Characteristics of IoT:
Dynamic and self adapting : The IoT devices can dynamically adapt with sensed
environment, their operating conditions, and user’s context and take actions accordingly. For
ex: Surveillance System.
Self Configuring: IoT devices can be able to upgrade the software with minimal intervention
of user, whenever they are connected to the internet. They can also setup the network i.e a
new device can be easily added to the existing network.
Unique identities: The devices which are connected to the internet have unique identities i.e
IP address through which they can be identified throughout the network. The IoT devices have
intelligent interfaces which allow communicating with users. It adapts to the environmental
Integrated into information network:The IoT devices are connected to the network to
share some information with other connected devices. The devices can be discovered
dynamically in the network by other devices. Example. If a device has wifi connectivity then
that will be shown to other nearby devices having wifi connectivity.
A sensor is electronic circuit that detects changes in an environment and collect data.
The sensor attains a physical parameter and converts it into a signal suitable for processing
The output of the sensor is a signal which is converted to a human-readable form like changes
in characteristics, changes in resistance, capacitance, impedance, etc.
There are many different types of sensors, and they come in different shapes and sizes.The
most common types of sensors are
Temperature sensors
Proximity sensors
Pressure sensors
Water quality sensors
Chemical and gas sensors
Infrared sensors
Smoke sensors
Motion sensors
Level sensors
Image sensors
Humidity sensors
Accelerometer sensors
Gyroscope sensors
Optical sensors
An actuator is a machine component or system that moves or controls the mechanism of the
Sensors in the device sense the environment, then control signals are generated for the
actuators according to the actions needed to perform.
They are linear or rotatory actuators, can move to a given specified angular or linear position
A servo motor is an example of an rotatory actuator that the motor rotate to 90 degrees, 180
degrees, etc., as per our need.
The following diagram shows what actuators do, the controller directs the actuator based on
the sensor data to do the work.
Types of Actuators
Things can exchange data with other connected devices and applications, collect data from
other devices, and process the data either locally or send it to centralized servers or cloud. IoT
devices can have several interfaces like:
An IoT device provides connectivity interfaces like USB, RJ45, etc. It contains a microcontroller
or processor for computation tasks. It provides audio/video interfaces like HDMI, RCA, 3.5mm
audio channel. It contains memory interfaces like DDR. It might support graphics by providing
a separate Graphical Processing Unit (GPU), it provides storage interfaces like MMC, SDIO.
Finally, it might provides different I/O interfaces for connecting sensors and actuators like
A protocol is a set of rules that governs the communication between two or more devices.
A protocol defines the rules, syntax, semantics and synchronization of communication and possible
error recovery methods.
The OSI Model of IOT Consists of 5 layers so the protocols used are classified as per the
architecture of IoT
Application layer protocols
The application layer is the top layer of the OSI model. At this level, the protocols execute the
most data-intensive processes responsible for exchanging messages between end devices and
software applications.
AMQP is an open standard protocol used for message exchange and queue management
HTTP is a widely used protocol for transferring Web pages and data over the Internet.
The WebSocket protocol provides low latency and efficient data transfer. It is ideal for real-time
applications such as online games, financial trading platforms, and chat applications.
The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol is a messaging and presence management
SSI technology is a simple communication protocol for real-time data transfer between sensors
and computers
CoAP is designed specifically for locally constrained devices and networks. It's lightweight,
efficient, reliable, and can be integrated with existing web services
The DDS technology is a protocol for reliable real-time data exchange between IoT devices.
MQTT is a reliable message delivery protocol. It's easy to implement and suitable for IoT
devices with limited bandwidth and power
UDP is a connectionless protocol that sends data packets directly to the recipient without first
establishing a connection
IP (Internet Protocol)
IP is a widely used protocol for addressing and routing data packets on the Internet. It's flexible
and compatible with almost any type of network and device
The 6LoWPAN protocol promotes efficient use of bandwidth and power. It is specifically
designed for low-power wireless networks and enables the seamless integration of small IoT
devices into the Internet with minimal power consumption.
