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Since the early days of HTML and the Mosaic browser, the web platform has become
a universal interface working across device, operating system, language and cultural barriers.
The web platform gives people becoming mainstream. HTML5 is a in collaboration with IETF to secure the
a unique way of viewing a wide clear example of how change, driven Box b protocol aspects of native browser sup-
variety of content, it provides by a combination of factors, creates WebRTC port for a real-time communication API
developers with a write-once something new and is itself a catalyst This refers to the is the first step. Early implementations
deploy-everywhere model, and for more innovation. These factors work being car- of the API are available in a prototype
supports service providers in include increasingly widespread fixed ried out within browser from Ericsson and developer
deploying services with global and mobile broadband, consumer and W3C and IETF versions of Google Chrome. So far, the
reach. The waves of browser-tech- enterprise demand for multimedia to standardize results are promising, but the path to
nology enhancement, exemplified communication services, and the need support for real- interoperable implementation in all
by HTML5, and the ongoing work for a platform to reach users – with time capabilities major browsers and all device types is
to add real-time communication many types of devices – at a manage- in browsers, long, and success is not guaranteed.
to the web platform create new able cost. allowing web The objective of the standardization
opportunities for combining The current browser-development applications to work is to create an API that enables a
communication and data – and revolution, with HTML5 at its helm, is send data and web application running on any device
improving the user experience. pushing browser capability closer to media streams to send and receive real-time media and
that of native application environments. between devices data streams in a peer-to-peer fashion
HTML5 and browser development Support for enabling real-time commu- over IP networks between the browsers. Running in a
Technical, sociocultural, local and glob- nication (RTC) on the web – WebRTC (see in a peer-to-peer browser, the API will for the most part
al changes in ICT can happen overnight. Box B) – is emerging. The ongoing stan- fashion. use existing protocols and codecs in
People adopt new solutions instantly, dardization work being carried out by the browser core. The design of the API
with cutting-edge technologies rapidly the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) leaves the web developer free to imple-
ment functionality for finding and
connecting the participants in a com-
BOX A Terms and abbreviations munication session. The web platform
provides the support for blending com-
3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project MMTel multimedia telephony
munication and data across devices and
API application programming interface NAT Network Address Translation
operating systems, and is a key technol-
CSS Cascading Style Sheets OS operating system
ogy if solutions are to meet the wide
DOM Document Object Model PaaS platform as a service
HD high-definition PSTN public switched telephone network
variety of present and future needs.
HDVC HD Visual Communication QoS quality of service
One of the greatest strengths of open-
HTML HyperText Markup Language RCS Rich Communication Suite browser standardization is that it lever-
HTML5 fifth revision of the HTML standard REST Representational State Transfer ages the work of organizations such as
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol RTC real-time communication W3C and IETF, and other highly-com-
ICE Interactive Connection RTP Real-time Transport Protocol petent browser technology communi-
Establishment SCTP Stream Control Transmission Protocol ties – such as Apple-hosted WebKit open
ICT information and communications SDP Session Description Protocol source project, and the Web Hypertext
technology SIP Session Initiation Protocol Application Technology Working Group
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force UDP User Datagram Protocol (WHATWG). These communities share
IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem VPN virtual private network knowledge actively and use iterative
IP Internet Protocol W3C World Wide Web Consortium solution development to evolve the
LTE Long Term Evolution WHATWG Web Hypertext Application web platform step-by-step according to
MBB mobile broadband Technology Working Group developer and user needs.
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Putting real-time communication in your pocket
E r i c s s o n r e v i e w • 1 2012
in an unobtrusive manner. The API is powerful smartphones, tablets and technologies to combine services will
such a solution as it only deals with how laptops are reaching appealing price come into focus as the web platform
media streams between peers are set levels – putting devices supporting evolves toward real-time communica-
up, and not with how, when, and why WebRTC-enabled applications into the tion and services. In-process commu-
the peers have decided to communicate. hands of billions of users [1]; nication solutions will become more
When groups of users communicate the capabilities and availability of fixed important – where communication
in a relaxed conference setting on a and mobile broadband are increasing – is an integral part of the application
social networking platform, the peer- while wide-area coverage of the order of designed for a specific process – such
to-peer model may have to be comple- Mbps cannot be expected universally, as social-networking services, confer-
mented with network infrastructure for the need for transport in densely encing with collaboration support, edu-
connecting more than two or three par- populated areas will trigger a service cation, customer care and health-care
ticipants. The amount of uplink band- evolution using RTC, particularly video; support. Future innovation runs along
width available to the average user may increased urbanization –creating two axes:
be insufficient to communicate with challenges on a global and regional level improving the efficiency of processes
several people simultaneously – but the as well as new business opportunities that use embedded real-time
model could be evolved so that one peer that require innovative solutions and communication; and
becomes a conference mixer. services; creating new services for people with
The application developer and web- increased digitalization of enterprise increasingly digitalized lives who have
service provider determine how to find communication – driven by demands ever more powerful devices.
and connect the peer instances of a web for efficient, and emission-reducing sub- To illustrate the opportunities of an
application. The API requires the brows- stitutes for face-to-face meetings; and RTC-enabled web platform, Ericsson
er core to provide the functionality to the self-perpetuating nature of innova- Research has developed a number of
establish the necessary audio and video tion – which thrives on the availability of application prototypes, including an
channels. The ongoing standardization efficient tools for communication. e-health application and a web applica-
work has not yet resulted in a decision Many of the enhancements to commu- tion to access PSTN and MMTel services.
regarding which codec will be used for nication services will include compo-
this purpose. The current assumption nents to support the user in focused Case: talking to your doctor
is that all media and data streams will communication – video conversations Consider a scenario where a person
always be encrypted. and collaboration seldom take place who is feeling unwell contacts a health-
In its most basic implementation, while walking. care support line – whether it is private,
with the devices located in IP networks, Many applications will be RTC- government-provided or even an inter-
the only server infrastructure compo- enabled and the ability of HTML national consortium. To contact the
nents required are ICE servers for tra-
versing NAT boxes, a web server hosting
the web applications, and a solution for Figure 3 Using selected IMS technologies
finding and connecting the two web
application instances.
