to be successful in many aerospace applications where accurate mathematical
models can be obtained, and descriptions for external disturbances/noise based
on white noise are considered appropriate. However, application of such
methods, commonly referred to as the linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG)
methods, to other industrial problems made apparent the poor robustness
properties exhibited by LQG controllers. This led to a substantial research effort
to develop a theory that could explicitly address the robustness issue in
feedback design. The pioneering work in the development of the forthcoming
theory, now known as the H optimal control theory, was conducted in the
early 1980s. In the H approach, the designer from the outset specifies a model
of system uncertainty, such as additive perturbation and/or output disturbance,
which is most suited to the problem at hand. A constrained optimization is then
performed to maximize the robust stability of the closed-loop system to the type
of uncertainty chosen, the constraint being the internal stability of the feedback
system. In most cases, it would be sufficient to seek a feasible controller such
that the closed-loop system achieves certain robust stability. Performance
objectives can also be included in the optimization cost function. Elegant
solution formulas have been developed and are readily available in software
packages such as MATLAB®.
A control system is an interconnection of components to perform certain
tasks and to yield a desired response, i.e. to generate desired signal (the output),
when it is driven by manipulating signal (the input). A control system is a
causal, dynamic system, i.e. the output depends not only the present input but
also the input at the previous time.
In general, there are two categories of control systems, the open-loop
systems and closed-loop systems. An open-loop system uses a controller or
control actuator to obtain the design response. In an open-loop system, the
output has no effect on the input. In contrast to an open-loop system, a closed-
loop control system uses sensors to measure the actual output to adjust the input
in order to achieve desired output. The measure of the output is called the
feedback signal, and a closed-loop system is also called a feedback system. It is
known that only feedback configurations are able to achieve the robustness of a
control system.
Due to the increasing complexity of physical systems under control and
rising demands on system properties, most industrial control systems are no
longer single-input and single-output (SISO) but multi-input and multi-output
(MIMO) systems with a high interrelationship (coupling) between these
channels. The number of (state) variables in a system could be very large as
well. These systems are called multivariable systems.
In order to analyze and design a control system, it is advantageous if a
mathematical representation of such a relationship (a model) is available. The
system dynamics is usually governed by a set of differential equations in either
open-loop or closed-loop systems. In the case of linear, time-invariant systems,
these differential equations are linear ordinary differential equations. By
introducing appropriate state variables and simple manipulations, a linear, time-
invariant, continuous-time control system can be described by the following
x (t ) A x(t ) B u (t ) ,
y (t ) C x(t ) D u (t ) , (1.1)
where x(t ) n is the state vector, u (t ) m the input (control) vector, and
y (t ) p the output (measurement) vector.
With the assumption of zero initial condition of the state variables and using
Laplace transform, a transfer function matrix corresponding to the system in
(1.1) can be derived as
G ( s ) C ( sI n A) 1 B D . (1.2)
G ( z ) C ( zI n A) 1 B D . (1.4)
Fig. 1.1 An interconnected system of G and K
For the system given in Fig. 1.1, there are two inputs r and d and two
outputs y and u. The transfer functions from the inputs to the outputs,
respectively, are
T yr GK ( I GK ) 1 ,
T yd G ( I KG ) 1 ,
Tur K ( I GK ) 1 ,
Tud KG ( I KG ) 1 . (1.5)
Hence, the system is internally stable if and only if all the transfer functions
in (1.5) are BIBO stable, or the transfer function matrix
GK ( I GK ) 1 G ( I KG ) 1
M 1
K ( I GK ) KG ( I KG ) 1
1 norm x 1 xi , for p 1,
i 1
1 p
m p
p norm x p xi , for 1 p ,
i 1
norm x max xi , for p .
1i m
1 p
p norm x x(t ) p dt , for 1 p ,
norm x sup x(t ) , for p .
absolute value. The square of the 2-norm, x 22 , is often called the energy of the
signal x(t ) since that is what it is when x(t ) is the current through a 1
resistor. The ∞-norm, x , is the amplitude or peak value of the signal, and the
Gu Y
G sup (1.6)
u 0 u U
G sup Gu Y sup Gu Y.
u U 1 u U 1
Obviously, we have
Gu Y G u U.
G1G 2 G1 G 2 .
G sup G ( j ) 2 , (1.7)
dynamics. Typical sources of the discrepancy include unmodeled (usually high-
frequency) dynamics, neglected nonlinearities in the modeling, effects of
deliberate reduced-order models, and system-parameter variations due to
environmental changes and torn-and-worn factors. These modeling errors may
adversely affect the stability and performance of a control system. In the
sections, we will discuss how dynamic perturbations are usually described so
that they can be accounted for in system robustness analysis and design.