IEEE Standards
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) develops and maintains several
standards for data transmission. They are robust, compatible with many types of networks, and
interoperable across devices and vendors
LPWAN technology includes several protocols such as LoRaWAN and NB-IoT. The LoRaWAN
standard supports data transmission over long distances, while NB-IoT is ideal for low-power
Bluetooth is a wireless technology for short-range data transmission. BLE is the low-power
version of Bluetooth and is ideal for battery-powered devices
Ethernet technology is a common standard for wired networks. As an IoT protocol, Ethernet
provides robust and fast data transmission, ideal for Industry 4.0 and smart buildings where
high bandwidth is required.
The NFC protocol supports wireless communication over very short distances, typically a few
centimeters. NFC is easy to use, offers fast transmission, and does not require
device pairing like Bluetooth
The PLC standard uses existing power lines for data transmission, which provides a
cost-effective networking solution without the need for additional wiring
Widespread Wi-Fi technology creates locally restricted networks. It's easy to deploy,
compatible with many devices and applications, and provides fast data transmission
The Z-Wave protocol is designed for home automation. It's energy efficient, easy to install, and
supports a high level of interoperability between devices from different manufacturers.
ZigBee technology is a low-power IoT protocol. It's ideal for battery-operated devices in smart
home, industrial automation and healthcare applications.
There are also a few more industry-specific IoT protocols and a number of security protocols
Effective communication in IoT enables devices to share data, receive instructions, and
respond to requests in a timely and accurate manner
For example, in a smart home, the communication between the devices (such as lights,
thermostats, and security systems) allows them to work together to create a more convenient
and secure living environment for the occupants
Client-Server Model
In the Client-Server communication model, the client sends encoded requests to the server for
information as needed. This model is stateless, meaning that each request is handled
independently and data is not retained between requests. The server categorizes the request,
retrieves the data from the database or resource representation, and converts it to an encoded
response that is sent back to the client. The client then receives the response.
Publish-Subscribe Model
The Publish-Subscribe communication model consists of three entities: Publishers, Brokers, and
Publishers are responsible for generating and sending data to specific topics managed by the
broker. Publishers are not aware of the consumers subscribed to the topic.
Consumers subscribe to the topics managed by the broker to receive data from the publishers.
The broker is responsible for sending the data to the appropriate consumers based on their
subscription to specific topics.
The broker is responsible for accepting data from the publishers and forwarding it to the
appropriate consumers subscribed to that specific topic. The broker is the only entity that has
information regarding the consumer to which a particular topic belongs, and publishers are not
aware of this information.
Push-Pull Model
The Push-Pull communication model consists of three entities: data publishers, data
consumers, and data queues. Publishers and consumers are not aware of each other.
Publishers push messages or data into the queue, and consumers on the other end pull data
out of the queue. The queue acts as a buffer for messages when there is a difference in the
rate of data push or pull by the publisher and consumer.
Exclusive Pair Model
Internet of Things Communications APIs standardizes how IoT devices communicate with one
another and with other systems
REST APIs are a popular choice for IoT communications because they offer a straightforward
and scalable method of exposing IoT device capabilities over the web.
WebSocket is a protocol that provides for bidirectional, real−time communication between a
client and a server. WebSocket is frequently used in the context of IoT Communications APIs to
provide low−latency, real−time data streaming between IoT devices and cloud services.
Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is a protocol used in Communications APIs for
resource−constrained devices and networks. It is a simple protocol for exposing and
manipulating IoT device resources via the internet.
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight messaging protocol used in IoT
Communications APIs to link devices to the cloud. MQTT was created to be efficient,
dependable, and simple to use, making it an excellent choice for IoT applications.
IoT enabling technologies are crucial for connecting and managing devices in IOT's ecosystem.
These include sensors for data collection, communication protocols like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi for
device interconnectivity, cloud platforms for data processing and storage, and cyber security
measures to protect data integrity and privacy. Together, they create a network of
interconnected devices that can operate smartly.
