Overview_Production_Process_And_Properties_Of_Galv (1)
Overview_Production_Process_And_Properties_Of_Galv (1)
Overview_Production_Process_And_Properties_Of_Galv (1)
In search for solution to the challenges posed by the degradation of roofing steel sheet
in an aggressive environment, galvanization of steel sheet for roofing of buildings and
manufacture of other Engineering structures has been a valuable remedy.
Galvanization of steel in recent years has emerged as a physical barrier which
minimizes the penetration of contamination of sulphide and chloride ion. Zinc coating
of steel top surface is a strategy that has been found to be effective for wide range
applications. Galvanized steel sheets have been widely used by various manufacturing
company. Occasional switching from steel to other metal like aluminum have not been
cost effective because of the present economically situation. This makes substituting
galvanized steel difficult. This mini review provides insight to the production process,
stages and properties of galvanized roofing steel sheet use in Nigeria and most part of
1.0 Introduction
Prevention of Galvanized steel roofing sheet against degradation have become a ceaseless and
intractable challenge of global interest. Deterioration of the sheet occurs naturally in an attempt
to return their initial, stable, oxidized state. The magnitude and severity of the degradation of
Galvanized steel roofing sheet is not only a function the material used but also its operating
environment [1]. Global cost of replacement of roofing sheet in the developed and emerging
economies is astronomical [2]. Galvanized steel sheet resist degradation by a sacrificing the
topmost layer made of zinc so as to combat environmental degradations which could result in
pitting of the surface [3]. Galvanized steel structures have been widely used for exterior
constructions such as crash barriers, lamp poles, fences, buildings, facades, and roofs in the
contemporary metropolitan society. The application of zinc on metallic surfaces had been
carried out either by hot dipping or electroplating process [4]. Hot- dip galvanized steel sheet is
produced on continuous zinc coating lines either by hot or cold rolling in coil form. The
thickness of sheet produced from hot rolling ranges from 2.01 to 3.0mm while that of cold
rolling ranges from 0.27 to 2.0mm [5].
By galvanizing, protection of the steel structures against corrosion resistance is improved by
numerous degrees of magnitude; the corrosion protection achieved by zinc-based coatings is as
a result of the galvanic effect, because zinc is anodic to iron which make it acts a sacrificial
metal in an aqueous or humid environment [6], however, resistance to surface degeneration can
be further enhanced by the incorporation of top coat on the galvanized surface [7]. Galvanized
steel sheets are also known for excellent shiny surface and formability attributes besides
satisfactory peel-off resistance and fusing of the coating completely to the steel surface [8].
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International Conference on Engineering for Sustainable World IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1378 (2019) 022069 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1378/2/022069
Galvanized steel roofing is designed to serve for several years. Closed 50 % of the annual world
zinc production which is about 3 million tons is utilized for the galvanizing steel so to minimize
the corrosion rate of steel in a corrosive environment [9]. The Galvanization is the largest single
use of zinc due the ability of zinc to form protective oxide and hydroxide layer that act as a
barrier to environmental degradation. The presence of water usually increases the rate of
corrosion, with the initiate corrosion product being zinc hydroxide which is further converted
via the action of some air pollutants. However, it is very important to note that environments
moisture penetrates unprotected zinc and expose the steel to white zinc corrosion, also known
as “wet storage stain” or “white rust.” White rust is the result of electrolytic reaction which
occurs within the steel sheets when water exists without oxygen. The red rust occurs when the
zinc coating completely breaks off the back of the steel substrate. These challenges have
continuously shortened the lifespan and also impact on the cost of replacement of the sheets
Moreover, corrosion of galvanized steel sheet can occur via chemical or electrochemical
reaction [11]. Destruction by electrochemical corrosion takes place via electrolyte action over
the sheet metal. The conductive electrolyte solution such as saline or acidic solution can result
in different forms of corrosion such as uniform, pitting or erosion of the zinc coated layer of the
galvanized steel due to the passage of current from the anodic to the cathodic area. The fall of
acidic rain on galvanized roofing sheet can be highly destructive. Acid rain is a product of the
atmospheric reaction of Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides with oxygen in the air to form
sulphuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO) with pH of 5 or less, which falls on the roof as
rain, snow or dust. Sulphur dioxide comes majorly from smelters and power plants use for coal
burning. Flaring of gas, automobile exhaust and bush burning are the chief sources of
atmospheric pollution that result in acid rain. Because an electrolyte is a requirement for
corrosion, roofing sheets tend to corrode, wherever acid rainwater and/or condensation cannot
flow off or becomes trapped [12]. However, Galvanized steel sheets can be corrosion free for a
very long time if used in suitable environments. Galvanized roofing sheets can last for 15-18
years in rural regions and 3-8 years in areas of industrial locations especially in the Niger delta
region of Nigeria [13, 14]. This is an indication that the galvanized sheets have greater service
life compared to bare uncoated steel sheets. Weather resistance test has shown clearly that
galvanized steel sheets are 5-30 times slower than that of steel sheets [15].
