOI v. Reliance Industries, and Roger Shashuoa v. Mukesh Sharma, the Courts
adopted the arguments of severability of the main contract from the arbitration
agreement and the real and close connection to the arbitration test in essence.
20. In this context, Bhatia International v. Bulk Trading SA created more confusion by
making Part 1 applicable to almost all international commercial contracts with
some connection to India unless specifically excluded.
21. While Bharat Aluminium Co. v. Kaiser Aluminium Technical Services Inc. came in to
rectify Bhatia, it referred to the New York Convention and turned down the position to
a “seat-centric” from “contract-centric” approach, which has remained somewhat
constant since then.
22. So, even though India roughly follows a seat-centric approach as of now, the
position regarding the same is still undecided and uncertain.
23. In Sulamérica Cia Nacional de Seguros SA and others v. Enesa Engelharia SA and
others, 2013, the Court came up with a three-tiered step-wise inquiry to be followed
for the determination of the proper law of arbitration agreement setting hierarchy
between the three tests:
A. The express law chosen by the parties; or,
B. The implied law that indicates their choice and intention; or,
C. The law to which there is a real and close connection to the arbitration.
24. .
6. In India, the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 governs the enforcement of
arbitral proceedings regarding the domestic and International Commercial
Arbitration conducted in India as well as the execution of foreign awards.
7. The 1996 Act has two main parts,
A. Part I deals with any arbitration as far as the seat of arbitration is in India.
B. Part II deals with the enforcement of foreign awards mostly.
8. The 1996 Act is mostly based on the UNCITRAL Model Law and the UNCITRAL
Rules 1976.
9. For the enforcement of arbitral awards, there is the United Nations Convention on
the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, 1958.
A. It is the most successful treaty in private international law.
B. This Convention shall apply to the recognition and enforcement of arbitral
awards made in the territory of a State other than the State where the
recognition and enforcement of such awards are sought.
10. If enforcement of an arbitral award is required, the New York Convention on the
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards will apply
11. UNCITRAL Model Law works with the New York Convention so that the provisions
on making an enforceable award or asking a court to set it aside or not enforce it, are the
same under the Model Law and the New York Convention.
12. The Model Law does not replace the Convention; it works with it.
13. An award made in a country that is not a signatory to the Convention cannot take
advantage of the Convention to enforce that award in the 169 contracting states
unless there is bilateral recognition, whether or not the arbitration was held under the
provisions of the UNCITRAL Model Law.
14. Limitations:
A. The Act was based on the UNCITRAL Model Law, which was primarily intended
for international commercial arbitration.
B. However, the Act applied similar provisions to domestic arbitration between
Indian nationals, which caused difficulties for purely domestic arbitration.
C. The limited grounds for challenging an award under Section 34 and Section
37 felt insufficient for domestic arbitration cases where arbitrators might not
be well-versed in the law.
15. Harmonisation:
A. The United Nations Commissions on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
adopted the Model law on International Commercial Arbitration in 1985.
B. The General Assembly of the United Nations has recommended that all
countries give due consideration to the said Model Law in view of the
desirability of uniformity of the law of arbitral procedures and the specific
needs of international commercial arbitration practice.
C. The UNCITRAL also adopted a set of Conciliation Rules in 1980. The General
Assembly of the United Nations has recommended the use of these Rules in
cases where the disputes arise in the context of international commercial
relations and the parties seek amicable settlement of their disputes by recourse
to conciliation.
D. An important feature of the said UNCITRAL Model Law and Rules is that they
have harmonised concepts on arbitration and conciliation of different legal
systems of the world and thus contain provisions which are designed for
universal application.
E. The UNCITRAL Model Law and Rules, though, are intended to deal with
international commercial arbitration and conciliation; they could, with
appropriate modifications, serve as a model for legislation on domestic
arbitration and conciliation.
F. In India, in order to consolidate and amend the law relating to domestic
arbitration, international commercial arbitration, enforcement of foreign arbitral
awards and to define the law relating to conciliation, taking into account the
Model Law and Conciliation Rules adopted by the UNCITRAL, the President of
India promulgated three ordinances that led to the 1996 Act.
16. Guru Nanak Foundations v Rattan Singh & Sons and Food Corporation of India v
Joginderpal Mohinderpal
A. The Indian Arbitration Act is based on the UNCITRAL Model law 1985 and is the
result of recommendations for reform, particularly concerning improving the
efficiency of the arbitral process.
17. Preamble of the act:
A. WHEREAS the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
(UNCITRAL) has adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law on International
Commercial Arbitration in 1985;
B. AND WHEREAS the said Model Law and Rules make significant contribution to
the establishment of a unified legal framework for the fair and efficient settlement
of disputes arising in international commercial relations;
18. UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules provide basic mechanics of conducting arbitration by
giving simple, clear procedural rules that can be applied in an arbitration.
19. Several provisions of UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules are already present in pari materia
form in the A&C Act, 1996.
A. Article 22 of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration
enables the arbitrator to determine the language of the arbitration, subject to
the choice of the parties and hence also in Section 22 of the A&C Act, 1996.
However, not all the rules in the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules have the same or
similar linkages to the provisions of the A&C Act, 1996.
B. Article 23 of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration,
which merely prescribes that the claimant in its SOC shall state “… facts
supporting his claim, the points at issue and the relief or remedy sought”, where
the details required by Section 23 of the A&C Act, 1996 for SOC and SOD are
"the claimant shall state the facts supporting his claim, the points at issue and the
relief or remedy sought, and the respondent shall state his defense in respect of
these particulars, unless the parties have otherwise agreed as to the required
elements of those statements".
20. .
(2) Enforcement of an arbitral award may also be refused if the Court finds that—
(a) the subject-matter of the difference is not capable of settlement by
arbitration under the law of India; or
(b) the enforcement of the award would be contrary to the public policy of
Explanation 1: For the avoidance of any doubt, it is clarified that an award
is in conflict with the public policy of India, only if,—
A. (i) the making of the award was induced or affected by fraud or
corruption or was in violation of section 75 or section 81; or
B. (ii) it is in contravention with the fundamental policy of Indian
law; or
C. (iii) it is in conflict with the most basic notions of morality or
Explanation 2: For the avoidance of doubt, the test as to whether there is
a contravention with the fundamental policy of Indian law shall not entail a
review on the merits of the dispute.
