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Abelian group 4 Boost, relativistic 33

Absolute differentiation along a Branched surface 288
curve 208
Addition theorem for tesseral
harmonics 59 Campbell- Baker- Hausdorff (CBH)
Adjoint representation of a Lie formula 144, 145
algebra 159 Cancellation, law of 3
Adjoint representation of a Lie group 159 Cantor book 301
Affine connection 195 Cantor set 300
Affine parameter on a geodesic 188 Cartan sub algebra 164, 165
Almost periodic motion 284 Cartesian product 111, 112
Aperiodic motion 284 Cauchy problem of Einstein's
Associated Legendre functions 55 equations 240
Associative law 1 Ck -compatible charts 99
extended 3 Center of a group 159
Attractor 282 Center of a Lie algebra 159
Autocovariance 283 Character of a representation 77
Automorphism Chart in a manifold 99
of a group 6 Christoffel symbols 188
of a Lie algebra 14 Closed subgroup 155
Ck-manifold 103
C "'-manifold 103
Bessel function 75 Commutative group 4
Bicontinuous 114 Compact group 66
Bifurcation 245, 246, 254, 286 Completely reducible representation 64
subcritical 255, 257, 287 Completeness of the tesseral
subharmonic 261 harmonics 60
supercritical 255, 257 Complete system of representations 71
Bifurcation to a strange attractor in the Complexification of a real Lie
Lorenz system 302 algebra 163
Bifurcation tree 277 Component of a manifold 104

318 Index

Composition of velocities in relativity 30 Factor group 10

Composition series 14 Faithful representation of a group 12, 41
Congruence group 203 Feigenbaum model 278, 303
Conjugate subgroup 13 Finitely presented group 16
Conjugation in a complex Lie Finkelstein charts 232, 233
algebra 169 Flatness 218
Continuation of geodesics 194 Free Abelian group 15
Constants of structure 135 Free group 15
Coordinate chart 99 Full Lorentz group 29, 31
Coset 10 Fully reducible representation 63
Couette flow 264 Functions of z andz 89
Covariant differentiation 206 Fundamental group of a manifold 106
Covariant vector field 177
Covering, covering manifold 115
Curry model of thermal convection 286 General linear group 25
Curve in a manifold 104 Generalized eigenfunctions 250
Cycle 6 Generalized weight vector 163
Cyclic group 4, 11 Generators of a group 15
Cyclic permutation 6 Generic properties of systems 304, 305
Cylindrical coordinates in the Geodesic 186,188, 196
Navier-Stokes equations 268 null 190
space like 190
time like 190
Decomposable representation 63 Geodesic completeness 235
Degenerate periodic function 17 Geodesic coordinates 201
Diffeomorphism 117 Geometry of paths 196
Direct product of groups 20 Good neighborhood 114
Direct sum of Lie algebras 160 Group 1
Direct sum of representations 64 Abelian (commutative) 4
Dotted spinor 94 compact 66
Dummy index 176 congruence 203
Dynkin diagram 167 cyclic 4, 11
factor group 10
finitely presented 16
Early linear regime in hydrodynamic free, free Abelian 15
stability problems 251 fundamental 106
Effective 48 general linear 25
Einstein field equations 226 Heisenberg 171
Einstein manifold 226 inner automorphism 13
Equivalent representations 62 Lorentz 29 - 31
Equivalent unitary transformations 81 orthogonal 25, 26
Euler angles 57 permutation 6
Euler's Theorem 27 Poincare 73
Euler variational equation 188 point 18
Even permutation 7 rigid motion 73
Explosive transition 287 rotation 25, 30, 50
Exponential mapping 136 simple 9
Extended associative law 3 space 17
Extension of a group 24 special linear 25
Index 319

special orthogonal 26 Invariant torus 257,260,261

translation 17 Inverse 3
unimodular linear 25 Irreducible representation 41, 63
unimodular orthogonal 26 Isomorphism 5
unitary 28
universal covering 159
Group manifold 34 Jacobi identity 135, 178
Jordan-Holder Theorem 14

Haar measure 67, 69

Hausdorff separation axiom 102 Kernel of a homomorphism 8
Heisenberg group 171 of a Lie group homomorphism 156
Helical vortices in the Taylor Kerr manifold 237
problem 265, 272, 273 Klein bottle 97
Hilbert space for the Taylor problem 270 Kneading sequence 295
Homeomorphism 117 Kruskal extension of the Schwarzschild
Homogeneous space 48 charts 233
Homomorphism 6, 8 Kruskal manifold 234
Homomorphism Law 11
for Lie groups 155
for Lie algebras 151 Lagrange's Theorem 10
Homomorphism of SL(2, C) onto the Landau-Hopf model of turbulence 276
proper Lorentz group 38 Late linear regime in hydrodynamic
Homomorphism of SU(2) onto SO(3) 37 stability problems 251
Homotopic curves 105 Latin square 3
Homotopy class of curves 105 Law of cancellation 3
Hopf example resembling the onset of Law of composition
turbulence 278 Law of homomorphism-see
Homomorphism Law
Left coset 10
Ideal 160 Left-invariant integral 67
Identification, method of, for Left-invariant measure 69
manifolds 97 Left-regular representation 69
Identiry 3 Left translation 12, 67
[i, j] symbols of Williams 297 Legendre functions 53, 55
Inaccessible stable helical vortices 273 associated 55
Induced topology 101 Legendre polynomial 56
Infinite-dimensional representation 45 Lie algebra 132 -134
Initial-value problem of a geodesic 190 nilpotent 163
Inner automorphism group 13 solvable 163
Inner automorphism of a Lie simple 150
algebra 139, 141 semisimple 163
Intrinsic coordinates in the rotation Lie algebra homomorphism 149
group 35 Lie bracket 134, 178
Intrinsic curvature of a manifold 217 Lie group 131
Intrinsic properties of a manifold 103 linear 130
Invariant integration 67 nonlinear 171
Invariant manifold 265 Lie group homomorphism 151
Invariant subgroup 9 Linear Lie group 130
320 Index

