Stefan Zohren
Momentum Transformer
Classical Time-Series Momentum Strategies
Momentum Strategies
▶ Based on the concept ‘attention is all you need’, doing away with
convolutions and recurrent neural networks (RNNs).
▶ The attention-based architecture allows the network to focus on
significant time steps in the past and longer-term patterns
▶ Have led to state-of-the-art performance in diverse fields, such as
of natural language processing, computer vision, and speech
processing (see Lin et al. [8]).
▶ Have recently have been harnessed for time-series modelling (Li
et al. [9] Lim et al. [10], Zhuo et al. [11]).
▶ Naturally adapts to new market regimes, such as during the
SARS-CoV-2 crisis.
Base Architectures Tested in the Momentum Transformer
▶ Transformer: (Vaswani et al. [12]) consists of encoder and
decoder – each consisting of l identical layers of a (multi)
self-attention mechanism, followed by a position-wise
feed-forward network and a residual connection between these
two components.
▶ Decoder-Only Transformer: (Li et al. [9]) only the decoder side.
▶ Convolutional Transformer: Li et al. [9] incorporates
convolutional and log-sparse self-attention.
▶ Informer Transformer: Zhuo et al. [11] replaces the naive
sparsity rule of the Conv. Transformer with a measurement based
on the Kullback-Leibler divergence to distinguish essential
queries, referred to as ProbSparse self-attention.
▶ Decoder-Only Temporal Fusion Transformer (TFT): an
attention-LSTM hybrid which uses recurrent LSTM layers for
local processing and interpretable self-attention layers for
long-term dependencies. We consider the Decoder-Only version
of the original TFT (Lim et al. [10]).
Momentum Transformer (Decoder-Only TFT)
▶ We observe significant
structure in attention
▶ The attention on
momentum turning
points is pronounced,
segmenting the time
series into regimes.
▶ Our model focuses on
previous time-steps
which are in a similar
Deep Momentum Networks [1904.04912]
DMNs with Changepoints [2105.13727]
Momentum Transform [2112.08534]
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