(3) If an application for the setting aside or suspension of the award has been
made to a competent authority referred to in clause (e) of sub-section (1) the
Court may, if it considers it proper, adjourn the decision on the enforcement of
the award and may also, on the application of the party claiming enforcement
of the award, order the other party to give suitable security.
2. The amendments brought in the year 2015 saw significant alterations in Sections 34
and 48 of the Act.
3. While both Sections 34 & 48 of the Act have the same definition of the phrase "public
policy", however, the scope of the ground of "public policy" to challenge a Foreign
Award or a domestic award rendered in an International Commercial Arbitration
having seat in India, differs from those applicable to a domestic award.
4. In an international commercial arbitration held in India, the reasons for challenge under
the ground of public policy would be the same as the ground for refusing to
implement a foreign judgement in India.
5. Pursuant to the amendment of 2015, "patent illegality" grounds appearing on the face
of an award no longer apply to an award rendered in international commercial
7. Campos Brothers Farms v. Matru Bhumi Supply Chain Pvt. Limited and Ors
A. The Court does not have the power to modify the Award in the process of its
B. The only limited power is in the proviso to Section 48(1)(c) of the Act, wherein the
Court may separate the part of the Award which contains a decision on matters
submitted to arbitration from the one which was beyond the scope of the
submission to arbitration, and enforce only that portion of the Award.
C. This clearly shows the limited interference by the court in cases of Foreign
Investment Arbitration
1. Investment arbitration is a mechanism for resolving disputes between foreign investors
and host states
2. It allows investors to seek compensation if a state's actions have adversely
impacted their investments, potentially violating international agreements.
D. Bilateral and multilateral agreements, such as, North American Free Trade
- Between US, Canada and Mexico
- Signed in 1992, effect in 1994
- To eliminate trade barriers and promote trade
- NAFTA immediately lifted tariffs on the majority of goods produced by the
signatory nations.
- Established a free-trade zone in North America;
4. International centre for settlement of investment disputes Convention, 1965:
A. Article 1: The purpose of the Centre shall be to provide facilities for
conciliation and arbitration of investment disputes between Contracting
States and nationals of other Contracting States in accordance with the
provisions of this Convention.
B. Article 25: The jurisdiction of the Centre shall extend to any legal dispute
arising directly out of an investment, between a Contracting State (or any
constituent subdivision or agency of a Contracting State designated to the
Centre by that State) and a national of another Contracting State, which the
parties to the dispute consent in writing to submit to the Centre. When the
parties have given their consent, no party may withdraw its consent
C. Article 25(1) requires that the dispute must be a “legal dispute arising directly
out of an investment.” The expression “legal dispute” has been used to make
clear that while conflicts of rights are within the jurisdiction of the Centre,
mere conflicts of interests are not.
D. The dispute must concern the existence or scope of a legal right or obligation, or
the nature or extent of the reparation to be made for breach of a legal obligation.
E. Article 18: The Centre shall have full international legal personality. The legal
capacity of the Centre shall include the capacity:
(a) to contract;
(b) to acquire and dispose of movable and immovable property;
(c) to institute legal proceedings.
F. Article 19: To enable the Centre to fulfil its functions, it shall enjoy in the
territories of each Contracting State the immunities and privileges set forth in
this Section.
G. Article 20: The Centre, its property and assets shall enjoy immunity from all
legal process, except when the Centre waives this immunity.
Construction Arbitration
1. UNCITRAL Model Law, 1985: The term “commercial” should be given a wide
interpretation so as to cover matters arising from all relationships of a commercial
nature, whether contractual or not. Relationships of a commercial nature include, but
are not limited to, the following transactions: any trade transaction for the supply or
exchange of goods or services; distribution agreement; commercial representation or
agency; factoring; leasing; construction of works; consulting; engineering; licensing;
investment; fi nancing; banking; insurance; exploitation agreement or concession; joint
venture and other forms of industrial or business cooperation; carriage of goods or
passengers by air, sea, rail or road.
2. India does not have specific courts/judges specialising in construction arbitration.
3. However, the Commercial Courts Act, 2015 has established commercial courts and
commercial divisions in a high court having original jurisdiction, which are empowered to
adjudicate commercial disputes including disputes arising out of a construction contract.
4. Further, pursuant to the Specific Relief (Amendment) Act, 2018, certain civil courts are
to be designated as special courts, which will deal with suits filed under the Specific
Relief Act, 1963 in respect of contracts relating to infrastructure projects.
5. However, to date, only a few states like Rajasthan and Karnataka have constituted
special courts for infrastructure projects.
11. In M/s Divyam Real Estate Pvt. Ltd. v. M/s M2K Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.,
A. The present petition, filed under Section 34 of the Arbitration and Conciliation
Act 1996, seeks to set aside the arbitral award dated 07.03.2012.
B. The dispute originated when the Petitioner breached a contract with the
Respondent, with whom they had an MoU to construct ‘R-3 Mall’ in Ahmedabad,
C. The Respondent alleged the Petitioner breached the MoU by contracting with a
third party, leading to the Respondent’s contract termination and subsequent
arbitration claim.
D. The Arbitrator directed the Petitioner to pay Rs. 24,54,458/- with 12% annual
interest, covering Rs. 4,54,458/- for advertisement expenses and Rs.
20,00,000/- for ‘loss of profit.’
E. The Petitioner challenged the award, citing a judgment requiring proof of lost
profit opportunities.
F. The Respondent maintained that the loss calculation was based on market
evaluations, with sufficient evidence supporting the award.
G. Setting aside of arbitration awards on ground being that the learned Arbitrator
did not proceed to on the basis of the evidence on record, that was available
inter alia by way of the evidence tendered before him.
