DRV MV Liquid Cooled Catalog
DRV MV Liquid Cooled Catalog
DRV MV Liquid Cooled Catalog
ROBICON Perfect HarmonyTM Introduction 1
Liquid-Cooled Drives
Technical Data 3
Description of Options 4
Engineering information 5
Appendix 7
The benchmark when it comes to medium-voltage • From 1969: Variable-speed medium-voltage drive
drive systems systems with current-source DC link
• From 1970: Cycloconverters – with more than 700
Siemens is the undisputed market leader in medium-voltage drives, Siemens is the global market leader
drives. Our range of products is also unique worldwide: • 1994: The cell topology of ROBICON Perfect Harmony
• Voltage classes from 2.3 to 13.8 kV revolutionized medium-voltage drives
• A seamless range of power ratings from 150 kW • 1996: “Pioneered” the use of high-rating voltage-source
to 60 MW DC link drives in rolling applications
• All levels of dynamic response and performance • 1998: “Pioneered” the use of high-voltage IGBTs for
• Single-motor drives and multi-motor systems medium-voltage drives
• Harmonized and coordinated systems with • 2003: The highest rating high-speed drives (65 MW) with
synchronous and induction motors LCI for compressors of a gas liquification plant worldwide
• Motor speeds from 10 to 15,000 rpm in the • 2005: Highest rating drive with voltage – source DC link
Megawatt range drives in a cell-type topology (65/45 MW) used in an LNG
plant (LNG = Liquefied Natural Gas)
The decisive plus when it comes to experience
Power range 200 to 3500 hp (0.15 to 2.60 MW) 1750 to 8000 hp (1.30 to 5.96 MW)
Output voltage 2.3 to 6.6 kV 2.3 to 7.2 kV
Input voltage 2.4 to 13.8 kV AC (standard), 50/60 Hz 2.4 to 13.8 kV AC (standard), 50/60 Hz
Cooling type Air-cooled Air-cooled
315, 375, 500 or 660 A at 690 V AC, 720 A
Power cell ratings 40, 70, 100, 140, 200 or 260 A at 750 V AC
at 630 V AC
1) Air-Cooled Perfect Harmony drives are not the subject of this catalog, please
contact your local Siemens sales representative for any questions or inquiries.
2/20 Options
ROBICON Perfect Harmony Overview electro-magnetic compatibility, when put to their intended
use and conform to the associated standards IEC 61800-3
ROBICON Perfect Harmony drives provide variable speed
operation by converting utility power at fixed frequency and • Machinery Directive (MD)
2 fixed voltage to variable frequency, variable voltage power.
This conversion is done electronically without moving parts.
The offered products are intended solely for installation
as components into a machine, system or plant. They are
The following table shows the main characteristics of designed to satisfy the relevant requirements of the
the ROBICON Perfect Harmony liquid-cooled generation standards IEC 61800-5-1, IEC 60204-1 and IEC 60204-11
discussed in this catalog and the short terms used. to allow the machine manufacturer or system / plant
integrator – by appropriate usage of the products – to
Liquid –Cooled Product Line meet the requirements of the Machinery Directive.
Product Cell voltage Cell current Cooling Order
Line V A method numbers
Within the European Economic Area (EEA), operation is
WCIII 750 880...1250 Liquid-cooled 6SR3 prohibited until the conformity of the end product with
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EEC has been established.
It is the sole responsibility of the machine manufacturer
14,920kW or system / plant integrator to ensure this.
13,428kW Benefits
Clean power input
The ROBICON Perfect Harmony drive:
8,952kW • Meets the most stringent IEEE 519-1992 requirements for
10,000hp/ voltage and current harmonic distortion, even if the source
capacity is no larger than the drive rating1)
5,968kW • In most cases eliminates the need for costly and inefficient
6,000hp/ harmonic filters and its associated resonance problems
4,476kW • Protects other online equipment from harmonic disturbance
4,000hp/ (computers, telephones and other power converters)
880A 1250A
Cell Current Rating Power quality output
Power range for ROBICON Perfect Harmony liquid-cooled Drives
The ROBICON Perfect Harmony drive:
Figure 2.1
• Reduces common mode voltage on the motor stator
Standards and regulations windings
• Minimizes drive induced torque pulsations and associated
ROBICON Perfect Harmony drives are designed, manufactured torsional analysis compared to other medium voltage
and tested according to applicable NEMA, ANSI, IEEE and topologies, by using a motor friendly pulse width
IEC standards. modulation (PWM) output
• Offers sinusoidal output that eliminates additional losses
ROBICON Perfect Harmony drives meet the applicable due to harmonics thus it can be used with new or existing
requirements of the following EU regulations: motors without derating
• Low-Voltage Directive (LVD)
A Declaration of Conformity and attached CE mark Maximized availability
declares conformity of the low-voltage compartments of
The ROBICON Perfect Harmony drive:
the product (e.g. control cubicle, excitation unit etc.) with
• Remains operational in the event of a cell failure by using
LVD 2006/95/EC and the associated standard IEC 61800-5-1
the cell bypass option which bypasses the faulted cell
• Offers a Process Tolerant Protection Strategy (ProToPS)
based on a hierarchical warning system that allows the
• EMC Directive (EMCD)
operator to evaluate the drive disturbance and respond
A factory certificate declares that the products satisfy
appropriately to avoid system shutdown
the requirements of EMCD 2004/108/EC concerning
The ROBICON Perfect Harmony drive provides an integrated The ROBICON Perfect Harmony WCIII is regularly applied by
transformer which offers the following additional advantages: the most reliability and quality conscious industries in their
• Simple and robust way to cancel input current
harmonics without the need for input harmonic filters or
most demanding applications, for example:
• Industrial pumps and fans.
a complex active frontend • Oil and gas pumps and compressors, and high speed
• Protects power converter semiconductors against compressors
line transients • Induced and forced draft boiler blowers for power
• Improves ride-through capabilities generation
• Completely protects the motor in case of a ground fault • Multi-motor synchronous transfer applications (such as
in the converter, the motor cabling or insulation pipelines in the oil and gas industry)
• Negligible common mode voltage allows the use of a
standard motor eliminating the need for special
high-voltage insulation
• Limits the fault energy into the converter in the unlikely
event of a fault
• The incoming service voltage doesn’t have to match the
motor voltage
Drive topology ROBICON Perfect Harmony transformers are dry-type
liquid-cooled. They are designed specifically for use with
The ROBICON Perfect Harmony drives achieve an a particular ROBICON Perfect Harmony drive and have 9
uncompromising performance by employing proven to 18 extended delta secondaries. The secondary currents
2 technology in a modular configuration, as shown in Figure
2.2. Medium-voltage levels are obtained by combining the
are rich in harmonics, but the primary current is virtually
sinusoidal. It is very important to recognize that this is
outputs of multiple low-voltage power cells. The low-voltage no ordinary transformer which can be obtained as an
power cells are simplified variations of standard 2 level PWM off-the-shelf item.
motor drives for low voltage service, which have been built in
high volume for many years. The usual standards, ANSI C5712.51 and C5712.91, apply
to transformers with only a few windings and which are
Special Power subjected to sinusoidal currents. Thus, there are some
transformer cell
important exceptions and modifications to the application
with 9 isolated
secondaries Power of these standards to ROBICON Perfect Harmony transformers.
Power Proven IGBTs
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) form the backbone
Input power
3-phase AC
cell of the ROBICON Perfect Harmony drive. Built in high volumes
Power and serving as a proven power device across the industrial
cell power control industry, IGBT technology has been in existence
Power for more than a decade. The stability and availability of IGBTs
cell give reliable, long-term, lifecycle confidence.
cell Linked low-voltage cells
cell In the ROBICON Perfect Harmony, a series of low-voltage
cells (see figure 2.3) are linked together to build the medium-
cell voltage power output of the drive system. This patented
modular configuration gives the ROBICON Perfect Harmony
many advantages when it comes to maintenance, power
Motor quality and reliability. It also provides the basis for one of its
most important advantages – increased availability through
the advanced cell bypass option.
Figure 2.2 Topology of ROBICON Perfect Harmony drives (3 cells) Dedicated IGBTs Q1-Q4
winding on Q1 Q3
Design (continued)
Advanced cell bypass
15 module drive after A 87 % of the modules
bypass of 2 modules are in use, but the
The ROBICON Perfect Harmony is designed to withstand
in phase A. output voltage is
failures that would overwhelm conventional drives A3
available unbalanced.
because redundancy options are added into the system.
The patented, cell-based configuration maximizes uptime
A2 2
and simplifies modifications. A1 120°
C2 B2
separated from each power cell, the ROBICON Perfect
C3 B3
Harmony ensures automatic bypass of a failed power cell C4 B4
in less than 250 ms. C5 B5
Since the cells in each phase of a ROBICON Perfect Harmony
drive are in series, bypassing a cell has no effect on the
Figure 2.5 Drive output with 2 cells bypassed in phase A
current capability of the drive, but the voltage capability
will be reduced. Usually the required motor voltage is
One possible remedy is to bypass an equal number of cells
roughly proportional to speed, so that the maximum
in all three phases, even though some may not have faulted.
speed at which the drive can fulfill the application
Figure 2.6 illustrates this approach. Obviously, this method
requirements will also be reduced.
prevents unbalance but sacrifices possible voltage capability.