Local homomorphism of a Lie group 153 Null geodesic 190

Local isomorphism of a Lie group 153 Nullhomotopic curve 107
Locally attracting 252
Locally eventually onto 293
Local representation 83 Odd permutation 7
Logarithmic coordinates 136 Omega-limit point 281
Lorentz group 29 Omega-limit set of a motion 280, 281
restricted or proper 29, 30 Order of a group, subgroup, or element 4
full 29, 31 Orientability 210
Lorenz attractor 288, 289 Orthogonal group 25, 26
Lorenz graph 290
Lorenz system 286
Lowering and raising of indices 185 Parallel transport 209
Lowering and raising operators 52 Parity of a permutation 7
Lyapunov stability 285 Path in a manifold 104
Peixoto's Theorem 278,303, 306
Manifold 96, 103 cyclic 6
covering 115, 197 even 7
Einstein 226 group 6
intrinsic curvature 217 odd 7
intrinsic properties 103 Picard method of iterations 192
invariant 265 Poincare group 73
of a group 34 Poincare mapping 256
pseudo-Riemannian 183 Point group 18
Riemannian 183 Positive definite 183
stable 263 Power spectrum 283
universal covering 119,121,123,125, Prehistories 299
197 Principle of equivalence 203
unstable 252 Principles of lifting 117
Maximal extension of an Einstein Projection 115
manifold 235 Proper or restricted Lorentz group 29, 30
Metric tensor 182 Proper subgroup 4
Mobius band 97 Pseudo- Riemannian manifold 183
Multiplication table 3 Pure Lorentz transformation 33
Multiplicity of a covering 115

Quasi-periodic function 276

Natural parameter on a geodesic 188,
Navier-Stokes equations 247 Raising and lowering of indices 185
Nilpotent Lie algebra 163 Raising and lowering operators 52
Nonaxisymmetric simple mode 273 Rank of a spin or 94
Nonlinear Lie group 171 Ray representation 81, 82
Normal coordinates 203 Ray space 82
Normal divisor 9 Reduced wave equation 221
Normal modes in hydrodynamic stability Reducible representation 41, 63
problems 249 Region of attraction 282
Normal subgroup 9 Regular representation 12, 49
n-tuply periodic function 16 Relations in a group 15
Index 321

Representation of a group 12 Simplicity of the rotation and Lorentz

decomposable 63 groups 38
equivalent 62 Simply connected 36, 104, 105
faithful 12, 41 Solvable Lie algebra 163
fully reducible 63 Space group 17
irreducible 41 Spacelike geodesic 190
left-regular 69 Special linear group 26
ray 81, 82 Special orthogonal group 26
reducible 41, 63 Special-relativity theory of
regular 12, 49 gravitation 225
of matrix groups 47 Spinor 93
right regular 69 dotted 94
spin 84 symmetric 95
two-valued 84 Spin representation 84
unitary 63 Stable manifold 253
Residue class 150 Star in a real Cartan subalgebra 165
Restricted or proper Lorentz group 29, Strange attractor 274, 283
30 Strongly generic 305
Reynolds number 245 Subalgebra 150
Riemannian covering manifold 197 Subcritical bifurcation 255, 257, 287
Riemannian manifold 183 Subgroup 4
Riemann tensor 211, 214 Subharmonic bifurcation 261
Right coset 10 Subrepresentation 41
Right-regular representation 69 Summation convention 30, 176
Right translation 12 Supercritical bifurcation 255, 257
Rigid motion groups 73 Surface harmonic 53
Rodrigues formula 56 Sylvester's law of inertia 183
Rotation group SO(3) 25, 50 Symmetric bilinear form 164
Rotation subgroup of the Lorentz Symmetric spinor 95
group 30 Symmetric top 72
Ruelle - Takens model of the onset of Symmorphic space group 20, 23
turbulence 279

Taylor problem 263

Scalar field on a manifold 175 Taylor vortices 246, 264
Schur's Lemma 65 Tensor field on a manifold 180
Schwarz schild charts 227 Tesseral harmonics 53
Schwarzschild radius 229 addition theorem 59
Schwarzschild line element 230 completeness 60
Self-conjugate subgroup 9 Thomas rotation 33
Semidirect product of groups 20, 22 Timelike geodesic 190
Semidirect sum of Lie algebras 160 Time reversal 236
Semi flow 248, 249 Topology of a manifold 199
Semisimple Lie algebra 163 Transitive 48
Separable coordinate systems 221 Translation 12
Separation of variables in the Taylor Translation group 17
problem 271 Translation of a chart 146
Signature 183 Transposition 7
Simple group 9 Trivial subgroup 4
Simple Lie algebra 150 Turbulence 276
322 Index

Two-point problem of a geodesic 193 Upper and lower manifolds of a

Two-sheeted covering 114 covering 114
Two-valued representation 84

Vector field on a manifold 177

Unimodular linear group 25
Unimodular orthogonal group 26
Unitary group 28 Wavy vortices in the Taylor
Unitary representation 63 problem 247, 273
Universal covering group 159 Weight, weight vector, weight
Universal covering manifold 119, 121, space 163, 164
123, 125 Whitehead's Theorem 194
Universal Riemannian covering Williams' analysis of the Lorenz
manifold 197 attractor 289
Unstable manifold 252 Word problem 16
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