H. The arbitrator cannot award any remittance under the pretext of offering
supplementary reasons or bridging gaps in the rationale, especially when the
award lacks findings on contentious issues.
13. Conventions:
A. ICSID Convention
- Article 25(2)(a) of the ICSID Convention disqualifies an individual from
being an investor if they are a national of both the home state and the
host state.
B. International Construction Arbitration Conference
- This annual conference is held in London, UK and brings together
construction law practitioners to discuss the most pressing issues in the
C. ICC YAAF conference
- International Chamber of Commerce - Young Arbitration and ADR Forum
- This online conference was held on May 27, 2021 to discuss construction
disputes in Romania and Moldova.
- The conference included two panel discussions
14. .
Maritime Arbitration
1. Maritime arbitration is a recognised branch of dispute resolution in international trade
and commerce.
2. Maritime affairs to which consensually agreed dispute resolution may apply arise from
the diversity of activity concerning the affairs of the sea:
A. the financing, building, sale and acquisition of ships,
B. the deployment of ships,
C. the carriage of goods by sea,
D. the insurance of ships, cargo and other marine adventures and
E. the other contractual relationships arising from the use of ships, eg salvage.
3. Historically, London and New York have been the dominant traditional centres of
maritime arbitration.
4. In recent years, Singapore and China have gone to significant lengths to develop
arbitral systems and to encourage the maritime community to use their venues for the
resolution of maritime disputes.
5. The economic growth of the Asia-Pacific region and the consequent increase in
trade flows to the region is being followed by a desire of the maritime community in
that region to resolve their disputes locally.
10. The council for maritime arbitration shall consist of following nominees:
A. Indian Council of Arbitration: 2
B. Ministry of Shipping: 2
C. Ministry of Law & Justice: 1
D. Indian National Shipowners’ Association: 1
E. Shipping Corporation of India: 1
F. New Delhi Shipbrokers’ Association: 1
G. Representative of P & I Correspondents (To be nominated by the President, ICA):
H. Representative of Steamer Agents (To be nominated by the President, ICA): 1
11. The Maritime Arbitration Committee shall maintain a panel of Maritime Arbitrators,
who have a stature and reputation in the maritime world as knowledgeable and impartial
persons of integrity and objective approach.
12. Function of Maritime Arbitration Committee
A. empanelling arbitrators
B. providing guidance to arbitrators and parties
C. Determine the scales of arbitrator’s fee, registration fees and administration
charges from time to time
D. Publishing of arbitral award
E. Appointing arbitrators
F. Decide the applicability of these rules in relation to a dispute referred to it
G. Review the progress of cases
13. Maritime arbitration has witnessed great success in the field of arbitration and have
pushed international maritime trade to further progress and prosperity.
14. International Commercial Arbitration is the umbrella under which maritime arbitration lies.
This can be said because it relates to international trade such as transferring money,
goods and services across the borders between private players or between them and
one of the public entities.
Sports Arbitration
1. Sports arbitration can broadly be defined as a method of resolving sport-related disputes
by a final and binding arbitral decision.
2. Presently, arbitration has been firmly established as the predominant method for
resolution of sports disputes, mainly thanks to the uniform practice and abundant,
publicly-available case law of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (the “CAS”), based in
Lausanne, Switzerland, colloquially referred to as the Supreme Court for sports
3. It was established in 1984.
4. The CAS has its own set of procedural rules called the “Code of Sports-related
Arbitration and Mediation Rules” (the “CAS Code”).
5. The CAS Code is divided into two main sections.
6. The first part sets out the statutes of the International Council for Arbitration for Sport
(the “ICAS”) and CAS (Articles S1–S26); whereas the second part contains the
Procedural Rules (Articles R27–R70), divided as follows:
A. General Provisions (Section A)
B. Special Provisions Applicable to the Ordinary Arbitration Procedure (Section B)
C. Special Provisions Applicable to the Appeal Arbitration Procedure (Section C)
7. Any arbitrable dispute directly or indirectly linked to sport may be submitted to the
CAS. This is explicitly provided in Article R27 of the CAS Code:
R27 Application of the Rules
A. These Procedural Rules apply whenever the parties have agreed to refer a
sports-related dispute to CAS. Such reference may arise out of an arbitration
clause contained in a contract or regulations or by reason of a later arbitration
agreement (ordinary arbitration proceedings) or may involve an appeal against a
decision rendered by a federation, association or sports-related body where
the statutes or regulations of such bodies, or a specific agreement provide for
an appeal to CAS (appeal arbitration proceedings).
B. Such disputes may involve matters of principle relating to sport or matters of
pecuniary or other interests relating to the practice or the development of
sport and may include, more generally, any activity or matter related or
connected to sport.
16. Conventions
A. Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)
- The CAS is an independent body that resolves sports-related disputes
through arbitration or mediation.
- The CAS has three divisions: Ordinary Arbitration, Anti-doping, and
Appeals Arbitration.
- The CAS is located in Lausanne, Switzerland.
B. International Council of Arbitration for Sport (ICAS)
- The ICAS is an administration and financing body that supports the CAS.
- The ICAS is also responsible for facilitating the resolution of
sports-related disputes through arbitration or mediation.
- The ICAS is located in Lausanne, Switzerland.
17. .
IPR Arbitration
1. Recently, arbitration is favoured for dispute resolution of IPR matters which is practised
by entering an arbitration clause while executing the intellectual property contracts.
2. Several changes were made in the IPR regime through Trade-Related Aspects of
Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and Section 89 of Civil Code Procedure which
empowers the Court if it deems fit then to allow for arbitration, mediation and
conciliation of disputes outside the court.
3. Section 134 of Trade Marks Act, 1999 and Section 62 of Copyright Act, 1957 do not
prohibit the IPR matters from referring to arbitration.
4. In India, the arbitrability of subject matter is decided by the test put down in Booz Allen
Case, which was further expanded by several cases.
5. In Booz Allen and Hamilton Inc. v. SBI Home Finance Ltd., the SC held that as we
considered all the disputes generally which are related to ‘rights in personam‘ are
considered to be acceptable for the arbitration. The other ‘right in rem‘ disputes are
not suited for the arbitration, for dealing with such disputes the public tribunals and
courts have given the duty.