There are numerous applications that have necessitated the use of galvanized steel due to their
formability. Although the major attraction for the choice of galvanized steel have been on the
ground of corrosion resistance ability. However, zinc-coated steel sheets with better corrosion
resistance with high degree of formability can be achieved if the processing parameters such as
the zinc bath composition are controlled. [16] used the results of tensile test and simulated
experiment to evaluate steel sheet formability. Two important parameters of the sheet; work
hardening anisotropy and exponent coefficient can be determined using tensile test. These two
parameters are criteria against these parameters thinning and necking during plastic
deformation, respectively. More so, the study carried out by [17] provided an insight into the
crack propagation and fracture behaviour of galvanized steel sheet. The initiation of Cracks in
galvanized coatings were discovered to take place near the interface of the steel coating layer
as a result of thermal stresses which eventually propagates towards the exterior layer of the
International Conference on Engineering for Sustainable World IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1378 (2019) 022069 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1378/2/022069
coating. However, the susceptibility of the galvanized coatings layer to crack propagation due
to thermal stress can be minimized by increasing the coating thickness [18].
Generally, coating of steel substrate is commonly utilized to prevent degradation in
contaminated atmosphere [19]. However, coatings of steel with only zinc have been discovered
not to be as effective as the inorganic and organic coated galvanized steel sheet [20]. They were
found to possess unique metallurgical features and better corrosion resistance in under a
destructive weather condition. In the same vein, Galvalume coated steel sheets (steel coated
with some percentage of Al-Zn) have also been to exhibit better mechanical and electrochemical
properties [21] such as yield, tensile strengths, lower total elongation and corrosion resistance
compared to galvanized steel sheets. Galvalume coated steel sheet was also discovered to retain
it appearance at a higher temperature range compare to galvanized steel sheets [22]. More so,
comparative study of corrosion behaviour of galvanized steel carried out by [23] revealed that
galvanized steel roofing sheet failed in a simulated carbonate and chloride environments. This
assertion and the work of other researchers instigate a search for better, alternative or improved
roofing materials especially in industrial area where chloride or carbonate contamination is
possible. Recently, the use of organically and inorganically coated galvanized steel products in
a wide variety of industries has grown dramatically due to growing requirements on
performance [24]. From the assertion made by [25] materials used for roofing required essential
properties such as formability, good corrosion and high-quality appearance. However,
environmental friendliness of material is becoming essential. Development of 55% Al–Zn alloy
coated steel sheet with organic composite coating suppresses the progress of corrosion and
surface cracks prominent with the roof made of zinc or Al-Zn coated steel sheet. The organic
composite coatings instinctively form a protective film which was able to inhibit the triggered
corrosion mechanism in the steel under severe condition such as acidic rain or presences of
dissolved salt. More so, the mixture of a pigment of the phosphate type with a calcium-
containing pigment produced considerable corrosion inhibition of galvanized steel in a
somewhat acid medium [26].
International Conference on Engineering for Sustainable World IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1378 (2019) 022069 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1378/2/022069
the molten metal before it makes contact with another roll is paramount to avoid damaging or
deformation of the zinc coating [28, 29]
Production of galvanized steel roofing sheets can be classified into about six distinct stages.
