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Archdiocesan Notre Dame Schools of Cotabato


Poblacion 1, Parang, Maguindanao del Norte
A.Y. 2023- 2024


Quarter: III
Grade: 12
Lesson: 1
Topic: The Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences
Designer: Almirah Esmael

Content Standard: The learners should demonstrate an understanding of social sciences and applied social

Performance Standard:
The learner should be able to explain clearly public perceptions about the work of social sciences and
applied social science practitioners.

Formation Standard:
The learners should be enlightened to the work of applied social science practitioners.

Enduring Understanding: Student will understand that applied social science disciplines determine the work
of social science practitioners.

Essential Question: How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Analyze the practical use of

Social Sciences in addressing
social concerns
and phenomenon
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
 Define social sciences and applied social sciences*
 Clarify the relationships and differences between social sciences and applied social sciences.
 Cite with the use of various cases the differences among the applied social sciences.
Learning Targets:
 I can define social sciences and applied social sciences.
 I can give the similarities and differences of social sciences and applied social sciences.
 I can explain the basic concepts and principles of the major social science and applied social science
 I can apply the social science ideas and its importance in examining socio-cultural, economic, and
political conditions.
Resources: Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences – The Padayon Series (PHOENIX Publishing House)

Directions: Read the following questions and write the letter of the correct answer.
Answer the Anticipation-Reaction Guide on pages 2 and 3 of the textbook.

Process Questions:
1. What are the concepts found in the given statements?
2. What are the statements that you marked check?
3. What makes the statements disagreeable?
4. How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Complete the Compare and Contrast with Bubble Map on page 5 of the textbook. You are tasked to categorize
which disciplines listed on pages 4 and 4 belong to the Pure Social Sciences and to the Applied Social Sciences.

Process Questions:
1. What are the concepts you listed under the Pure social sciences? Applied Social Sciences?
2. What helps you decide in listing these disciplines to what category they belonged?
3. Can you give the definition of each discipline? Give at least one?
4. How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Watch the YouTube video of Mr. Spangler that highlights the concepts of social science and applied social
science. Discuss to the class the guide questions thru an oral presentation.

Process Questions:
1. What are the disciplines under the pure social science and applied social science?
2. What is the difference of these two social sciences?
3. How did the two social sciences help to improve society?
4. How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Read Defining the Social Sciences on pages 6 to 11 of the textbook. Then, fill in the data retrieval chart
on page 7 to show your understanding of the assigned reading.

Process Questions:
1. What is applied social sciences? Why is it called “applied social science”?
2. What are the differences of the applied social sciences and the social sciences?
3. What are examples of the disciplines of the applied social sciences?
4. What are the concerns and focus of the disciplines of the applied social sciences?
5. Why are the applied social science disciplines important?
6. How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Read the article entitled “Careers under Applied Social Sciences” by Jean Clinker. Then, make a
presentation or oral report that can be done by preparing a data table on page 6 of the textbook.

Process Questions:
1. How would you compare counseling and social work?
2. Why do we consider journalism and communication studies as fields of the applied social sciences?
3. How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Produce a group infomercial that will promote awareness to the public about the important work and
functions of a social scientist and an applied social science practitioner. The infomercial must also explain the
functions of a social scientist and an applied social practitioner. You should be able to compare the functions,
roles, and importance of a social scientist and the applied social sciences practitioner in understanding and
addressing national and local issues. You should be able to explain in the infomercial how the social sciences
and applied social sciences practitioners can help understand and solve personal or family-related problems or
Archdiocesan Notre Dame Schools of Cotabato
Poblacion 1, Parang, Maguindanao del Norte
A.Y. 2023- 2024


Quarter: III
Grade: 12
Lesson: 2
Topic: The Discipline of Counseling
Designer: Almirah Esmael

Content Standard: The learners should demonstrate an understanding of disciplines of counseling.

Performance Standard:
The learner should be able to demonstrate a high level of understanding of the basic concepts of
counseling through a group presentation of a situation in which practitioners of counseling work together to
assist individuals, groups, or communities involved in difficult situations (e.g., post disaster, court hearing about
separation of celebrity couple, cyber bullying).

Formation Standard:
The learners should be enlightened to the work of applied social science practitioners.

Enduring Understanding: Student will understand that counseling helps to solve community-based problems.

Essential Question: How can one solve community-based problems?

