Wyatt Andrew Watts is a student at Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School with a cumulative GPA of 3.917 and is ranked in the top 30% of his class. He has earned 23 credits and has 7 pending credits, with a graduation date set for June 14, 2025. His transcript includes a variety of courses across grades 9 to 11, with several honors and advanced placement classes, and he has taken dual enrollment courses at Delaware County Community College.
Wyatt Andrew Watts is a student at Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School with a cumulative GPA of 3.917 and is ranked in the top 30% of his class. He has earned 23 credits and has 7 pending credits, with a graduation date set for June 14, 2025. His transcript includes a variety of courses across grades 9 to 11, with several honors and advanced placement classes, and he has taken dual enrollment courses at Delaware County Community College.
Wyatt Andrew Watts is a student at Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School with a cumulative GPA of 3.917 and is ranked in the top 30% of his class. He has earned 23 credits and has 7 pending credits, with a graduation date set for June 14, 2025. His transcript includes a variety of courses across grades 9 to 11, with several honors and advanced placement classes, and he has taken dual enrollment courses at Delaware County Community College.
Wyatt Andrew Watts is a student at Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School with a cumulative GPA of 3.917 and is ranked in the top 30% of his class. He has earned 23 credits and has 7 pending credits, with a graduation date set for June 14, 2025. His transcript includes a variety of courses across grades 9 to 11, with several honors and advanced placement classes, and he has taken dual enrollment courses at Delaware County Community College.
1332 Enterprise Drive, West Chester, PA 19380 Cumulative GPA: 3.917 Phone: 610-701-3333 Class Rank: Top 30% Fax: 610-701-3339 Earned Credits: 23.00 CEEB Code: 391441 UNOFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT Pending Credits: 7.00 Graduation Date: 06/14/2025 Wyatt Andrew Watts 104 Daisy Road, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Date of Birth: 02/05/2007 PA Secure ID #: 6525834953
Grade 9 - 2021 / 2022 Grade Credits Grading Scale
9th Grade Grad Portfolio (Fall) A 0.50 Numeric Grade Letter Grade Reg H AP / DE / CL Algebra 1 - Honors [H] B+ 1.00 94 & Above A 4.00 4.50 5.00 Art of Architecture (Spring) A 0.50 90 - 93 A- 3.70 4.30 4.70 Biology - Honors [H] A 1.00 84 - 86 B 3.00 3.70 4.00 English 9 - Honors [H] A 1.00 80 - 83 B- 2.70 3.30 3.70 Spanish 1 B+ 1.00 87 - 89 B+ 3.30 4.00 4.30 World History - College Prep A- 1.00 74 - 76 C 2.00 2.70 3.00 6.00 70 - 73 C- 1.70 2.50 2.70 Grade 10 - 2022 / 2023 Grade Credits 77 - 79 C+ 2.30 3.00 3.30 10th Grade Grad Portfolio (Spr) A 0.50 64 - 66 D 1.00 1.00 1.00 Anatomy and Physiology (Fall) A- 0.50 60 - 63 D- 0.70 0.70 0.70 Arts & Culture:Renaissance(Spr) A 0.50 67 - 69 D+ 1.30 1.30 1.30 Chemistry - Honors [H] B 1.00 59 & Below F 0.00 0.00 0.00 Coding in HTML and CSS (Fall) A 0.50 Withdraw W English 10 - Honors [H] B+ 1.00 T - Transferred Courses • Reg - Regular • H - Honors Geometry - Honors [H] A- 1.00 AP - Advanced Placement • DE - Dual Enrollment • CL - College Level Introduction to CAD (Fall) A 0.50 Keystone Test Scores Social Media (Spr) A 0.50 Spanish 2 B+ 1.00 School Year Session Subject Overall Score U.S. Government - Honors [H] B+ 1.00 2021 / 2022 Spring Algebra 1 Proficient 8.00 2021 / 2022 Spring Biology Basic Grade 11 - 2023 / 2024 Grade Credits 2022 / 2023 Spring Literature Basic 11th Grade Grad Portfolio (Fall) A 0.50 Dual Enrollment Schools Algebra 2 - Honors [H] B- 1.00 AP Biology [AP] B 1.00 Delaware County Community College Driver Education (Fall) A- 0.50 English 11 - Honors [H] A- 1.00 Forensic Science (Spr) B+ 0.50 Health (Fall) A 0.50 Intro to Philosophy (Spr) A- 0.50 Intro to the Stock Market (Fall) A 0.50 Mythology (Spr) A- 0.50 Physical Education (Spr) A- 0.50 U.S. History - Honors [H] A- 1.00 8.00 Grade 12 - 2024 / 2025 Grade Credits 12th Grade Grad Portfolio (Spr) 0.00 AP Computer Science A [AP] 0.00 ENG 100 English Composition 1 [DE] 0.00 English 12 - Honors [H] 0.00 MAT 120 Modern College Mathematics [DE] B 1.00 Physics - Honors [H] 0.00 Pre-Calculus 0.00 Public Speaking (Fall) 0.00 Writers Workshop 0.00 1.00