They are;
x Welding process: One continuous sheet is formed by welding the steel sheet ends that has
been sheared to the preceding sheets.
x Straightening process: A high-performance tension leveler is employed to straighten the
steel sheet. This will result to excellent flatness.
x Cleaning process: The steel sheet is cleaned in an alkali bath and brushed for initial
degreasing so as to reduce surface oxides so as to achieve complete adhesion of coating. The
sheet is then dipped in an acidic bath to activate.
x Continuous annealing process: This involves the reduction of the oxidized film on the
surface of the steel sheet by passing it continuously through a reduction furnace.
x Galvanizing process: The sheet is left in a reduction atmosphere and immersed directly into
a bath of molten zinc. The steel sheet is the rolled around a roller that is dipped into the
coating bath and it is removed from the bath vertically by pulling. Removal of excess molten
zinc using high-pressure air is carried out to obtain a coating thickness that can be closely
x Chemical treatment process: The coated zinc sheet is exposed to different chemical
treatments in accordance to the desired use. The treatment includes phosphate treatment for
excellent paintability, and chromate free special treatment for good corrosion resistance [30,
International Conference on Engineering for Sustainable World IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1378 (2019) 022069 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1378/2/022069
Galvanized steel roofing sheet is one of the most used roofs in homes, industries and commercial
premises. Galvanized steel roofing sheet usually comes in different form of long run roofing
such as trapezoidal, trough section/ concealed fix, corrugated. It also sometimes comes in the
form of flat sheets, tile and shakes. The roofs are made up of mild steel coated with zinc. The
long run roofing is normally fixed in place using lead-headed nails. [ 32, 33]
2.3. Effect of Coating Thickness and Mass on Galvanized Steel Roofing Sheet
Coating in continuous hot-dip coating process is carried out at a high speed and the thickness
and mass of the coating is controlled by the process. Coating thickness is measured in g/m2 or
microns. The degradation resisting ability of galvanized steel roofing sheet is a function of the
coating thickness. For example, for any environmental conditions, a G90 coating will last
longer than a G60 coating, maintenance, painting and all other factors being equal [34]. Where
G means galvanized. Although, Higher coating thickness of galvanized steel results in better
corrosion resistance [35], however, it can lead to low formability of the steel sheet. Hence, the
coating thickness must be optimized to achieve a favourable combination of corrosion resistance
and formability of sheet for the critical roofing applications [36, 37]. The thickness of the
coating can be accurately measured by measuring stripped off from the steel substrate using
measuring gauge. Other methods of determining the zinc coating thickness are via magnetic
thickness Gauges, weighing before & after galvanizing and optical Microscopy (ASTM B
487).Coating weight or mass control consists in coating uniformly either transversely or
longitudinally and transversely, both sides of the sheet with a specified zinc weight. The knife
gap, knife gas pressure and line speed are the variable that affects the coating mass and
thickness. This is because the weight or mass control is being applied at the knife strip which
must be between the upper and the lower limit at any point on the strip in order to meet the
standard requirement. Therefore, the coating mass should be optimized by the effective
monitoring of the coating thickness [38, 39]
2.4. Relationship the thickness, width, length, tensile strength and the mass of coating of the
corrugated zinc
The thickness of the coating is proportional to the coating mass. However, the length and width
can be chosen base on the required specification and purpose. The thickness of hot dip
galvanized coatings is determined by the thickness of the zinc-iron alloy layers that form when
the steel reacts with the zinc. The alloy layer is usually 95% and 5% iron. Thicker galvanized
coatings provide enhanced durability. The tensile strenght of the zinc coated layer increases
with increase in thickness [40].
2.5. Parameters that affect the appearance of Galvanized steel coatings
Galvanized steel sheet is used for different application. However, different application requires
specific appearance. Spangles (snowflake-like pattern is the common attribute of a galvanized
surface. Zinc coatings with spangles are decorative coatings. The appearance of coating is a
function of the substrate steel parameters such as; chemical composition of the steel, Surface
conditions e.g. Surface defect or roughness (associated with rolling, and manufacturing)
International Conference on Engineering for Sustainable World IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1378 (2019) 022069 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1378/2/022069
processing properties, Temperature of the coating bath, Coating time and coating speed and
Mechanical Behaviour of Galvanized Steel Roofing Sheet
Mechanical properties of galvanized steel roofing sheet describe their behaviour under the
application of external [42]. The vital mechanical properties are:
x Strength: This is the resistance offered by the roofing sheet when an external load is applied.