Analyze the practical use of

Social Sciences in addressing
social concerns
and phenomenon
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
 Identify the goals and scope of counseling. HUMSS_DIASS12-Ib-3
 Explain the principles of counseling.
 Analyze the core values of counseling in various real-life situations. *
 Prepare a group presentation of a situation in which practitioners of counseling work together to assist
individuals, groups, or communities involved in difficult situations. *
Learning Targets:
 I can list down the goals and scope of counseling.
 I can give the principles of counseling.
 I can analyze the core values of counseling in various real-life situations.
 I can make a video advertisement which shows the practitioners of counseling work together to assist
individuals, groups, or communities involved in difficult situations.
Resources: Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences – The Padayon Series (PHOENIX Publishing House)

Directions: Read the following questions and write the letter of the correct answer.

Answer the Anticipation-Reaction Guide on pages 32 and 33 of the textbook. On the “before the Chapter
Study”, put a check mark if you agree to the statement, and an (x) mark if you disagree with the statement.

Process Questions:
1. What are the concepts found in the given statements?
2. What are the statements that you marked check?
3. What makes the statements disagreeable?
4. How can one solve community-based problems?

Complete the Compare and Contrast with Bubble Map on page 5 of the textbook. You are tasked to categorize
which disciplines listed on pages 4 and 4 belong to the Pure Social Sciences and to the Applied Social Sciences.

Process Questions:
1. What are the concepts you listed under the Pure social sciences? Applied Social Sciences?
2. What helps you decide in listing these disciplines to what category they belonged?
3. Can you give the definition of each discipline? Give at least one?
4. How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Watch the YouTube video of Mr. Spangler that highlights the concepts of social science and applied social
science. Discuss to the class the guide questions thru an oral presentation.

Process Questions:
5. What are the disciplines under the pure social science and applied social science?
6. What is the difference of these two social sciences?
7. How did the two social sciences help to improve society?
8. How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Read Defining the Social Sciences on pages 6 to 11 of the textbook. Then, fill in the data retrieval chart
on page 7 to show your understanding of the assigned reading.

Process Questions:
1. What is applied social sciences? Why is it called “applied social science”?
2. What are the differences of the applied social sciences and the social sciences?
3. What are examples of the disciplines of the applied social sciences?
4. What are the concerns and focus of the disciplines of the applied social sciences?
5. Why are the applied social science disciplines important?
6. How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Read the article entitled “Careers under Applied Social Sciences” by Jean Clinker. Then, make a
presentation or oral report that can be done by preparing a data table on page 6 of the textbook.

Process Questions:
1. How would you compare counseling and social work?
2. Why do we consider journalism and communication studies as fields of the applied social sciences?
3. How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Produce a video advertisement that will give awareness to the public about significant roles of
counselors and the principles that they must follow to understand the diverse aspects of life. Video
advertisement must also explain the important goals and significance of a counseling as a field of applied social
sciences. You should be able to justify their significant roles in understanding and addressing national and local
issues. You should be able to explain in the video advertisement how the counselings can help understand and
solve personal or family-related problems or issues.
Archdiocesan Notre Dame Schools of Cotabato
Poblacion 1, Parang, Maguindanao del Norte
A.Y. 2023- 2024


Quarter: III
Grade: 12
Lesson: 3
Topic: Professionals and Practitioners in Counseling
Designer: Almirah Esmael

Content Standard: The learners should demonstrate an understanding of Professionals and practitioners in

Performance Standard:
The learner should be able to Undertake participant observation (e.g., a day in a life of a counselor) to
adequately document and critique their roles, functions, and competencies.

Formation Standard:
The learners should be enlightened to the work of applied social science practitioners.

Enduring Understanding: Student will understand that applied social science disciplines determine the work
of social science practitioners.

Essential Question: How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Analyze the practical use of

Social Sciences in addressing
social concerns
and phenomenon
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
 Discuss roles and functions of counselors. *
 Identify specific work areas in which counselors work. HUMSS_DIASS12-Ic-7
 Value rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities of counselors. HUMSS_DIASS12-Ic-9
 Distinguish between ethical and unethical behaviors among counselors.
 Conduct participant observation (e.g., a day in the life of a counselor) to adequately document and
critique their roles, functions, and competencies.
Learning Targets:
 I can tell the roles and functions of counselors.
 I can give the specific work areas in which counselors work.
 I can differentiate between ethical and unethical behaviors among counselors.
 I can analyze the rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities of counselors in various cases.
 I can conduct participant observation (e.g., a day in the life of a counselor) to adequately document and
critique their roles, functions, and competencies.
Resources: Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences – The Padayon Series (PHOENIX Publishing House)

Directions: Read the following questions and write the letter of the correct answer.