In this figure, 87% of the cells are functional, but only 60%
Therefore, it is important to maximize the motor voltage
are in use, and only 60% of full voltage is available.
available after one or more cells have been bypassed. The
following figures illustrate the voltage available from a 15 module drive after A 87 % of the modules
ROBICON Perfect Harmony drive, where the cells, represented bypass of 2 modules are OK, but only
by circles, are shown as simple voltage sources. Figure 2.4 in all phases. 60 % are in use.
Balance is restored. A3 60 % of full voltage
shows a 15-cell drive in which no cells are bypassed. With is available.
100% of the cells in use, 100% of the original voltage is
available. The voltage commands to the three phase groups A2
no modules bypassed. are in use. C1 N B1
100 % of full voltage C2 B2
is available.
C3 B3
A4 C B
Figure 2.6 Drive output rebalanced by bypassing functional cells
VAC V BA A better approach is illustrated in figure 2.7. This method takes
A1 120° advantage of the fact that the star-point of the cells is floating,
C1 N B1
and is not connected to the neutral of the motor. Therefore
the star-point can be shifted away from the motor neutral, and
C2 B2
C5 B3 the phase angles of the cell voltages can be adjusted, so that
C4 B4 a balanced set of motor voltages is obtained even though the
C5 B5
C B cell group voltages are not balanced.
Design (continued)
Siemens calls this approach Neutral Shift.1) This approach is The pre-charge circuit consists of a collection of capacitors,
equivalent to introducing a zero-sequence component into resistors, and contactors mounted within the Fuse/Pre-charge/
the voltage command vectors for the cells. In the figure below, Control (FPC) cabinet on the input section of the drive.
the full remaining 87% of functional cells are in use, and 80% (Refer to Figure 2.8). On the left is the low voltage pre-charge
2 of the original voltage is available. The phase angles of the source coming in through the pre-charge circuit breaker into
cell voltages have been adjusted so that phase A is displaced the pre-charge circuit. On the right side is the connection
from phase B and from phase C by 132.5°, instead of the from the pre-charge circuit to a set of secondary windings
normal 120°. of the input transformer. Voltage during pre-charge is
15 module drive after A 87 % of the modules monitored through the input attenuators on the primary
bypass of 2 modules are in use. side of the transformer. When pre-charge is complete, a
in phase A only 80 % of full voltage contactor connects the medium voltage source to the
and adjustment of A3 is available. transformer primary winding.
phase angles.
Note: During pre-charge, medium voltage is present on the
A1 primary side of the input transformer even though the MV
132.5° 132.5°
VAC V BA Contactor is not closed.
C1 B1
C2 95° B2 For more Pre-Charge information please contact the factory
or your local Siemens sales representative.
C3 B3
C4 B4
C5 B5
C B Pre-charge circuit
VCB Pre-charge voltage
Input power 480 to 600 V V1
3-phase AC 3-phase source
Figure 2.7 Drive output rebalanced by adjusting phase angles Pre-charge current
to control the inrush current into the cell modules used by Lead 7.5"
the ROBICON Perfect Harmony WCIII drive. By controlling Lead 7.5" Cell
the inrush current, excessive currents and voltage overshoot Input power
Lag 7.5" Cell
within the cell are eliminated. A pre-charge system is used 3-phase AC
Lag 7.5"
to control the inrush currents seen by the cells. In addition, Lag 7.5"
Lag 22.5"
magnetization circuit to limit transformer inrush currents. Cell
Lag 22.5" Cell
Lag 22.5" Cell
Control, protection and monitoring functions
Closed-loop control The drive can be controlled by means of vector control algorithm without an encoder (standard) or with it (option).
Auto tuning Auto tuning is available to optimize the control performance of the drive
Automatic restart Automatic restart is a custom feature, used to purposely restart and restore the drive operation after a power failure
or power removal. When Automatic Restart function is specified by the customer, a qualified Siemens personnel must
configure and ensure the function is executes as specified
Energy saver Energy saver control allows the reduction of motor losses, and improves overall efficiency, when the
demanded motor load is low. Depending on the motor load, the control will reduce motor flux.
Technical characteristics
Note: The WCIII drives, as standard, provide a 110% overload capability for all cell ratings without any derating.
The following tables help you to select the right converter 1.2 Determine the minimum continuous cell current rating:
type and give an overview of the corresponding motor data • If the drive is intended to operate within nominal
and order numbers. The tables are organized according to parameters, the maximum continuous motor current
the motor voltages. For the complete technical data of the will be the minimum continuous cell current rating.
listed converter types refer to Chapter 3. 2
1.3 Factor in any overload requirements:
In order to select the right ROBICON Perfect Harmony drive, • For the cell chosen on the previous paragraph,
please take into consideration the following steps: make sure it can handle the application overload
requirements by checking overload capabilities
Step 1 – Choosing the right cell size (see page 2/8).
• If the overload requirements exceed the capabilities
1.1 Determine the maximum continuous motor current, of the chosen cell then the next larger cell size must
temporary overload not included: be selected.
• Use the motor full load line current (FLA) if
available or use the following formula to calculate Step 2 – Choosing the right transformer
motor current I.
2.1 The ROBICON Perfect Harmony transformer rating is
I motor based on the motor shaft horsepower:
• If the drive is intended to operate within nominal
parameters and without added redundant cells, the
maximum continuous motor horsepower (hp) will be
P motor __kW = shaft output (in kW)
used to rate the transformer using a straight formula:
V motor = motor voltage
1 transformer kVA per each motor hp
PF motor = motor power factor = (cos φ motor)
• The above rule is followed regardless of motor type.
h motor = motor efficiency
(keeping in mind: motor service factor if utilized and/or 2.2 The transformer is designed to support the temporary
overload requirements) overloads associated with the cells it feeds. If those
levels are exceeded by the application requirements,
• If the motor power factor (PFmotor) and efficiency please contact the factory or your local Siemens
at full load are not known then use the following sales representative.
default values:
– PF motor = 0.88
– motor = 0.96 Please contact the factory or your local Siemens sales
representative for derating calculations, if the drive is
• Factor in the motor service factor (SF) if the application intended to operate outside the nominal conditions
will make use of it under long term operation. You do so such as:
by multiplying the given/calculated current (from step • High ambient temperatures
1.1) by the motor SF. • High altitude installations
• Very low continuous operating frequencies at high current
• High frequency operation for high speed motors
2 kV kVA hp kW A A kVA
3.3 3510 4000 2984 614.79 880 9 4000 6SR3252-0B44-00 WCIII
3.3 3950 4500 3357 691.64 880 9 4500 6SR3252-0B44-50 WCIII
3.3 4390 5000 3730 768.49 880 9 5000 6SR3252-0B45-00 WCIII
3.3 4830 5500 4103 845.34 880 9 5500 6SR3252-0B45-50 WCIII
3.3 5025 5726 4271 880.00 880 9 6000 6SR3252-0B46-00 WCIII
3.3 5270 6000 4476 922.19 1250 9 6000 6SR3252-0C46-00 WCIII
3.3 5710 6500 4849 999.03 1250 9 6500 6SR3252-0C46-50 WCIII
3.3 6150 7000 5222 1075.88 1250 9 7000 6SR3252-0C47-00 WCIII
3.3 6590 7500 5595 1152.73 1250 9 7500 6SR3252-0C47-50 WCIII
3.3 7030 8000 5968 1229.58 1250 9 8000 6SR3252-0C48-00 WCIII
3.3 7140 8133 6067 1250.00 1250 9 8500 6SR3252-0C48-50 WCIII
1) The specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for
operation with induction motors and for typical power factor co-efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to the motor that is
actually used.
1) The specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for
operation with induction motors and for typical power factor co-efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to the motor that is
actually used.
2 kV kVA hp kW A A kVA
4.8 3950 4500 3357 475.50 880 12 4500 6SR3252-1B44-50 WCIII
4.8 4390 5000 3730 528.34 880 12 5000 6SR3252-1B45-00 WCIII
4.8 4830 5500 4103 581.17 880 12 5500 6SR3252-1B45-50 WCIII
4.8 5270 6000 4476 634.00 880 12 6000 6SR3252-1B46-00 WCIII
4.8 5710 6500 4849 686.84 880 12 6500 6SR3252-1B46-50 WCIII
4.8 6150 7000 5222 739.67 880 12 7000 6SR3252-1B47-00 WCIII
4.8 6590 7500 5595 792.50 880 12 7500 6SR3252-1B47-50 WCIII
4.8 7030 8000 5968 845.34 880 12 8000 6SR3252-1B48-00 WCIII
4.8 7315 8328 6213 880.00 880 12 8500 6SR3252-1B48-50 WCIII
4.8 7470 8500 6341 898.17 1250 12 8500 6SR3252-1C48-50 WCIII
4.8 7910 9000 6714 951.00 1250 12 9000 6SR3252-1C48-70 WCIII
4.8 8350 9500 7087 1003.84 1250 12 9500 6SR3252-1C48-80 WCIII
4.8 8780 10000 7460 1056.67 1250 12 10000 6SR3252-1C52-00 WCIII
1) The specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for
operation with induction motors and for typical power factor co-efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to the motor that is
actually used.