The strength of the roofing sheet is a function of its ability withstands external forces. The
stress on the steel roofing sheet can be compressive, tensile, compressive, and tensional or
x Elasticity: The galvanized steel roofing sheet should have the ability to return back to its
initial position after undergoing deformation when the load is withdrawn. The elastic limit
of the roofing sheet is the maximum stress it can withstand without permanent deformation.
x Plasticity: This is the ability of the steel sheet to deform permanently to some degree without
rupture. Plastic deformation occurs when the elastic limit is exceeded. Generally, plasticity
level rises with increasing temperature. Plasticity is one of the material properties to consider
during the secondary forming processes. Plasticity enables the transformation of the
galvanized steel sheet into different product of desired shape and sizes via the application of
heat, pressure or combination of heat and pressure [43].
x Ductility: This is the property that enables drawing of the steel on the application of load or
force. The base metal of galvanized steel roofing sheet is mild steel which is known to be
ductile which enables drawing by extrusion or pulling through hole in a prepared die. The
ductility of the steel sheet decreases with increase in temperature. Elongation and reduction
are the key measuring parameter for ductility [44].
x Malleability: Malleability is the flattening ability of the steel into sheet without crack
propagation during the cold and hot working process. Malleability is a compressive property
while ductility is a tensile property. Malleability of a material increases with a rise in
temperature [45].
x Brittleness: The brittleness of the steel sheet is its ability to break without permanent
distortion. The mild steel base of the galvanized sheet is less brittle this enables it not to
break after much deformation unlike glasses and cast iron[46].
x Toughness: This is the steel sheets ability to resist elastic and plastic deformations. It
galvanized steel sheet exhibits sizable degree of toughness due to the presence of some trace
alloy elements. The amount of energy the galvanized roofing steel sheet can absorb before
fracture is its toughness [47].
3.0 Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Galvanized Steel Sheet from Literature
Mechanical properties of steel sheet or coil can be predicted before the galvanizing process so
as to produce of galvanized steel sheet or coil that suitable for the customer’s use. This will at
the same time minimize wastage of materials. [48] carried out a comparative examination of
mechanical properties of different steel coils before been galvanized. The authors evaluated the
models established via linear and non-linear, bagging and other construction techniques. The
author made predictions using a total of 30models; predictions were arrived at for each
parameter so as get meaningful information about the capacity of these models and techniques.
The author tested each of the models against each data several times and also constructed model
International Conference on Engineering for Sustainable World IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1378 (2019) 022069 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1378/2/022069
to ascertain the steel grades relevance and recommend model for each parameter. [49] predicted
the mechanical characteristics of galvanized steel sheet, utilizing data mining techniques such
as neural network, support vector machine, regression analysis and regression tree methods.
The use of a neural network technique was found to produce the best result in the prediction of
the mechanical properties of galvanized steel. The prediction was achieved by collecting
relevant information about the chemical compositions, thickness and width of sheets, strip
speeds and annealing temperatures via the predictive models, such that when a sheet is to be
produced in a galvanizing line, all of the uncontrollable parameters and temperature and speed
as controllable parameters will be inputted to the model and obtain the precise results. Finally,
by varying the controllable parameters, the best value for them will be established before
commencing the production [50].
The galvanized steel sheets may be referred to as a composite made of a metallic coating link
to the steel substrate by an intermetallic phase that is brittle in nature. Micro cracks are
generated during the forming operation which is found between the Zn-coating and the
intermetallic phase. Generally, the cracks within the grains of pure zinc coatings are found to
be parallel to one another. Careful observations have shown that the zinc crystals exhibit
predominant anisotropic deformation [51].
4.0 Conclusion
Galvanized steel has been found to be effective for wide range applications in various
manufacturing company. Galvanized steel roofing sheet which have in several years been
produced by the continuous hot-dip coating process as a result of the flexibility of the techniques
is still very much in vogue. The choice of Galvanized roofing sheet is borne out of its ruggedness
and longevity. Ungalvanized steel will corrode within a short period of time which will directly
or indirectly affect the economy of a nation.
The author acknowledged Covenant University for the financial support offered for the
publication of this research.
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International Conference on Engineering for Sustainable World IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1378 (2019) 022069 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1378/2/022069