Web server
Future communication services
The WebRTC API work focuses on pro- Application
viding a set of basic capabilities for web
applications (media handling, connec- Web app download and
tion establishment and NAT traversal) HTTP or WebSocket
leaving the developer free to design the
user experience, combine with web ser- Carrier PaaS services
vices and provide the find-and-connect Device REST or SIP Device
mechanism (call control). This approach over HTTP or Find and connect
– combined with the inherent capabili- WebSocket (IMS)
ties of the browser to mash cloud and
Web Web
web services to create customized cli- application
ICE Media services
ents across devices – results in a power-
ful toolbox for developing innovative
web applications. backbone
For the past two decades, mobile tele-
Browser or Browser or
phony has dominated the evolution of Access
webview webview
real-time, synchronous communica- network Access
tion. This is changing. The direction of
future communication services is being
steered by several factors, including:
E r i c s s o n r e v i e w • 1 2012
Putting real-time communication in your pocket
E r i c s s o n r e v i e w • 1 2012
Some telecom technologies are used in a over MBB will be an attractive proposi-
Göran AP Eriksson
web-platform context and may require tion as part of VPN and mobility offer-
additional functionality. Certain chang- ings to enterprises. is currently an expert in
es are necessary, such as the introduc- Communication Services
tion of an HTTP-to-SIP gateway between Conclusion Architecture at Ericsson
the device and the network, basic ICE Over the past two decades, internet and Research Multimedia
support in the 3GPP IMS session border web technologies have played a central Technologies. Since
gateway, and support for WebSocket. role in communications. With the emer- joining Ericsson in 1991, he has worked
Generic web-platform capabilities need gence of HTML5 and other standards in many different fields, including GSM,
to be understood and implemented in such as WebRTC, this role is becoming GPRS, IMS, IETF and W3C technologies.
He holds an M.Sc. in physics from the
the event of such changes. This is par- even more significant.
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in
ticularly important when it comes to In the short term, an RTC-enabled
Stockholm, Sweden.
security mechanisms, whether for web platform will be an essential com-
cross-domain communication or for plement to native applications. In
providing access to a user’s camera. the long term, it has the potential to Stefan Håkansson
Adding RTC to the web platform compete successfully with such envi-
is currently working as a
creates new requirements such as how ronments in all but a few application
manager at Ericsson
to authenticate the identity of the peer, segments.
Research Multimedia
or how to harmonize the web platform The inherent capability of the web
Technologies. Since joining
and mobile broadband solutions for QoS platform to provide a cross-device appli-
Ericsson in 1985, he has worked in many
reasons. cation environment with combined ser-
different fields, including Airborne Radar
Using the telecom infrastructure to vices makes it a leading integration tool.
systems, Radio Base Station systems
build a web application goes beyond Complemented with real-time capabil- and Multimedia related research. He
the use of one individual technology. By ities, the web will open up the poten- holds an M.Sc. in electrical engineering
leveraging existing telecom interwork- tial to create multiple new services and from the Chalmers University of
ing relationships, carriers can provide applications where context-specific data Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.
transport and call control beyond their is used in combination with embedded
own reach. This type of federation mod- communication functions. This will put
el will probably evolve organically – ini- the web in a good position to become the
tially involving just a few players and platform of choice for multiple services.
Per-Erik Brodin, Adam Bergkvist,
expanding over time but leveraging on The WebRTC API promises to pro-
Vladimir Katardjiev
the existing and evolving solutions for vide good tools for web developers, but
interworking between communication though this framework adds to the capa-
services, such as RCS and HDVC. bilities of the web platform, there are
In addition to using telecom technol- still pieces missing.
ogies to provide enablers in browser-to- To support applications using an
browser communication, another set RTC-enabled web platform, carriers
of solutions involves using the web plat- could provide transport services bun-
form to supply clients to telecom com- dled together with higher-layer services.
munication services, such as PSTN and Gateways for interfacing with existing
MMTel services. In this case, a gateway and emerging telecom network servic-
to manage the differences between the es, such as PSTN and MMTel, will provide
networks and the basic technologies additional value for service providers.
would be required. By making the most of existing inter-
Carriers could offer the services working agreements with other carriers
described here to providers as a bundle, to provide global reach, such a portfolio
often including transport. For service could have a positive impact on enter-
providers to cope with the expect- prises that use communication as part
ed increase in ICT solutions that have of their business processes, creating
both local and global reach, bundles new business opportunities and increas- References
that include transport over the access ing revenue.
network and backbone in combina- In short, HTML5 and WebRTC 1. Traffic and Market Data Report
tion with cloud services for real-time bring the communication landscape on the Pulse of the Networked
communication will be a very attrac- forward in two ways: they enrich Society, November 2011, http://
tive offer. The lack of guaranteed QoE communication within a community www.ericsson.com/news/120222_
for transport over the internet will be a or a vertical application such as e-health, interim_traffic_and_market_
key business driver for many enterpris- education or asocial network, and they data_report_covers_growth_in_
es and service providers. Customized enable faster deployment of mass- subscriptions_voice_traffic_and_
transport offerings that guarantee QoS market communication services. mobile_data_244159020_c
E r i c s s o n r e v i e w • 1 2012