1) The specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for
operation with induction motors and for typical power factor co-efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to the motor that is
actually used.
2 kV kVA hp kW A A kVA
6.6 7030 8000 5968 614.79 880 15 8000 6SR3252-2B48-00 WCIII
6.6 7470 8500 6341 653.21 880 15 8500 6SR3252-2B48-50 WCIII
6.6 7910 9000 6714 691.64 880 15 9000 6SR3252-2B48-70 WCIII
6.6 8350 9500 7087 730.06 880 15 9500 6SR3252-2B48-80 WCIII
6.6 8780 10000 7460 768.49 880 15 10000 6SR3252-2B52-00 WCIII
6.6 9660 11000 8206 845.34 880 15 11000 6SR3252-2B52-20 WCIII
6.6 10055 11451 8542 880.00 880 15 12000 6SR3252-2B52-40 WCIII
6.6 10540 12000 8952 922.19 1250 15 12000 6SR3252-2C52-40 WCIII
6.6 11420 13000 9698 999.03 1250 15 13000 6SR3252-2C52-60 WCIII
6.6 12300 14000 10444 1075.88 1250 15 14000 6SR3252-2C52-80 WCIII
6.6 13180 15000 11190 1152.73 1250 15 15000 6SR3252-2C53-00 WCIII
6.6 14060 16000 11936 1229.58 1250 15 16000 6SR3252-2C53-20 WCIII
6.6 14285 16266 12134 1250.00 1250 15 17000 6SR3252-2C53-40 WCIII
1) The specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for
operation with induction motors and for typical power factor co-efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to the motor that is
actually used.
1) The specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for
operation with induction motors and for typical power factor co-efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to the motor that is
actually used.
6000 k VA 4 6 0
6500 k VA 4 6 5
7000 k VA 4 7 0
7500 k VA 4 7 5
8000 k VA 4 8 0
9000 k VA 4 8 7
9500 k VA 4 8 8
10000 k VA 5 2 0
11000 k VA 5 2 2
12000 k VA 5 2 4
13000 k VA 5 2 6
14000 k VA 5 2 8
15000 k VA 5 3 0
16000 k VA 5 3 2
17000 k VA 5 3 4
18000 k VA 5 3 6
19000 k VA 5 3 8
20000 k VA 5 4 0
480 V 3 AC, 60 Hz K
575 V 3 AC, 60 Hz N
690 V 3 AC, 60 Hz X
Special configuration with dissimilar voltages
for precharge, control and cooling unit
Note: Not all configurations that the above order no. key allows can be configured. See the selection tables and configuration information for
available drive configurations.
For the drive to be fully operational, customer needs to specify Heat Exchanger set up (liquid-liquid or liquid-air).1)
Each WCIII drive includes the following default/preset options – unless otherwise specified.2)
The tables below list the options available for the drive. Option Text Order WCIII
Some options are mutually exclusive or may require additional Code
information – for detailed description of options and notes, Serial communication
please, refer to chapter 4.
2 Standard option
Modbus Plus interface, Network 1 G21
The tables below list the options available for the drive. Some Option Text Order WCIII
options are mutually exclusive or may require additional Code
information – for detailed description of options and notes, Motor voltage
please, refer to chapter 4.
Standard option
Motor voltage 2.3 kV
Motor voltage 2.4 kV
Available option Motor voltage 3.0 kV V03
Control and display instruments in the door Motor voltage 4.16 kV V06
Sync check relay for synchronizing A66 Motor voltage 4.8 kV V07
Customer specified equipment on right door Y38 Motor voltage 5.5 kV V09
Keypad, Touchscreen Motor voltage 6.0 kV V10
Touchscreen with standard cable A30
Motor voltage 6.3 kV V11
Keypad located internal to cabinet N85
Motor voltage 6.6 kV V12
Customer specified touchscreen Y37
Motor voltage 6.9 kV V13
Control voltage supply
Motor voltage 7.2 kV V14
Customer for control voltage 120 V AC
by customer
I/O signal voltage 24 V DC K73
Control of auxiliaries
Digital relay contactor control of external
Power quality monitoring (PQM)
Multilin input power quality meter A67
Siemens 9510 input power quality meter A69
Motor monitoring
TEC System RTD monitor A60
Multilin 369 motor protection relay A61
Multilin 369 motor protection relay with
metering kit
Multilin 469 motor protection relay A63
Siemens 7UM61 motor protection relay A64
The tables below list the options available for the drive. Some Option Text Order WCIII
options are mutually exclusive or may require additional Code
information - for detailed description of options and notes, Production schedules
please, refer to chapter 4.
2 Standard option
Production schedule: one issue
week intervals
Available option
Production schedule: updated once per month B45
Documentation in Latvian D89 Note: The following options are coded in the order number
Documentation in Lithuanian D90 (refer to order No. key)
• Line connection voltage
Circuit diagrams with customer-specific • Transformer configuration
description field • Auxiliary voltage
Technical data
3 Regulation compliances
Paint finish color
ANSI 61 gray
Degree of protection
MV enclosures • NEMA 12(standard)/IP54(optional) 1)
LV enclosures • NEMA 1 (standard)/IP21 (standard) 1)
• NEMA 12 (optional)/IP54 (optional) 1)
Water cooling Deionized water with separate liquid-to-air or liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger
Altitude 2) ft 0 ... 3300 without derating
m 0 ... 1000 without derating
Permissible ambient temperature Refer to table below
Technical data
Chemical active 1C1 in acc. with 2C1 in acc. with 3C1 in acc. with
substances in IEC 60721-3-1 IEC 60721-3-2 IEC 60721-3-3
accordance with class
Mechanical active 1S1 in acc. with 2S1 in acc. with 3S1 (with optional NEMA
substances in IEC 60721-3-1 IEC 60721-3-2 12/IP54 MV enclosures)
accordance with class in acc. with IEC 60721-3-3
1) Maximum 104°F / 40°C drive ambient air temperature with maximum 117°F / 47°C drive inlet water temperature.
2) Maximum 122°F / 50°C drive ambient air temperature with maximum 104°F / 40°C drive inlet water temperature.
3) For altitudes above 3300 ft., (1000 m), please contact the factory.
4) Siemens equipment meets all 2M2 conditions except free fall and pitch and roll.
WCIII for motor voltages 3.3 to 7.2kV; schematic drawing A
For dimensions of WCIII drives, see the following technical data tables.
Technical data
1) The Specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in 4) Includes cooling blowers/pumps; largest unit shown. CPT: Control
hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for power transformer.
operation with induction motors and for a typical power factor cos 5) Percentage of transformer kVA.
and motor efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to 6) Maximum installable size per phase.
the motor that is actually used. 7) PE - Protective Earth.
2) Values at 100% of rated speed and torque; includes drive and input 8) For dimension drawings please refer to Section 5, pg 5/11.
transformer. 9) Drive Weight is based on cell cabinet, transformer cabinet, and coolant
3) 120/240 V AC for NXGII control and 120 V AC internal heat exchanger cabinet only.
in water-cooled systems.
1) The Specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in 4) Includes cooling blowers/pumps; largest unit shown. CPT: Control
hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for power transformer.
operation with induction motors and for a typical power factor cos 5) Percentage of transformer kVA.
and motor efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to 6) Maximum installable size per phase.
the motor that is actually used. 7) PE - Protective Earth.
2) Values at 100% of rated speed and torque; includes drive and input 8) For dimension drawings please refer to Section 5, pg 5/11.
transformer. 9) Drive Weight is based on cell cabinet, transformer cabinet, and coolant
3) 120/240 V AC for NXGII control and 120 V AC internal heat exchanger cabinet only.
in water-cooled systems.
1) The Specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in 4) Includes cooling blowers/pumps; largest unit shown. CPT: Control
hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for power transformer.
operation with induction motors and for a typical power factor cos 5) Percentage of transformer kVA.
and motor efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to 6) Maximum installable size per phase.
the motor that is actually used. 7) PE - Protective Earth.
2) Values at 100% of rated speed and torque; includes drive and input 8) For dimension drawings please refer to Section 5, pg 5/11.
transformer. 9) Drive Weight is based on cell cabinet, transformer cabinet, and coolant
3) 120/240 V AC for NXGII control and 120 V AC internal heat exchanger cabinet only.
in water-cooled systems.
