05. SOP-QAD-002- SOP for Inprocess Inspection.doc
05. SOP-QAD-002- SOP for Inprocess Inspection.doc
05. SOP-QAD-002- SOP for Inprocess Inspection.doc
Department : Quality Assurance Document No. SOP- QAD-002 Page : 1 of 2
Cross Ref. : QM Point no-, Issue. Rev. No. 1.0 Date 20.05.2023, 8.6.1, 8.6.6,
Title of Sop: Inprocess Inspection
Sr Activity Responsibility Document-Record
Objective of this SOP: DH (QAD) -------
a) To decide on conformity of manufactued part.
Identified uncertainty for this process: DH (QAD) -------
a) Wrong decision about conforming part.
b) ‘Non-conformed part’ delivery to the customer.
c) Increase in rejection and re-worked percentage.
d) No identification ‘root casues’ of process deviation.
Identified risk for this process: DH (QAD) -------
a) Decrease in Profitability.
b) Delayed decision.
c) Rejection, Rework increases
Opportunities for this process: DH (QAD) -------
a) Correct decision about ‘conforming part’.
b) No ‘Non-conformed part’ delivery to the customer.
c) Reduction in rejection and re-worked percentage.
d) Correct identification ‘root casues’ of process deviation.
1 Input for this process (from the process (es): products in
processes during production (Work in process) material.
2 Steps to be followed :
a Inspect First 2 Piece and record in In-process Inspection SH (QAD)/ First piece, Inprocess
Check sheet. Carry out In-process inspection as per Control SH(PRD) & Last Piece
Plan And record in In-process Inspection Check Sheet with Inspection Report
matching all parameters with Control plan. If the reading is STPL/QAD/03.
observed in range then Write the range in it instead of Daily Supervisor
writing the high value. Inspection Report must be Prepared check sheet.
and Approved by QA Inspector. QA inspector is authorize
for product releasing.
b If the results are conforming, continue the production. SH (QAD)
c In case of non-conforming products, take corrective actions SH (QAD) First piece, Inprocess
till the non-conformities are disposed and record in In- & Last Piece
process inspection report. Follow the Non-conforming part Inspection Report
handling Procedure. (SOP-QAD-007) STPL/QAD/03
Incase of Abnormal situations follow for Process Reaction Plan for
Emergency Route for abnormal situations. Refer Reaction SH(PRD) Abnormal Situation
Plan for Abnormal situation.
e If any, deviation request case is identified, fill up the SH (PRD) Deviation request
Deviation Request Note and get it approved from Plant Note
Head. If the deviation is granted by the customer get the STPL/QAD/10
same approved from customer.
f Rework to be done as per the Rework Instructions SH (PRD) WI-QAD-01 &
g Re-inspect the reworked material as per the control plan SH(PRD)/ -------
and record the results. SH(QAD)