Every thing about research paper
Every thing about research paper
Every thing about research paper
-Date of last update of page, if available-Place or location of page, if available-Date the data
is retrieved/viewed from the page-URLc. Plagiarism While doing research, various articles,
journals, books and newspapers are referred in order to collect the related
information. Research paper is made through these collected materials. In today's world,
internet is making it easy to download and copy the materials. The most important
protocol of academic writing is the principle of giving credit to the work of others.
“Plagiarism is defined as the act of 9claiming the words or ideas of another person as
your own”. Plagiarisms is a serious violation of the ethical standards of academic writing.
The plagiarism is of two types: a) intentional plagiarism b) unintentional plagiarism. a)
Intentional plagiarism: One type of intentional plagiarism is knowingly copying the whole
passage from outside sources into one's work without documentation. Another is buying
research papers from online sources or friends. These intentional acts of academic
dishonesty are the forms of plagiarism.b) Unintentional plagiarism is also the violation of
academic integrity.Plagiarism is:·Using copied material without enclosing that material in
quotation marks and without appropriately acknowledging its source.·Paraphrasing or
summarizing too close to the original wording.·Submitting work that has been written in
full or in part by someone else.·Borrowing, selling, purchasing, or lending academic work
for submission for academic credit.So while writing research paper, one should provide a
citation and use quotation marks to show exactly from where the 9information is
taken.TAKING NOTES Taking notes is an important part of research writing. Once the data is
collected and resources are organized, it is essential to search and determine the
important ones useful for the research paper. If the collected resources have
appropriate information related to the research work, it should be carefully read and notes
of important points should be made. For taking notes, one should develop their own
methods. It is important to make a clear difference between their own thoughts and
those derived from other sources. It should be grouped and organized together. The
materials or resources should be read Journal of Universal College of Medical Sciences
Laxmi Shrestha, Bishal Joshi, Anand Kumarcarefully and summarized. During research paper
writing, the notes should be carefully reviewed to ensure that the paper is within the
guideline of the article. 6Consider the following point when taking notes:-Ideas that describe
the issue-Title of research-Ideas that support or refuse the paper -Factual or statistical
information that enhance the argument -Quotations from another's work that support
the argument WRITING THE DRAFT/ RESEARCH PAPERAfter completion of all work, one is
ready to write the research paper by referring the outline, notes, articles, journals and
books. The collected resources can be used properly for writing the research paper.
During the process of writing, one may require modifications at some parts of research
paper. The quotes should be judiciously used from primary or secondary literature to
clarify all the important points. If there is any problem with certain section while writing the
paper, a section can be skipped or a space can be left where quotation can be used to
support the agreement.The structure of research paper comprises three core parts,
namely Introduction, Body (methods and results) and Discussion. Basic structure of
typical research paper is in the sequence of Introduction, Material and methods, Results and
Discussion (IMRD). The progression of the thematic scope of a paper within these parts
typically follows a pattern called the 'Hourglass Model' (Figure 1, light-grey parts; cf.
Swales, 1993). However, there are additional parts of research paper which is very
important. These are Title, Abstract, References. The “King Model” is the extension of
“Hourglass Model” indicated by dark grey color in figure 2. Figure 1. The 'Hourglass Model'
(light-grey parts)
Journal of Universal College of Medical Sciences (2021) Vol.09 No.01 Issue 2380REVIEW
ARTICLEWRITING A RESEARCH PAPER: A GUIDE Laxmi Shrestha, Bishal Joshi, Anand Kumar
Figure 2. The 'King Model', which covers an extended set of parts in a typical paper's
structure (Source: Based on Swales, 1993)a. Title It is the part of paper which is usually
read most often. The title of the paper should be specific, accurate and complete. It
should begin with the subject of the paper and should comprise the main identity of
the paper. It should not contain any abbreviations unless it is well known by target audience
and should attract the readers. It should be less than 15 words and should include the key
results of the research. b. AbstractIt is the summary of whole research paper. It should
be in format of mini IMRD (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion). It should not
be more than required and as indicated in the instructions of the journal. It addresses
the objective of the paper. It describes the material and methods of research paper, its
results and conclusion. It is just a summary of the paper so it cannot be substituted as full
paper.c. Introduction/ Background The introduction parts provide the general motivation
and broad subject to a particular research question which is described in the main body
of the research paper. It describes the importance of the subject. It should include
considerable amount of general information and should be specific. It should explain
the question addressed by the researcher. The author should explain the rationale and
background to the study in this section. It should also mention the constructive suggestions
for improvement of the research article. d. Body The body of the paper remains within the
scope of the research paper and describes the materials and methods and results in detail
including statistical methods used. It provides arguments and evidence to support the
research paper. It consists of methods, result section.Methods – it should provide readers
with sufficient details about study method, should be specific, concrete, technical and
detailed. It should mention study setting, sampling used, instruments, data collection, and
analysis strategy. Results-should include all the important finding of the research in
table/figure form. It should describe participants demographic and clinical conditions.e.
Discussion The discussion is the important part of research paper. It mainly focuses on
how the results approve or disapprove the hypothesis. The result obtained from the
research should be explained and compared with the findings of other research which have
been done previously. The structure of discussion should be in accordance to the research
question, hypothesis and result. In the discussion part, evaluation, interpretation and
implication of the result are needed. The shortcomings and limitations can be explained
in this part. f. Conclusion In the conclusion section, one can write the main result of the
research paper. Implications based on the findings are important here and new research
question can be named. But no new ideas are introduced in the conclusion part. g.
ReferenceIt is the essential part of research writing. When some source is used for ideas or
information for the research work, one must acknowledge the source. The main purpose of
reference is to enable the reader to check what sources of information have been used in
the research. It helps the reader to locate the particular source of information. i.
Referencing styleThere are various standard methods used for citing the source of work.
These methods are called as referencing styles or citation styles. Citations may be
parenthetical references, footnotes or endnotes.Different publishers require different
formats or styles for citing a paper in the text and for listing references. The citation or
referencing style depends on the discipline on which the articles are written for. The
referencing system is broadly divided into two types: a) Author date (parenthetical) system
b) Notation system.a) Author date system: It includes the author and date of
publication, hence named as author date system.b) Notation system: In this system, a
superscript number (e.g. 1) is placed in the text. This number refers the reader to a
footnote or endnote. This system is traditionally used in arts and humanities, and sometimes
in social science. This system is also used in biomedical disciplines (e.g. in Vancouver