ROBICON Perfect Harmony 6SR3252- 6SR3252- 6SR3252- 6SR3252- 6SR3252- 6SR3252- 6SR3252-
liquid-cooled drive version 0.C47-0..0 0.C47-5..0 0.C48-0..0 0.C48-5..0 0.C48-7..0 0.C48-8..0 0.C52-0..0
Motor voltage 4.0/4.16 kV
Max. output voltage kV 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Type rating kVA 6150 6590 7030 7470 7910 8350 8660
Shaft output 1) hp 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 9500 9858
kW 5222 5595 5968 6341 6714 7087 7354
Typical motor current 1) A 887.60 951.00 1014.40 1077.80 1141.20 1204.60 1250.00
Power cell current A 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250
Number of cells 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Transformer rating kVA 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 9500 10000
Power losses of drive system
3 • Copper transformer
Efficiency Pout /Pin 2) of
kW < 245 < 263 < 280 < 298 < 315 < 333 < 350
drive system
• Copper transformer % 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5
Auxiliary supply
• Single-phase w/o options 3) kVA 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
• Single-phase w/ all options 3) kVA 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
• Three-phase w/o CPT 4) kVA 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
• Three-phase w/ CPT and all kVA 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5
-options 4)
System pre-charge 5) % < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5
Cooling water requirement — Determined by actual design of external liquid-to-air or liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger
Power cabling cross sections 6)
• Cable cross-sections,line-side, AWG/MCM 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000
max. connectable per phase (NEC, CEC) MCM MCM MCM MCM MCM MCM MCM
with ½” bolt
mm2 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500
• Cable cross-sections, AWG/MCM 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000
motor-side, max. (NEC, CEC) MCM MCM MCM MCM MCM MCM MCM
connectable per phase mm2 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500
with ½” bolt (DIN VDE)
• PE 7) connection, max. AWG/MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM
connection cross-section at (NEC, CEC)
enclosure with ½” bolt mm2 500 500 500 500 500 500
Degree of protection MV NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54
Drive dimensions (overall drive dimensions)
• Width in 378 378 378 378 378 378
mm 9600 9600 9600 9600 9600 9600
• Height in 115 115 115 115 115 115
mm 2920 2920 2920 2920 2920 2920
• Depth in 66 66 66 66 66 66
mm 1680 1680 1680 1680 1680 1680
• Dimension drawing 8) A A A A A A
Drive weight (cell cabinet and transformer cabinet)
• Weight 9) lb 41567 42418 43242 44041 44817 45572 46308
kg 26067 26453 26827 27189 27541 27884 28218
1) The Specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in 4) Includes cooling blowers/pumps; largest unit shown. CPT: Control
hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for power transformer.
operation with induction motors and for a typical power factor cos 5) Percentage of transformer kVA.
and motor efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to 6) Maximum installable size per phase.
the motor that is actually used. 7) PE - Protective Earth.
2) Values at 100% of rated speed and torque; includes drive and input 8) For dimension drawings please refer to Section 5, pg 5/11.
transformer. 9) Drive Weight is based on cell cabinet, transformer cabinet, and coolant
3) 120/240 V AC for NXGII control and 120 V AC internal heat exchanger cabinet only.
in water-cooled systems.
1) The Specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in 4) Includes cooling blowers/pumps; largest unit shown. CPT: Control
hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for power transformer.
operation with induction motors and for a typical power factor cos 5) Percentage of transformer kVA.
and motor efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to 6) Maximum installable size per phase.
the motor that is actually used. 7) PE - Protective Earth.
2) Values at 100% of rated speed and torque; includes drive and input 8) For dimension drawings please refer to Section 5, pg 5/11.
transformer. 9) Drive Weight is based on cell cabinet, transformer cabinet, and coolant
3) 120/240 V AC for NXGII control and 120 V AC internal heat exchanger cabinet only.
in water-cooled systems.
1) The Specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in 4) Includes cooling blowers/pumps; largest unit shown. CPT: Control
hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for power transformer.
operation with induction motors and for a typical power factor cos 5) Percentage of transformer kVA.
and motor efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to 6) Maximum installable size per phase.
the motor that is actually used. 7) PE - Protective Earth.
2) Values at 100% of rated speed and torque; includes drive and input 8) For dimension drawings please refer to Section 5, pg 5/11.
transformer. 9) Drive Weight is based on cell cabinet, transformer cabinet, and coolant
3) 120/240 V AC for NXGII control and 120 V AC internal heat exchanger cabinet only.
in water-cooled systems.
1) The Specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in 4) Includes cooling blowers/pumps; largest unit shown. CPT: Control
hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for power transformer.
operation with induction motors and for a typical power factor cos 5) Percentage of transformer kVA.
and motor efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to 6) Maximum installable size per phase.
the motor that is actually used. 7) PE - Protective Earth.
2) Values at 100% of rated speed and torque; includes drive and input 8) For dimension drawings please refer to Section 5, pg 5/11.
transformer. 9) Drive Weight is based on cell cabinet, transformer cabinet, and coolant
3) 120/240 V AC for NXGII control and 120 V AC internal heat exchanger cabinet only.
in water-cooled systems.
drive system
• Copper transformer % 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5
Auxiliary supply
• Single-phase w/o options 3) kVA 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
• Single-phase w/ all options 3) kVA 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
• Three-phase w/o CPT 4) kVA 25 25 25 25 25 25
• Three-phase w/ CPT and all
-options 4) kVA 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5
System pre-charge 5) % < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5
Cooling water requirement — Determined by actual design of external liquid-to-air or liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger
Power cabling cross sections 6)
• Cable cross-sections, line-side, AWG/MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM
max. connectable per phase (NEC, CEC)
with ½” bolt
mm2 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500
• Cable cross-sections, motor-side, AWG/MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM
max. connectable per phase with (NEC, CEC)
½” bolt mm2 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500
• PE 7) connection, max. AWG/MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM
connection cross-section at (NEC, CEC)
enclosure with ½” bolt mm2 500 500 500 500 500 500
Degree of protection MV NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 1/IP21 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/IP54
LV NEMA 1/IP21 NEMA 1/IP21 NEMA 1/IP21 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 1/IP21 NEMA 1/IP21
Drive dimensions (overall drive dimensions)
• Width in 433 433 433 433 433 433
mm 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100
• Height in 115 115 115 115 115 115
mm 2920 2920 2920 2920 2920 2920
• Depth in 66 66 66 66 66 66
mm 1680 1680 1680 1680 1680 1680
• Dimension drawing 8) A A A A A A
Drive weight (cell cabinet and transformer cabinet)
• Weight 9) lb 49247 50115 50956 51771 52563 53333
kg 22338 22732 23114 23483 23843 24192
1) The Specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in 4) Includes cooling blowers/pumps; largest unit shown. CPT: Control
hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for power transformer.
operation with induction motors and for a typical power factor cos 5) Percentage of transformer kVA.
and motor efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to 6) Maximum installable size per phase.
the motor that is actually used. 7) PE - Protective Earth.
2) Values at 100% of rated speed and torque; includes drive and input 8) For dimension drawings please refer to Section 5, pg 5/11.
transformer. 9) Drive Weight is based on cell cabinet, transformer cabinet, and coolant
3) 120/240 V AC for NXGII control and 120 V AC internal heat exchanger cabinet only.
in water-cooled systems.
1) The Specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in 4) Includes cooling blowers/pumps; largest unit shown. CPT: Control
hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for power transformer.
operation with induction motors and for a typical power factor cos 5) Percentage of transformer kVA.
and motor efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to 6) Maximum installable size per phase.
the motor that is actually used. 7) PE - Protective Earth.
2) Values at 100% of rated speed and torque; includes drive and input 8) For dimension drawings please refer to Section 5, pg 5/11.
transformer. 9) Drive Weight is based on cell cabinet, transformer cabinet, and coolant
3) 120/240 V AC for NXGII control and 120 V AC internal heat exchanger cabinet only.
in water-cooled systems.
1) The Specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in 4) Includes cooling blowers/pumps; largest unit shown. CPT: Control
hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for power transformer.
operation with induction motors and for a typical power factor cos 5) Percentage of transformer kVA.
and motor efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to 6) Maximum installable size per phase.
the motor that is actually used. 7) PE - Protective Earth.
2) Values at 100% of rated speed and torque; includes drive and input 8) For dimension drawings please refer to Section 5, pg 5/11.
transformer. 9) Drive Weight is based on cell cabinet, transformer cabinet, and coolant
3) 120/240 V AC for NXGII control and 120 V AC internal heat exchanger cabinet only.
in water-cooled systems.
ROBICON Perfect Harmony 6SR3252- 6SR3252- 6SR3252- 6SR3252- 6SR3252- 6SR3252- 6SR3252-
liquid-cooled drive version 2.B48-0..0 2.B48-5..0 2.B48-7..0 2.B48-8..0 2.B52-0..0 2.B52-2..0 2.B52-4..0
Motor voltage 6.6 kV
Max. output voltage kV 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6
Type rating kVA 7030 7470 7910 8350 8780 9660 10055
Shaft output 1) hp 8000 8500 9000 9500 10000 11000 11450
kW 5968 6341 6714 7087 7460 8206 8542
Typical motor current 1) A 614.79 653.21 691.64 730.06 768.49 845.34 880.00
Power cell current A 880 880 880 880 880 880 880
Number of cells 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Transformer rating kVA 8000 8500 9000 9500 10000 11000 12000
Power losses of drive system
• Copper transformer
Efficiency Pout /Pin 2) of
kW < 280 < 298 < 315 < 333 < 350 < 385 < 420
drive system
• Copper transformer % 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5
Auxiliary supply
• Single-phase w/o options 3) kVA 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
• Single-phase w/ all options 3) kVA 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
• Three-phase w/o CPT 4) kVA 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
• Three-phase w/ CPT and all kVA 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5
-options 4) 27.5
System pre-charge 5) % < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5
Cooling water requirement — Determined by actual design of external liquid-to-air or liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger
Power cabling cross sections 6)
• Cable cross-sections,line-side, AWG/MCM 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000
max. connectable per phase (NEC,CEC) MCM MCM MCM MCM MCM MCM MCM
with ½” bolt
mm2 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500
• Cable cross-sections, AWG/MCM 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000 2 x 1000
motor-side, max. (NEC, CEC) MCM MCM MCM MCM MCM MCM MCM
connectable per phase mm2 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500
with ½” bolt (DIN VDE)
• PE 7) connection, max. AWG/MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM
connection cross-section at (NEC, CEC)
enclosure with ½” bolt mm2 500 500 500 500 500 500
Degree of protection MV NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54
Drive dimensions (overall drive dimensions)
• Width in 433 433 433 433 439 439 439
mm 11100 11100 11100 11100 11150 11150 11150
• Height in 115 115 115 115 115 115 115
mm 2920 2920 2920 2920 2920 2920 2920
• Depth in 66 66 66 66 70 70 70
mm 1680 1680 1680 1680 1780 1780 1780
• Dimension drawing 8) A A A A A A A
Drive weight (cell cabinet and transformer cabinet)
• Weight 9) lb 50956 51771 52563 53333 54084 55533 56919
kg 23114 23483 23843 24192 24533 25190 25818
1) The Specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in 4) Includes cooling blowers/pumps; largest unit shown. CPT: Control
hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for power transformer.
operation with induction motors and for a typical power factor cos 5) Percentage of transformer kVA.
and motor efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to 6) Maximum installable size per phase.
the motor that is actually used. 7) PE - Protective Earth.