6. The principle is not to be followed in a very rigid sense the ‘right in personam‘
disputes which arise from the ‘right in rem‘ can be considered for arbitration.
7. The Bombay High Court in Eros International Media Limited v. Telemax Links India
Pvt. Ltd. held that
A. all disputes which used to arise from the intellectual property rights are not to
be considered ‘right in rem‘ and non-arbitrable.
B. Justice Patel stated that the dispute between two claimants concerning
infringement or pass-off of intellectual property right that action or remedy of
the dispute is always to be considered of ‘right in personam‘ not of ‘right in
8. Afterwards Bombay High Court in Indian Performing Rights Society (IPRS) Limited v.
Entertainment Network gave distinction between ‘right in rem‘ and ‘right in personam',
relying upon Mundipharma AG v. Wockhardt Limited that the remedies conferred by
law when there is an infringement of right are not considered to be arbitrable.
9. The condition of arbitrability of Intellectual Property disputes is very ambiguous, the
single principle is not existing at present which can clear the picture of matters in
which IPR matters are arbitrable.
10. The Supreme Court through various judgment held that the IPR disputes can be
divided into
A. ‘right in rem‘ - not arbitrable.
B. ‘right in personam' - arbitrable.
12. Another reason for the lack of arbitration in IP disputes is eclectic confidentiality of
arbitral proceeding
A. Section 42 A of the Act stipulates that the arbitrator, the arbitral institution and
the parties to an arbitration agreement must maintain the confidentiality of
proceedings unless its disclosure is indispensable for the execution of the
B. The public has a right to information about arbitral proceedings where a
dispute is about public interest likewise in case of state being a party to
arbitration the limitation of Section 42 A would be seen as a barrier by virtue of
the facts that affairs of public authorities shall be known to the public
Ad hoc Arbitration
1. A form of arbitration where the parties and the arbitrators independently determine
the procedure without the involvement of an arbitral institution.
2. Ad hoc arbitration is a process where arbitration is not administered by any
institution, requiring the parties involved to determine all aspects of the arbitration,
such as the
A. number of arbitrators,
B. their appointment process and
C. the procedure for conducting the arbitration.
3. The parties must make their own arrangements for selecting arbitrators and
establishing rules, applicable laws, procedures and administrative support.
4. In Ad-hoc arbitration, if the parties are not able to nominate arbitrator/arbitrators by
consent, the appointment of arbitrator is made by the High Court (in case of domestic
arbitration) and by the Supreme Court(in case of international commercial
5. In India, still most of the arbitrations are Ad-Hoc Arbitrations.
6. The arbitration agreement can simply state that “disputes between the parties will be
arbitrated,” along with a designated place of arbitration.
7. If the parties cannot agree on arbitration details, unresolved issues are determined
by the law of the designated place of arbitration, known as the “seat” of the arbitration.
8. Although ad hoc proceedings are distinct from institutional arbitration, parties can still
designate an institutional provider as the appointing authority or engage one to
administer the arbitration if needed.
9. Parties can include an ad hoc arbitration clause in their contract or negotiate terms of
arbitration after a dispute arises, allowing them to tailor rules and procedures to their
specific needs. However, this approach can be time-consuming, costly and may not
cover all eventualities.
10. Alternatively, parties not requiring specially drawn rules or formal administration can
adapt institutional arbitration rules, incorporate statutory procedures or adopt rules
specifically crafted for ad hoc arbitration, such as the UNCITRAL Rules or CPR
11. These options provide flexibility but also come with risks, such as creating ambiguities
in amended institutional rules or adopting clauses not suitable for the current
circumstances or applicable arbitration law.
12. Advantages:
A. more flexible,
B. cost-effective and
C. faster compared to administered proceedings, mainly due to the absence of
administrative fees.
D. Higher confidentiality than institution
E. Sovereignty over the process
F. More control over process - quick resolution
G. Customisation
H. Avoidance of institutional rules
13. Disadvantages:
A. Complexity and uncertainty
B. Lack of administrative support
C. Higher costs if need for expert assistance, causing additional expenses
D. Potential for Delay
E. Limited Enforcement Mechanisms
F. Risk of Inconsistency
G. Need for Cooperation
14. .
Institutional Arbitration
1. In institutional arbitration, the arbitration agreement designates an arbitral institution
to administer the arbitration.
2. The parties then submit their disputes to the institution that intervenes and administers
the arbitral process as per the rules of the institution.
3. The institution does not arbitrate the dispute. It is the arbitral panel which arbitrates the
4. The parties may stipulate in the arbitration agreement to refer a dispute between them
for resolution to an institution, such as
A. Singapore international arbitration centre SIAC
B. Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC)
C. Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC)
5. It may be preferred if parties do not mind the administrative charges levied by the
6. The administrative fees are calculated based on the amount of dispute.
7. The administrative structure of the institution adds time and costs that affects the
efficacy of the arbitral process.
8. The rules may also require responses of parties within unrealistic time frames.
9. The rules may cater to one industry and not the prospective needs of one or more
10. The institution guarantees
A. Constitution of arbitral tribunal
B. Hearings
C. Rendering of award at the end
11. Parties can easily seek help at the discretion of the organisation which knows the
12. Types of institutional arbitrations:
A. Centre lays rules and conduct for administration
B. Centre provides complete assistance and supervises the whole process under
strict procedural guidelines with great involvement
13. This depends on the Institutional Rules. Ex. SIAC Rules, 2016 states that the arbitration
will be administered by SIAC as per SIAC Rules.