Answer the Anticipation-Reaction Guide on pages 2 and 3 of the textbook.

Process Questions:
1. What are the concepts found in the given statements?
2. What are the statements that you marked check?
3. What makes the statements disagreeable?
4. How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Complete the Compare and Contrast with Bubble Map on page 5 of the textbook. You are tasked to categorize
which disciplines listed on pages 4 and 4 belong to the Pure Social Sciences and to the Applied Social Sciences.

Process Questions:
1. What are the concepts you listed under the Pure social sciences? Applied Social Sciences?
2. What helps you decide in listing these disciplines to what category they belonged?
3. Can you give the definition of each discipline? Give at least one?
4. How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Watch the YouTube video of Mr. Spangler that highlights the concepts of social science and applied social
science. Discuss to the class the guide questions thru an oral presentation.

Process Questions:
1. What are the disciplines under the pure social science and applied social science?
2. What is the difference of these two social sciences?
3. How did the two social sciences help to improve society?
4. How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Read Defining the Social Sciences on pages 6 to 11 of the textbook. Then, fill in the data retrieval chart
on page 7 to show your understanding of the assigned reading.

Process Questions:
1. What is applied social sciences? Why is it called “applied social science”?
2. What are the differences of the applied social sciences and the social sciences?
3. What are examples of the disciplines of the applied social sciences?
4. What are the concerns and focus of the disciplines of the applied social sciences?
5. Why are the applied social science disciplines important?
6. How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Read the article entitled “Careers under Applied Social Sciences” by Jean Clinker. Then, make a
presentation or oral report that can be done by preparing a data table on page 6 of the textbook.

Process Questions:
1. How would you compare counseling and social work?
2. Why do we consider journalism and communication studies as fields of the applied social sciences?
3. How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Produce a group infomercial that will promote awareness to the public about the important work and
functions of a social scientist and an applied social science practitioner. The infomercial must also explain the
functions of a social scientist and an applied social practitioner. You should be able to compare the functions,
roles, and importance of a social scientist and the applied social sciences practitioner in understanding and
addressing national and local issues. You should be able to explain in the infomercial how the social sciences
and applied social sciences practitioners can help understand and solve personal or family-related problems or
Archdiocesan Notre Dame Schools of Cotabato
Poblacion 1, Parang, Maguindanao del Norte
A.Y. 2023- 2024


Quarter: III
Grade: 12
Lesson: 4
Topic: Counseling and its Clientele and Audiences, Work Settings, Processes, Methods, and Tools
Designer: Almirah Esmael

Content Standard: The learners should demonstrate an understanding of clientele and audiences, settings,
processes, methods, and tools in counseling.

Performance Standard:
The learner should be able to use acceptable research protocols, conduct a survey among young
adults (i.e., ages 18–21) on their counseling needs, present results and recommendation for class discussion,
critically evaluate whether the needs of the respondents are addressed by the practitioners and pertinent
institutions and propose suggestions on how needs can be effectively addressed.

Formation Standard:
The learners should be enlightened to the work of applied social science practitioners.

Enduring Understanding: Student will understand that applied social science disciplines determine the work
of social science practitioners.

Essential Question: How can the work of applied social science practitioners be determined?

Analyze the practical use of

Social Sciences in addressing
social concerns
and phenomenon
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
 Describe the clientele and audiences of counseling. HUMSS_DIASS12-Id-11
 Illustrate the different processes and methods involved in counseling. HUMSS_DIASS12-Id-14
 Distinguish the needs of individuals, groups, organizations, and communities.
 Using the results of the survey conducted, critically evaluate whether the needs of the respondents are
addressed by the practitioners and pertinent institutions.
 Propose suggestions on how needs can be effectively addressed.
Learning Targets:
 I can describe the clientele and audiences of counseling.
 I can illustrate the different processes and methods involved in counseling.
 I can distinguish the needs of individuals, groups, organizations, and communities.
 I can critically evaluate whether the needs of the respondents are addressed by the practitioners and
pertinent institutions.
 I can propose suggestions on how needs can be effectively addressed.
Resources: Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences – The Padayon Series (PHOENIX Publishing House)

Directions: Read the following questions and write the letter of the correct answer.