Many dynamic perturbations that may occur in different parts of a system
can, however, be lumped into one single perturbation block , for instance,
some unmodeled, high-frequency dynamics. This uncertainty representation is
referred to as “unstructured” uncertainty. In the case of linear, time-invariant
systems, the block may be represented by an unknown transfer function
The unstructured dynamics uncertainty in a control system can be described
in different ways, such as is listed in the following, where G p ( s ) denotes the
actual, perturbed system dynamics and Go (s ) a nominal model description of
the physical system.
1. Additive perturbation (see Fig. 1.2):
G p ( s ) Go ( s ) ( s ) . (1.8)
G p ( s) 1 Go ( s) 1 ( s) . (1.9)
G p ( s) 1 I ( s)Go ( s) 1 . (1.12)
Fig. 1.2 Additive perturbation configuration
Fig. 1.7 Inverse output multiplicative perturbation configuration
Example 1.1 The dynamics of many control systems may include a “slow” part
and a “fast” part, for instance in a dc motor. The actual dynamics of a scalar
plant may be
G p ( s ) g gain Gslow ( s ) G fast ( s )
1 1
Gslow , G fast , 1.
1 sT 1 sT
G p g gain Gslow
m (s) G fast 1
g gain Gslow
1 sT
1 – 10
Fig. 1.8 Absolute and relative errors in Example 1.1
The magnitude Bode plots of a and m can be seen in Fig. 1.8, where
g gain is assumed to be 1. The difference between the two perturbation
representations is obvious: though the magnitude of the absolute error may be
small, the relative error can be large in the high-frequency range in comparison
to that of the nominal plant.
1 – 11
operating points, etc. Such perturbations may be represented by variations of
certain system parameters over some possible value ranges (complex or real).
They affect the low-frequency range performance and are called “parametric
d 2 x(t ) d x(t )
m c k x(t ) f (t ) ,
dt 2 dt
where m is the mass, c the damping constant, k the spring stiffness, x(t ) the
displacement and f (t ) the external force.
For imprecisely known parameter values, the dynamic behavior of such a
system is actually described by
d 2 x(t ) d x(t )
(mo m ) ( co c ) (k o k ) x(t ) f (t ) , (1.14)
dt 2 dt
x1 x 2 ,
x 2 (ko k ) x1 (co c ) x 2 f ,
mo m
y x1 .
1 – 13
x1 0k 1 x1
c 0 0 0 0
x o o x 2 1 1 1 d 2 f ,
2 mo mo
d 3 mo
k o
co 1
z1 mo mo x1 1 1 1 d1 mo
z 0 1 0 0 0 d 2 0 f , (1.15)
2 x2
z 3 1 0 0 0 0 d 3 0
y 1 0 .
1 – 14
1.4 Linear Fractional Transformations
The block diagram in Fig. 1.11 can be generalized to be a standard
configuration to represent how the uncertainty affects the input/output
relationship of the control system under study. This kind of representation first
appeared in the circuit analysis back in the 1950s. It was later adopted in the
robust control study for uncertainty modeling. The general framework is
depicted in Fig. 1.12.
M 11 M 12
M 21 M 22
z M 22 M 21 ( I M 11 ) 1 M 12
if ( I M 11 ) is invertible. When the inverse exists, we may define
F ( M , ) M 22 M 21 ( I M 11 ) 1 M 12 .
1 – 15
transformation (ULFT), and denoted with a subscript u, i.e. Fu ( M , ) , to show
the way of connection.
Similarly, there are also lower linear fractional transformations (LLFT) that
are usually used to indicate the incorporation of a controller K into a system.
Such a lower LFT can be depicted as in Fig. 1.13 and defined by
Fl ( M , ) M 11 M 12 K ( I M 22 K ) 1 M 21 .
1. Additive perturbation:
0 I
M . (1.16)
I Go
Go Go
M . (1.17)
Go Go
0 I
M . (1.18)
Go Go
1 – 16
0 Go
M . (1.19)
I Go
M . (1.20)
Go Go
I Go
M . (1.21)
I Go
i 1 ri j 1 m j n ,
s f
with n is the dimension of the block . We may define the set of such as .
The total block thus has two types of uncertain block: s repeated scalar
1 – 17
blocks and f full blocks. The parameters i of the repeated scalar blocks can be
real numbers only, if further information of the uncertainties is available.
However, in the case of real numbers, the analysis and design would be even
harder. The full blocks in (1.22) need not be square, but by restricting them as
such makes the notation much simpler.
When a perturbed system is described by an LFT with the uncertain block
of (1.22), the considered has a certain structure. It is thus called “structured
uncertainty”. Apparently, using a lumped, full block to model the uncertainty in
such cases, for instance in Example 1.2, would lead to pessimistic analysis of
the system behavior and produce conservative designs.
The corresponding functions of Robust Control Toolbox® allow to facilitate
the process of building different uncertainty models (see Lab 1).
Gu, D.W., Petkov, P.H., Konstantinov, M.M. Robust Control Design with
MATLAB®, Second Edition, Springer, London, 2013.
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