14. Benefits:
A. Established procedural rules for dispute settlement
B. Continued administrative assistance
C. Existing procedural rules for appointment of tribunal
- Will consist of experts in the field
- Contributes to accrual settlement
D. Draft specimen agreement and dispute resolution clause for the parties
- A simple incorporate of the draft would suffice
E. Extraordinary services
- Some offer extraordinary services that act as an asset
F. Accommodate real life circumstances
G. Enhances speed, accuracy and genuineness of proceedings
H. Provides administrators and other staff
- Qualified support is available
- Specialised counsel called “case counsel” of high calibre assists
I. .
15. Cons:
A. Must pay due attention and evaluate rules before choosing
B. Transfer of certain powers of the parties to the institution
- Independence of parties compromised
C. Additional cost in the form of administrative fees
D. Procedural rules may cause unnecessary delay
E. May change informal characteristic of arbitration to formal
F. Sets unrealistic timelines for parties to respond
16. Institutional Arbitration is a method of arbitration in which the whole proceeding of
arbitration is done by the institution or organisation appointed by the parties in a
17. India isn’t the choice as the seat for arbitration by the parties due to lack of facilities
and late disposal of cases, therefore the parties prefer International arbitral tribunals
for resolution of disputes.
18. The arbitration agreement specifies how an arbitral institution will be chosen.
19. The parties expressly agree that if a dispute arises within the contract’s term, it will be
resolved by institutional arbitration.
20. The foreign business community prefers these institutions because they have a
A. comprehensive arbitration procedure,
B. an experienced panel of arbitrators and
C. expertise makes for a quick and effective dispute resolution process.
21. In M/S Nandan Biomatrix Limited v D 1 Oils Limited observed that
A. when the parties had expressly decided to settle their disputes by institutional
arbitration rather than ad hoc arbitration then they shall strictly adhere to the
arbitration clause without any exception or derogation.
B. A contract between parties with an arbitration provision designating an
individual as the arbitrator can invoke the jurisdiction of administrative
C. These organisations follow predetermined rules and protocols when
conducting arbitrations.
22. Benefits:
A. Participation of arbitral institutions in issues relating to the formal structure of
the arbitration, particularly at the beginning of the tribunal, such as the
appointment of arbitrators or the selection of an arbitral role, has proved to be
highly helpful in some situations.
B. It helps in resolving disputes in an efficient manner.
C. If an effective body is situated with experienced arbitrators and proper rules the
institutional arbitration can be made cost-effective and speedier.
D. Institutional arbitration having a predetermined procedure that keeps updating
with the latest development and the arbitrators who are specialised in different
fields will help the parties in the resolution of the dispute.
E. An Institutional Arbitral tribunal will provide efficient governance, flexibility to the
parties, and scrutiny of defects.
23. India:
A. India is one of the fast-growing economies in the world with the increase in
foreign investment requires to reduce the complexity in procedure and
increase the effectiveness of the system.
B. Established organisations and institutions are needed in our country so that the
arbitration procedure can be conducted with properly established rules and
with the help of professionals.
C. The shift has to be towards Institutional arbitration, there is purpose and need for
the same while dealing with the complex economy which needs structural
D. MCIA is also committed to creating a thriving arbitration environment in India
that benefits all stakeholders involved, including arbitrators, judges, law firms,
central and state governments, businesses, and other clients.
E. In 2016 a committee headed by Justice B.N Krishna was set up for review and
reformation of Institutional Arbitration
- It aimed to identify concerns with the arbitration process and to hear
about the obstacles that have been raised as institutional arbitration has
- At the international level, institutional arbitration is preferred by the parties
for resolution of the dispute
- In our country, due to lack of proper structure and lack of faith in
institutions and organisations ad-hoc arbitration method is favoured for
resolution of disputes.
- Subsequently, the New Delhi International Arbitration Bill was also
introduced which got the assent of the president on 26th July 2019.
F. India needs to widen its platform for institutional arbitration because these
entities have modern rules that encourage them to grant parties more leeway.
G. SIAC and HKIAC were greatly aided by their respective governments, which
offered adequate financial and infrastructural support as well as playing an
important role in international promotion; in a similar manner the Indian
Government must try to maintain an adequate standard of arbitration institutions.
24. S6: Administrative assistance:
In order to facilitate the conduct of the arbitral proceedings, the parties, or the arbitral
tribunal with the consent of the parties, may arrange for administrative assistance by
a suitable institution or person.
25. Institutional Arbitration:
A. Institutional arbitration refers to the arbitration procedure undertaken by parties,
in consonance with an arbitration institution.
B. Plenty of popular institutions such as the
- London Court of International Arbitration,
- the ICC institute of Arbitration,
- the International Court of Arbitration,
- Singapore International Arbitration centre,
- Hong Kong Institute of Arbitration Centre, to name a few, administers
arbitration procedures on a regular basis.
C. Each institute has a set of rules that govern arbitral proceedings conducted by
them, and while parties may be free to choose the substantive laws governing
their arbitration and disputes allied therein, the procedural laws are essentially
governed only by the rules of these institutions.
26. The advantages of institutional arbitration to those who can afford it are apparent.
Foremost are:
A. availability of pre-established rules and procedures which assure that
arbitration will get off the ground and proceed to conclusion with dispatch;
B. administrative assistance from institutions providing a secretariat or court of
C. lists of qualified arbitrators, often broken out by fields of expertise;
D. appointment of arbitrators by the institution should the parties request it;
E. physical facilities and support services for arbitrations;
F. assistance in encouraging reluctant parties to proceed with arbitration and
G. an established format with a proven record.
27. The primary disadvantages attending the institutional approach are:
A. administrative fees for services and use of facilities may be high in disputes
over large amounts, especially where fees are related to the amount in dispute.
For lesser amounts in dispute, institutional fees may be greater than the amount
in controversy:
B. the institution's bureaucracy may lead to added costs and delays and
C. the disputants may be required to respond within unrealistic time frames.
28. Clauses may be:
A. Ad hoc
B. Institutional
C. Hybrid: institution appoints arbitrators, other processes are ad hoc
29. S6 assists hybrid clause .
30. .
Written Submissions
1. Article 27, ICC Rules: Closing of the proceedings and date for submission of draft
As soon as possible after the last hearing concerning matters to be decided in an
award or the filing of the last authorised submissions concerning such matters,
whichever is later, the arbitral tribunal shall:
(a) declare the proceedings closed with respect to the matters to be decided in the
award; and
(b) inform the Secretariat and the parties of the date by which it expects to submit
its draft award to the Court for approval pursuant to Article 34.
