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Question 1
Given the circuit below:
(a) Calculate the Thevenin equivalent circuit as seen from points A and B. (5)
(c) A 100 Ω load resistor is connected between points A and B. Calculate the power
dissipated by this load resistor. (2)
(d) At some point in time t=0, a 10 µH inductor is connected between points A and B. Derive
an equation for the current flowing through the inductor with respect to time. You may
use the Thevenin equivalent circuit. (4)
You are given 150 m of copper wire. Calculate the resistance of the copper wire at 150°C. The
cross sectional area of the wire is 0.5 mm2. The resistivity of copper at 20°C is 1.76 × 10-8 Ωm
and the temperature coefficient of resistivity is α=0.00393°C-1. (5)
In your own words, what do resistivity, permittivity and permeability refer to? For which
electrical components do they apply? (2)
[Total: 20]
Question 2
Given the circuit below:
(a) Draw the phasor diagram for the above circuit. (5)
(b) Calculate the current drawn by the supply. (10)
(c) Calculate the power factor and draw the phasor relationship between the supply voltage
and the supply current. Is the power factor lagging or leading? (5)
[Total: 20]
Question 3
A full-wave rectifier (with a mid-point connection) has an input voltage of 40 V rms (per half-
winding). A resistive load is connected to the output of the rectifier. The frequency of the supply
is 50 Hz.
(a) Draw the circuit diagram for the rectifier. Calculate the PIV for the diodes used. What is
the average voltage across the resistor? (3)
(b) A capacitor is used to smooth the output voltage of the rectifier. The rectifier now needs
to supply a constant current of 10 mA to the load. The ripple has to be kept at 50 mV
(peak-to-peak). Calculate the value of the capacitor. (3)
For the amplifier circuit below, the input is given by Vin = 1sin(ωt).
Sketch the input and output voltage waveforms as a function of time. Comment on the shape of
the waveforms. (3)
For the circuit below, calculate the output voltage if the input voltage Vin is 0.1 V d.c. You do
not need to analyse the circuit in detail. (4)
Draw up the truth table for the following logic circuit: (4)
Draw the circuit diagram for a half adder and for a full adder. (3)
[Total: 20]
Question 4
A three-phase load has a phase impedance of (200 + j50) Ω. The supply voltage is 400 V (rms)
(line)(50 Hz).
(a) If the phase impedances are connected as a delta, calculate the line current. (4)
(b) If the phase impedances are connected as a star, calculate the line current. (4)
(c) If the two-wattmeter method is used to measure the power into the load connection in (b)
determine the readings on the two wattmeters and calculate the total power consumed by
the load. Draw the respective phasor diagram. (8)
(d) Explain why only two wattmeters are needed to measure the power in a delta-connected
three-phase system. (4)
[Total: 20]
Question 5
A 5 kVA, single-phase, transformer with a turns ratio of 10:1 has the following equivalent circuit
values (the magnetizing current and the core losses can be ignored in the calculations)
R1 = 0,1 Ω R2 = 1 mΩ
L1 = 3 mH L2 = 30 µH
The transformer supplies a load with a unity power factor (purely resistive). The primary supply
voltage is 230 V (rms)(50 Hz).
(a) Determine the load voltage when the load impedance has magnitude 1 Ω. (8)
(c) Determine the transformer efficiency for (a). Assume the copper losses are equal to the iron
losses at 100% transformer rated current. (8)
[Total: 20]
Question 6
(a) A factory has ten pumps each driven by a 100 kW induction motor with an efficiency of 90%
and operating at a power factor of 0,85 lagging. The factory also has a compressor driven by
a 500 kW induction motor with an efficiency of 92% and a power factor of 0,85 lagging.
Determine the total real, reactive and apparent power for the plant and the overall power
factor for the case where they all run together. (6)
(b) The ten 100 kW induction motors run alone for 4 hours a day and together with the 500 kW
induction motor for another 4 hours a day for a total of 8 hours a day. Assume 30 days in the
month and calculate the monthly electricity cost. (8)
(c) Design power factor correction to improve the power factor to unity for both 4 hour periods
in (b). Assume the three-phase supply is 400 V (rms)(line)(50 Hz). Specify the capacitance
of the required power factor correction capacitors if they are delta connected.
. (6)
[Total: 20]
Question 7
The equivalent circuit parameters of a 400 V (rms)(line)(50 Hz) three-phase 4-pole induction
motor are given below (the magnetizing current and the core losses can be ignored for the
(a) Calculate the pullout torque of the motor, the slip at pullout torque and the current into the
motor at pullout torque. (10)
(b) Draw a typical torque-speed curve for a squirrel cage induction motor. Superimpose the
torque-speed curve of a load where the torque is independent of speed (e.g. crane). Explain
for what condition the squirrel cage motor will be unable to accelerate this load. Suggest a
solution. (6)
(c) Explain what determines the direction of rotation of three-phase induction motors. How can
the direction of rotation be reversed?
[Total: 20]