2) Values at 100% of rated speed and torque; includes drive and input 8) For dimension drawings please refer to Section 5, pg 5/11.
transformer. 9) Drive Weight is based on cell cabinet, transformer cabinet, and coolant
3) 120/240 V AC for NXGII control and 120 V AC internal heat exchanger cabinet only.
in water-cooled systems.
1) The Specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in 4) Includes cooling blowers/pumps; largest unit shown. CPT: Control
hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for power transformer.
operation with induction motors and for a typical power factor cos 5) Percentage of transformer kVA.
and motor efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to 6) Maximum installable size per phase.
the motor that is actually used. 7) PE - Protective Earth.
2) Values at 100% of rated speed and torque; includes drive and input 8) For dimension drawings please refer to Section 5, pg 5/11.
transformer. 9) Drive Weight is based on cell cabinet, transformer cabinet, and coolant
3) 120/240 V AC for NXGII control and 120 V AC internal heat exchanger cabinet only.
in water-cooled systems.
1) The Specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in 4) Includes cooling blowers/pumps; largest unit shown. CPT: Control
hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for power transformer.
operation with induction motors and for a typical power factor cos 5) Percentage of transformer kVA.
and motor efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to 6) Maximum installable size per phase.
the motor that is actually used. 7) PE - Protective Earth.
2) Values at 100% of rated speed and torque; includes drive and input 8) For dimension drawings please refer to Section 5, pg 5/11.
transformer. 9) Drive Weight is based on cell cabinet, transformer cabinet, and coolant
3) 120/240 V AC for NXGII control and 120 V AC internal heat exchanger cabinet only.
in water-cooled systems.
drive system
• Copper transformer % 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5 96.5
Auxiliary supply
• Single-phase w/o options 3) kVA 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
• Single-phase w/ all options 3) kVA 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
• Three-phase w/o CPT 4) kVA 25 25 25 25 25
• Three-phase w/ CPT and all kVA 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5
-options 4)
System pre-charge 5) % < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5
Cooling water requirement — Determined by actual design of external liquid-to-air or liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger
Power cabling cross sections 6)
• Cable cross-sections, line-side, AWG/MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM
max. connectable per phase (NEC, CEC)
with ½” bolt
mm2 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500
• Cable cross-sections, motor-side, AWG/MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM 2 x 1000 MCM
max. connectable per phase (NEC, CEC)
with ½” bolt mm2 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500
• PE 7) connection, max. AWG/MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM
connection cross-section at (NEC, CEC)
enclosure with ½” bolt mm2 500 500 500 500 500
Degree of protection MV NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54 NEMA 12/ IP54
Drive dimensions (overall drive dimensions)
• Width in 474 474 474 474 478
mm 12040 12040 12040 12040 12140
• Height in 115 115 115 115 125
mm 2920 2920 2920 2920 3180
• Depth in 70 70 70 70 76
mm 1780 1780 1780 1780 1930
• Dimension drawing 8) A A A A A
Drive weight (cell cabinet and transformer cabinet)
• Weight 9) lb 66231 67630 68973 68973 70266
kg 30042 30677 31286 31286 31873
1) The Specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in 4) Includes cooling blowers/pumps; largest unit shown. CPT: Control
hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for power transformer.
operation with induction motors and for a typical power factor cos 5) Percentage of transformer kVA.
and motor efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to 6) Maximum installable size per phase.
the motor that is actually used. 7) PE - Protective Earth.
2) Values at 100% of rated speed and torque; includes drive and input 8) For dimension drawings please refer to Section 5, pg 5/11.
transformer. 9) Drive Weight is based on cell cabinet, transformer cabinet, and coolant
3) 120/240 V AC for NXGII control and 120 V AC internal heat exchanger cabinet only.
in water-cooled systems.
1) The Specifications for the typical motor current and the power data in 4) Includes cooling blowers/pumps; largest unit shown. CPT: Control
hp and kW are approximate values only; these have been calculated for power transformer.
operation with induction motors and for a typical power factor cos 5) Percentage of transformer kVA.
and motor efficiency. Both approximate values have to be adapted to 6) Maximum installable size per phase.
the motor that is actually used. 7) PE - Protective Earth.
2) Values at 100% of rated speed and torque; includes drive and input 8) For dimension drawings please refer to Section 5, pg 5/11.
transformer. 9) Drive Weight is based on cell cabinet, transformer cabinet, and coolant
3) 120/240 V AC for NXGII control and 120 V AC internal heat exchanger cabinet only.
in water-cooled systems.
Below you will find a detailed description of the options A67, A69
available. To easily find the required order code and its Power quality monitoring
associated parameters, the descriptions are sorted
Option Description
alphabetically by order codes in the paragraphs below.
A67 Multilin input power quality meter
A30, A31 Multilin power quality meter installed at the input of
the drive.
Keypad, Touch Screen
A69 Siemens 9510 input power quality meter
Option Description Siemens power quality meter installed at the input of
the drive
A30 Touchscreen with standard cable
Standard Siemens touchscreen with standard Ethernet
cable will be provided on the door of the drive. Option A30 B43 to B45
includes option N85 (Keypad located internal to cabinet). Production Schedules
The options B43 to B45 provide production schedule
A60 to A65 documents. These are sent via E-Mail as PDF files in
Motor Monitoring English after order clarification.
Note: The options A60 to A65 are mutually exclusive. Select
one of them only. Option Description
B43 Production schedule: One issue
Option Description
B44 Production schedule: updated at 2-week intervals
4 A60 TEC System RTD monitor
Basic 8-channel RTD monitor B45 Production schedule: updated once per month
Sync check relay for synchronizing
With option A66, a sync check relay for synchronizing the
input and output voltage and frequency during synchronous
transfer operation is mounted on the right door.
D00 to D90 D84 Documentation in Chinese
Documentation With order code D84, the documentation is supplied in
Chinese on CD-ROM.
The standard documentation is supplied in English on
D85 Documentation in Slovenian (on request)
CD-ROM. The circuit diagrams / terminal diagrams are
available only in English. D86 Documentation in Greek (on request)
D87 Documentation in Slovakian (on request)
Note: Please contact the factory or your local Siemens sales
D88 Documentation in Estonian (on request)
representative for documentation in a language different
from the ones specified below. D89 Documentation in Latvian (on request)
D90 Documentation in Lithuanian (on request)
Option Description
Table 3-2 Mutually exclusive options D00 to D84
D00 Documentation in German
With order code D00, the documentation is supplied in
German on CD-ROM.
(standard PDF format in English on CD-ROM)
D02 Circuit diagrams, terminal diagrams and dimension Documentation Code D00 D02 D15 D56 D76 D79 D84
drawings in DXF format (English only)
Documents such as circuit diagrams, terminal diagrams, D00 ― ― ―
in German
the arrangement diagram and the dimension drawing can
be ordered with order code D02 in DXF format, e.g. for use Circuit Diagrams,
in AutoCAD systems. terminal diagrams
and dimension
D15 One set of printed documentation (multiple
orders possible)
drawings in DXF
format (English
If documentation is also required on paper, this must be only)
ordered using order code D15.
One set of
D54 Documentation in Czech (on request) printed D15
D55 Documentation in Polish (on request) documentation
D56 Documentation in Russian D56 ― ― ―
in Russian
With order code D56, the documentation is supplied in
Russian on CD-ROM. Documentation
in English
D57 Documentation in Japanese (on request)
D62 Documentation in Danish (on request) in Portuguese D79 ― ― ―
D71 Documentation in Romanian (on request) (Brazil)
D72 Documentation in Italian (on request) D84 ― ― ―
in Chinese
D73 Documentation in Finnish (on request)
D74 Documentation in Dutch (on request) Options can be combined
D75 Documentation in Turkish (on request) ― Options are mutually exclusive
D76 Documentation in English
If a documentation language other than English is selected
(options D00 or D56 to D84), an additional CD-ROM with
documentation in English as second documentation
E00, E01
language can be ordered using order code D76. Motor Static Exciter
Note: If option D15 (one set of printed documentation) is
Option Description
selected simultaneously, the printed documentation will
be delivered in the first documentation language only. E00 Motor static exciter furnished by customer
D77 Documentation in French (on request) Option E00 should be selected when customer will be
supplying the static exciter cabinet for synchronous motor
D78 Documentation in Spanish (on request) applications.
