PdfText - 2024-09-17T104039.402
PdfText - 2024-09-17T104039.402
PdfText - 2024-09-17T104039.402
Test Name Results Units Ref. Range Method
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Lab Address:- Hall.No15187,Second Floor,Maharaj Market ,Opp:
Pillar No.40 ,Near Bank Of Baroda,Bailey Road,Raja
Bazar,Patna-800014, CMO.Reg.No.982/2023,
Test Name Results Units Ref. Range Method
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Lab Address:- Hall.No15187,Second Floor,Maharaj Market ,Opp:
Pillar No.40 ,Near Bank Of Baroda,Bailey Road,Raja
Bazar,Patna-800014, CMO.Reg.No.982/2023,
Test Name Results Units Ref. Range Method
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Lab Address:- Hall.No15187,Second Floor,Maharaj Market ,Opp:
Pillar No.40 ,Near Bank Of Baroda,Bailey Road,Raja
Bazar,Patna-800014, CMO.Reg.No.982/2023,
Test Name Results Units Ref. Range Method
Calcium in the body is found mainly in the bones (approximately 99%). In serum, Calcium exists in a
free ionised form and in bound form (with Albumin). Hence, a decrease in Albumin causes lower
Calcium levels and vice-versa.
Calcium levels in serum depend on the Parathyroid Hormone.
Increased Calcium levels are found in Bone tumors, Hyperparathyroidism. decreased levels are
found in Hypoparathyroidism, renal failure, Rickets.
Method : CLIA
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Lab Address:- Hall.No15187,Second Floor,Maharaj Market ,Opp:
Pillar No.40 ,Near Bank Of Baroda,Bailey Road,Raja
Bazar,Patna-800014, CMO.Reg.No.982/2023,
Test Name Results Units Ref. Range Method
Lack of intrinsic factor, a protein that helps the intestine absorb vitamin B12
Above normal heat production (for example, with hyperthyroidism)
Allergies are a common and chronic condition that involves the body's immune system. Normally, your immune system works to fight off viruses, bacteria, and other infectious agents.
When you have an allergy, your immune system treats a harmless substance, like dust or pollen, as a threat. To fight this perceived threat, your immune system makes antibodies called
immunoglobulin E (IgE).
Substances that cause an allergic reaction are called allergens. Besides dust and pollen, other common allergens include animal dander, foods, including nuts and shellfish, and certain
medicines, such as penicillin.
Allergy symptoms can range from sneezing and a stuffy nose to a life-threatening complication called anaphylactic shock. Allergy blood tests measure the amount of IgE antibodies in the
blood. A small amount of IgE antibodies is normal. A larger amount of IgE may mean you have an allergy.
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Lab Address:- Hall.No15187,Second Floor,Maharaj Market ,Opp:
Pillar No.40 ,Near Bank Of Baroda,Bailey Road,Raja
Bazar,Patna-800014, CMO.Reg.No.982/2023,
Test Name Results Units Ref. Range Method
Lipid Profile
Cholesterol Total 192 mg/dL < 200 CHOD-POD
Triglycerides-TGL 87 mg/dL < 150 GPO-POD
Cholesterol-HDL 41.3 mg/dL 40-60 Direct
Cholesterol-LDL 133.3 mg/dL < 100 Calculated
Cholesterol- VLDL 17.4 mg/dL 7-35 Calculated
Non HDL Cholesterol 150.7 mg/dL < 130 Calculated
Cholesterol Total /HDL Ratio 4.65 % 0-4.0 Calculated
HDL / LDL Ratio 0.31
LDL/HDL Ratio 3.23 % 0-3.5 Calculated
The National Cholesterol Education program’s third Adult Treatment Panel (ATPIII) has issued its recommendations on evaluating and treating lipid discorders for
primary and secondary.
NCEP Cholesterol Total Triglycerides LDL Cholesterol
Cholesterol Cholesterol in
Recommendations in (mg/dL) in (mg/dL) in (mg/dL)
(mg/dL) (mg/dL)
Adult: < 200 Adult:<100
Optimal < 150 40-59 <130
Children: < 170 Children: <110
Above Optimal ----- ----- 100-129 130 - 159
Adult: 200-239 Adult: 130-159
Borderline High 150-199 160 - 189
Children:171-199 Children: 111-129
Adult:>or=240 Adult:160-189
High 200-499 ≥ 60 190 - 219
Children:>or=200 Children:>or=130
Adult: >or=190
Very High ----- >or=500 >=220
Note: LDL cholesterol cannot be calculated if triglyceride is >400 mg/dL (Friedewald's formula). Calculated values not provided for LDL and VLDL
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Lab Address:- Hall.No15187,Second Floor,Maharaj Market ,Opp:
Pillar No.40 ,Near Bank Of Baroda,Bailey Road,Raja
Bazar,Patna-800014, CMO.Reg.No.982/2023,
Test Name Results Units Ref. Range Method
Kidney Profile-KFT
Creatinine -Serum 0.69 mg/dL 0.60-1.10 Jaffes Kinetic
Urea-Serum 18.9 mg/dL 12.8-42.8 Calculated
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) 8.81 mg/dL 7.0-18.0 Calculated
BUN / Creatinine Ratio 12.77 6 - 22
Uric Acid 3.74 mg/dL 2.6-6.0 Uricase
Sodium 138.0 mmol/L 135-150 ISE Direct
Potassium 4.5 mmol/L 3.5-5.0 ISE Direct
Chloride 102.7 mmol/L 94-110 ISE Direct
The kidneys, located in the retroperitoneal space in the abdomen, are vital for patient health. They process several hundred liters of fluid a day and remove around two liters of waste products from the bloodstream. The
volume of fluid that passes though the kidneys each minute is closely linked to cardiac output. The kidneys maintain the body’s balance of water and concentration of minerals such as sodium, potassium, and phosphorus
in blood and remove waste by-products from the blood after digestion, muscle activity and exposure to chemicals or medications. They also produce renin which helps regulate blood pressure, produce erythropoietin which
stimulates red blood cell production, and produce an active form of vitamin D, needed for bone health.