Activity 1: Clientele Profiles

Develop detailed profiles for at least three types of clienteles, including their common characteristics,
needs, and the specific counseling approaches used for each. Present the profiles to the class, using visuals or
slides to illustrate key points.

Process Questions:
1. What types of clienteles did you research?
2. What are the common characteristics and needs of each clientele type?
3. What specific counseling approaches are used for each clientele?
4. How do these approaches cater to the unique needs of each clientele type?


Activity 2: Role-Play Counseling Sessions

Role-play the counseling session for 10-15 minutes, focusing on appropriate techniques and
communication. One student will act as the counselor and the other as the client. Assign different scenarios
involving various clientele types (e.g., individual with anxiety, couple with relationship issues, family dealing
with grief). Switch roles and repeat with a different scenario. Discuss the role-play experiences in a group
debrief session.

Process Questions:
1. What type of client did you role-play, and what were their main concerns?
2. As a counselor, what techniques did you use to address the client's needs?
3. How did the role-play help you understand the needs of different clientele?
4. What did you learn about effective communication and techniques in counseling?

Activity 3: Counseling Process Flowchart
Design a flowchart that outlines the steps of the counseling process, including brief descriptions of each
step and the methods used. Present the flowchart to the class, explaining each step and method.

Process Questions:
1. What are the key steps in the counseling process?
2. What methods are commonly used at each step?
3. How do these methods facilitate effective counseling?
4. What challenges might arise at each step, and how can they be addressed?


Activity 4: Needs Assessment Chart

Develop a chart that lists and distinguishes the needs of each category, providing examples and relevant
counseling approaches for each. Present your chart to the class, explaining the differences and similarities in

Process Questions:
1. What are the primary needs of individuals, groups, organizations, and communities?
2. How do these needs differ and overlap?
3. What counseling approaches are most effective for each category?
4. How can understanding these needs improve counseling practices?


Activity 5: Survey Data Analysis

Review the results of a survey conducted on the needs of a specific population (e.g., students,
employees, community members). Analyze the data to determine whether the needs are being addressed by
practitioners and institutions. Write a report that critically evaluates the effectiveness of current practices and
institutions in addressing these needs. Present your report to the class, highlighting key findings and

Process Questions:
1. What were the main needs identified in the survey?
2. How effectively are these needs being addressed by current practitioners and institutions?
3. What gaps or shortcomings did you identify?
4. What recommendations can you make to improve the situation?
Activity 6: Action Plan Development
Research best practices and successful interventions that address similar needs. Create a comprehensive
action plan that includes goals, strategies, resources, and evaluation methods. Share your action plan with the
class, and engage in a discussion to refine and enhance it.

Process Questions:
1. What specific need did you address in your action plan?
2. What best practices or successful interventions did you find in your research?
3. How did you structure your action plan to ensure its effectiveness?
4. What suggestions did you receive from the class, and how will you incorporate them into your plan?


Produce an interview report of the work setting and profession of counseling. The report must contain
the results and analysis of data of the interview conducted. The class will be divided into groups, and they are
tasked to interview a counselor to discover his or her work setting and job. The tasks include the following:
1. Choose a particular work setting of a counselor. It can be in a school, mental hospital, private agencies,
community, and government agency.
2. Find a counselor in that work setting who can serve as the interviewee of the group.
3. The interview must focus on the following topics and questions:

Institutional Profile: The Work Setting of the Counselor

a. Can you discuss the institution or agency where you work as counselor?
b. Explain the context, history, cases, and problems that your agency or institution handles.
c. Discuss the programs and intervention approaches that your agency implements.
d. What problems does your agency or institution face? What are the achievements of your agency?
Counseling as a Profession
a. When did you start working as a counselor?
b. What are your responsibilities?
c. What programs do you handle?
d. What skills, knowledge, and values must a counselor possess?
e. How do you see yourself as a counselor? What do you enjoy doing? What do you avoid or hate
f. What challenges do you encounter as a counselor?
g. Who helps you in your work?
h. What education and training do you need to enhance your work?
i. What other messages do you want to convey?
4. Results and analysis of data from the interview must be written in a report.
5. Formulate your own title. The title must embrace the data collected.
6. The ethics forms (letter or permission, consent from the institution and the counselor) must be submitted
together with the report.

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