D79 Documentation in Portuguese (Brazil) E01 Motor static exciter furnished by Siemens
With order code D79, the documentation is supplied in For synchronous motor applications, the static exciter
Portuguese on CD-ROM. cabinet will be provided by Siemens as part of the drive
D80 Documentation in Bulgarian (on request) lineup with the same degree of protection as the drive.
G21 to G93 Table 3-4 Mutually exclusive options (G21 to G93)
Serial communication
Option Description communication Code
Modbus Plus
G21 Modbus Plus interface, network 1 interface, G21 ― ― ― ― ―
Note: If a second Modbus Plus interface is required, network 1
select options G21 and G31 Modbus RTU
G22 Modbus RTU interface, network 1 interface, G22 ― ― ― ― ―
network 1
Software activation of the interface; available without
DeviceNet profile
additional hardware.
12 interface, G23 ― ― ― ― ―
Note: If a second Modbus interface is required, select network 1
options G22 and G32. Control Net
G23 DeviceNet profile 12 interface, network 1 interface, G26 ― ― ― ― ―
network 1
Note: If a second DeviceNet interface is required, select
options G23 and G43. Modbus Ethernet
interface, G28 ― ― ― ― ―
G26 Control Net interface, network 1 network 1
Note: If second Control Net interface is required, select PROFIBUS DP
options G26 and G46. interface, G91 ― ― ― ― ―
network 1
G28 Modbus Ethernet interface, network 1 Modbus Plus
Software activation of the interface; available without interface, G31 ― ― ― ― ―
additional hardware. network 2
4 Note: If a second Modbus Ethernet interface is required,
select option G28 and G38.
Modbus RTU
interface, G32 ― ― ― ― ―
network 2
G31 Modbus Plus interface, network 2 Modbus Ethernet
G32 Modbus RTU interface, network 2 interface, G38 ― ― ― ― ―
network 2
G38 Modbus Ethernet interface, network 2 DeviceNet profile
12 interface, G43 ― ― ― ― ―
G43 DeviceNet profile 12 interface, network 2 network 2
G46 Control Net interface, network 2 Control Net
interface, G46 ― ― ― ― ―
G91 PROFIBUS DP interface, network 1 network 2
Note: If a second PROFIBUS DP interface is required, PROFIBUS DP
select option G91 and G93. interface, G93 ― ― ― ― ―
network 2
G93 PROFIBUS DP interface, network 2
DeviceNet profile 12
Modbus Ethernet 2)
2 G42
Modbus RTU 1)
Network communication
Modbus Plus
Control Net
Option Description
1) Network 1 Modbus RTU uses the COM port on the communications board.
2) Network 1 Modbus Ethernet uses the Ethernet port on the CPU card
(additional Ethernet switch is required).
K31, K33 L03
Control and display instruments in the door EMC Filter
Option Description
CE mark drives require an EMC line filter. With option
L03, the filter will be installed downstream from the
K31 Off-Local-Remote selector
3-phase control power disconnect switch. Customer input
A three position selector switch mounted on the front of
the drive. control power cables will be routed inside the metallic
Note: The options K31 to K34 are mutually exclusive. wire-way before being terminated at the control power
Select one of them. disconnect switch.
K33 Keyed Off-Local-Remote selector
A three position selector switch mounted on the front of Note: Option L03 is included by option U02 (Version with
the drive provided with keyed protection. CE conformity). It is not available separately for WCIII drives.
Note: The options K31 and K33 are mutually exclusive.
Select one of them. L09
Output reactor
Note: Select one of the options K31 and K33. Option K31 is
For liquid-cooled units, as a standard, the liquid-cooled
the preset value.
reactor cabinet will be included in the drive lineup with IP
protection same as power section of the drive (IP54).
Drive Acceptance Tests Code K31 K33
in Presence of Customer
Off-Local-Remote Selector K31 ― L29
Bidirectional synchronized transfer 4
Keyed Off-Local-Remote Selector K33 ―
Option L29 offers automatic synchronization with seamless
― Options are mutually exclusive transfer of the motor to the line and take-over of the motor
from the line. The drive synchronizes the motor to the
supply voltage (phase relation, frequency and amplitude).
K50 The motor is subsequently connected in parallel to the line
Vector control with speed encoder with the S3 circuit-breaker/contactor before the output-side
With option K50, I/O evaluation of a speed encoder signal S2 circuit-breaker/ contactor opens.
is integrated. For example, this is used in applications that
require very accurate speed control, especially at low speeds.
S1 S3
K73, K79
The opening and closing time of the two circuit-breakers / L55
contactors is approximately 100 ms. Within this period of Anti-condensation heating for cabinet
time, the motor is transferred from the drive to the line. The anti-condensation heating is recommended at low
This small time window allows for a bumpless transfer. ambient temperatures and high levels of humidity to prevent
condensation. The number of cabinet heaters fitted depends
If the motor is to be taken from the line and operated via the on the number of cabinet panels (refer to the table). The
drive, the transfer process is executed in reverse order. The anti-condensation heaters are controlled with a thermostat.
circuit breaker contactor S2 is closed, the drive synchronizes
to the output voltage, and magnetization current and up to Note: The supply voltage for the anti-condensation heating
25% torque is applied. At this point, contactor S3 is opened (110 or 240 V AC) must be supplied externally.
and the motor is operating on the drive. This technique
provides for minimum transient when transferring a motor WCIII, number of cells Number and power of heaters
from the line to the drive. 9 to 12 cells 7 heaters, 250 W each
15 cells 8 heaters, 250 W each
Synchronous transfer as implemented by ROBICON Perfect
18 cells 9 heaters, 250 W each
Harmony does not produce any high starting and transient
torques that could damage the drive train or cause pressure
fluctuations in the process. The S3 circuit-breaker/contactor M08 to M10, M38
Mechanical door interlocks
must be configured to protect the motor against over
currents and over voltages during line operation. If With options M08, M09, M10 and M38 the drive is supplied
4 temperature sensors are fitted in the motor, these must with a mechanical door interlock system. These options are
be monitored independently (plant-side) during line mutually exclusive.
operation. In addition, an output reactor (option L09) is
required for the decoupling of the drive output during the Note: One of the options M08 to M10 and M38 is required
commutation process. for CSA, CE (US).
Option Description
Note: The circuit-breakers/contactors are not included in the
scope of delivery. For the dimensioning of the output reactor M08 Mechanical door interlock – Superior
Description see option M10.
(option L09) and the circuit-breakers/contactors contact
the factory or your local Siemens sales representative. A M09 Mechanical door interlock – Kirk
Description see option M10.
motor protection relay should also be considered in the
bypass circuit. M10 Mechanical door interlock – Castell
The safety closing/interlocking system is based on the key
transfer system from Castell. The opened circuit-breaker
Attention: Option L29 is only possible if the drive output releases the key to the key exchange unit, which in turn
voltage is the same as the line voltage. releases the keys to the drive cabinet doors of the power
section. This ensures that the drive is isolated from the
medium voltage and that the medium voltage is no longer
present in to cabinet.
M38 Mechanical door interlock – Fortress
Description see option M10.
M17 N85
Electrical door interlocks Keypad located internal to cabinet
The electrical switch doors interlock removes power from Keypad installed on the control panel inside the drive
energized sectors. cabinet, no touchscreen provided.
Drive sends a signal to the circuit breaker trip circuit to T03, T04
remove power and to prevent closure of the circuit breaker. Nameplate color, material
This system prevents the drive from being energized until all
Option Description
doors into the energized sections in the drive are closed.
T03 White letters with black core
This system is a backup to the mechanical door interlocks
(standard: black letters, white core)
(M08, M09, M10, and M38).
T04 Stainless steel
(standard: phenolic)
Note: M17 is included by option U02 (Version with CE
conformity. It is not available separately for these drives. T74 to T91
Nameplate languages
This system is a backup to the mechanical door interlocks
(M08, M09, M10, and M38). Nameplates can be supplied in two languages. The following
order codes provide a list of available languages.
M36, M37
Gland plates Note: Please contact the factory or local Siemens sales
representative for languages different from the ones 4
With options M36 and M37, gland plates can be ordered in specified below.
a brass (M36) and stainless steel (M37) version.
Option Description
The options M36 and M37 are mutually exclusive.
T74 English / German
Option Description
T82 English / Portuguese (Brazil)
M36 Gland plates, brass
T85 English / Russian
M37 Gland plates, stainless steel
T91 English / Chinese
Note: Options M36 and M37 apply for input/output Table 3-6 Mutually exclusive options T74 to T91
power cables only. Gland plates for control cables are always
aluminum. Nameplate language Code T74 T82 T85 T91
English / German T74 ― ― ―
Synchronized pre-charge pre-magnetization of English / Portuguese (Brazil) T82 ― ― ―
the transformer English / Russian T85 ― ― ―
The synchronized pre-charge option allows not only the DC- Note: Option U02 includes options L03 (EMC filter) and
link capacitors in all power cells to be pre-charged, but in ad- M08 (mechanical door interlocks – Superior).
dition, to build-up the input transformer flux in close phase
relation with the incoming medium voltage feed, hence
minimizing the transformer inrush currents when
the circuit-breaker is closed.