It Includes
1. Wireless Sensor Network
2. Cloud Computing
3. Big Data Analytics
4. Communications Protocols
5. Embedded System
Weather monitoring system
Indoor air quality monitoring system
Soil moisture monitoring system
Surveillance system
Health monitoring system
Cloud Computing
It provides us the means by which we can access applications as utilities over the internet.
Cloud means something which is present in remote locations. With Cloud computing, users can
access any resources from anywhere like databases, web servers, storage, any device, and any
software over the internet.
It refers to the method of studying massive volumes of data or big data. Collection of data
whose volume, velocity or variety is simply too massive and tough to store, control, process
and examine the data using traditional databases.
Big data is gathered from a variety of sources including social network videos, digital images,
sensors and sales transaction records.
Data cleaning
Bank transactions
Data generated by IoT systems for location and tracking of vehicles
E-commerce and in Big-Basket
Health and fitness data generated by IoT system such as a fitness bands
Embedded Systems:
Digital camera
DVD player, music player
Industrial robots
Wireless Routers etc.
Communications Protocols:
They are the backbone of IoT systems and enable network connectivity and linking to
applications. Communication protocols allow devices to exchange data over the network.
Multiple protocols often describe different aspects of a single communication. A group of
protocols designed to work together is known as a protocol suite; when implemented in
software they are a protocol stack.
Data encoding
Addressing schemes
Controller Service
Web Service
Analysis Component
Device: An Io T device allows identification, remote sensing, actuating, and remote monitoring
Resource: Resources are the software components on the IoT device for accessing, processing
and storing sensor information, or controlling actuators connected to the device Resources
include the software components that enable network access for the device. For ex: The
programs that we have written for object detection using IR sensor, to find out the distance
using ultra sonic sensor etc.
Controller Service: Controller service is a native service that runs on the device and interacts
with the web services. Controller service sends data from the device to the web service and
receives commands from the application for controlling the web services. For ex: The ESP 8266
programming, setting of API keys, SSID etc.
Database: Database can be either local or in the cloud and stores the data generated by the
IoT device.
Web Service: This act as an interface between IoT device, application, database and analysis
components. Web services can be implemented using HTTP and REST principle or using Web
Socket protocol.
Analysis Component: The analysis component is responsible for analysing the IoT data and
generates results inform which are easy for the user to understand. Analysis can be performed
either locally or in the clouds.
Application: IoT applications provide an interface that the user can use to control and
monitor various aspects of the IoT system.
IoT level 1:
It has single node/device for sensing, monitoring, actuating, performing analysis and
hosting application.
o Data involved is big. So data is stored in cloud. It uses cloud based application to
visualise data.
o Primary analysis requirement is not computationally intensive. So can be analysed
o EX: smart irrigation
IoT level 3:
o It has single node/device for sensing, monitoring, actuating and hosting
o Data involved is big. So data is stored in cloud.
o It uses cloud based application to visualize data.
o Primary analysis requirement is computationally intensive. So can be aggregated
and analyzed in cloud.
o EX: tracking package handling
IoT level 4:
Home Automation
Smart Cities
Energy systems
Smart Lighting: It helps in saving energy by adapting the lighting to the ambient conditions
and switching on/off or diming the light when needed
Smart Appliances : Makes the management easier and also provide status information to the
users remotely
Intrusion Detection : It use security cameras and sensors(PIR sensors and door sensors) to
detect intrusion and raise alerts. Alerts can be in the form of SMS or email sent to the user.
Smoke/ Gas Detectors: Smoke detectors are installed in homes and buildings to detect
smoke that is typically an early sign of fire
Home Network Routers: All the Internet connected devices in homes these days, the
network router continues to be by far the most targeted in attacks
Smart Parking
Smart Lighting
Smart roads
Weather Monitoring:
Air Pollution Monitoring
Noise Pollution Monitoring
Forest Fire Detection
River Flood Detection
Smart Grids
Renewable Energy Systems
Inventory Management:
Smart Payments
Smart Vending Machines
Fleet Tracking
Shipment Monitoring
Remote Vehicle Diagnostics
Smart Irrigation