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March, 2023
Chapter 1
School heads are stewards of scholastic institutions. They play pivotal roles to ensure the
establishment of conducive teaching and learning environment. Hence, they are bounded to
Hence, school heads are expected to acquire various competencies such as educational
safeguard the impartation and acquisition of knowledge among teachers and learners (Tolentino,
Moreso, school head’ s main task is to promote, apply and improve instructional
leadership. Wherein, this leadership style is more focused with a competent curriculum leading
to the learning of students and innovative teaching techniques of teachers (Drake and Roe, 2005).
Thus, the practices are leading to an approach which focuses on how school heads supervise
teacher’s behavior in particular activities such as holding classes, and the impacts on the learners’
As the 21st century schools are having new sets of competencies, school heads school
heads must determine their level of competencies in accordance with Philippine Professional
Standards for School Heads (PPSSH). Such is their scaffolding for a possible development of
supervision assessment shall be applied to all school leaders to measure their efficacy as an
Indeed, the researchers will conduct a study on how the school heads facilitate implement
on how they govern their schools and how they leverage excellent impartation of learnings and
acquisition of knowledge among the school partakers most particularly the teachers and learners.
Thus, this study will lead the researchers in closely relating the roles and duties of school
heads in developing and disseminating the institutional aims and goals, setting the targeted
Competency Standard are a set of benchmarks that define the skills, knowledge and
attributes people need to perform a work role. They are developed in consultation with industry,
in order to ensure they reflect the needs of the workplace. (Trinder 2008) Competency standards
provide recognition that a person has demonstrated professional excellence and continues to
maintain the high standards of his/her profession. They assist employers to satisfy themselves
that a candidate for employment is suitably qualified. As well as gaining the qualification,
professionals are usually required to continue to maintain or improve their level of competency
development has shorter term aims than education. The proof of the adequacy and effectiveness
of education and training systems are the competency of the graduates when they enter the
profession. However, since education has long term aims, the proof of the efficiency of education
will be whether the graduate can adapt to new technologies over several decades while he/she is
employed in the workforce. It is used to develop the person’s skills by implementing training,
and to identify the competencies expected in their job as school heads and as teachers in the
Division of Tayabas. It is also to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the participant to
know what training the researchers conducting, the training and assessment resources can be
developed, and individuals tested against the standards. Training resources might include a
curriculum, test projects, learner guides, texts, references, teaching strategies, group activities
and an assessment system that can be used to determine the unit of competency. This study aims
to conduct a systematic review to find out the role of the school heads in teaching and learning
based to personal traits, professional development and principal-teachers’ relations which was
obtained only through survey and interview in City Schools Division of Tayabas. There were 268
public elementary school teachers who assessed their competency, they were chosen through
criterion sampling. The results of processing the data gathered served as basis to propose
additional input to curriculum supervision practices in assessing the school heads’ competency in
feedback, learner achievement and other performance indicators, learning assessment, learning
This study aims is to identify the undertakings of the school heads in mediating school
practices focusing on teaching and learning as a competency standard and how they supervise
curriculum implementation.
1. Ascertain the role of the school heads in teaching and learning as to:
terms of:
learning standards,
3. Determine the curriculum supervision practices of the school heads in terms of:
Competency Standard.
There is no significant difference in school heads’ practices focusing on teaching and
The impetus of this study is to is to identify the undertakings of the school heads in
mediating school practices focusing on teaching and learning as a competency standard and how
The result of the study will give you advantage to the following:
Students. This study will serve as guide to effective learning acquisition that will lead
them value perseverance in terms of achieving high academic performance. Moreso, this study
will lead them to have more confidence in their skills, paving to understand their own learning
with regards to the given subject which they need and useful to them.
Teachers. This research will aid them in materializing their lessons based on the content
standards set by the curriculum. Also, it will help them in aligning the subject-subject matter to
be provided to learners. Based on the findings of this research, teachers will be vigilant deciding
which strategies that one may use during classroom proceedings. Also, the output of this study
School Heads. This study will help School Heads understanding their duties as
instructional leaders. This study will also lead them ascertain their roles on how to manage the
progression and advancement, and how they discipline their learners as the core clientele of the
Future Researchers. This research will serve as an instrument that will guide and
navigate them to discovering credible, reliable and tantamount factors that are known as
indispensable data for further understanding on the topic. Indeed, this research is going to be a
chief source of enlightenment that they will surely need in their future studies.
This research focuses on Teaching and Learning as a Competency Standard and the
School Head's Curriculum Supervision Practices to find out the role of the school heads in
teaching and learning based to personal traits, professional development and principal-teachers’
relations which was obtained only through survey and interview in City Schools Division of
Tayabas. Further, the results of processing the data gathered served as basis to propose additional
input to curriculum supervision practices in assessing the school heads’ competency in focusing
of learning standards, teaching standards and pedagogies, teacher performance feedback, learner
The study was limited to using Mixed method of research for it involved descriptive and
inferential statistics using percentage and weighted mean as its quantitative nature and Checklist
questionnaire supported by interview and observation as its qualitative techniques. The checklist
questionnaire consisted of two parts : Part 1 elicits information on the respondents demographic
profile while part 2 refers to their role. Meanwhile, the structured interview comprised of 8
There were 268 public elementary school teachers who assessed their competency. They
were chosen through criterion sampling. On the other hand, the selection was limited only in
City Schools Division of Tayabas. The time frame of the study was from March 2023-February
Definition of Terms
The terms appearing below are defined both conceptually and operationally to facilitate
Mediation is a process wherein the parties meet with a mutually selected impartial and neutral
person who assists them in the negotiation of their difference (The JAMS Mediation
Process, 2021). In this study, it relates to the negotiation to agree on focusing on teaching-
learning as a competency standard and the school head’s curriculum supervision practices.
fidelity and informed through data to produce positive, sustained results (Hattie, 2009). In
this study, it is one of the important variables where the mediation is focused.
Competency standards are made up of units of competency, which are themselves made up of
evidence guide (ILO 2020). In like manner, these are the qualifications of the school head
to be assessed.
support personnel at the school building, facility, or staff level (National Center for