U03 V01 to V14
Version with CSA certification Motor Voltages
With option U03, a drive version certified by the Canadian With the options V01 to V14, the motor voltage can be
Standards Association (CSA) is supplied. selected. These options are mutually exclusive. Select one
of them.
Note: Option U03 includes option M08 (mechanical door
interlocks – Superior). Option Motor voltage
V01 2.3 kV
U02, U04 Combination V02 2.4 kV
Version with CE and GOST certification V03 3.0 kV
V04 3.3 kV
With the combination of U02 and U04, a drive version with
V05 4.0 kV
CE and GOST conformity is supplied.
V06 4.16 kV
V07 4.8 kV
Note: When options U02 and U04 are combined, options
V08 5.0 kV
L03 (EMC filter) and option M12 (electrical door interlocks)
are included. V09 5.5 kV
V10 6.0 kV
V11 6.3 kV
U10 V12 6.6 kV
4 With option U10, the control system Process Tolerant
6.9 kV
7.2 kV
Protection Strategy (ProToPS) is integrated – a ground-
breaking process control system available exclusively from
Siemens. Instead of tripping the drive and automatically W31, W32
shutting down the system due to a malfunction, ProToPS Design of Cooling
provides a hierarchical system of warnings in advance of With options W31 or W32, a heat exchanger is provided
potential drive system trip. This control strategy allows time to cool the power components and transformer. They are
to evaluate the situation and respond appropriately to avoid mutually exclusive. For further details, please contact the
a system shutdown. factory or your local Siemens sales representative.
Note: Option U10 includes the options U11 (cell bypass). Option Description
W31 Drive prepared for liquid-liquid heat exchanger
Note: Contact the factory or your local Siemens sales
representative for option U10. W32 Drive prepared for liquid-air heat exchanger
Note: The heat exchangers are not integral to the drive lineup
and require outside installation by customer.
Cell bypass
With option U11, the drive system will automatically Note: One heat exchanger unit is required per drive system.
continue to operate uninterrupted if one or more cells
has a fault. The continuous current rating is maintained Example of liquid-liquid heat exchanger
with faulted cells but at a reduced voltage. This is a
recommended option for critical processes. Faulted
cells can then be replaced at a convenient planned
maintenance window.
Note: For more information on Liquid-Liquid heat Y05
exchangers, please contact your local Siemens sales Customer-specific nameplate
representative for any questions or inquiries As standard the nameplate shows the rated data of the drive
under nominal conditions.
Example of liquid-air heat exchanger
If data on the nameplate should be adapted to special
ambient conditions (temperature, altitude) or should reflect
special load conditions (e.g. derating because of operation
at low frequency), the option Y05 must be selected.
Information to be supplied:
• Altitude
• Coolant temperature
• Rated voltage
• Rated current
• Rated power
Note: For more information on Liquid-Air heat exchangers,
please contact your local Siemens sales representative for
any questions or inquiries. Y09
Paint finish other than standard
Option Description
W72 Propylene glycol supplied by Siemens Customer specified touchscreen
With option W72, Siemens will provide the required
amount of propylene glycol for the inner closed loop A customer specified touchscreen will be provided on the
cooling system. door of the drive. Option Y37 includes option N85 (Keypad
W73 Ethylene glycol supplied by Siemens located internal to cabinet).
With option W73, Siemens will provide the required
amount of ethylene glycol for the inner closed loop For details please contact the factory or your local Siemens
cooling system.
sales representative.
Customer specified equipment on right door
With option Y38, customer specified equipment will be
mounted on the right door.
5/3 Accessories
5/3 Cell lifter
5/8 Interfaces
5/8 Overview
5/8 Standard input/output assignments
NXGII ToolSuite Control (only if enabled by SOP)
The NXGII ToolSuite is a PC-based high-level Graphical User • Manual start button
Interface (GUI) application that integrates various software • Stop button
tools used for NXGII based drives. ToolSuite, equipped with • Fault reset button
the Microsoft Windows Operating System, allows navigation
through a drive’s features by using a PC or by using a touch Drive Tool
screen (instead of an operator panel) – allowing you to Its purpose is to manage all of the drive features and provide
monitor and control that drive’s functions quickly and easily. the user with a user-friendly view of the drive.
The NXGII Control and the PC running the NXGII ToolSuite The Drive Tool’s main features include:
software, interface with one another using Ethernet and TCP/ • Drive configuration
IP protocol. ToolSuite contains the following tools: Drive Tool, • Drive variable graphing
Debug Tool, and SOP Utilities. • Drive status (provides real time status of various
parameters, measured values, and calculations)
• Multilevel password to limit access Debug Tool
- Passwords same as used in drive This application provides a remote graphical user interface
• Folders for each drive configuration category (i.e., VFD for Siemens medium-voltage ROBICON Perfect Harmony
Menu system) NXGII series drives. With the Debug Tool, the user can
- Icon colors to indicate default and modified parameter examine drive variables using a PC in a simple and quick
values manner. The debug utility is intended for use during test,
- On screen parameter identifier (matches operator panel commissioning, and troubleshooting of the drive.
IDs for speed menus)
- Parameter editing assisted by minimum/maximum limits SOP Utilities
and defaults The System Operating Program (SOP) is the logic that
• Ability to upload logs, parameters, system program maps the internal and external I/O into the functionality
• Ability to download system program and/or configuration of the drive. In its simplest form, it just maps internal states
data files to external points. In more complex forms, additional
5 Graphing
complex logic, in the form of Boolean logic, as well as timers,
counters, and comparators, express the system functionality
• Adjustable time scale to the drive.
• Predefined variable list to select variable to be graphed
• Graph up to 10 variables The SOP Utilities is a group of utilities under the ToolSuite
• Individual variable offsets umbrella program. It performs most of the functionality
• Individual variable scaling on the PC running the ToolSuite, but has serial
• Customizable graphics – fonts, color, styles communications capability for uploading and downloading
• Freeze graphics the System Program directly to the drive via an RS232
• Freeze graph on fault interface between the drive and the PC. The purpose of
• Freeze on selectable trigger the SOP Utilities Tool is to convert logic statements into a
• Zoom graph form of machine-recognizable code that is run under the
• Printable graphics built-in drive SOP interpreter.
• Exportable graphics
• Programmable display variables
• Pick list selectable variables, same as drive operator panel
display list
• First 4 synchronized to operator panel display
• Fault and alarm indicators (traffic lights: red = fault,
yellow = alarm, green = none)
SinaSave In addition to high-efficiency motors (IE2) SinaSave also
includes low-voltage and medium-voltage frequency drives,
which are predestined for pump and fan application.
Additional information
Additional information on services relating to energy-saving
topics is provided on the Internet:
Based on characteristic plant values, SinaSave calculates the
possible cost-saving potential for the specific application. A Accessories
payback time is obtained from the monthly overall saving of
the application and the purchase and installation costs for the Cell lifter
motor or frequency drive. This payback time is frequently just The power cells of the ROBICON Perfect Harmony drives can
a few months. be replaced as a unit. To replace, the entire power cell must
be extracted from the drive and transported on a cell lifter.
SinaSave is designed to select an energy-efficient motor for Cell lifter data WCIII
line operation or a frequency drive for variable-speed and
Carrying capacity lb 500
therefore energy-saving operation.
kg 226 5
For line operation, the tool can calculate the cost savings as Highest platform in 68
well as the payback time for Siemens energy-saving motors, mm 1727
class IE2 or NEMA Premium using three comparison cases: Order number 6SR3950-0SM10-1AD0
In comparison to IE1 or EPAct motors, individually selected
and known motors or in comparison to known motors when
investigating a complete plant.
Mode of operation
Control features
The following table provides a summary of the performance
offered by the ROBICON Perfect Harmony drives with
NXGII control.
Synchronous motor control • Open-loop vector control for synchronous motors (OSMC)
• Closed-loop vector control for synchronous motors (CSMC)
Emergency Stop category Emergency stop category 0 is set as standard for an uncontrolled shutdown.
The function includes voltage disconnection of the drive output by opening the
Consequently the motor coasts down.
Energy saver Single parameter driven (for induction motors only)
Braking 2) • Inverse speed (max. braking torque is approx. 0.25 % at full speed and increases as speed is reduced)
5 • Regenerative Braking 3)
• Dynamic Braking 4)
Auto tuning Available for induction motors as long as the drive rating is higher than 67 % of the motor
Advanced Cell Bypass 250 ms downtime with redundant cells; without redundant cells, the downtime depends on the
(option U11) motor open circuit time constant
Synchronous transfer Closed synchronous transfer available for induction and synchronous motors 5)
(option L29)
Voltage minimum boost Not implemented; as an alternate, automatic stator resistance compensation is available in
OLVC/CLVC/OSMC/ CSMC control modes (also see description for flux attenuation shaping)
Flux attenuation shaping Not implemented; a simple (single parameter function) implementation is available
Zero speed control Not implemented
Output voltage characteristics Output current
Output voltage
Quantity Value
Quantity Value DC component ≤1%
Distortion at rated voltage without over-modulation: ≤ 2 % (as a % of rated output current)
(as a % of rated output voltage) (for the first 20 harmonics) Distortion of THD 5) 6) without over-modulation ≤ 3 %
with over-modulation: ≤ 3 % 1) (as a % of rated output current; with over-modulation ≤ 4.5 %
(for the first 20 harmonics) when motor and drive ratings
Unbalance ≤1% are equal and the motor leakage
(as a % of rated output voltage) reactance is 16 % or higher)
Function (continued)
With all cells operating Available Drive Power as a Function of Input Voltage
The maximum output voltage of the drive in terms of the
number of ranks and the secondary-side cell voltage is Input under-voltage rollback
given as: In the event that the input voltage falls below 90 %, the
attached description provides details of drive limitations.