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Lab Address:- Hall.No15187,Second Floor,Maharaj Market ,Opp:
Pillar No.40 ,Near Bank Of Baroda,Bailey Road,Raja
Bazar,Patna-800014, CMO.Reg.No.982/2023,
Test Name Results Units Ref. Range Method
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Lab Address:- Hall.No15187,Second Floor,Maharaj Market ,Opp:
Pillar No.40 ,Near Bank Of Baroda,Bailey Road,Raja
Bazar,Patna-800014, CMO.Reg.No.982/2023,
Test Name Results Units Ref. Range Method
Thyroid Profile-I(TFT)
T3 (Triiodothyronine) 104.18 ng/dL 70-204 CLIA
T4 (Thyroxine) 4.4 µg/dL 3.2-12.6 CLIA
TSH -Thyroid Stimulating Hormone 0.43 µIU/mL 0.35-5.5 CLIA
Pregnancy & Cord Blood
Thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland that is normally located in the lower front of the neck. The thyroid’s job is to make thyroid hormones, which are
secreted into the blood and then carried to every tissue in the body. Thyroid hormones help the body use energy, stay warm and keep the brain, heart, muscles, and other
organs working as they should.
Thyroid produces two major hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). If thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough of these hormones, you may experience
symptoms such as weight gain, lack of energy, and depression. This condition is called hypothyroidism.
Thyroid gland produces too many hormones, you may experience weight loss, high levels of anxiety, tremors, and a sense of being on a high. This is called
TSH interacts with specific cell receptors on the thyroid cell surface and exerts two main actions. The first action is to stimulate cell reproduction and hypertrophy.
Secondly, TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to synthesize and secrete T3 and T4.
The ability to quantitate circulating levels of TSH is important in evaluating thyroid function. It is especially useful in the differential diagnosis of primary (thyroid) from
secondary (pituitary) and tertiary (hypothalamus) hypothyroidism. In primary hypothyroidism, TSH levels are significantly elevated, while in secondary and tertiary
hypothyroidism, TSH levels are low.
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Lab Address:- Hall.No15187,Second Floor,Maharaj Market ,Opp:
Pillar No.40 ,Near Bank Of Baroda,Bailey Road,Raja
Bazar,Patna-800014, CMO.Reg.No.982/2023,
Test Name Results Units Ref. Range Method
Iron Profile-I
Iron(Fe) 25.54 μg/dL 50-170 Ferrozine
Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) 337 µg/dL 250-450 Ferrozine
Transferrin 235.66 mg/dL 250-380 Calculated
Iron Saturation((% Transferrin Saturation) 7.58 % 15-50 Calculated
Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity (UIBC) 311 ug/dL 110-370 FerroZine
Serum transferrin (and TIBC) high, serum iron low, saturation low. Usual causes of depleted iron stores include blood loss, inadequate dietary iron. RBCs in moderately severe iron
deficiency are hypochromic and microcytic. Stainable marrow iron is absent. Serum ferritin decrease is the earliest indicator of iron deficiency if inflammation is absent.
Anemia of chronic disease: Serum transferrin (and TIBC) low to normal, serum iron low, saturation low or normal. Transferrin decreases with many inflammatory diseases. With
chronic disease there is a block in movement to and utilization of iron by marrow. This leads to low serum iron and decreased erythropoiesis. Examples include acute and chronic
infections, malignancy and renal failure.
Sideroblastic Anemia: Serum transferrin (and TIBC) normal to low, serum iron normal to high, saturation high.
Hemolytic Anemia: Serum transferrin (and TIBC) normal to low, serum iron high, saturation high.
Hemochromatosis: Serum transferrin (and TIBC) slightly low, serum iron high, saturation very high.
Protein depletion: Serum transferrin (and TIBC) may be low, serum iron normal or low (if patient also is iron deficient). This may occur as a result of malnutrition, liver disease, renal
Liver disease: Serum transferrin variable; with acute viral hepatitis, high along with serum iron and ferritin. With chronic liver disease (eg, cirrhosis), transferrin may be low. Patients who
have cirrhosis and portacaval shunting have saturated TIBC/transferrin as well as high ferritin.
Correlate Clinically.
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