After the proceedings are closed, no further submission or argument may be
made, or evidence produced, with respect to the matters to be decided in the
award, unless requested or authorised by the arbitral tribunal.
1. Article 24. Hearings and written proceedings
(1) Subject to any contrary agreement by the parties, the arbitral tribunal shall
decide whether to hold oral hearings for the presentation of evidence or for
oral argument, or whether the proceedings shall be conducted on the basis of
documents and other materials. However, unless the parties have agreed
that no hearings shall be held, the arbitral tribunal shall hold such hearings at
an appropriate stage of the proceedings, if so requested by a party.
(2) The parties shall be given sufficient advance notice of any hearing and of any
meeting of the arbitral tribunal for the purposes of inspection of goods, other
property or documents.
(3) All statements, documents or other information supplied to the arbitral
tribunal by one party shall be communicated to the other party. Also any
expert report or evidentiary document on which the arbitral tribunal may rely
in making its decision shall be communicated to the parties.
2. Article 20. Place of arbitration
(1) The parties are free to agree on the place of arbitration. Failing such
agreement, the place of arbitration shall be determined by the arbitral tribunal
having regard to the circumstances of the case, including the convenience of
the parties.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of this article, the arbitral
tribunal may, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, meet at any place it
considers appropriate for consultation among its members, for hearing
witnesses, experts or the parties, or for inspection of goods, other property or
16. Section 34 of the Arbitration Act provides for an application to the Court for setting
aside an award under the following circumstances:-
A. S34(2)(a)(i): Incapacity of party
- If a party to a contract is a minor or unsound who is not represented by a
- To protect their interest
- S9: appointment of a guardian for arbitration proceedings
B. S34(2)(a)(ii): Invalidity of the agreement
- Where agreement clause is added in a contract, the arbitration will be
invalid if the contract is invalid
C. S34(2)(a)(iii): Want of proper notice:
- If the party was not given proper notice regarding the appointment of
arbitrator or another notice of proceedings, the award may be set aside.
- Dulal Podda v. Executive Engineer, Dona Canal Division: court held
that the appointment of arbitrator on request of appellant without notice to
the respondent and an ex-parte decree will be held illegal and is liable for
setting aside
D. S34(2)(a)(iv): Award deals with disputes not referred to arbitration:
- If the subject does not come within the jurisdictional ambit of the tribunal,
the award is invalid
E. S34(2)(a)(v): Arbitral tribunal was defective in composition
- If the composition of the tribunal was not in obedience with the agreement
of the parties or if the procedure or conduct of proceedings was not
properly followed
F. S34(2)(b)(i): Subject matter not capable of arbitration
- Matters of criminal nature or concerning public rights
G. S34(b)(ii): Award is in conflict with public policy.
- Award in violation of public policy of India
17. Limitation under S34(3):
A. S34(3) provides that an application to set aside should be made within 3
months from the date on which they received an award
B. If the court is satisfied that the applicant was prevented by sufficient cause, it
may be extended by 30 days only
18. UOI v. Punjab Communication:
A. The amount which was payable by one party was not specified in the award and
the decision was unclear and incapable of being enforced
B. Thus, the award was set aside
19. An award can be enforced as such because it is now equated with a decree of the
20. A party who wishes to enforce the award can file it before the Court and it will be treated
as a decree unless set aside in an application under section 34.
21. An application for setting aside shall not be made after three months of the receipt
of the award or after three months of an application under section 33 to the arbitration
for any correction of the award.
22. An arbitrator has got the power to file the award and the connected papers in
Court-suo-motu' at any time. There is no period of limitation fixed for it.
23. The arbitrator has to give a signed copy of the award to the parties.
24. After receiving the award the concerned party has to apply to the Court to execute
the award and obtain reliefs.
25. The court will issue notice to the judgement debtor
A. After receipt of notice if the judgement debtor does not appear before Court, ex
parte execution may be ordered granting the relief prayed for in the Petition.
B. If the judgement debtor appears and files an objection, the objection will be
heard and disposed of and only thereafter necessary relief will be granted by
the Court.
C. Under Order XXXI of the Code of Civil Procedure a judgement debtor can be
proceeded against either in person or against his property. Personal execution is
by arresting the judgement debtor.
D. A judgement debtor can be imprisoned for a period of three months.
E. The expenses for this have to be met by the decree holder.
F. Execution against property is by attaching and selling through Court the saleable
interest of the judgement debtor in the property.
G. If a judgement debtor has no assets, he is safe in spite of a decree against him
as he cannot even be imprisoned for the decree.
H. The procedure for enforcing foreign awards is as per Part II of the present Act
and incorporates the Geneva Convention of 1927 and the New York Convention
of 1958
26. Pursuant to this any person interested in enforcing a foreign award shall apply to a
Court having jurisdiction over the subject matter of the award.
27. The parties seeking to enforce a foreign award must produce:
A. The original award or a duly authenticated copy thereof.
B. Evidence proving that the award has become final and
C. Such evidence is necessary to prove that the award is a foreign award.
28. Types of Arbitration Awards:
A. Interim Award
B. Agreed Award: An agreed award is usually in the form of a settlement between
the parties of their dispute, ie, the equivalent of a judgement by consent. The
settlement is embodied in the form of an award.
C. Reasoned Award: A reasoned award is not a sub-category of award, but is used
to describe an award where the tribunal sets out its reasoning for its decision.
D. Additional Award: An additional award is an award which the tribunal, by its
own initiative or on the application of a party makes in respect of any claim
which was presented to the tribunal but was not resolved under the principal
E. Draft Award: A draft award is not an award as such, and is not binding on the
parties until confirmed by the tribunal
29. .
Categories of Awards
Validity of Awards
Effect of Awards
Res Judicata
Decision Making –
Classification of Award
Review of Award
General Overview
IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International arbitration
4. Removal/appointment of arbitrator:
A. TRF Ltd v. Energo Engg Projects Ltd
- If person acting as arbitrator deemed ineligible, cannot nominate an
arbitrator as would amount to running by his choice
- nomination of the arbitrator, the court clarified that the person acting
arbitrator who is himself deemed as ineligible for acting as an arbitrator in
that particular case, cannot nominate an arbitrator in place of himself.