The use of over-modulation is discouraged. However, in
exceptional cases over-modulation may be utilized but only
after consulting the factory or your local Siemens 0
sales representative. Regen limit
65 66 % 90
Erms max
The liquid-cooled ROBICON Perfect Harmony drive has a WAGOTM is an off the shelf solution for interfacing digital and
common control system namely NXGII. This control system analog I/O to the NXGII controller via Modbus protocol. The
offers digital and analog input and output capabilities table below shows some of the WAGO modules used in the
through the use of the I/O breakout board and the I/O WCIII series drive.
WAGO modules.
WAGO modules characteristics
I/O breakout board
Signal type Channels Configuration
This board consists of 20 digital inputs, 16 digital outputs, Digital inputs 1 ... 2 120 V AC
3 analog inputs and 2 analog outputs. The following table 1 ... 4 24 V DC
shows the main characteristics of the I/O breakout board. Digital outputs 1 ... 2 relay output,
rated 250 V AC at 1 A or
I/O breakout board characteristics 40 V DC at 1 A
1) Only two out of the three analog inputs can be 0 to 10 V; one analog will always be a 4 to 20 mA.
The ROBICON Perfect Harmony drive series contains a user- One of the most important functions of the operator panel
friendly operator panel. This operator panel is located on the is parameter monitoring. Below you find a reduced list
front of the control cabinet for operation, monitoring and of parameters that can be monitored by using the
commissioning of the drive. The operator panel is illustrated operator panel:
in figure below.
The following are a few of the list of parameters that can be
On (Red) when On (Red) when faulted, On (Red) when monitored on the operator panel:
control power blinks (Red) when alarm is drive is running
is supplied active or unacknowledged. Input voltage [V] Output power [kW]
Input voltage harmonics Output energy [kWh]
(one at a time)
The standard scope of delivery of the ROBICON Perfect
Harmony comprises:
Standard units
1) The coolant cabinet is delivered without deionized water. The heat exchanger is delivered and located separately. The necessary pipes and
connection pieces (to converter and raw-water supply on the plant side) are not included in the scope of delivery.
Dimension Drawings
6/3 Documentation
The priority of Siemens training programs is to help • General operation of the ROBICON Perfect Harmony
customers maintain and maximize the efficiency of their drive – hands on
Siemens equipment. The greater the knowledge of the • Workshops – at the equipment
system and its functions, the higher the efficiency the - Safety
operator will obtain from the equipment. - Operation
- Fault/alarm logger
The combination of our knowledge and field experience - Acceleration/deceleration
coupled with continuous research and development has - Minimum speed/maximum speed
made our training program one of a kind in the industry. The
excellence of our staff and our numerous world-wide training ROBICON Perfect Harmony Drive Orientation Class (8 hours)
locations are proof of our commitment to product education, This training program is designed to cover the key aspects
maintenance and employee safety issues. for drive operators. Included in this session will be a general
overview of the ROBICON Perfect Harmony drive, theory of
By combining modern teaching methods with the latest operation, hardware identification, operation of the drive,
technology, we offer the best there is in training. Siemens alarms and faults, and spare parts. The interface of the soft-
tailors its training programs to meet the individual ware to the drive is demonstrational only.
customer’s product and application needs. This method of
teaching avoids the “cookie-cutter” approach that tends to Contents:
limit and generalize. We focus on you, your process and your • Introduction to the ROBICON Perfect Harmony series
equipment. And we train all associated personnel including of drives
operators, maintenance personnel, electrical technicians and • ROBICON Perfect Harmony specifications
electrical engineers. • Safety on medium-voltage drives
• ROBICON Perfect Harmony topology
Benefits • Drive hardware identification
• Higher customer comfort level with Siemens equipment • Control boards, basic operation
- By means of theoretical explanation and hands-on • Customer drawings review
experience • General operation of the ROBICON Perfect Harmony drive –
• Safety hands on
- By learning best practices and protective equipment • Demonstration on how to use HyperTerminal to upload
• Reduce costly downtime files – hands on
- By being able to address issues in a timely fashion - Fault log
- By identifying spare parts needed - Historic log
• Reduce repairs - Event log
- By addressing issues in advance through maintenance - Parameter log
• Minimize Siemens field service calls • ToolSuite/debug demonstration only – hands on
More information ROBICON Perfect Harmony Maintenance Class (2 days) 1)
This training program is designed to cover the key aspects for
Course descriptions an overview for maintenance personnel. This program covers
each aspect of the drive in detail so maintenance personnel
ROBICON Perfect Harmony Operator Class (4 hours) will obtain an understanding and feel comfortable with the
This training program is designed to cover the key aspects drive. Included in this session will be the drive layout, safety
for drive operators. Included in this session will be a brief guidelines, lockout tag out, key parameters, operating the
introduction to ROBICON Perfect Harmony drives series, the drive, obtaining faults/alarms, hardware identification and
drive topology and layout, safety guidelines, key parameters, operation, review of equipment drawings. In this session
operating the drive, reading faults/alarms. attendees perform workshops to obtain a high comfort
level working on the drive. The training session covers basic
Contents: troubleshooting. The interface of the software to the drive is
• Introduction to the ROBICON Perfect Harmony series demonstrational only.
of drives
• ROBICON Perfect Harmony specifications Contents:
• Safety on medium-voltage drives • Introduction to the ROBICON Perfect Harmony series
• ROBICON Perfect Harmony topology of drives
• Drive hardware identification • ROBICON Perfect Harmony specifications
Online Support
The comprehensive online
information platform supports
you in all aspects of our
Service & Support at any time Contact information is available on the internet at:
and from any location in www.siemens.com/automation/partner
the world.
Subject Index
Chapter/page Chapter/page
Anti-condensation heating for cabinet 4/6 Installation and maintenance 2/3
Applications, typical 2/2 Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) 2/4
Auxiliary voltage supply 4/5 Interfaces 5/8
I/O output board 5/8
B I/O WAGA modules 5/8
Bidirectional synchronized transfer 4/5 IP54 degree of protection 3/2
Braking 5/4
C Keypad, Touchscreen 4/2
CE and GOST certifications 4/8
CE conformity 4/7 L
Cell bypass 2/4, 4/8 Linked low-voltage cells 2/4
Cell lifter 5/3 Liquid-air heat exchanger 4/8
Cell overload capability 2/8 Liquid-liquid heat exchanger 4/8
Circuit diagrams 4/9
Clean power input 2/2 M
Conditions of sale and delivery 7/4 Maximized availability 2/2
Control features 5/4 Mechanical door interlocks 4/6
Control functions 2/7 Monitoring functions 2/7
Control instruments 4/5 Motor monitoring 4/2
Control voltage supply 4/5 Motor static exciter 4/3
Customer specific nameplate 4/9 Motor voltages 4/8
Customer specified touchscreen 4/9
Customer specified equipment 4/9 N
CSA certification 4/8 Nameplates 4/7, 4/9
Deionized water 4/9 Operator panel 5/9
Dimension drawing 5/11 Options 2/20, 2/21,
Display instruments 4/5 4/2 … 4/9
Documentation 4/2, 6/3 Order No. supplements 2/16 … 2/18
Drive acceptance tests 2/3 Output reactor 4/5
Drive input protection 5/5 Output voltage characteristics 5/6
Drive selection criteria 2/9 Output current 5/6
Drive topology 2/4 Overload capability 2/8
Dynamic braking 5/4 Overview of liquid-cooled product line 2/2
Electrical door interlocks 4/7 Paint finish 4/9
EMC filter 4/5 Perfect Harmony overview 2/2
7 Extended reliability 2/3 Perfect Harmony WCIII characteristics 2/8
Power quality monitoring 4/2
G Power quality output 2/2
Gland plates 4/7 Pre-Charge 2/6
Production schedules 4/2
Protection functions 2/7
ProToPS 4/8
Subject Index
Regenerative Braking 5/4
Scope of delivery 5/10
Selection and ordering data
Motor voltage 3.3 kV 2/10
Motor voltage 4.0/4.16 kV 2/11
Motor voltage 4.6/4.8 kV 2/12
Motor voltage 6.0 kV 2/13
Motor voltage 6.6 kV 2/14
Motor voltage 7.2 kV 2/15
Serial communication 4/4
Service and support 6/4, 6/5
Speed and torque control 5/5
Standards and regulations 2/2
Technical data
NGXII ToolSuite 5/2
SinaSave 5/3
Training 6/2, 6/3
Transformer 2/4
Vector control 4/5