- That would tantamount to running the arbitration as per his choice only
B. Sheetal Maruti Kurundwade v. Metal Power Analytical Ltd
- Presiding officer was counsel for respondent's lawyer previously
- Did not relate to current matter - arbitrator eligible
- There should be sufficient "proximate"relationship
C. S11(8): Appointment of arbitrator - independent and impartial
D. S12(1)(a): grounds for challenge - justifiable doubts on independence and
5. Language: S22
A. Determination of language is not a necessity for arb agreement
B. Parties may waive right to determine lang but an indication would be helpful
C. If lang specified in agreement, use that
D. Add to translation costs and loss of time
E. S22: language
(1) Parties free to agree
(2) Failing, tribunal determines
(3) Apply to written statement, hearing, award and other communication
(4) Documentary evidence to be translated
F. Article 22, Model Law - Triple V Inc v. Star (Universal) Co Ltd
G. Videocon Industries v. UOI: if expressly chosen, shall evict doubts based on
8. Institutional arbitration:
A. Agreement designates arbitral institution to administer the arbitration
B. Rules of the Institution, SIAC Rules, 2016
C. Refer the dispute for resolution to an institution: SIAC, HKIAC, AIAC
D. Administrative charges calculated on amount of dispute
E. Guarantees:
- Constitution of tribunal
- Hearing
- Passing of award
F. Parties can seek help with prerequisites
G. Types:
- Rules and conduct for examination
- Complete assistance, supervision under strict procedural guidelines
H. Benefits:
- Established procedural rules
- Administrative assistance
- Expert tribunal
- Draft specimen documents to incorporate
- Extraordinary services
- Accommodates real life circumstances
- Speed, accuracy and genuineness of proceedings
- Qualified support staff and specialised "case counsels"
I. Cons:
- Adds time and costs
- Unrealistic time frames
- Caters to one industry
- Must pay due attention and evaluate rules before choosing
- Transfer of parties compromises independence of parties
- Procedural rules may cause delay
- Informal character of arbitration compromised
14. Limitations:
A. The Act was based on the UNCITRAL Model Law, which was primarily intended
for international commercial arbitration.
B. However, the Act applied similar provisions to domestic arbitration between
Indian nationals, which caused difficulties for purely domestic arbitration.
C. The limited grounds for challenging an award under Section 34 and Section
37 felt insufficient for domestic arbitration cases where arbitrators might not
be well-versed in the law.
15. Harmonisation:
A. The United Nations Commissions on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
adopted the Model law on International Commercial Arbitration in 1985.
B. The General Assembly of the United Nations has recommended that all
countries give due consideration to the said Model Law in view of the
desirability of uniformity of the law of arbitral procedures and the specific
needs of international commercial arbitration practice.
C. The UNCITRAL also adopted a set of Conciliation Rules in 1980. The General
Assembly of the United Nations has recommended the use of these Rules in
cases where the disputes arise in the context of international commercial
relations and the parties seek amicable settlement of their disputes by recourse
to conciliation.
D. An important feature of the said UNCITRAL Model Law and Rules is that they
have harmonised concepts on arbitration and conciliation of different legal
systems of the world and thus contain provisions which are designed for
universal application.
E. The UNCITRAL Model Law and Rules, though, are intended to deal with
international commercial arbitration and conciliation; they could, with
appropriate modifications, serve as a model for legislation on domestic
arbitration and conciliation.
F. In India, in order to consolidate and amend the law relating to domestic
arbitration, international commercial arbitration, enforcement of foreign arbitral
awards and to define the law relating to conciliation, taking into account the
Model Law and Conciliation Rules adopted by the UNCITRAL, the President of
India promulgated three ordinances that led to the 1996 Act.
16. Guru Nanak Foundations v Rattan Singh & Sons and Food Corporation of India v
Joginderpal Mohinderpal
A. The Indian Arbitration Act is based on the UNCITRAL Model law 1985 and is the
result of recommendations for reform, particularly concerning improving the
efficiency of the arbitral process.
17. Preamble of the act:
A. WHEREAS the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
(UNCITRAL) has adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law on International
Commercial Arbitration in 1985;
B. AND WHEREAS the said Model Law and Rules make significant contribution to
the establishment of a unified legal framework for the fair and efficient settlement
of disputes arising in international commercial relations;
18. UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules provide basic mechanics of conducting arbitration by
giving simple, clear procedural rules that can be applied in an arbitration.
19. Several provisions of UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules are already present in pari materia
form in the A&C Act, 1996.
A. Article 22 of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration
enables the arbitrator to determine the language of the arbitration, subject to
the choice of the parties and hence also in Section 22 of the A&C Act, 1996.
However, not all the rules in the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules have the same or
similar linkages to the provisions of the A&C Act, 1996.
B. Article 23 of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration,
which merely prescribes that the claimant in its SOC shall state “… facts
supporting his claim, the points at issue and the relief or remedy sought”, where
the details required by Section 23 of the A&C Act, 1996 for SOC and SOD are
"the claimant shall state the facts supporting his claim, the points at issue and the
relief or remedy sought, and the respondent shall state his defense in respect of
these particulars, unless the parties have otherwise agreed as to the required
elements of those statements".
21. .
Analyse the definition and meaning of the term
International and Commercial in International
Commercial Arbitration 12m
1. S2(f): "International commercial arbitration" means an arbitration relating to
disputes arising out of legal relationships, whether contractual or not, considered as
commercial under the law in force in India and where at least one of the parties is
- (i) an individual who is a national of, or habitually resident in, any country other
than India; or
- (ii) a body corporate which is incorporated in any country other than India; or
- (iii) an association or a body of individuals whose central management and
control is exercised in any country other than India; or
- (iv) the Government of a foreign country;
2. Meaning of International:
A. To address global legal disputes effectively and speedily, International Arbitration
helps parties to enter into an arbitration agreement and resolve their disputes
4. International Commercial Arbitration helps to resolve disputes among the international
parties arising out of the internal commercial agreements.
5. International Commercial Arbitration is used by the traders of different countries as a
way of settling their business conflicts.
6. The procedure to apply for International Commercial Arbitration is the same as
domestic arbitration.
7. The scope of Section 2(1)(f) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act was determined by
the Supreme Court in TDM Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. v. UE Development India Pvt. Ltd.
A. if the company has dual nationality, which means it is registered in foreign and
in India, then that company for this 1996 Act would be regarded as an Indian
corporation and not a foreign corporation.
8. International Commercial Arbitration allows the parties to resolve their disputes amicably
by maintaining their relationship and with less money by respecting each other’s
cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
9. International arbitration is also known as a ‘hybrid form of international dispute
resolution’ because international arbitration allows the mixing of two legal provisions,
A. the Code Civil Law Procedure, 1908, and
B. the Common Law Procedure.
10. The Model arbitration clause of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), for
instance, merely reads that all the disputes which arise out of or in connection with the
existing contract shall be settled under the rules of arbitration of the International
Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators as appointed under the said rules.
11. Advantages:
A. Faster and easier than litigation
B. Less formal and cheaper
C. Accessible to everyone as parties may choose the arbitrator and seat
D. More confidential than court
E. Easier to enforce across borders than court judgements as most countries have
signed the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of
Arbitral awards.
12. Commercial Arbitration has several defining characteristics:
A. Arbitration is consensual, the parties must agree to arbitrate their differences.
B. Arbitrations are resolved by non-governmental decision makers, arbitrators do
not act as government agents, but private persons selected by the parties.
C. Arbitration produces a definitive and binding award, which is capable of
enforcement through national courts.
13. Justice Vijender Jain: an arbitration relating to a commercial dispute which has at
least one of the parties belonging to a foreign country.
14. There are three ways of establishing the international character of arbitration.
Arbitration may be international because:
A. its subject matter or its procedure or its organisation is international; or
B. the parties involved are connected with different jurisdictions; or
C. there is a combination of both.
15. .
(2) Enforcement of an arbitral award may also be refused if the Court finds that—
(a) the subject-matter of the difference is not capable of settlement by
arbitration under the law of India; or
(b) the enforcement of the award would be contrary to the public policy of
Explanation 1: For the avoidance of any doubt, it is clarified that an award
is in conflict with the public policy of India, only if,—
A. (i) the making of the award was induced or affected by fraud or
corruption or was in violation of section 75 or section 81; or
B. (ii) it is in contravention with the fundamental policy of Indian
law; or
C. (iii) it is in conflict with the most basic notions of morality or
Explanation 2: For the avoidance of doubt, the test as to whether there is
a contravention with the fundamental policy of Indian law shall not entail a
review on the merits of the dispute.
(3) If an application for the setting aside or suspension of the award has been
made to a competent authority referred to in clause (e) of sub-section (1) the
Court may, if it considers it proper, adjourn the decision on the enforcement of
the award and may also, on the application of the party claiming enforcement
of the award, order the other party to give suitable security.
2. The amendments brought in the year 2015 saw significant alterations in Sections 34
and 48 of the Act.
3. While both Sections 34 & 48 of the Act have the same definition of the phrase "public
policy", however, the scope of the ground of "public policy" to challenge a Foreign
Award or a domestic award rendered in an International Commercial Arbitration
having seat in India, differs from those applicable to a domestic award.
4. In an international commercial arbitration held in India, the reasons for challenge under
the ground of public policy would be the same as the ground for refusing to
implement a foreign judgement in India.
5. Pursuant to the amendment of 2015, "patent illegality" grounds appearing on the face
of an award no longer apply to an award rendered in international commercial
7. Campos Brothers Farms v. Matru Bhumi Supply Chain Pvt. Limited and Ors
A. The Court does not have the power to modify the Award in the process of its
B. The only limited power is in the proviso to Section 48(1)(c) of the Act, wherein the
Court may separate the part of the Award which contains a decision on matters
submitted to arbitration from the one which was beyond the scope of the
submission to arbitration, and enforce only that portion of the Award.
C. This clearly shows the limited interference by the court in cases of Foreign
potential-issues-strategies-for-success/ TD/
Conditions for S48: 7 detailed conditions
Appointment of arbitrator 6m
arshan Motor vehicle pvt ltd in their dealership dispute with Anu, declares X as a party
appointed arbitrator.
Anu appoints Mr.Y as party appointed arbitrator.
X and Y jointly appointed Mr.Z as a presiding arbitrator to the dispute in the proceedings.
W&W pvt ltd, a financial institution known for third party funding for Arbitration funded
Darshan for covering their cost of arbitration.
So Mr.X is a stockholder of W&W on disclosure of the third party information by the
party. Challenging Mr.X and his removal, can it be sustained?
2. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, does not mention the words 'Seat' or
'Venue.' However, these terms are commonly used in commercial agreements instead
of the word 'Place.' Interestingly, the Act does refer to the 'Place of arbitration' under
Section 20, but commercial agreements generally avoid using this term.
5. A Constitutional Bench of five judges of the Supreme Court of India referred to this
A. for the first time in Bharat Aluminium Co. v. Kaiser Aluminium Technical
Services Inc. and
B. subsequently Enercon (India) Ltd. v. Enercon Gmbh.
6. The Law commission in its 246th report had recommended certain amendments to
the arbitration and conciliation act, 1996 to clear dispel the confusion of venue and seat.
A. Amendment of Section 2
- Insert S2(1)(hh): “seat of the arbitration” means the juridical seat of the
B. Amendment of Section 20
- delete the word “Place” and add the words “Seat and Venue” before the
words “of arbitration”.
9. The Supreme court in BGS SGS SOMA JV v. NHPC, held that when the 'venue' of
arbitration is specified and no significant contrary indications exist, the designated
'venue' should be considered the 'seat' of the arbitration proceedings."
10. Hence, they are interchangeable unless specifically contradicted.